Dr. Andrew Gibson

Dr. Andrew Gibson

Assistant Professor, Education


I am Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Education in the School of Education, where I am co-director of the Cultures, Academic Values in Education (CAVE) research centre as well as PhD coordinator. Prior to joining Trinity, I held positions in Aarhus University, and TU Dublin. My research career in started in 2013 through involvement in projects relating to the humanities in higher education, research impact, and higher education policy. As well as this, I have consulted for the OECD on the HEInnovate series of reviews of the national higher education systems in Ireland, the Netherlands, and Austria.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Global science, national research, and the question of university rankings, Palgrave Communications, 3, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Arts and humanities research, redefining public benefit, and research prioritization in Ireland, Research Evaluation, 26, (3), 2017, p199 - 210Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Public goods and public policy: what is public good, and who and what decides?, Higher Education, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Gibson A.G., Infrapolitics and role abeyance: How Irish military officers experience university, Irish Journal of Sociology, 29, (2), 2021, p160 - 186, p160-186Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Making gifts from contracts: symbolic resources and resanctification in officers' language, Critical Military Studies, 9, (3), 2022, p384 - 403Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Andrew G. Gibson, The Affective Researcher, Emerald, 2022Book, 2022, DOI
  • An Introduction: Choosing a Topic and Becoming an Affective Researcher in, editor(s)Andrew G. Gibson , The Affective Researcher, Emerald, 2022, pp1 - 34, [Andrew G. Gibson]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI
  • Affective Researching, Affective Scenes and an Affective Project in, editor(s)Andrew G. Gibson , The Affective Researcher, Emerald, 2022, pp139 - 160, [Andrew G. Gibson]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI
  • "Part of the Furniture": Ireland, Bologna, and Two Decades of Higher Education Reform in, editor(s)Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven, and Liudvika Lei ytė , Higher Education System Reform: An International Comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna, Leiden, Brill Sense, 2019, pp151 - 163, [Andrew G. Gibson, Ellen Hazelkorn]Book Chapter, 2019, URL
  • The Impact and Influence of Rankings on the Quality, Performance and Accountability Agenda in, editor(s)E. Hazelkorn, H. Coates, & A. C. McCormick , Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp232 - 246, [Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson]Book Chapter, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Governing Global Higher Education and Science: IONAs and Ever-Renewing Webs of Interconnection in, editor(s)Preeti Shroff, Jagdish Sheth, John Garrison, Shailendra Raj Mehta , The Routledge Handbook of Global and Digital Governance Crossroads, Routledge, 2024, pp15 , [Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson]Book Chapter, 2024, URL
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Søren Bengtsen, World humanities - Towards an ontology of policy, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 23, (1), 2024, p3 - 22Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Andrew G. Gibson, For a nomad ontology against academic citizenship, Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 6, (2), 2024, p187 - 196Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • What if academia was not a gladiator fight? Reflections on trying to change the discourse from competition to community building in, editor(s)Melina Aarnikoivu Ai Tam Le , Building Communities in Academia, Emerald, 2024, pp141-154 - [Andrew G. Gibson, Taina Saarinen]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Lynn McAlpine, Andrew G. Gibson, Søren S.E. Bengtsen, and Tessa DeLaquil, Valuing humanities: Rethinking the humanities-impact landscape in Denmark, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2024, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • McAlpine L., Gibson A., Bengtsen S.S., How do Danish humanities PhD school leaders constitute their roles? Interactions of biography, place and time, Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Who is 'society' in the societal impact debate? A critical discussion of policies of closure, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2024, p1-14Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • DeLaquil T., Bengtsen S.S.E., Gibson A.G., McAlpine L., Unveiling university-society engagement: university origin stories from Denmark, European Journal of Higher Education, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Listening and being-in-error: an ontology of dialogue in Freire, Ethics and Education, 2025, p1-17Journal Article, 2025, DOI , URL
  • Lynn McAlpine, Tessa DeLaquil, Søren SE Bengtsen, Andrew G Gibson, Rectors and university-societal engagement: Representing the 'reality' of 'their' university, Policy Futures in Education, 2025, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2025, DOI
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Government policies favouring research for economic returns can overlook existing strengths in arts and humanities, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, New ways to make the case for the public good of HE, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
  • Paul Benneworth, Magnus Gulbrandsen, Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Crucial role of arts and humanities in social change, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Another Year, Another Methodology: Are Rankings Telling Us Anything New?, International Higher Education, 84, (Winter), 2016, p3 - 4Journal Article, DOI , URL
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Barry Colfer, Ellen Hazelkorn, Report on the Survey of Governance and Adaptation to Innovative Modes of Higher Education Provision (GAIHE), Dublin, 2014, 2014Report, URL
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Martin Ryan, Andrew G. Gibson, Elaine Ward, Recognising the Value of the Arts and Humanities in a Time of Austerity, Dublin, 2013, 2013Report, URL
  • Amélia Veiga, Tim Seidenschnur, European Universities in an Age of Pandemic: Ireland, Working Papers on University Reform, 37, Centre for Global Higher Education Futures (CHEF), Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, December, 2022, p195 - 226Report, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Andrew G. Gibson, Review: Matt Brim (2020), Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University., Review of Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University., by Matt Brim , Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 16, (1), 2023, p119-121Review, DOI
  • From Massification to Globalisation: Reflections on the Transformation of Irish Higher Education in, editor(s)Kevin Rafter , The State in Transition, Dublin, New Island, 2015, pp235 - 260, [Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew G. Gibson, Siobhan Harkin]Book Chapter
  • Andrew Gibson, Reopening the political economy of higher education - ontology against and beyond capital, Review of Capital in Higher Education: A Critique of the Political Economy of the Sector, by Krystian Szadkowski , Higher Education, 2024, p1-8Review, DOI
  • Andrew Gibson, Nina Singh, John Walsh & Angeliki Lima, Measuring Attitudes Towards Academic Integrity in Irish Higher Education, 14/11/24, November, 2024Report, TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise

  • Title
    A Cost-Benefit Analysis of using the ICAI-McCabe Survey to Measure Beliefs and Knowledge about Academic Integrity in Irish Higher Education
    For those working and studying in Irish higher education, the rapidly expanding range and types of academic misconduct are prompting renewed institutional and sectoral efforts to safeguard academic integrity. Central to dealing with such a critical topic is understanding what those working and studying in Irish higher education know and believe about academic integrity. This project will evaluate the challenges, costs, and benefits of adapting the ICAI-McCabe surveys of faculty and student attitudes and beliefs about academic integrity for use within the HEI sector in Ireland.
    Funding Agency
    Quality and Qualifications Ireland
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    How Much? The financial costs of being a postgraduate researcher
    The recent call for as well as subsequent increase in the financial supports provided to postgraduate researchers (PGR) and the subsequent debate concerning their status within the academic `ecosystem" (for want of a better term), has largely been based on macro level data and anecdotal evidence. As noted by the Irish government commissioned report (Johnson and Cagney 2023) there is little in the way of fine- grained data regarding PGRs financial situation and contexts. Beyond the `income" component (which for convenience we will refer to as the `stipend" paid to students), little is known about the expenditure dimension of being a PGR. In summary, the study has been designed to investigate the financial costs associated with full and part-time doctoral study. The key areas to be explore are: 1) sources of income; 2) the extent and use of paid employment; 3) patterns of expenditure pertaining to: a) living costs (e.g. accommodation, food, utilities, child care etc.) and b) doctoral programme related activities; 4) the effects of financial situations on aspects of study and non-study life; 5) the demographical characteristics in relation to `1 to 4".
    Funding Agency
    Trinity College Dublin

Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Education, Sociology and related studies, Other Humanities,


  • TCD Postgraduate Research Studentship 2015
  • Faculty of AHSS Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefaction Fund 2025
  • Faculty of AHSS Events Fund 2024
  • Faculty of AHSS Events Fund 2025
  • Irish Research Council (IRC) Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship 2018
  • Trinity Research Excellence Award, "Cherish Academic Freedom, Diversity of Scholarship, and Pursuit of Truth" 1/6/23
  • Educational Studies Association of Ireland
  • Secretary of Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES) 2024
  • Treasurer of Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES)
  • Editorial board Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education (Peter Lang) 2023-
  • Reviews editor and editorial board for the journal LATISS: Learning and Teaching (Berghahn) 2022-
  • International advisory board of Centre for Higher Education Futures (CHEF) research centre, Aarhus University, Denmark 2023-
  • Peer reviewer for various journals (e.g. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, LATISS, Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, Higher Education) 2018-
  • Coordinator 'Alternative Internationalisms' working group 2020-2023
  • Reviewer for University College London Press 2024
  • University Council, AHSS Faculty Junior Staff Representative 2023-2024
  • External Examiner PhD Stirling University 2024