Professor Carmel O'Sullivan

Professor Carmel O'Sullivan

Professor In, Education

Dean of AHSS, Faculty Office : AHSS

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Carmel O'Sullivan is Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and is a Professor in Education in the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin. She is involved in several funded research projects in the areas of creativity and assessmentin higher education, arts in education, and an innovative work readiness programme for young adults who face significant barriers to entering the workplace (Career LEAP). Carmel has particular expertise in the areas of creativity and inclusivity in education, working nationally and internationally with students, academics, practitioners and policy makers from the worlds of education, health, business, and community. She organises an international Summer School in Drama and Theatre in Education each year (M.Ed.), and is a founding member of ADEI (the Association for Drama in Education in Ireland). Carmel is a regularly invited speaker at national and international conferences, and has delivered lectures and workshops in academic and professional institutions worldwide. She has organised numerous national and international seminars, workshops and conferences. Carmel is very active in her local community and has continued to work with children and young people on a weekly basis throughout her professional career.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jackie Maguire, Seoidin O'Sullivan, Lucie Corcoran and Noirin Hayes , 'The Wonder Project': A collaborative early-years music, drama and visual arts programme for Traveller children and their mothers, 8th International Drama, Theatre and Education Research Institute (IDIERI), Singapore, June 30-July 5 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Susan Kennedy Killian, Is Inclusive Education Always Right for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An exploratory study using 'Social Drama', 8th International Drama, Theatre and Education Research Institute (IDIERI), Singapore, June 30-July 5 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jacqueline Maguire, Noirin Hayes, Seoidin O'Sullivan, Lucie Corcoran and Grainne McKenna, The wonder project: an early years arts education project with Traveller mothers and their children, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1350293, 2018, p1 - 27Journal Article, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Practical Guide to Planning Drama in Education - Creative learning for 7-8 year old children, 1st edition, Beijing, China, Renmin University Press Co. Ltd., 2017, 1-208ppBook, 2017
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Critical Pedagogy Today: Is There Consensus? A Literature Review of Critical Pedagogy and its Implications for the Field of Applied Drama, 8th International Drama, Theatre and Education Research Institute (IDIERI), Singapore, June 30-July 5 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Drama as a Form of Critical Pedagogy: Setting the theoretical scene for a practical exploration in the Chilean classroom', Performance of Hope - International Symposium on Applied Theatre. Critical Research Unit in Applied Theatre (CRUAT), University of Auckland, New Zealand,, 2015, -Broadcast, 2015
  • Martha O'Shaughnessy and Carmel O'Sullivan, Teaching and Learning Good Quality Literature using a Drama in Education Methodology in Primary Schools in Ireland, Reading Association of Ireland 39th Annual Conference, Dublin, September 25th, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Heidi Schoenenberger and Carmel O'Sullivan, Bringing Quality Theatre to Classrooms, NYU Forum on Educational Theatre (FOET), Steinhart School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University , April 21-24, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Martin Murphy and Carmel O'Sullivan, Shakespeare without Boots. The case against compulsory Shakespeare at Junior Cycle, 40th ESAI Annual Conference: 'Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future', Maynooth University, April 9-11, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Sarah Clarke and Carmel O'Sullivan, Readiness to learn; the impact of drama in education approaches on the development of critical thinking skills and student ability to self-direct in Irish secondary schools, 40th ESAI Annual Conference: 'Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future', Maynooth University, April 9-11, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Then and Now: How does Current Academic Literature on Critical Pedagogy relate to Paulo Freire's Original Views?, 40th ESAI Annual Conference: 'Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future', Maynooth University, April 9-11, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, The impact of using a process drama approach on levels of concentration in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 40th ESAI Annual Conference: 'Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future', Maynooth University, April 9-11, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Jacqueline Fallon and Carmel O'Sullivan , Teachers' beliefs about play in the infant classes of primary schools in the Republic of Ireland , 25th EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) Annual Conference, 'Innovation, Experimentation and Adventure in Early Childhood', Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 September, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Research in Early Childhood Education and Special Education: The influence of Dorothy Heathcote and Bertolt Brecht, The Exception and the Rule, Bergen University College, April 29, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Building Bridges: Drama in the Social Education of Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Where are the Pioneers: Who is on the Edge of Practice and Research, The World Festival of Theatre for Young Audiences, ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People) Artistic Gathering, Birmingham Repertory Theatre, UK, 2-9 July, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Role-playing. In L. Cohen, L. Manion and K. R. B. Morrison, in, Research Methods in Education (8th edition), Abingdon, UK, Routledge, 2017, pp510 - 537, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2017
  • The stage and the city: narrative, identity and place in Dermot Bolger's 'The Ballymun Trilogy' (2004-2008). in, editor(s)Kathleen Gallagher and Jonothan Neelands , Drama and Theatre in Urban Contexts., Oxon, Routledge, 2013, pp85 - 100, [Niamh Malone and Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Grady, T. and O' Sullivan, C., A Head Taller - Developing a Humanising Curriculum Through Drama, Birmingham, National Association for the Teaching of Drama, 1998, 1 - 139ppBook, 1998
  • O'Sullivan, C. and Williams, G., Building Bridges - Laying the Foundations for a Child-Centred Curriculum in Drama and Education, Birmingham, National Association for the Teaching of Drama, 1998, 1 - 178ppBook, 1998
  • O' Sullivan, C., A Video of the Interactive Research Conference with Dorothy Heathcote, Gavin Bolton and John Fines, UCE, Birmingham, International Centre for Studies in Drama in Education, 1997Book, 1997
  • Primary Cross Curricular Drama in, editor(s)Grady, T. and O' Sullivan, C. , A Head Taller - Developing a Humanising Curriculum Through Drama, Birmingham, National Association for the Teaching of Drama, 1998, pp42 - 57, [O' Sullivan, C.]Book Chapter, 1998
  • (Re)laying the Foundations for a Child-Centred Curriculum in Drama and Education in, editor(s)O'Sullivan, C. and Williams, G. , Building Bridges - Laying the Foundations for a Child-Centred Curriculum in Drama and Education, Birmingham, National Association for the Teaching of Drama, 1998, pp158 - 178, [O'Sullivan, C.]Book Chapter, 1998
  • O' Sullivan, C., Drama or Mimesis?, IDEA International Research Journal, 1, (1), 1997, p15 - 26Journal Article, 1997
  • O'Sullivan, C. and Davis, D., Self-empowerment or class empowerment? Boal, Brecht and materialism, Urdimento (Latin American Drama and Theatre Journal), 15, (2), 2000, p28 - 43Journal Article, 2000
  • Davis, D. and O'Sullivan, C., The Un-Political Master Swimmer, New Theatre Quarterly (63), 16, (3), 2000, p288 - 297Journal Article, 2000
  • Davis, D. and O'Sullivan, C., Chips without the Fat, Journal of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, 9, (1), 2000, p68 - 81Journal Article, 2000
  • O' Sullivan, C. and Sadlier, E., Homelessness - Who Cares?, Scottish Drama International, (4), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • O' Sullivan, C., A Joker Responds, Scottish Drama International, (4), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • O' Sullivan, C., Knowing or Not Knowing in the Arts, Broadsheet, 12, (1), 1995, p34 - 44Journal Article, 1995
  • O' Sullivan, C. and Belton, C., The Erosion of Creativity Through the Repression of the Imagination in the Junior Years, Broadsheet, 13, (1), 1996, p39 - 51Journal Article, 1996
  • Belton, C., O' Sullivan, C. and Williams, G., On the Imagination, Broadsheet, 13, (1), 1996, p52 - 62Journal Article, 1996
  • O' Sullivan, C. and Gray, A., The Behavioural Stakes - a study of the effects of drama on undisciplined children at primary school level, Broadsheet, 14, (1), 1998, p28 - 36Journal Article, 1998
  • O'Sullivan, C., Linking at the Equator Cross-roads. 3rd World Congress of Drama. Theatre and Education, Broadsheet, 15, (1), 1999, p49 - 57Journal Article, 1999
  • O' Sullivan, C., A Critique of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Research in Drama Education, 6, (2), 2001, p254-257Review, 2001
  • O' Sullivan, C., Review of Legislative Theatre, Research in Drama Education, 5, (2), 2000, p290-294Review, 2000
  • O' Sullivan, C., Theatre of the Oppressed Workshops - A Rehearsal for Life?, Research in Drama Education, 2, (2), 1997Review, 1997
  • O' Sullivan, C., A Report on the Interactive Research Conference, Broadsheet, 13, (2), 1997Review, 1997
  • O' Sullivan, C., Review of Theatre Studies, An Approach for Advanced Level, Research in Drama Education, 1, (1), 1995Review, 1995
  • O' Sullivan, C., Review of Join the Ripple - make waves, Research in Drama Education, 2, (2), 1997Review, 1997
  • O' Sullivan, C., Interactive Research Conference - a review, Research in Drama Education, 2, (2), 1997Review, 1997
  • O'Sullivan, C., Review of Beginning Drama 4 - 11, Research in Drama Education, 4, (1), 1999, p129-132Review, 1999
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama in Education: A cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning, Continuous Professional Development for Faculty, Beijing Institute of Education, China, October 11th, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama in Education: A Creative Pedagogy for 21st Century Teaching and Learning, A Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme for Faculty and Postgraduate Students, Beijing Normal University, China, 10th October, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Creative Teaching and Learning Practices in an Increasingly Competitive, Unequal and Complex World, Continuous Professional Development for Faculty, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, 11th October , 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Exploring Quality in Early Childhood Education Through Drama, Continuous Professional Development for Faculty and Students, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 12th October , 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Creativity in the Social Skills Education of Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 17th International Conference on Educational Research, Future Education Design: Creativity, Personality and Safety, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 12-14 October, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Jennifer E. Symonds and Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Educating young adults to be work ready in Ireland and the United Kingdom: A review of programmes and outcomes, Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies in Education, 5, (3), 2017, p229 - 263Journal Article, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Heidi Schoenenberger, and Philip Kingston, The Impact of Live Performance in Primary Schools in Ireland: A Case Study of the Abbey Theatre's Priming the Canon Programme., Drama Research: International journal of drama in education, 8, (1), 2017, p76 - 102Journal Article, 2017
  • Deirdre Rodgers and Carmel O'Sullivan, Heads UP - A Journey in Creative Reuse, Second 'Arts in Education Portal National Day', St. Patrick's Campus DCU, Dublin , 6th May, DES and Dept of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama in education: opening spaces for critical pedagogy to come alive in the practice of Chilean teachers , 42nd Annual Conference, Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice, University College Cork, 20th - 22nd April , ESAI (Educational Studies Association of Ireland), 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Jackie Maguire, Naomi Draper, Debbie Donnelly, Ash Ryan, Carmel O'Sullivan, and Noirin Hayes , Artful Dodgers: Arts education through creative exchange, Happiness, Relationships, Emotion & Deep Level Learning, 31st August - 3rd Sept DCU, Dublin, edited by 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) International Conference , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Noirin Hayes, Researching the Artist-in-Residence in Early Years Settings, 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) International Conference, DCU Dublin, 31st Aug - 3rd Sept , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jennifer Symonds and Jos Akkermans, Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership) - A Work Readiness Training Programme [eBook), 1st edition, Dublin, Ireland, Temple-na-Sceilg Press. , 2017, 1 - 237ppBook, 2017
  • Colman Ross and Carmel O'Sullivan, The Relationship between Comparative Adult Basic Education Approaches and Poverty Alleviation in Selected Tay, H'mong, Dao and Black Thai Communities in Vietnam, First International Conference on Comparative Education, CESIR (Comparative Education Society of Iran), Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran, 23-24 November 2017, edited by Abbas Madandar Arani , 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Alice, J. Drajea, The Influence of Parental Education and Literacy Skill Levels on Children's Achievement in Primary School, Moyo District, Rural Uganda, First International Conference on Comparative Education, CESIR (Comparative Education Society of Iran), Lorestan University, Khorramadab, Iran, 23-24 November 2017, edited by Abbas Madandar Arani , 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Active and Creative Teaching, Learning and Assessment Practices for 21st Century Teacher Education , International Conference on Teacher Education, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran, 25-26 November 2017, 2017Invited Talk, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Re-conceptualising Initial Teacher Education in Ireland, International Conference on Teacher Education, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran, 25-26 November 2017, 2017Invited Talk, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama with Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Different Learning Abilities, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran, 21st November, 2017, Exceptional Education Organization of IranInvited Talk, 2017
  • Jennifer E. Symonds and Carmel O'Sullivan, Context and Implications Document for: Educating young adults to be work-ready in Ireland and the United Kingdom: A review of programmes and outcomes, Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies in Education, 5, (3), 2017, p264 - 266Journal Article, 2017
  • Jackie Maguire, Naomi Draper, Debbie Donnelly, Ash Ryan, Carmel O'Sullivan, and Noirin Hayes, Artful Dodgers: Arts education through creative exchange, 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) International Conference, DCU, Dublin, 31st Aug - 3rd Sept , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Dara Connolly, Deirdre Rogers, Carmel O'Sullivan and Katherine Ridge, Heads Up - A Journey in Creative Reuse, Dublin, ReCreate Ireland and The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), December, 2016, p1 - 64Report, 2016, URL
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jennifer Symonds and Jos Akkermans, An Evaluation of Career LEAP: A Work-readiness Programme for Young Adults Not in Education, Employment or Training, Dublin, Ireland, Temple-na-Sceilg Press. , July, 2018, p1 - 85Report, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Planning Drama in Education in Chinese Primary School Classrooms: A Continuous Professional Development Course , Beijing, China, 6th-8th October, 2017, Drama Rainbow and Renmin University PressInvited Talk, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Drama in Chinese Schools , A Specialist Training Course for Senior Management in Teacher Education Universities in 5 Provinces , Chongqing, China, 11-13th October , 2017, UNICEFInvited Talk, 2017
  • Colman Patrick Ross and Carmel O'Sullivan, The Relationship between Comparative Adult Basic Education Approaches and Poverty Alleviation in Selected Tay, H'mong, Dao and Black Thai Communities in Vietnam, Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 1, (1 (Spring)), 2018, p68 - 91Journal Article, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Niamh Price, Parents' and Teachers' Attitudes to Play in Early Years Classrooms in Jiangsu Province, China, Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 1, (2 (Summer)), 2018, p30 - 57Journal Article, 2018
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Challenging distances: Navigating the waters of critical pedagogy in the Chilean classroom through drama in education, 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) - Tyranny of Distance, University of Aukland, New Zealand, 2-9 July, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Heidi Schoenenberger and Carmel O'Sullivan, The Impact of Live Performance in Primary Schools, 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) - Tyranny of Distance, University of Aukland, New Zealand, 2-9 July, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Deirdre Rogers, Ekaterina Kozina, Michael Flannery, Tom Hayes and Sarah Clarke, Teaching Artists Working in Inclusive Schools and Educational Settings, 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) - Tyranny of Distance, University of Aukland, New Zealand, 2-9 July, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, The contribution of Social Drama to the generalisability of social skills of children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) - Tyranny of Distance, University of Aukland, New Zealand, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Exploring life and mortality through Drama in Education (Qingming) with children and their parents. A series of practical workshops and training seminars for children, teachers, parents, and educators. , Cheese Education Centre, Chengdu, China, 5-7 April , 2018Invited Talk, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Creativity in the kindergarten and the role of arts education in young children's development in 21st century education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 12 April, 2018Invited Talk, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Cultivating and cherishing life through drama', Nanxi Kindergarten, ECNU affiliated kindergarten, and Guangmin middle school, Shanghai, China, ECNU, 2018, -Theatre Production, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Planning Drama in Education in Primary School Classrooms: A Continuous Professional Development Course , Shanghai, China, 14-15 April, 2018, Drama Rainbow and Renmin University PressInvited Talk, 2018
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Niamh Price, Perceptions of Play and Drama in Education in Early Years Classrooms in China, Drama Research: International Journal of Drama in Education , 10, (1), 2019, p1 - 41Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, David Davis and Susanne Colleary, Who am I? Who can tell me who I am?'The Importance of the Social and Political in Children"s and Young People"s Drama, Vol 3, No. 1, Trinity College Dublin, Custodian, 2023, 1 - 199ppBook, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Deirdre Rogers, Michael Flannery, Inclusive teaching and learning through visual arts integration with reuse materials, National Early Years Research, 1, (1), 2020, p81 - 88Journal Article, 2020
  • Initial Teacher Education Provision in Ireland in, "Teacher Education Practicum/Internships", Iran, Farhangain Teacher Education University , 2020, pp22-45 - [Melanie Ní Dhuinn, Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Analyzing the Degree of Consensus in Current Academic Literature on Critical Pedagogy, Scenario, XIII, (2), 2019, p70 - 91Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Dramatic codifications: Possibilities and roadblocks for promoting critical reflection through drama in Chile, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 2020, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Noirin Hayes, Jackie Maguire & Carmel O'Sullivan, Professional Development in Arts Education for Early Childhood Education: A Creative Exchange Model , International Journal of Early Childhood, 53, (2), 2021, p159 - 174Journal Article, 2021
  • Internationalizing Teacher Practice through the Arts: Exploring the Impact of a Drama-Infused Study Abroad Program in, editor(s)Laura Baecher , Study Abroad in Teacher Education: Transformation at the Global Scale, New York, Routledge, 2021, pp166 - 180, [Carmel O'Sullivan and Linda Krakaur]Book Chapter, 2021
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, The Contribution of Social Drama to the Generalisability of Social Skills of Children and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders , British Educational Research Association (BERA), Manchester, Sept,, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Deirdre Rogers, All Heads Together: Inclusive teaching and learning through the visual arts with reuse materials, 'Providing Leadership to the First 5', Croke Park Dublin, 12-13 April 2019, Early Childhood Ireland, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, Using Role-Play to Elicit Child Voice in the Social Drama Model for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, World Education Research Association (WERA) , Tokyo, Japan, August 5-8th , 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jennifer Symonds and Jos Akkermans, Career LEAP: A work readiness programme for young unemployed adults facing significant barriers to entering the workplace , World Education Research Association (WERA) , University of Tokyo, 5-8 August , 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Using drama in education to support students with special educational needs in a changing world, Facing the Gap Conference, Beijing, China, August 17th and 18th, Drama Rainbow, 2019, pp1 - 34Conference Paper, 2019
  • Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama in Education as a Form of Critical Pedagogy: Democratising Classrooms in Chile, ArtsPraxis, 7, (2b), 2020, p92 - 115Journal Article, 2020
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama In Education is now more important than ever, 'OPEN OUT - Tectonic Shift In School Education', India, 22nd May, 2021, Joy of DramaInvited Talk, 2021
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Silke Franz and Ciara Fagan , Using Frame in Drama and Theatre in Education, Body, Art and Education: Experiences from the Classroom (Cuerpo, Arte y Educación: Experiencia en el Aula), Universidad de Chile, 2-3 December 2021, edited by Catalina Villanueva , 2022, pp1-12Conference Paper, 2022
  • On The Pathway To Critical Consciousness: Fostering Critical Thinking Through Drama In A Chilean `Vulnerable" School in, editor(s)Vicki Ware, Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta, Tim Prentki, Patrick Kabanda and Wasim Al-Kurdi , Routledge Handbook on Arts and Global Development, Australia, Routledge, 2024, pp123 - 139, [Catalina Villanueva and Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2024
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Lisa O'Keeffe, Creative Youth: A systematic review of outcomes and trends in Phase One of the Creative Youth Plan. Insights and Implications - An Interim Report, Australia, Creative Ireland Programme, May , 2022, p1 - 95Report, 2022, TARA - Full Text
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Lisa O'Keeffe, 'Creative Youth: Evaluation Guidelines', The Creative Youth Plan 2023-2027. Supporting creativity and wellbeing in children and young people, Dublin, Dept. of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, 2023, 1 - 37Protocol or guideline, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • Unveiling the Power of Political Framing through Drama in, editor(s)Carmel O'Sullivan, David Davis and Susanne Colleary , 22, Dublin, Custodian, 2023, pp22 - 40, [Carmel O"Sullivan and Silke Franz]Book Chapter, 2023
  • Geoff Readman, Carmel O'Sullivan, Stig A. Eriksson, The Drama/Theatre Continuum, Dorothy Heathcote Now - An International Conference, Institute of Education UCL, London, 11-13 November, 2022, Midland Actors Theatre and University College LondonInvited Talk, 2022
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Exploring Heathcote's Brotherhoods Codes, Dorothy Heathcote Now - An International Conference, Institute of Education UCL, London, 11-13 November, 2022, Midland Actors Theatre and University College LondonInvited Talk, 2022
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O"Sullivan , The Generalisability of `Social Drama" for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Natural Environments , Drama4LL Drama for Tall and Small -Celebrating Drama in a Changing World, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 4th - 8th July, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Silke Franz, Carmel O"Sullivan and Susanne Colleary , The Concealed Art of Persuasion: Unveiling the Power of Political Framing Through Drama , IDEA 9th World Congress, Drama4LL Drama for Tall and Small -Celebrating Drama in a Changing World, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 4th - 8th July, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, Eliciting the voice of children with ASD , 10th IDIERI Conference - `Navigating Mess and Complexity in Uncertain Times: values, practices, methods and impacts", University of Warwick, UK, 10th " 15th July , 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Kiera Anderson and Carmel O'Sullivan, Developing Female Leaders Through Drama, 10th IDIERI Conference - `Navigating Mess and Complexity in Uncertain Times: values, practices, methods and impacts", University of Warwick, UK, 10th " 15th July, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • O'Sullivan, C., Clotworthy, E., Nugent, M., Colleary, S., Keane, E., Piazzoli, E., Gubbins, E., Krakaur, L., Kerin, M., McCormick, S., & Heeran Flynn, L., Arts Alive: A literature review to support curriculum specification development for the area of Arts Education, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, October, 2023, p1 - 245Report, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, New Developments in Arts Education in Primary School Curricula, Nanjing Drama and Education Conference, Nanjing, China, 26th May, 2023, Nanjing Government and The University of Communication, Nanjing, 1 - 35ppInvited Talk, 2023
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Lisa O'Keeffe, Creative Youth A Systematic Review of Outcomes and Trends across the Creative Youth Plan 2017 - 2022 Insights and Implications - Final Report, 2nd edition, Creative Ireland and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, January, 2024, p1 - 125Report, 2024
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Susanne Colleary and David Davis, Kimim Ben? Bunu bana Kim söyleyebilir? [Who am I?' 'Who can tell me who I am?' The Importance of the Social and Political in Children's and Young People's Drama, 1st edition, Turkey, E Yay"nlar" [Trans by Z. Handan Salta], 2024, 1 - 210ppBook, 2024
  • O" Sullivan, C., Franz, S., Fagan, C., & Villanueva, C., Usando el marco en educación dramática y teatral, Teatro, 7, (1), 2022, p71 - 83Journal Article, 2022, URL
  • Defining our Practice in Drama in Education in, editor(s)Marianne Streisand, Nadine Giese, Tom Kraus and Bernd Ruping , 'Talkin' 'Bout My Generation': Archäologie der Theaterpädagogik II - The History of Theatre Pedagogy, Berlin, Schibri-Verlag, 2007, pp84 - 97, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2007
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Searching for the Marxist in Boal, Research in Drama Education, Vol. 6, (No. 1), 2001, p85 - 97Journal Article, 2001
  • O'Fearghail, F. and O'Sullivan, C. , The Man in the Middle. St Laurence O'Toole, Patron Saint of Dublin, 2nd edition, Dublin, Temple-na-Skellig Press, 2007, 1 - 148ppBook, 2007
  • O'Sullivan, C., McKernan, D., O'Halloran, S. and Rowland, J., Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Parents, Teachers, Young People and Other Professionals. [2 hour DVD] , 2009, -Miscellaneous, 2009
  • Asperger Syndrome and Social Skills Education through Creative Drama in, editor(s)Denise Lyons , Creative Studies for the Caring Professions, Dublin, Gill and McMillan, 2010, pp178 - 189, [O'Sullivan, C., McNulty, U., Conroy, L., Walsh, A. and McKernan, D. ]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Role-Playing in, editor(s)L. Cohen, L. Manion and K. Morrison , Research Methods in Education (7th edition), Oxon, Routledge, 2011, pp510 - 527, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2011
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Drama for Learning. A 21st Century Vision for Education, featuring Dorothy Heathcote and Cecily O'Neill [3 hour DVD], 2012, -Miscellaneous, 2012
  • O'Sullivan, C. and Karavoltsou, A., Drama in education and self-directed learning for adults, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, Volume 17, (2), 2011, p64 - 79Journal Article, 2011
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Creativity and Autistic Spectrum Disorders [Keynote address], Conference on Creativity in Education and Practice, Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown, May , 2010, Social Studies Community of PracticeInvited Talk, 2010
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Okul Öncesi Egitimine Sosyo-tarihsel ve Bilissel Bir Bakis [Keynote address], Fourteenth International Creative Drama in Education Conference, University of Adana, Turkey, May , 2009, Turkish Drama in Education Association, 9 - 16ppInvited Talk, 2009
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Education through Drama with Children and Young People with Asperger Syndrome, National Association for the Teaching of Drama (UK), Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham, UK, September, 2007Invited Talk, 2007
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Special Needs Education through the Arts [Special Interest Group Convenor}, 5th IDEA (International Drama, Theatre and Education Association) World Congress , Hong Kong, July , 2007Invited Talk, 2007
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Special Educational Needs and Drama, 6th IDEA (International Drama, Theatre and Education Association) World Congress, Belém, Brazil, July , 2010Invited Talk, 2010
  • Boran, L., Delany, D. and O'Sullivan, C., Executive Function and Creativity in Autism Spectrum Disorder, No Mind Left Behind, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, March 29-30, edited by Mindroom Social Brain 3, Conference proceedings , 2011Poster, 2011
  • O'Sullivan, C. and McKernan, D., Building Bridges - Drama in the Social Education of Young People with Asperger Syndrome , No Mind Left Behind, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, March 29-30, edited by Mindroom Social Brain 3, Conference proceedings , 2011Poster, 2011
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Education of the Emotions, National Conference on Asperger Syndrome, University College Dublin, October 21, 2006Invited Talk, 2006
  • O'Sullivan, C. and McKernan, D., Communication through Drama, Enabling Communication, North-South Autistic Spectrum Conference, Armagh City Hotel, 13 November, 2009, Department of Education, Northern Ireland and the Department of Education and Science, IrelandInvited Talk, 2009
  • Malone, N. and O'Sullivan, C. , The Stage and the City: Narrative, Identity and Place in Dermot Bolger's The Ballymun Trilogy (2004-2008), RIDE - The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 16, (2), 2011, p235 - 250Journal Article, 2011
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Learning In and Learning Through Drama and Theatre, International Conference on the History of Theatre Pedagogy, Lingen (Ems), Germany, November, 2005Invited Talk, 2005
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Overcoming the Divide Between Learning In and Learning Through the Arts [Keynote address], What place for Arts in Education? Towards a new pedagogical pattern based on creativity and participation. The Third Conference of European Regional Ministers for Culture and Education, Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co. Dublin, September, 2004Invited Talk, 2004
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Postmodern Practice in Drama [Special Interest Group Leader], 'The Universal Mosaic of Drama - Walking different pathways together, finding new directions', Fifth World Congress of the International Association of Drama, Theatre and Education (IDEA), Ottawa, Canada, July , 2004Invited Talk, 2004
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Research Paradigms in the Field of Drama, Theatre and Education [Special interest group leader], Fourth International Drama in Education Research Institute, University of Northampton, UK, July , 2003Invited Talk, 2003
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Arts Education, UNESCO Regional Conference on the Arts in Education in Arab Countries, Amman, Jordan, May, 2002Invited Talk, 2002
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Enhancing literacy levels through the use of Drama in Education as an active learning methodology, International Conference on Literacy, Southern Education Library Board (SELB), Belfast, February, 2002Invited Talk, 2002
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Augusto Boal - A Critical Encounter [Keynote address], 'Beyond Boal: Art and Community Development Theatre for the 21st Century', Grand Valley State University, Michigan, US, November, 2001Invited Talk, 2001
  • Haseman, B. and O'Sullivan, C. , Defining our Practice - Between Tradition and Innovation [Leader of a Special Interest Group], Fourth World Congress of IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association), Bergen, Norway, July, 2001Invited Talk, 2001
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Theatre of the Oppressed -A Valid Form of Participatory Theatre? {Keynote address], 'Exploring Boal', Central School of Speech and Drama, London, February, 1999Invited Talk, 1999
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Interactive drama in education techniques for teachers and facilitators working with pre-school and early years children, Drama in Education Association, University of Ankara, University of Adana and Eskişehir, Turkey, May 16-22, 2011Invited Talk, 2011
  • Early Childhood Education: A Socio-Historic and Cognitive Introduction in, editor(s)Yayina Hazirlayanlar, Yasare Aktas Arnas and Özlem Kaf Hasirci , 'Erken Çocukluk Egitiminde Yaratici Drama', Ankara, Turkey, Naturel, 2010, pp17 - 34, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Planning for Drama in Early Childhood Education in, editor(s)Yayina Hazirlayanlar, Yasare Aktas Arnas and Özlem Kaf Hasirci , 'Erken Çocukluk Egitiminde Yaratici Drama', Ankara, Turkey, Naturel, 2010, pp91 - 150, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2010
  • O'Sullivan, C. and McKernan, D., Educational drama as an effective intervention in the education of young people on the autistic spectrum, Ambitious for all: Current research in Autism Spectrum Disorder and related disorders, Queens University Belfast, 18 November, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Teacher in Role: An exploration of its application in the classroom as a creative pedagogy, Research seminar , Ioannina, Greece, March 16 to 18, 2012, The Municipal and Regional Theatre of Ioannina, 1 - 28ppInvited Talk, 2012
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Lorraine Boran and David Delany, A Study of the Role of Drama in Developing Social versus Physical Attribution Abilities in Children on the Autistic Spectrum, Borders and translations: Towards new paradigms and languages in drama education, IDIERI (the International Drama in Education Research Institute), Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 10-15 July, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Michael Grenfell, Carmel O'Sullivan, Marita Kerin, Measuring Artistic and Social Impacts , 'Arts and Civil Society Symposium', Create and Voluntary Arts Ireland, Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, October 20-21, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
  • Drajea, Alice (SHS) and O'Sullivan, Carmel, Influence of Parental Education and Family Income on Children's Education in Rural Uganda, Global Education Review, 1, (1), 2014, p93 - 115Journal Article, 2014
  • Academic Professional Development in Ireland in, editor(s)Andrew Loxley, Aidan Seery and John Walsh , Higher Education in Ireland - Practices, Policies and Possibilities, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp216 - 232, [O'Sullivan, Carmel and Cooper, Rose]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Raising educational outcomes through improving literacy: examples from Uganda and Kenya in, editor(s)Marilyn Leask and James O'Meara , Pathways to Literate Worlds, London, Open University Press, 2014, pp17 - 26, [Drajea, Alice (SHS) and O'Sullivan, Carmel]Book Chapter, 2014
  • The Day that Shrek was almost rescued: Doing Process Drama with Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in, editor(s)Peter Duffy , What Was I Thinking: A Reflective Practitioner's Guide to (Mis)Adventures in Drama Education, New York, Peter Lang, 2015, pp219 - 242, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Drama and Autism in, editor(s)Fred R. Volkmar , Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, New York, Springer Reference, 2014, pp312 - 327, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Ireland and Autism in, editor(s)Fred R. Volkmar , Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, New York, Springer Reference, 2015, pp225 - 238, [Carmel O'Sullivan]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Stuart Roche and Carmel O'Sullivan, with Purple Heart Theatre Company, ''The Flying Box', from the Franz Xaver von Schonwerth Collection', The Role of Fairytale in Contemporary Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, School of Education, Arts Education Research Group, 2013, -Theatre Production, 2013
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, What is the role of fairytale in contemporary theatre?, The Role of Fairytale in Contemporary Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, 7-8 June 2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Interactive Drama in Education Techniques for Kindergarten and Early Childhood Teachers and Classroom Assistants in China, Creative Practices in Early Years Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, September 21-23, 2012, Drama Rainbow, 1 - 109ppInvited Talk, 2012
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Social Drama and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Thessaloniki, Greece, 11-13 March, 2014, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1 - 98ppInvited Talk, 2014
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama, drama therapy and ethical questions, Research seminar, Ankara, Turkey, 6 May, 2013, Ankara UniversityInvited Talk, 2013
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama in Education and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Research seminar, Antalya, Turkey, 10-12 May, 2013, University of Akdeniz, 1 - 38ppInvited Talk, 2013
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Interactive Drama in Education Techniques for Early Childhood Teachers and Drama Practitioners in Turkey, Research seminar, Eskisehir, Turkey, 3-4 May, 2013, University of Anadolu, 1 - 43ppInvited Talk, 2013
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Meg Maxwell, The Role of Technology in Drama in Education , Identity formation through the Arts, University of Arts, Targu-Mures, Romania, 16-17 November, 2012, pp1 - 19Conference Paper, 2012
  • Peadar Donohoe and Carmel O'Sullivan, The Bullying Prevention Pack: Fostering Vocabulary and Knowledge on the Topic of Bullying and Prevention with Role-Plays and Discussions to Reduce Primary School Bullying, Scenario Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education, IX, (1), 2015, p97 - 114Journal Article, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, with Niamh Price, Practical Guide to Planning Drama in Education - Creative learning for 5-7 year old children, 1st edition, Beijing, China, Renmin University Press Co. Ltd. , 2016, 1-177ppBook, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, with Niamh Price, Practical Guide to Planning Drama in Education - Creative learning for 3-5 year old children, 1st edition, Beijing, China, Renmin University Press Co. Ltd., 2016, 1-174ppBook, 2016
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Doing drama with students with SEN and different learning abilities (Keynote address), Decades of Praxis: Emerging Issues and Possibilities of Drama Education in Asia and Beyond, Hong Kong, May 1-3rd , 2015, TEFO (Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum)Invited Talk, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Social Drama - Weaving Story into the Lives of Children and Young People with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (Keynote address), 6th International Storyline Conference, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, 27th to 29th March, 2015, Storyline InternationalInvited Talk, 2015
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Developing Creative Kindergartens and Early Years Classrooms, Beijing, China, April 27-29, 2015, Drama Rainbow, UNICEF and Chinese Ministry of EducationInvited Talk, 2015
  • Jackie Maguire, Seoidin O'Sullivan, Grainne McKenna, Lucie Corcoran, Noirin Hayes and Carmel O'Sullivan, 'The Wonder Project': A collaborative early-years music, drama and visual arts programme for Traveller children and their mothers, EECERA (European Early Childhood Research Association), Crete, Greece, 7th - 10th September, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • Jacqueline Fallon and Carmel O'Sullivan , 'Risky Business': policy implementation in infant classes in Irish primary schools, ESAI (Educational Studies Association of Ireland), 'Educational Policy in Changing Times: Consultation, Implementation and Impact', Limerick, 21-23 March 2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
  • Alice J. Drajea (SHS) and Carmel O'Sullivan, Raising Educational Outcomes through Parental Education and Literacy Skills: Perspectives from Parents and their Children in Rural Uganda, ESAI (Educational Studies Association of Ireland) 'Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times', Athlone, Ireland, 10-12 April, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • Noirin Hayes, Jackie Maguire, Lucie Corcoran and Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Artful Dodgers': An arts education research project in early education settings, Irish Educational Studies, 37, (2), 2017, p1-24Journal Article, 2017
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Noirin Hayes, Artful Dodgers: An arts education research project in early education settings, Space Invaders: An Early Years Arts Seminar & Festival for Children, Families, Artists and the Early Years Sector, Farmleigh Estate, Dublin, 9th & 10th May 2015, edited by Julie Clarke, Fingal County Council , 2015Conference Paper
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Social Drama for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special Education Support Service, Portlaoise Education Centre, January 29th, 2016Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Social Drama' as an artistic engagement for children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Medical Humanities research theme, Trinity Long Room Hub, 18 May, 2016Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Catalina Villanueva Vargas, Erika Piazzoli and Marita Kerin, 'Growing through the cracks: Arts in education in institutional margins', Volume 5, Issue 2, Trinity College Dublin, Custodian , 2019, 1 - 187ppBook
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, A longitudinal study of the impact of O'Sullivan's 'Social Drama' Model with Children and Young People with Autism in Ireland. VSAInternational, The Kennedy Centre, Washington. Online magazine, April edition 2016. Available at:, 2016Journal Article
  • Kehoe, E. and O' Sullivan, C., Taste the Forbidden Fruit. Drama in Education as a Teaching and Learning Methodology to Increase Comprehension in Reading, DramaTimes, 3, (1), 2003, p1 - 9Journal Article
  • O' Sullivan, C., Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and a Constructive Alternative, DramaTimes, 2, (1), 2001, p1 - 5Journal Article
  • O'Sullivan, C., The Shadow: Using Drama in Education in the Exploration of Poetry, DramaTimes, 2, (3), 2002, p6 - 9Journal Article
  • Clarke, S. and O'Sullivan, C., Sleeping Beauty. Using Drama with young children, DramaTimes, 2, (3), 2001, p14 - 18Journal Article
  • O' Sullivan, C., Is There a Secret of Success?, The AESDaily (Theatre Festival Newspaper, Canada), 1, 1997, p24 - 29Journal Article
  • O' Sullivan, C., Development of Truth in Performance, The AESDaily (Theatre Festival Newspaper, Canada), (2), 1997, p7 - 15Journal Article
  • O'Sullivan, C., Doing Drama - Why Bother?, InTouch, Irish National Teachers' Organisation, (10), 1999, p20 - 21Journal Article
  • O'Sullivan, C., Doing Drama - Why Bother?, Astir, Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland, 22, (5), 2000, p16 - 17Journal Article
  • Sullivan, C., Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and a Constructive Alternative, DramaTimes, 2, (1), 2001Review
  • O' Sullivan, C., Review of Hamlet and the Baker's Son. My Life in Theatre and Politics, Youth Drama Ireland, (4), 2001, p29Review
  • O' Sullivan, C., Review of Theatre of the Oppressed, London Drama Newsletter, 92, 1997Review
  • Leahy, M. and O'Sullivan, C., Review of Playing betwixt and between. IDEA 2001, DramaTimes, 2, (2), 2001Review
  • Prejudice in Practice in, editor(s)Mary Gannon , Changing Perspectives. Cultural Values, Diversity and Equality in Ireland and the Wider World. A Resource for Civic, Social and Political Education, CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit, 2002, pp40 - 44, [O'Sullivan, C.]Book Chapter
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Jennifer Symonds and Jos Akkermans, Career LEAP - Work Readiness Programme, 3rd Youth Employability Initiative, Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin, February 9th , 2017, Department of Children and Youth AffairsInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Heads UP, Creativity through Reuse and Repurposing of Surplus Materials, Constellations Series (2016-17), Trinity Long Room Hub, Dec 16th, 2016, Creative Arts Practice Research ThemeInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Elaine Clotworthy and Sarah Clarke, Social Drama for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special Education Support Service (DES), Portlaoise Education Centre, 23rd March, 2017, 1-66ppInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Deirdre Rodgers, Reuse Materials in Inclusive Art Classrooms and Settings, 21st-23rd May 2017, 2017, Russborough, Co Wicklow, CPD training organised by TCD, ReCreate and RussboroughMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Shane Bergin Marita Kerin, Carmel O'Sullivan, Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Diarmaid O'Donovan , 'Cross curricular teaching and learning through the arts', (Teaching Council of Ireland research webinar series,, 2017, -Digital research resource production
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Exploring Quality in Chinese Early Childhood Education Through Drama , Dublin, 29th November, 2017, Irish Chinese Cultural Society (ICCS)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, A master class in understanding creativity and imagination and how to harness their power in early childhood education settings, Where the Imaginative Things Are, Marino Institute of Education, 4th November, 2017, Dublin City Childcare CommitteeInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Elaine Clotworthy, 'Social Drama' for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Drumcondra Education Centre, 30th Sept, 2017, IATSE (Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Elaine Clotworthy, 'Social Drama' for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Waterford Education Centre, Oct 21st, 2017, IATSE (Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Lesley Conroy, Fiona Condon and Elaine Clotworthy, 'The Greenwood Forest - drama programme for children with ASD', Culture Night, Sept 22nd, Russborough, Co Wicklow, 2017, -Theatre Production
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, A training day on Social Drama for teachers of children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Education Centre, Portlaois, March, 2018, DES (Special Education Support Service)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Strategies for staff working with students with ASD in Higher Education , Autism Campus Awareness, Sligo IT, 7th Nov, 2018Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Enlivening teaching and learning in higher education , Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 14 December, 2018, RCSI School of Nursing and MidwiferyInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan and Deirdre Rogers, All Heads Together. A ReCreate resource for artists and teachers working in inclusive educational settings with reuse materials, Dublin, Ireland, ReCreate Ireland, 2018, 1 - 65ppBook
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Including children and young people with autism in arts events, run and organised by artists and arts organisations , Events for All. Training for artists, Poetry Ireland, 2019Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, The Benefits of Drama in the Ethical Education Classroom, Ethical Education Teacher Professional Network, Dublin, Ireland, May 11, 2019, Educate TogetherInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sulivan, Creative Pedagogy for 21st Century Teaching and Learning , Learning without Walls, Clandeboye Estate, Co. Down, May 14th, 2018Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, The Importance of Outdoor Learning in 21st Century Education, 'Learning without Walls' Annual Conference , Clandeboye Estate, Bangor, County Down, October 4th, 2019, Northern Ireland Forest Schools Association (NIFSA)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Career LEAP: 'Speaking the same language', BUSINESS BRUNCH 'SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE', Introducing Business to the Career L.E.A.P. Model, IFSC, Dublin, February 15th, 2019Oral Presentation
  • Carmel O'Sulivan, 'Social Drama'© for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Drama Rainbow Summer School, Beijing, China, August 10-17, 2019, 1 - 67ppInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sulivan and Elaine Clotworthy, 'Social Drama'© for Children and Young People with ASD, Waterford Education Centre, Feb 12th, 2020Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Systems thinking for well-being in education, Creativity and Well-Being for Personal and Professional Growth International Cross-Disciplinary Symposium, Trinity Long Room Hub, April 27, edited by Erasmus+ & Global Brain Health Institute , 2023Oral Presentation
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Pedagogy, Learnovation Summit 2023, Aviva Stadium, Dublin, October 5, 2023Oral Presentation
  • Arts Education (Drama) Volume 2 in, editor(s)NCCA , Curriculum Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Mild General Learning Disabilities, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 2003, [Carmel O'Sullivan, Margaret Leahy, Mary Howard and Mary Corr]Book Chapter
  • Arts Education (Drama) Volume 1 in, editor(s)NCCA , Curriculum Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Moderate General Learning Disabilities, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 2003, [Carmel O'Sullivan, Margaret Leahy, Mary Howard and Mary Corr]Book Chapter
  • Arts Education (Drama) Volume 3 in, editor(s)NCCA , Curriculum Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 2003, [Carmel O'Sullivan, Margaret Leahy, Mary Howard and Mary Corr]Book Chapter
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama is for everyone - or is it?, Teaching English, Summer , 2004Journal Article
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Working with Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Middletown Centre for Autism, Armagh, Northern Ireland, May, 2010Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Social Skills Education through Drama, Aspire National Conference, National College of Ireland, Dublin 1, October, 2009, Asperger Syndrome Association of IrelandInvited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Using Drama in the English Classroom, The Russell McKay Memorial Lecture, Trinity College Dublin, July , 2009, English Matters, European Summer SchoolInvited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Cúrsa Drámaíocht san Oideachas do Pháistí le Riachtanais Speisialta, Muintearas, Tír an Fhia, Co. na Gaillimhe, October, 2008Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , An Dramaíocht agus an Ghaeilge. A two-day training course for the national co-ordinators of the Second Level Support Service (Irish), Trinity College Dublin, September, 2007Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Using Drama in Education with Children and Young People with Asperger's Syndrome, Marino Institute of Education, February, 2011, ADEI (Association for Drama in Education in Ireland)Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Educational Drama and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Middletown Centre for Autism, Armagh, Northern Ireland, May, 2011Invited Talk
  • Delany, D., O'Sullivan, C. and Boran, L., Brain Training in Asperger's Syndrome , Common Themes: Strategies for Managing Co-occurring Conditions. , Spectrum Alliance Conference, Red Cow Hotel, Dublin, 16th October , 2010Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Using Drama in the Education of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs, Church of Ireland College of Education, April, 2011Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Dorothy Heathcote's Frame Distancing in Drama, PanHellenic Association for Drama in Education, Athens, Greece, December, 2005Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Using Theatre to Empower Homeless Youth. A series of workshops with the Simon Community, Belfast Foyer, January, March, May, 2004Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Drama and Conflict Resolution, Centre for Drama in Education, Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina, October, 2001Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Drama and literacy with second language learners, Women's College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March, 2001Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , The use of drama and theatre in education to explore human rights [Keynote address], GERFEC's International Conference on Education and Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, April, 1995Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Opening address, Engaging Pedagogy , Griffith College, Dublin, September, 2007Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Communicate with Conviction, Commitment and Control [Opening address], AISHE (All Ireland Society for Higher Education) National Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, August, 2007Invited Talk
  • O'Sullivan, C. , Good Buzz Bad Buzz! , Theatre in education presentation, National Conference on Joyriding, Dublin, November, 2006Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Towards Inclusive Youth Theatre Practice: Strategies to include young people with an autistic spectrum disorder , Managing Disabilities in Youth Theatre, Dublin City Council Arts Office: The Lab, March 31, 2012, National Association of Youth Drama (NAYD), 1 - 17ppInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Lorraine Boran and David Delany, The Role of Drama in Developing Social Attribution Abilities in Children on the Autistic Spectrum, 'Examining theory and practice in inclusive education', Trinity College Dublin, April 25, 2012Conference Paper
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Using creative approaches in the social education of children and young people with an autistic spectrum disorder., Middletown Centre for Autism, Armagh, Northern Ireland, May 16, 2012Invited Talk
  • Lawlor, Michelle and O'Sullivan, Carmel, Recognising the Montessori Degree? A comparison between the Montessori curriculum and the primary school curriculum and approaches to initial teacher education in Ireland, InTouch, March, 2014, p36 - 37Journal Article
  • Owens, Alice and O'Sullivan, Carmel, Museum visits - maximise value with drama, InTouch, May, 2012, p46 - 47Journal Article
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Using Applied Drama in Research, Advanced Research Methods - Complementary Art and Science Research , Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 21 April 2012, 2012Oral Presentation
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Social Drama' and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Research seminar and practical workshop, Ioannina, Greece, 15 March, 2014, The Municipal and Regional Theatre of Ioannina, 1 - 97ppInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Communicate with Conviction, Commitment and Control, Staff development seminar and workshop, Dundalk, 4 March, 2011, Dundalk Institute of TechnologyInvited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Using and protecting your voice when teaching, Staff development seminar and workshop, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, 26 February, 2009Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, 'Social Drama' in the Education of Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, IT Sligo, 23 - 24 February, 2015, HSE (Health Services Executive)Invited Talk
  • Carmel O'Sullivan, Social Drama and Young People with ASD, Portlaois Education Centre, 15 April, 2015, DES (Department of Education and Skills)Invited Talk
  • Elaine Clotworthy and Carmel O'Sullivan, Drama to increase levels of concentration in children with ADHD, InTouch, Issue 156, November, 2015, p51-52Journal Article

Research Expertise

. Arts education . Drama and theatre in education . Creativity in teaching, learning and assessment . Inclusive education . Work readiness for unemployed young adults . Early childhood arts education . Social Drama and Autism . The development of sub-types in Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Title
    Artful Dodgers (Phase 1): an early years music and visual arts programme for children aged 3-5 years
    . To explore the impact of an artist in residence model that works through two arts forms with the children and Early Years Educators in two community childcare services. 'An artist in residence model' will be adopted where two artists will be located in early childhood care services, delivering integrated music and visual arts workshops to children aged between 3-5 years. The study aims to examine the impact of the arts on the development of early literacy and numeracy practices. Through observing the artists in residence, it is intended that the Early Years Educators will develop a strong foundation in music and the visual arts and be equipped with the skills to embed these arts practices in their services once the arts programme is finished.
    Funding Agency
    Arts Office Fingal County Council and Fingal County Childcare Committee
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Raising student and public awareness of Ireland's roles and responsibilities towards developing countries
    Collaboration between the Schools of Economics and Education
    Funding Agency
    Dept. of Foreign Affairs/Irish Aid joint funded project
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    'Heads Up': Achieving creative and social inclusion through reuse materials
    'Heads-Up' is designed to facilitate new avenues of communication, inclusion and collaboration through the arts using surplus materials from manufacturing industries. It aims to encourage a deeper understanding of social and educational inclusion where children and young people with different learning abilities are working creatively side by side to demonstrate that there is no 'right' way to work artistically. Using an 'artist in residence' model, 18 schools and community based inclusive educational settings throughout Ireland will explore the potential of introducing teachers, facilitators, participants and their parents to reuse materials. The workshops will be facilitated by artists using clean, high quality materials from ReCreate that have been salvaged from business. As part of their mission to create a greener environment, ReCreate have commissioned this study to explore the impact of creative reuse of materials in socially inclusive settings.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Artful Dodgers (Phase 2): A co-mentoring programme for early years educators working in partnership with two artists
    Project Aims: . To deliver a co-mentoring programme between the early years educators in two community crèches and two artists, where the focus is on 'artistic practice'. . To examine whether Artful Dodgers as a model that includes 'the experiential' in Phase One and 'co-mentoring' in Phase Two, can sustain arts practices in early years settings. . To examine the efficacy of an artistic model of continuous professional development in enhancing early years educators' knowledge of the arts, and in their abilities to initiate a change in their practice and increase engagement with the arts in their childcare settings.
    Funding Agency
    Arts Office Fingal County Council and the Arts Education Research Group (TCD)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Youth Theatre: Context, Research and Practice
    The Arts Education Research Group (AERG) in the School of Education, Trinity College, and the National Association for Youth Drama (NAYD) have established a research partnership to explore youth theatre practice in Ireland. NAYD supports the development of youth theatre in Ireland and works in partnership with local authorities, youth services, theatres, arts centres, organisations and individuals. NAYD is committed to conducting research that investigates youth theatre practice and explores its impact on the artistic, social and personal development of the young person. In order to develop youth theatre research in an academically rigorous manner, the aim of this study is to conduct an exhaustive literature review to establish the current situation in terms of youth theatre practice and research. There appears to be an absence of peer reviewed published research specific to this sector. In phase 1 of the study, the School of Education and NAYD aim to examine the existing, relevant literature in this field and lay the groundwork for future research.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    May 2015
    Date To
    May 2017
  • Title
    The role of drama in language development and social disadvantage
    Funding Agency
    National Children's Strategy (Office for the Minister of Children)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Parents, Young People, Teachers and Other Professionals
    This project was set up to research and create an educational DVD which has been distributed to every school in Ireland, and also to parents, professionals and other carers of young people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) nationally and internationally. It features interviews with key personnel working in multidisciplinary teams to support children and young people with an ASD. Special features include video footage of the Drama in Education social skills education programme.
    Funding Agency
    Department of Education and Science, ASPIRE, School of Education (TCD) and AVMS (TCD)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Development of a Research Framework and Evaluation Guidelines for the Creative Youth Plan (2023-2027)
    The systematic analysis provided the Creative Youth Working Group and the Ministers with an overview of outcomes and trends on the delivery of creative opportunities for children and young people in Ireland, achieved during Phase One of the Creative Youth Plan. Arising from those findings, the development of easy to use, robust evaluation and reporting tools was commissioned to facilitate timely and standardised collection of data and evidence on a systematic basis during the Creative Youth Plan 2023-2027.
    Funding Agency
    Dept. of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
    Date From
    1st November 2022
    Date To
    31st August 2023
  • Title
    Arts Alive: A literature review to support curriculum specification development for the area of Arts Education in the reimagining of the primary school curriculum from 2025 onwards
    This research was commissioned by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) to inform the ongoing development of Ireland"s curriculum for primary and special schools. The research involved a desk-based narrative enquiry to examine and interrogate the evidence for learning through arts education as art, as subject and as pedagogy. The review also included literature in relation to integration within this combination of subjects as well as other subjects. The research questions which guided the study were: 1. Through the lens of the vision and principles of the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework (2023), what is the philosophical basis and educational basis for the curriculum area/subjects of Arts Education? 2. What evidence is provided by the literature on children"s learning and development for the integrated curriculum area of Arts Education in stages 1 and 2 " junior infants to second class, and the subjects of Visual Art, Music, Drama (and other aspects, e.g., Dance, Film and Digital Media) in stages 3 and 4 " third to sixth class? 3. In response to curriculum overload, what are the desired curriculum processes and essential curriculum content (knowledge, skills, values and dispositions) for children"s learning and development in Arts Education and Visual Art, Music, Drama within the broad primary curriculum? 4. What aspects of the curriculum area (the knowledge, skills, values and dispositions) support integration in stages 1 and 2, and what aspects of the subjects support integration in stages 3 and 4?
    Funding Agency
    National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)
    Date From
    November 2022
    Date To
    Dec 2023
  • Title
    Creative Youth A Systematic Review of Outcomes and Trends across the Creative Youth Plan 2017 - 2022 Insights and Implications:- Final Report
    Funding Agency
    Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
    Date From
    December 2022
    Date To
    Dec 2023
  • Title
    'All Heads Together': Working through the visual arts to protect our environment
    This research and development project, commissioned by ReCreate and funded by the EPA, will respond to the data from an earlier study ('Heads UP') by developing and evaluating a set of best practice guidelines and a detailed practice manual, concentrating on artistic processes not templates in visual arts education. 
In addition, a series of specialist CPD training modules for artists, teachers, early years educators, and special needs assistants working in inclusive educational settings with reuse materials will be developed, trialed and evaluated. ReCreate is a social enterprise which makes art materials and educational supplies available to all sectors of society for creative reuse, through salvaging clean reuseable materials from business which would otherwise be sent to landfill.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    Date From
    Jan 2017
    Date To
    June 2018
  • Title
    The use of Drama in Education in the holistic education of young people with Asperger Syndrome
    Funding Agency
    Dormant Accounts Fund, The Ireland Fund, Dublin Bus and the Asperger Syndrome Association
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    'Good Buzz - Bad Buzz'
    This theatre in education performance was researched and devised to launch the Task Force Report on Joyriding and raise awareness of the potential role of drama and theatre in education as a creative and educational tool to stimulate debate and discussion about issues of youth joyriding nationally.
    Funding Agency
    Blue Drum: The Government Arts Specialist Support Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership) - Phase 3
    The research underpinning the Career LEAP integrated model of service delivery highlights key findings in the area of youth services and education (O'Sullivan, Symonds & Akkermans, 2018). Career LEAP has achieved over 90% success rate to date working with local young people (17-25 years old) in helping them secure sustained employment and/or access to formal education and apprenticeships. This phase of the research project will examine the impact of the Career LEAP model with those who are long term unemployed (26-50 year olds). This older age group is being investigated based on a desire to understand the cycle connected to the role of parents and family members in inclusive labour activation strategies.
    Funding Agency
    City of Dublin Education and Training Board, North East Inner City Taoiseach's Taskforce (NEIC)
    Date From
    Jan 2019
    Date To
    August 2021
  • Title
    Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership) - Phase 4
    Funding a research fellow to support the implementation and evaluation of the Career LEAP Programme.
    Funding Agency
    NEIC Taoiseach's Task Force for the North East Inner City
    Date From
    Sept 2021
    Date To
    August 2022
  • Title
    Artful Dodgers (Phase 3): Working in partnership with parents
    This study aims to explore the impact of a mentoring programme with parents of the young children who participated in earlier phases of the Artful Dodger's research programme. It involves working with parents to introduce them to new and creative forms of engagement in arts practices. It aims to examine the efficacy of an artistic model of continuous professional development in enhancing parents' knowledge of the arts, and increase their active participation and engagement through the arts with their early years children in their home settings.
    Funding Agency
    Arts Office, Fingal County Council and Arts Education Research Group (AERG), TCD
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership)
    This pilot study is a collaborative partnership between community youth organisations, over 20 members of the Business in the Community (BITC) business network operating in the docklands area, and research partners. Adapting the DIEAC framework, it aims to design, implement and evaluate a unique 'work readiness' programme to reduce barriers to training and employment for hard to reach 18-24 year olds in the north inner city. Using a collaborative approach, this study will draw from research, participants' individual needs, and the expertise of large businesses to create and evaluate an innovative model of 'work readiness'.
    Funding Agency
    CDETB; Dept of Children and Youth Affairs; participating businesses
    Date From
    Dec 2015
    Date To
    Feb 2017
  • Title
    Creative Youth Evaluation Guidelines
    Commissioned by Creative Ireland as a consequence of the findings from the Interim Review of Phase One of Creative Youth (2017-2022), this research was informed by a thorough literature review, a scoping of evaluation frameworks, numerous stakeholder consultations and input from the interdepartmental Creative Youth research subgroup. The research sought to develop user friendly guidelines for artists, teachers and researchers involved in Creative Youth and Creative Ireland funded projects. The evaluation guidelines include information on evaluating arts-based and other types of activity aimed at fostering creativity and wellbeing, using quantitative and qualitative methods. The research sought to explore the different purposes of evaluation, identifying challenges involved in evaluating creative practice and how practitioners and organisations may go about tackling these issues.The guidelines are being rolled out nationally for use by all Creative Youth funded projects during Phase Two of the Creative Ireland programme (2023-2027).
    Funding Agency
    Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (DTCAGSM)
    Date From
    November 2022
    Date To
    Dec 2023
  • Title
    Focusing on what matters: Supporting Irish Traveller children through bridging the fields of occupational therapy and inclusive education
    According to the most recent Census, Irish Travellers make up 32,949 (1%) of the population with children under the age of 15 making up 36% of Irish Travellers. When it comes to education, only 13% of Traveller children complete their second-level education, with only 1% progressing to third-level education (AITHS, 2010). Research in the UK found Traveller groups to have the highest prevalence (54%) of special educational needs (SEN) of all ethnic minority groups in the UK. Overall, the Irish Travelling Community encounters many forms of social exclusions across a wide range of activities such as access to employment, health services, accommodation, and education thus restricting meaningful participation in occupations as well as occupational choices. This research is examining the potential role of a social model of occupational therapy applied in Irish primary school classrooms. The study is part is part of a larger project called Tobar, and is being conducted in collaboration with the Marino Institute of Education and colleagues in OT in Trinity.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Sept 2023
    Date To
    Aug 2026
  • Title
    The Wonder Project - An early years arts education programme for Traveller mothers and their children
    Fingal County Council Arts Office, Fingal Traveller Organisation, community artists and the School of Education Arts Education Research Group, aim to pilot a unique Early Years Arts programme for Traveller children and their mothers living in North County Dublin. The programme will introduce young children (5 months to 3.5 years) and their mothers to a quality arts experience, primarily through the media of Music and Visual Arts. Strand One will be developed as an 'Artist Residency Model for Arts Development and Parental Involvement', and will involve the use of the DIEAC Framework in its design, implementation and evaluation. The study aims to examines the role of the arts in engaging mothers with their young children, and encourages them to practice the arts in their home, so that their children become regularly exposed to arts experiences.
    Funding Agency
    Fingal County Council Childcare Committee
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Sub-types in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    The data from an ongoing large-scale longitudinal research project involving the use of educational drama in the social skills education and development of children and young people with an ASD, support compelling evidence for the existence of 12 sub-types across the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. This study aims to examine the implications of this data in terms of extending existing knowledge on how to communicate, interact with and support children and young people who represent different sub-types on the autism spectrum. The development and exploration of these new sub-types holds considerable potential for changes in policy, practice and future research in the field.
    Funding Agency
    ASPIRE (Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland); National Lottery
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    'Corduroy' - a short film based on a young adult with high functioning autism
    Consultant to a short film based on the life of a young adult with high functioning autism (written and directed by Hugh O'Connor). 'Corduroy' was selected for competition at the 60th Berlin Film Festival (2010) and at the Dublin Film Festival (2010).
    Funding Agency
    Irish Film Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Mapping of Whole Child Development Pedagogies and Models in Western Europe and North America
    This study involves a mapping of pedagogical and assessment initiatives, actors, and change in support of whole child development in 8 Western European countries and in North America. A whole child development (WCD) approach aims to promote multiple interconnected aspects of human growth including cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and talent development. This study covers middle childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood, and aims to identify the nature and the scope of current efforts to achieve WCD in schools and other settings, such as youth clubs, service learning community-based projects, outdoor education, and internships for young people. The domains of WCD include physical and emotional health and safety; resilience; artistic and creative development; spiritual development; positive youth development; engagement and connectedness; academic challenge and learning; career and college readiness. This study is being led by the American Institutes for Research (AIR).
    Funding Agency
    The Porticus Foundation
    Date From
    February 2017
    Date To
    August 2017
  • Title
    Level Up: Enhancing socially disadvantaged young people's career, college and work readiness through a school-based training programme
    Level Up is a school based psychosocial skills training programme for 16 - 18-year olds who are preparing for the school-to-work (STW) transition. The programme design is informed by the occupational and social developmental psychology of career and achievement motivation, identity development, work-readiness and resilience. On the programme, young people enhance their competencies through social cognitive learning, active learning, drama and stress inoculation. Level Up is the senior school companion to the training programme Career Leap for young adults.
    Funding Agency
    University College Dublin
    Date From
    April 2017
    Date To
    Sept 2019
  • Title
    'Social Drama©'
    To disseminate the results from a longitudinal research study examining the impact of a new drama based approach to developing social skills called 'Social Drama©', developed in the School of Education in association with Aspire.
    Funding Agency
    ASPIRE (Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland) and Arts Education Research Group (TCD)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Evaluation Framework and Guidelines for the Creative Youth Plan (2023-2027)
    The systematic analysis provided the Creative Youth Working Group and the Ministers with an overview of outcomes and trends on the delivery of creative opportunities for children and young people in Ireland, achieved during Phase One of the Creative Youth Plan. The recommendations called for the development of easy to use, robust evaluation and reporting tools will facilitate timely and standardised collection of data and evidence on a systematic basis during the Creative Youth Plan 2023-2027.
    Funding Agency
    Dept of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
    Date From
    Nov 1st 2023
    Date To
    August 31st 2023
  • Title
    Integrated Executive Function (IEF) Training
    This study is investigating the effects of a novel form of brain training with children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is a collaborative study between researchers in Trinity College, DCU and ASPIRE, and is the first of its kind to take place in Ireland.
    Funding Agency
    ASPIRE (Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Exploring the generalisability of the 'Social Drama' model
    This study aims to address a key criticism in the literature on disability and autism studies which report that while many social skills interventions for children and young adults have been created and implemented, there are concerns surrounding the generalisability of these skills to other environments. Research has shown that it is difficult for people with ASD to generalise skills from one environment to another and that for positive life outcomes and employability, generalisability of social skills is crucial. Data from phases 1-3 of the longitudinal drama and autism social skills study suggest a positive correlation between attending the programme and participants' social skills development. Using a quasi-ethnographic research approach, this study aims to examine the generalisability of the social skills developed in O'Sullivan's Social Drama model to environments outside of the drama classroom.
    Funding Agency
    Dormant Accounts Fund (Measure 7 - support for young people with disabilities)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    A Systematic Review of the Impact of Phase One of Creative Youth (Pillar One of the Creative Ireland Programme): Interim Report
    Creative Ireland was established in 2017 to support the development of creativity in Ireland and works in partnership with local and national authorities, youth services, community, cultural, enterprise, arts and heritage organisations, creative industries, and schools to nurture and enable creative potential across the full spectrum of Irish society. Creative Ireland has committed to conducting research that investigates creative practices, identified factors that foster and support such practices, and explores their impact on the wellbeing of citizens, and on innovation in creative industries, communities, schools, and nation state. With over 30 initiatives from Creative Youth reporting project specific outcomes from Phase One (2017-2022), the Expert Advisory Group (EAG) will conduct a rigorous systematic review and meta-analysis across the diverse projects to establish the current situation in terms of creative practice with a view to informing future policy in this area. Synthesising the key findings and learning will allow for easier identification of the bigger picture outcomes from Phase One of Creative Youth and support the EAG in advising and guiding national policy in relation to the broader objectives of the Creative Youth programme during Phase Two (2023-2027).
    Funding Agency
    Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
    Date From
    Nov 2021
    Date To
    Oct 2022
  • Title
    The DIEAC Framework (Design, Implement and Evaluate Arts in Context)
    In response to the diversity and significance of collaborative arts practices in a range of social and community contexts, the School of Education in partnership with Create (National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts in Social and Community Contexts) and the Arts Council, propose to research and develop the DIEAC framework (conceived by Carmel O'Sullivan and Sarah Tuck). This framework is proposed on the basis of providing an adaptive and flexible tool for designing, implementing and evaluating arts in context (DIEAC). Existing guidelines and models mainly cater either for project planning or retrospective evaluation. This forward-looking framework is predicated on the basis of providing a holistic approach to artists working in social and community contexts. The DIEAC framework will utilise the Arts Council's Artist in the Community Scheme, managed by Create, as the source material for the research enquiry.
    Funding Agency
    Create, The Arts Council and the Arts Education Research Group (TCD)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Social skills education through drama for children and young people on the autism spectrum
    Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a pervasive developmental disorder, which most researchers feel falls at the higher-functioning end of the Autistic Spectrum. Individuals with AS can experience significant difficulties with social interaction and communication, flexible thinking, and imaginative play. People with the syndrome are often characterised by an impairment in social interaction as well as stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests, and activities. There is no known treatment that has any effect on the basic impairments underlying Asperger Syndrome, but challenges can be diminished by appropriate management and education. The prime motivation for this research project came from the realisation that although it is widely recognised that young people with Asperger Syndrome lack the ability to empathise with other people, there is little research on how to help them develop this ability, as most literature in the field focuses on the outcome rather than the process: on methods to enable children achieve social skills by imitating the 'correct' (acceptable) behaviours, rather than helping them decode the images they see and understand the meanings below the surface. This project aims to investigate whether the sustained use of an integrated creative arts approach with specific focus on the use of drama in education will lead to a more successful social, personal, emotional and cognitive education of young people with AS. It aims to bring about a greater understanding of what it means to live with AS and the implications on one's life.
    Funding Agency
    ASPIRE (Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland); National Lottery funding
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Schoolscape@future (lead partner)
    This EU Minerva Project investigated a vision for the 21st Century School in which ICT is integrated into ICT practice in schools. Through working with successful schools and industrial experts, the project identified examples of innovative practice in the three member countries (Ireland, UK, and Portugal). A database of best practice was prepared using "networked knowledge" between teachers, researchers and industry in order to create teacher briefing packs which contain new models of practice for school teachers as well as a series of case studies which benefit teachers, researchers, teacher trainers and learners across Europe.
    Funding Agency
    EU Minerva Open and Distance Learning Initiative
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Global Development through Education: Enhancing Teacher Education and Educational Research through International Co-operation
    13 collaborating HE institutions in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Uganda and Lesotho
    Funding Agency
    The Programme of Strategic Cooperation between Irish Aid and Higher Education Institutions
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership) - Phase 2
    Following the successful completion of a pilot study (2015-2016) which highlighted key findings in the area of youth services and education, and resulted in the development of comprehensive training manuals for participants and trainers in the area of work readiness, in this main study we aim to take the learning from the pilot project and evaluate the impact of the Career LEAP programme on young adult (18-24 year-old) unemployed job seekers, their parents/partners/friends, and mentors in local businesses, and assess the impact of a substantial 'train the trainers' education component.
    Funding Agency
    CDETB (City of Dublin Education and Training Board)
    Date From
    May 2017
    Date To
    April 2018
  • Title
    Career LEAP (Local Employment Action Partnership) - Phase 5
    Career LEAP ( is an evidence-based work-readiness programme, designed specifically to support young people who face additional and significant barriers to entering the workforce and/or further education. Working with young people in northeast inner city, over 80% are in full time employment or full time education after completing the programme up to 5 years later. Career LEAP works in tandem with local employment initiatives and referrals, including Swan Youth Service Street work team, East Wall Youth, Bradog Youth Service, Focus Ireland (PETE program), NYP1, The Hay Project, Intreo, ICRG, Roslyn Park College, Irish Refugee Council, LYCS CTC, NEIC Programme Office, Crinan Youth Project, Focus Ireland, family members and friends, and former graduates of the programme. Funded and certified mentor training is provided to local business partners on how to support young people who are not in employment, education or training to take up entry level employment opportunities in their companies in the north and south docklands area.
    Funding Agency
    City of Dublin Education and Training Board; and North East Inner City Taoiseach's Taskforce (NEIC)
    Date From
    Sept 2022
    Date To
    Jan 2025
  • Title
    'The Drummer and the Goalkeeper'
    Consultant to a feature length movie written and directed by Nick Kelly. 'The Drummer and the Goalkeeper' is the story of an unlikely friendship between a 25-year-old rock'n'roll party loving young man with bipolar disorder who revels in rejecting society's rules, and a 17-year-old goalkeeper who suffers from Asperger Syndrome and yearns to fit in.
    Funding Agency
    The Irish Film Board (Catalyst Scheme)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    EUFSTIAT: Empowering University Faculty with Student-Cantered Teaching and Innovative Assessment Techniques
    The overall objective of this Erasmus Plus project is to enhance the capacity of faculty members across all disciplines at the Royal University of Bhutan, in using future-oriented teaching, learning, and assessment practices that align with global trends and respond to learners" diverse needs. This objective will be achieved through a series of activities, including the development of five professional development modules by consortium members (Trinity College, Lund University in Sweden, and Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi, Turkey). These modules will be made available on the Royal University of Bhutan's Moodle platform as MOOCs, and will be used in offering hybrid professional development to the two Colleges of Education and the faculty members from other colleges of the Royal University of Bhutan and teachers across Bhutanese schools. The project is expected to benefit over 720 faculty members, and over 200 school teachers through professional development. The project will also benefit over 300 pre-service student teachers annually. The project will result in enhancing the capacity of its beneficiaries in meeting the diverse needs of 21st century learners by implementing student-centred teaching strategies, innovative assessment practices, assessment data-based instructional activities, qualitative feedback models, and MOOCs. The project will also foster a culture of using student-centred teaching and innovative assessment practices in Bhutanese schools.
    Funding Agency
    European Education and Culture Executive Agency
    Date From
    November 2023
    Date To
    October 2026
  • Title
    A Cross Disciplinary Exploration of Arts in Health in Populations of Young People and Children at Risk of Social Exclusion and Disadvantage
    In the last two decades, a growing evidence base around the benefits of arts in health demonstrates an increasing interest from health and arts professionals, researchers, and policymakers into how engagement with the arts can influence population health. Unfortunately, the sword of disadvantage is double edged, engagement in creative and cultural endeavours is in many instances socially and gender patterned whilst those of lower socio-economic positions are also generally at higher risk of poor health. In Ireland, a marked social gradient exists which reveals rates of disease and risk factors for ill health persistently higher amongst lower income groups and similarly shows people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds are less able to access the arts and other types of cultural activities. There is a gap in research in the area of arts in health amongst the Irish population, particularly children and young people in situations of risk. This research lies at the intersection between arts, humanities and health, advocates a cross disciplinary approach and responds to the research gap in Ireland through exploring the impact of a creative arts programme on health and wellbeing amongst children and young people from seldom heard communities. The research aims to identify appropriate content for creative interventions/projects/programmes for young people and children in seldom heard communities and how these could be used to facilitate the expansion and development of this practice in health and youth organisations around the country. The research will also provide a set of policy recommendations with particular emphasis on the development of indicators for the recently published Understanding Life in Ireland A Wellbeing Framework (2022).
    Funding Agency
    Trinity College
    Date From
    Sept 2023
    Date To
    August 2027

Education, Performing arts,


  • Chambers Ireland Sustainable Impact Awards - Community Programme Category (Career LEAP supported by A&L Goodbody) Sept 2022
  • I received one of only two major awards for postgraduate study granted by the Irish Arts Council in 1993. 1994
  • Our 'Heads Up' research project received an Allianz Business to Arts Award in 2017 for the best Community Arts project (ReCreate, EPA and TCD) 5th Sept 2017
  • Nominated and won a community service award from Dublin Bus for our work on Social Drama with people with autism 2009
  • Trinity Research and Innovation Societal Impact Award Dec 2019
  • Nominated as a 'Changemaker' by Ashoka for contributing to social change across the country July 2017
  • Nominated for a QS Reimagine Education award October 2018
  • Career LEAP was nominated for a Chambers Ireland CSR Award as part of A&L Goodbody's 'Step Up Community' programme Sept 2019
  • An article we wrote about our Career LEAP programme was shortlisted for the 2018 British Educational Research Association Editors' Choice Award for articles published in its Review of Education journal. August 2018
  • Shortlisted for The Registrar's Civic Engagement Award 2018 for Career LEAP in recognition of outstanding engagement with society April 2018
  • IDEA (International Association for Drama and Theatre in Education): member of the Executive Committee (1998-2004); secretary to the Accountancy Committee (1998-2004); member of the International Advisory Committee (2005-2007) to date
  • Youth Theatre Ireland (formerly the National Association of Youth Drama - NAYD) to date
  • NATD (National Association for the Teaching of Drama), UK: National Publicity Officer (1995-'98); National Conference Officer (1996-'98); member of international editorial advisory committee (2004 to date) to date
  • AISHE (All Ireland Society for Higher Education) to date
  • Expert Advisory Group Member on Pillar 1 of the Creative Ireland Programme (Dept of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dept of Education, and the Dept of Children and Youth Affairs) 2023
  • ND (National Drama, UK) to date
  • ATE (Association for Teachers of English) 2008
  • ADEI (Association for Drama in Education in Ireland): Founding member and Chairperson (1999 to 2009) to date
  • ETAI (Encountering the Arts Ireland) To date
  • Member of Accredited Programmes Working Group for NAIRTL (National Academy for Integrated Research in Teaching and Learning) 2008 to 2010
  • External Examiner for doctoral dissertations 2010
  • External examiner in the School of Social Studies, DIT (2011-2014; 2000-2003) 2011 to 2014
  • External examiner for St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra (2011-2014) 2011 - 2014
  • Commissioned writer for the NCCA (National Guidelines on the use of Drama in Education for students with Mild, Moderate and Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities) 2000 to 2002
  • External Examiner, Newman University, Birmingham, UK 2020-2023
  • External examiner for the Cork School of Music, CIT (2003-2008) 2003 to 2008
  • Member of academic advisory committee for IDIERI (the International Drama in Education Research Institute) 2012
  • Member of HETAC validation panel for a postgraduate programme on Teaching and Learning at Griffith College Dublin (2008) and the BA in Humanities at Carlow College (2006). 2006 to 2008
  • External examiner for University College Cork (2014-2016) - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2014-2016
  • Member of ITE accreditation panel for Sligo IT 2020
  • Member of the Peer Review Group of St. Patrick's College of Education (Quality Assurance Programme, Irish Universities Quality Board) 2004
  • Member of international academic advisory committees: IDEA (International Drama, Theatre and Education Association) 6th World Congress in Hong Kong; 7th IDIERI conference (International Drama in Education Research Institute). 2005 to date
  • Academic development sessions for teaching staff in several Higher Education institutions on effective communication skills for teaching and learning in higher education 2007 to date
  • Member of the international editorial advisory committee for five peer reviewed journals: RIDE (Research in Drama Education) (2005 to date); the Journal for Drama in Education (2004 to date); Drama Research - International Journal of Drama in Education (2011 to date); the Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy (2013 to date); and Applied Theatre Research (2014 to date). 2004 to date
  • Chairperson of ADEI (Association for Drama in Education in Ireland) 1999 to 2009
  • External expert on the validation panel for the PG Certificate in Creative and Cultural Education, Edge Hill University, Liverpool, UK 2014
  • External examiner for the Institute of Education, University of Warwick (2006-2009) 2006 to 2009
  • Visiting research professor to East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai 2018
  • Special Interest Group convenor for Drama and Special Needs Education for IDEA (International Drama, Theatre and Education Association) 2006 to date
  • Member of the Academic Board of IICP (Institute of Integrated Counselling and Psychotherapy) 2010 - 2012
  • Member of the Expert Advisory Group for Pillar 1 of the Creative Ireland Programme, for the Dept of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dept of Education, and the Dept of Children and Youth Affairs. 2018-2023
  • Adjudication of Drama and Theatre festivals (nationally and internationally). 1995 to date