Donatella's research focuses on inclusive education with extensive expertise in teachers' attitudes, teacher education for inclusion, inclusive higher education. She is the Inclusive Education Key Pathway lead in the Master in Education and teaches inclusive education across other programmes in the School of Education. Donatella supervises students at postgraduate and doctoral level. Her work involves creative methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches; she is both a photovoice and a UDL facilitator. Donatella was the Co-ordinator of the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) programme at the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities from 2021 to 2024. She is the Disability Liaison Officer for the School of Education and is a member of the Research Ethics Committee. She has a strong track record of scholarly achievements, including competitive internal and external research awards (IRC, PATH4, TRiSS). Donatella Camedda is also an eclectic artist: she is a musician and songwriter, a creative writer and a visual artist.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Florian, Lani & Camedda, Donatella, Enhancing teacher education for inclusion, European Journal of Teacher Education, 43, (1), 2020, p4 - 8Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donatella Camedda, 'Dieci casi di ordine apparente', Rapsodia Edizioni, 2020, -Poetry, 2020
- Donatella Camedda, Come ali di farfalla. L'incontro tra disabilità e migrazione nella prospettiva di una scuola inclusiva, Aracne Editrice, 2015Book, 2015
- Eleonora Zorzi, Donatella Camedda, Marina Santi, Tra improvvisazione e inclusione: il profilo polifonico delle professionalità educative, Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion, 2019, p90 - 100Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Il futuro presente: proiezioni di una scuola inclusiva di inizio millennio in, editor(s)Canevaro Andrea, Ianes Dario , Lontani da dove? Passato e futuro dell'inclusione scolastica in Itali, Erickson, 2017, pp179 - 189, [Donatella Camedda]Book Chapter, 2017
- Donatella Camedda, Marina Santi, Essere insegnanti di tutti. Atteggiamenti inclusivi e formazione per il sostegno, Integrazione scolastica e social, 15, (2), 2016, p141 - 149Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Essere insegnanti di tutti. Atteggiamenti inclusivi e formazione per il sostegno in, editor(s)Ianes Dario , Evolvere il sostegno si può (e si deve), Erickson, 2016, pp35 - 45, [Donatella Camedda, Marina Santi]Book Chapter, 2016
- Glossary, Epistemologia dell'inclusione? Un paradosso "speciale" per una sfida possibile in, editor(s)Margiotta U. , Ontologia Special Educati, Pensa Multimedia, 2014, pp2 - 33, [Marina Santi, Donatella Camedda, Eleonora Zorzi]Book Chapter, 2014
- Donatella Camedda, Inclusione, una comprensione profonda. Gli atteggiamenti inclusivi degli insegnanti tra valori e pratica, Nessuno Escluso-None Excluded, Bergamo Italy, 28-29/01/2016, edited by Fabio Dovigo Clara Favella Anna Pietrocarlo Vincenza Rocco Emanuela Zappella , University of Bergamo - Università di Bergamo 2016, 2016, pp75 - 80Conference Paper, 2016
- Donatella Camedda, Come ali di farfalla. Percezioni di insegnanti ed educatori sull'incontro tra disabilità e differenza culturale, Nessuno Escluso-None Excluded, Bergamo Italy, 2016, edited by Fabio Dovigo Clara Favella Anna Pietrocarlo Vincenza Rocco Emanuela Zappella , 2016, pp212 - 215Poster, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Camedda, D., Mirman-Flores, A., Ryan-Mangan, A, Young researchers need help with academic networking, 2017, -Miscellaneous, 2017, URL
- Integrazione Scolastica e Sociale, Erickson, [scientific committee member], 2020Editorial Board, 2020
- European Journal of Teacher Education, 43, 1, (2020), 1 - 126p, Lani Florian & Donatella Camedda, [eds.]Journal, 2020
- Denise De Souza, Zelinna Pablo, Michael Shevlin, Maria Theresa von Fürstenberg, Jennifer Banks, Debashis Sarker, Alejandra Rios Urzua, Donatella Camedda, Des Aston, Preconditions influencing the development of post-secondary training programs in universities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 48, (3), 2023, p95 - 106Journal Article, 2023, URL
- La inclusión universitaria de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual en Irlanda in, editor(s)Odet Moliner García , Democratizar la universidad Retos de la educación inclusiva en la formación postsecundaria de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, Spain, Octaedro, 2024, pp41 - 62, [Donatella Camedda, Des Aston]Book Chapter, 2024, URL
- Sabine Harter-Reiter; Donatella Camedda, Wirk-lich von Bedeutung Photovoice als partizipativer Forschungsansatz für Studierende mit Lernschwierigkeiten, Gemeinsam Leben, 2024, p156 - 164Journal Article, 2024
- Studenci z niepe"nosprawno"ci" intelektualn" w strukturach szkolnictwa wy"szego w Irlandii in, editor(s)Otr"bski, Wojciech , Stan wiedzy oraz model dotychczasowej praktyki kszta"cenia ustawicznego i aktywno"ci zawodowej doros"ych osób niepe"nosprawnych intelektualnie. Think College / Think Work, Poland, Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023, pp71-90 , [Camedda, Donatella; Aston, Des]Book Chapter, 2023, URL
- Donatella Camedda, Jennifer Banks, Barbara Ringwood, Empowering Diversity: A Case Study on Inclusive Assessment and Universal Design for Learning in a Post-Secondary Programme for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 16, (2), 2024, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Denise De Souza, Zelinna Pablo, Debashis Sarker, Maria Theresa von Fürstenberg, Alejandra Rios Urzua, Des Aston, Jennifer Banks, Donatella Camedda, Michael Shevlin, Critical Networks: Embedding Programmes for individuals with Intellectual Impairments in University Contexts in Australia, Chile and Ireland, Disability and Society, 2024, p1 - 24Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Camedda, D., Banks, J., & Ringwood, B., Empowering Diversity: A Case Study on Inclusive Assessment and Universal Design for Learning in a Post-Secondary Programme for Students with Intellectual Disabilities., All Ireland Journal of Higher Education,, 16, (2), 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill, R., Bowie, J., Foulkes, H., Cameron, A., Meara, R. & Camedda, D, Families living on a low income bringing up deaf children, Edinburgh, Scottish Sensory Centre, 2019Report, URL
- Donatella Camedda, Michael Shevlin, John Kubiak, University for ALL? The case of the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice Certificate, Conference Proceedings, European State-Of-The-Art Congress on Inclusive Post-Secondary Programmes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities - ESOTA, Salzburg, 27-28/10/2022, edited by Pedagogical University of Salzburg , 2023, pp11 - 15Conference Paper
- Donatella Camedda, Michael Shevlin, John Kubiak, University for ALL? The case of the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice Certificate. European State-Of-The-Art Congress on Inclusive Post-Secondary Programmes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, European State-Of-The-Art Congress on Inclusive Post-Secondary Programmes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Salzburg, Salzburg, 23-10-2022, 2022Conference Paper
Research Expertise
My research is grounded in the field of inclusive education, with a particular focus on theory and practice development in inclusive educational settings. My work is driven by the belief that inclusion is not just an ideal but a necessary foundation for equitable education systems and I am deeply committed to creating learning environments where all students, regardless of background or ability, can thrive. Over the past year, my research trajectory at Trinity College has evolved significantly, expanding from a primary focus on inclusive higher education and intellectual disability to a broader engagement with teacher education, educators" attitudes, and inclusive policies and practices. Initially appointed as the Course Coordinator of The ASIAP programme for students with intellectual disabilities, my research centered on fostering access and participation in higher education for marginalised learners, with a specific emphasis on student voice. This work, rooted in inclusive pedagogies and participatory methodologies, strengthened institutional practices and contributed to international collaborations. Building on this foundation, I have now taken on the leadership of the Inclusive Education pathway in the Master in Education (MEd), positioning my expertise to contribute in a more impactful way to the field of inclusive teacher education. This role allows me to integrate insights gained from inclusive higher education into the preparation of educators, particularly in examining how teachers' attitudes shape their inclusive practices. My research adopts an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating qualitative, mixed-methods, and participatory methodologies such as photovoice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). My contributions have been recognized through prestigious research awards, including national funding from the Irish Research Council (IRC), the DEFHERIS Path 4, and Trinity"s internal research schemes. I have also pursued competitive international and European grants, such as the Spencer Foundation, ERASMUS+, and most recently the ERC, focusing on theoretical models that explore the relationship between teachers" attitudes and inclusive practices. This research trajectory is deeply informed by the research-teaching nexus, ensuring that inclusive education is not only a theoretical construct but also embedded in teacher preparation and professional development. My work continues to drive systemic change, shaping inclusive policies and strengthening Trinitys leadership in inclusive education scholarship at both national and international levels.
TitleThe effects of physical activity in cognitive function in university students with intellectual disabilitiesSummaryThis project aims to explore the impact of physical activity (PA) on cognitive function among students with intellectual disabilities (ID) attending the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) course in Trinity. PA sessions are part of the ASIAP curriculum to support student wellness and well-being. PA has been shown to be beneficial for individuals with ID, with research reporting a wide range of advantages for this population, such as better postural control, improved strength, improved quality of life (Bartlo and Klein, 2011; Bondar et al., 2020) and aerobic fitness (Pastula et al., 2012). Moreover, daily PA has been also associated with improvements in memory and cognitive function in children and adolescents (Bidzan-Bluma and Lipowska, 2018). However, there is paucity of research on the effects of physical activity on cognitive function young adults with ID. The main objective of this study is to investigate whether moderated-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) can improve cognitive function (e.g., problem solving, decision making, and attention) and aerobic fitness among young adults with IDs.Funding AgencyTrinity College DublinDate From01/09/2023Date To01/09/2025
TitleLearning Together: Facilitating a mutual co-learning environment for students with intellectual disabilities and their undergraduate peersSummaryThe long-term goal of the research is to explore how best to facilitate a successful co-learning environment for students with intellectual disabilities and their undergraduate peers. The aim is to hear the opinions and ideas of TCPID and School of English currently participating in the Irish Writing Module to better understand what would work or not work in a permanent co-learning module.
TitleEnhancing LMS Accessibility for students with ID in Higher EducationSummaryThis research aims to assess the benefits and challenges of the current Learning Management Systems (LMS) for students with an Intellectual Disability (ID) We aim to; 1. Map the accessibility of Trinity's current LMS and other platforms (Mircosoft TEAMS) 2. Assess current LMS suitability from the learner"s perspective. 3. To identify benefits and challenges of using LMS in Higher Education programmes for students with IDFunding AgencyTCPID
TitleProposal for Enhancement of course provision in Higher Education for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesSummaryOur goal for this project is that on completion of the three-year pilot we will have created a defined and sustained university and employment pathway for students with an intellectual disability. That their journey will be one where they are informed of options, have planned for their education, have choice and autonomy once in university and feel included in college life. That they are challenged and feel prepared to move onwards to employment or further education.Funding AgencyDFHERISDate From01/09/2024Date To01/09/2026
TitleUnderstanding Inclusive Teachers' Attitudes: from theory development to methodological application UNITASSummaryThe main goal of this project, situated in the field of inclusive education, is to understand the core elements of inclusive teachers" attitudes through the development of a new theoretical framework and methodological application in order to provide an innovative research paradigm. The project further aims to analyse the relationship between teachers" inclusive attitudes and the educational/teaching practice. Understanding what characterises inclusive attitudes and their relationship with educational practice is crucial to develop and sustain inclusive education environments that truly respond to the growing diverse student population"s needs. The objectives are: - Formulate a new theoretical model of teachers" inclusive attitudes - Develop a methodological approach to study inclusive attitudes and the relationship with educational/teaching practice - Assess the validity of both theory and methodology The provisional and initial research questions are: - What alternative models can be used to build a theoretical framework of teachers" inclusive attitudes in relation to pedagogical practice? - How can the transition between attitudes and practice be investigated? The anticipated impact of this project includes advancing the understanding of inclusive education by establishing a new theoretical model and methodological approach to examine teachers' inclusive attitudes, thereby fostering the development of more effective and responsive inclusive education environments to cater to the diverse needs of students without focusing only on specific groups.Funding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From15/04/2024Date To15/04/2026
TitleTeachers' attitudes towards inclusive education: a systematic reviewSummaryFunding AgencyTCPIDDate From01/05/2022Date To01/05/2023
TitlePromoting Education and Employment Resources for People with Intellectual Disabilities in IrelandSummaryThe PEER4ID project focuses on transition phases in and between education and employment for people with intellectual disabilities. This collaborative project will investigate current challenges and opportunities in the cross-sectionalism of education and employment support services for people with ID both from the individuals" personal experience and from service providers" perspective. The research will adopt a mixed-method approach including questionnaires, interviews and focus groups with people with ID, families/carers, and professionals. Project outcomes will contribute to a better understanding of the issues faced by people with ID when transitioning through education and employment that will inform future national policies/research.Funding AgencyIRCDate From1/12/23Date To30/11/24
TitleINclusion of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in higher Education " INSIDE "SummaryThe Inclusion of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Higher Education (INSIDE) project aims to fill this research gap by investigating the sustainability of university programs for people with ID and their impact on students' lives. The project will be conducted nationwide, involving all Irish higher education institutions providing post-secondary initiatives for students with ID. It consists of two main research objectives: understanding the impact during college attendance and exploring the impact after graduation. The project will employ a mixed-methods approach, incorporating participatory and inclusive research principles, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and creative methodologies such as photovoice or visual arts. The research tools will be co-designed with input from people with ID who have attended higher education courses. The project's outputs will include a PhD thesis, journal papers, conference papers, national workshops, and public engagement activities. The study is expected to have both social and academic impact by providing evidence to sustain the future development of higher education courses for people with ID and promoting social justice, equitable access to education, and an inclusive society. It will also contribute to the field of inclusive education and the global agenda of inclusive higher education. Overall, the INSIDE project seeks to generate knowledge that will inform the inclusive development of higher education in Ireland and potentially influence other European countries, while also advancing the academic understanding of inclusive education for individuals with ID.Funding AgencyTrinity Colle DublinDate From01/03/2024Date To01/03/2028
TitleSustainable Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Programmes for people with Intellectual DisabilitiesSummaryWe aim to develop and implement holistic institutional strategies for inclusion for people who have an intellectual disability increasing fairness in access and the participation and completion rates of a seriously under-represented group to promote a participatory approach and empowerment of key stakeholders including people with ID and to build multi-sector (higher education, employers, community) national support networks.Funding AgencyERASMUS+
TitleBreaking Barriers: A Photovoice Project on the Experiences of College Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesSummaryThis project is a participatory study that involves students with intellectual disabilities (ID) through photovoice, a novel approach that uses photography to express people"s views on topics that are relevant to them. The project sits within the inclusive research framework, which epitomizes the transformation away from research on people, to research with them (Nind, 2020). The aim of the project is to support the empowerment and self-advocacy of students with ID attending the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) programme in the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disability (TCPID) in the School of Education. The students will become co-researchers to investigate and showcase their experiences as College students in Trinity through Photovoice, a visual participatory research methodology whereby participants take photographs to help document, reflect upon, and communicate issues of concern while stimulating social change.Funding AgencyTRiSSDate From01/01/2024Date To30/06/2024
TitleFactors Involved in the Co-Production of Accessible Documents for Students and Graduates with Intellectual and/or Other Developmental Disabilities.SummaryThe research aims to explore how to involve students and recent graduates in the co-production of accessible documents for other students. It aims to inform students about consent and develop accessible consent forms and information for students with intellectual and or other developmental disabilities.Funding AgencyTCPID
TitleUDL and Inclusive Assessment in the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) programme: a case studySummaryThis case study aims at investigating students" perspective of UDL based assessment to gather some evidence with a view to further developing inclusive assessment strategies in the ASIAP course.Funding AgencyTCPID
TitleCollege Voices: Experiencing Trinity College, Diverse Perspectives. A Photovoice StudySummaryThe project aims at documenting the experience of students with intellectual disabilities attending Trinity college through participatory photography (Photovoice).Funding AgencyTCPID
Education, Other social sciences,
- Best Supervisor University of Edinburgh - Nomination 2018
- Best master thesis, Barbara Poli Award, University of Bologna 2013
- Wiley Research Hero - Nomination 2024
- Trinity Research Excellence - Nomination 2023
- TRiSS Academic Research Fellowship 2023-2024 2023
- Trinity Research Doctorate Award 2023-2024 2023
- Member of the Italian Society of Special Education, SIPES 2022
- Member of the Scottish Educational Research Association, SERA 2022
- Member of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) to date
- Member of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland to date
- Member of the Italian Researchers International Association, AIRI to date
- Reviewer for UKRI-ESRC grants 2021
- Guest Editor for the European Journal of Teacher Education 2020
- LEAD Guest Editor for the British Journal of Learning Disabilities 2023-present
- PhD VIVA External Examiner, UCD, Ireland 24/10/2022
- Chair for Network 4 ECER since 2017
- Irish Inclusion Consortium since 1/09/21
- Reviewer for Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2020
- REVIEWER for Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 2025
- Reviewer for Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion since 2019
- TOBAR project Steering Committee meber 2021
- REVIEWER for Vernon Press
- Reviewer for Teachers and Teaching Education Journal since 2021
- Reviewer for British Journal of Learning Disabilities since 2021
- Chair for the Scenario conference, Trinity College Dublin 2024
- Inclusive National Higher Education Forum (INHEF), Steering committee member since 1/09/21
- Reviewer for International Journal of Inclusive Education since 2020
- Integrazione Scolastica e Sociale, Erickson, Editorial Board member since 2020
- Reviewer for The Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 2024
- PhD Viva External Examiner University of Northampton, UK 29/10/2024
- Reviewer for International Education Journal: Comparative perspectives 2017