Faculty Professors & Professional Staff

Mr. Des Aston
National and Schools Co-Ordinator, Education
National and Schools Co-Ordinator
Des is National and Schools Coordinator Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Dr. Owen Barden
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Intellectual Disability and Inclusion, ASIAP Academic Lead / Course Coordinator
Dr. Joanne Banks
Associate Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Inclusive Education. Joanne is Coordinator of the Postgraduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion for Further Education and Training and is the Director of Inclusion.
Dr. Emily Barnes
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Language Education. Emily is strand leader for PME Gaeilge and M.Oid. Coordinator.
Ms. Sara Batsukh
Research Coordinator, Education
Research Coordinator.
Dr. Aibhin Bray
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education. Aibhín is Director of Global Relations, and PME strand leader for Maths Education.
Dr. Jake Byrne
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Contemporary Teaching and Learning & Computing. Jake is Course Coordinator for the Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching & Learning.

Dr. Susanne Colleary
Research Fellow, Education
Research Fellow (Drama in Education).
Dr. Ann Devitt
Associate Professor, Education
Head of School
Associate Professor in Language Education. Ann is Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning (DUTL).
Ms. Marie Devitt
Business Partnerships Manager, Education
Administrative Officer. Marie is Pathways Coordinator in the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Ms. Sadbh Feehan
Executive Officer, Education
Sadbh is Executive Officer in TCPID

Ms. Dearbhail Gallagher
Executive Officer, Education
Dearbhail is Course Administrator of the PME and B.Mus.Ed.
Dr. Andrew Gibson
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Education. Andrew is Ph.D. Coordinator and Co-Director of the Centre for Cultures, Academic Values and Education (CAVE).
Dr. Louise Heeran Flynn
Assistant Professor, Education
Louise is PME School Placement Coordinator.
Dr. Mairéad Hurley
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Science Education. Mairéad is PME strand leader for Science Education and PME Pedagogies Coordinator.
Dr. Keith Johnston
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Technology Education. Keith is PME Thesis Coordinator.

Ms. Tara Kearns
Executive Officer, Education
Tara is Course Administrator for the Postgraduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion for Further Education andTraining.
Ms. Rachel Keogh
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor. Rachel is PME strand leader for Business Education.

Dr. David Limond
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in History of Education.
Professor Andrew Loxley
Professor In, Education
Associate Professor in Higher Education and Research Methodology. Andrew is D.Ed. Coordinator.
Ms. Rose Marie Lynch
Office Manager, Education
Senior Executive Officer (part time). Rose Marie is Office Manager of the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID).
Dr. Aoife Lynam
Assistant Professor, Education
Aoife is Assistant Professor in Psychology Education
Ms. Iseult Ní Chonchúir
Teaching Fellow, Education
Iseult is a Teaching Fellow in Language Education.
Mr. Conn Mc Cluskey
School Manager, School Office - Education
School Manager
Dr. Susan Mc Cormick
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Music Education. Susan is B.Mus. Ed. Coordinator.
Dr. Conor Mc Guckin
Associate Professor, Education
Associate Professor in Psychology. Conor is Director of the Inclusion in Education and Society (IES) research group. Conor is on sabbatical 2023-24.
Dr. Audrey Mcnamara
Occasional Teaching, Education
Audrey is a Visiting Research Fellow in Language Education.
Dr. Noel Ó Murchadha
Associate Professor, Education
Associate Professor in Language Education. Noel is Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning (DPTL).
Professor Damian Murchan
Professor In, Education
Associate Professor in Educational Assessment. Damian is Co-Director of the Research in School and Education (RISE) research group.
Ms. Emer Murphy
Senior Occupational Therapist, Education
Emer is an occupational therapist in TCPID.
Dr. Gavin Murphy
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Leadership and Policy in Education. Gavin is PME Registrar/ Coordinator.
Dr. Una Murray
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor. Una is PME strand leader for English Education.
Professor Carmel O'Sullivan
Professor In, Education
Dean of AHSS
Professor in Drama and Arts Education. Carmel is the Director of the Arts in Education research group (AERG).
Dr. Erika Caterina Piazzoli
Associate Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Arts Education. Erika is M.Ed. Coordinator.
Dr. Susan Pike
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Geography Education. Susan is M.Ed. Thesis Coordinator.
Ms. Barbara Ringwood
Senior Occupational Therapist, Education
Senior Occupational Therapist. Barbara is an Occupational Therapist with the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Professor Joseph Roche
Professor In, Education
Associate Professor in Science Education. Joseph is Director of Research and Director of the Science & Society Research Group.
Dr. Michelle Share
Senior Research Fellow, Education
Michelle is M.Ed. Research Methods and ALRM Coordinator.
Professor Michael Shevlin
Professor, Education
Professor in Inclusive Education. Michael is Ph.D. Coordinator.
Dr. Miriam Twomey
Assistant Professor, Education
Assistant Professor in Early Intervention Education. Miriam is M.Ed. Thesis Coordinator.
Dr. John Walsh
Ussher Asst. Prof. in Higher Education, Education
John is Co-Director of the Centre for Cultures, Academic Values and Education (CAVE).
Ms. Caitlin White
Research Fellow, Education
Caitlin is a Research Fellow, Critical Change Lab.