Internationally and within New Zealand, diverse groups of people including indigenous, migrant, and other minority communities are under-represented in mathematics with an accompanying narrative or ‘gap story’ in relation to achievement within school systems. A subsequent outcome is a lack of awareness of the rich mathematics and strengths that students from these communities bring to mathematics classrooms. To challenge the ’gap story’ requires recognising the resources of diverse communities including values, mathematical funds of knowledge, and everyday experiences. In this presentation, I draw on data collected as part of a larger professional learning and development project “Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities” which focuses on culturally sustaining pedagogy and ambitious mathematics teaching to develop equity for Māori and Pacific students and to decolonise mathematics classrooms. The findings highlight how teachers and students can change institutionalised practices by drawing on strength-based approaches. We argue that a shift to honouring different knowledge systems provides opportunities for students to learn mathematics in ways that support the development of strong mathematical dispositions and identities.
Dr Jodie Hunter is a Professor in Mathematics Education at the Institute of Education at Massey University, New Zealand. Previously she was a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. Within New Zealand, Jodie co-leads a large-scale professional development and learning project focused on developing culturally sustaining mathematics pedagogy for Pacific and Māori students. Her research interests include mathematics education for equity and social justice, early algebra, and culturally sustaining pedagogy.
DATE: 12th October
Venue: TRiSS Seminar Room, 6th Floor Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin
Time: 5.00 - 6.00pm
All Welcome