Image: Erika Piazzoli and Giulia Tiozzo, authors of Il teatro nella glottodidattica: Il process drama dalla teoria alla pratica
Scenario: Performative Language Teaching, Learning and Research is the only academic journal, to date, focused on drama for language education. Founded in 2007, Scenario was originally conceived as a bilingual journal and forum (English and German), regularly hosting colloquia, symposia and conferences.
In this event, the co-founders of Scenario, Manfred Schewe and Susanne Even, officially inaugurated the Italian division, curated by Erika Piazzoli (School of Education, TCD) and Fiona Dalziel (Università degli Studi di Padova).
Piazzoli and Dalziel offered a rationale for establishing the Italian Scenario chapter and released the title of the first Scenario talk in Italian: "Riflessioni sull'estetica del docere", an online talk by Prof Gilberto Scaramuzzo, Roma Tre University, schedule for 30.09.2023, as part of the Scenario Forum Online Research Colloquium series.
The second part of the event featured the launch of a book written in Italian, authored by Erika Piazzoli and Giulia Tiozzo. Il teatro nella glottodidattica: Il process drama dalla teoria alla pratica offers a theoretical overview of performative language teaching, learning and research, combining theory with practical insight and contemporary research.
The book, illustrated by Silvia Marinelli, sponsored by the Trinity Association and Trust and the Arts in Education Research Group (AERG), was launched by Fiona Dalziel (Università degli Studi Padova) and Silvia Bertoni (Department of Italian, TCD).
This interactive event also included performative contributions by Miriam Stewart, Embodied English, and by Jéan-Remi Lapaire, Grammar in Motion, dancer and professor in cognitive linguistics at Université Bordeaux-Montaigne.