The project aims to work with 10 schools across Ireland and the UK who are, in diverse and innovative ways, supporting teachers' engagement with and in research. It also aims to generate detailed case studies about this engagement to understand and inform others about supporting research engagement, as well as to theorise a framework of these supports. The FoSTER (Frameworks of School-supports for Teachers' Engagement with/in Research) project was also kindly supported by a £5,000 award from the University of Oxford, funding a research assistant who will support the project.
FoSTER: Frameworks of School-supports for Teachers' Engagement with/in Research
Collaborating with colleague Dr Liam Guilfoyle of the Department of Education, University of Oxford, Dr Gavin Murphy of School of Education, Trinity College will work on a comparative research project examining how teachers’ engagement with and in research is supported in schools over the coming months.
10 Jan 2022