Dr Jake Byrne and his colleagues shared the successes and challenges of the pilot CHARM-EU Masters in Global Challenges for Sustainability based on their qualitative and quantitative evaluation process and resources developed by CHARM-EU colleagues.
It has been 3 years since the kick-off of the European Universities initiative. During this period, CHARM-EU has overcome challenges like the process towards a common accreditation process and boundaries as the pandemic situation. The alliance also achieved several progresses such as the development of an innovative teaching and learning model, educational principles and the core values of its alliance and, more concretely, the launch of the first joint European Master’s Degree.
Under the topic "Looking back and looking forward: the European Universities’ multi-level effect", the purpose of the conference is to look back and celebrate what has been learned and achieved during the past years and also to look forward and continue to design next steps towards a strong European Education Area based in a collaborative, inclusive, and multi-level long term strategy. The conference will bring together European university alliances, students, staff and academics, policymakers and external stakeholders to offer an opportunity to discuss what is in store for the new phase of the alliances, actions to be taken and how different actors envisage the impact of the alliances at different levels.
Further information on the conference can be found here.
Image: L-R: Alexandru Aldea (EU CONEXUS - UTCB), Amanda Sancho (EU CONEXUS - UCV), Jake Byrne (CHARM-EU -Trinity College Dublin), Julien Fremont (OpenU, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Dimitra Moussa. (CHARM-EU -Utrecht University), Agnes Albert (CHARM-EU - ELTE).