Unique in the Irish context, in this programme - which rests on the principle that problems encountered in diverse learning environments may be usefully informed by psychology - we offer graduates of all relevant undergraduate disciplines the opportunity to study the rapidly developing field of the psychology of education. Put simply, we’re interested in what can go right, what can go wrong, and what we can do to help, in educational settings.
Course Contact
Strand Leaders: Dr Aoife Lynam | Email; Dr Conor Mc Guckin | Email
Course Details
Recent years have seen increasing numbers of reports concerning the health and well-being of children and young people, and increasingly, adults, in educational settings, and this strand rests on the principle that the curricular and non-curricular problems encountered in diverse learning environments may be usefully informed by psychology. Unique in the Irish context, and comparatively rare worldwide, in this new programme we offer graduates of relevant undergraduate disciplines (including, but not limited to, education, nursing, midwifery, psychology, social care, sociology, and social work) the opportunity to study the rapidly developing field of the psychology of education at Masters level. The psychology of education has been defined as “. . . the study of how psychological theories and research inform and support the work of educational professionals working across the whole range of teaching and learning settings” (Woolfolk, Hughes, & Walkup, 2013, p. 4), and this programme has been designed to promote deep, broad, and above all, critical engagement with such subject matter. Put simply, we are interested in what can go right, what can go wrong, and what we can do to help, in educational settings.
Who is this course for?
This course is for you if you are interested in exploring how psychology can inform and support the work of those working in education. Given its emphasis on the individual in familial, educational, and societal contexts, the course is expected to be of particular appeal to those who approach, or are interested in deepening their knowledge of, concerns and issues in education from psychological and broader community and society perspectives. So, whilst this list is not exhaustive, and is made in no order of priority, we would expect to receive applications from:
- Educators (e.g., teachers, lecturers, teaching assistants, principals, deputy principals, Special Needs Assistants, support staff in educational settings);
- Members of teaching, management, or support staff in alternative educational settings;
- Professionals who support the educational environment (e.g., home-school-community liaison teachers, welfare officers, early intervention and school age professionals, school counsellors, school psychologists, psychotherapists, adult and educational guidance counsellors);
- Members of community or civic organisations;
- Patron body representatives;
- Parents, guardians, and supporters of learners.
Applications from those resident in Ireland and from international applications are equally welcome.
The taught component includes four strand modules. Each strand module normally includes twelve two-hour lectures in Trinity College on weekday evenings during term. In addition to the four strand modules, students will also take two common research methods modules. The Psychology of Education strand can be studied on a one-year full- time basis, or on a two-year or three-year part-time basis. The research component involves carrying out a research project and writing a dissertation (15,000 words) under the guidance of a supervisor.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
The course contains a blend of lectures and seminars. Whilst the lectures provide an introduction to the main topics that we are interested in, the seminars include activities that will engage you in group-work and co-operative learning. Class debates and discussions will also be a feature of the course. Across the course, you will experience a flexible approach to teaching and learning, facilitated by experts in the field.
Course Modules
Module One: The Psychology of the Individual
Introduces the student to the foundational concepts in the psychology of education (e.g., models of the person), as related to lifespan development (e.g., continuity and change, determinism, models of development) and individual differences (e.g., personality, intelligence). Where appropriate, exemplars of historical and contemporary issues will be explored.
Module Two: The Individual in the Family Context
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of individual development within family and educational settings, with a particular focus on Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. Bronfenbrenner’s framework is critical in educational psychology because it highlights how multiple layers of environmental contexts, ranging from immediate settings like family and school (microsystems) to broader societal influences (macrosystems), interact to shape a child’s development. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of these systems, showing that learning and development do not occur in isolation but are influenced by factors such as family dynamics, cultural norms, and social policies. The course also explores classic and contemporary understandings of primary attachment relationships, emphasising their foundational role in a child’s emotional and social development.
Module Three: The Individual in the Educational and School Community Contexts
This module deepens students' appreciation of the role of educational (both schools, and school communities) contexts in development. Following an introduction to the application of social psychological principles, this will be undertaken by looking at a variety of issues that affect staff and students in schools (as well as the broader school community) and school-aged people, such as bereavement, bullying, cyber-bullying, and how these challenges can be effectively responded to. This module will feature guest speakers who are experts in the field, providing valuable insights and real-world perspectives. This is particularly important as it deepens students' appreciation of the role that educational contexts (both schools and their broader communities) play in development. The involvement of expert practitioners enriches the learning experience by offering firsthand knowledge of the challenges and solutions faced in real educational environments. Expert input will help students critically reflect on the professional, legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities that educators and staff must navigate, ensuring that the module bridges theory with the practical realities of working in educational contexts.
Module Four: The Individual in Broader Societal and Temporal Contexts
This module explores how individuals are shaped by broader societal and temporal forces, particularly within educational settings. It encourages students to critically examine the impact of social, cultural, and historical contexts on education, considering factors like culture, socioeconomic status, and societal norms. The module contrasts mainstream psychological approaches with critical alternatives, such as postcolonial perspectives, offering a deeper understanding of how research and interventions in education can either reinforce or challenge societal inequalities. By the end, students will gain a nuanced view of the complex relationship between education, society, and human development.
To apply for one of our courses, the applicant must be a registered TCD user / or create a new user account.
Does this programme qualify me to be a teacher?
No. The M.Ed. is an academic programme designed to advance students' knowledge and practice; in the case of this strand, in the area of psychology applied to educational issues. As such, it is not designed to qualify students as teachers. Completing the M.Ed. programme may, however, advance graduates' employment and advancement opportunities.
Does this programme qualify me to be an educational psychologist?
No. Educational psychology is a specific practitioner discipline, training in which is open to suitably qualified graduates of recognised undergraduate psychology degrees. Find out more about training in educational psychology.
The psychology of education is a much broader field, and as such is of interest to a much broader audience, drawn from across the full spectrum of the arts, humanities and social sciences. Psychological audiences may be interested in finding out more about the psychology of education as a relatively newly flourishing field from the British Psychology Society website.
Do I need a background in psychology?
No specific background knowledge in psychology is necessary, or assumed.
Who are the staff members working on the strand?
The taught components of the strand are delivered mainly by one full-time member of the School of Education staff: Dr Aoife Lynam and Dr Conor Mc Guckin. You may find out more about staff members by referring to their staff pages. Combined, the lecturers on the strand cover a broad range of areas of expertise within the psychology of education.
Further Information
Note: Prospective applicants should recognise that the above information is as accurate as it can possibly be at the time of production, but it cannot reflect changes to the programme which might be made at a later stage.