Master in Education
Professor Noel Ó Murchadha, Associate Professor at the School of Education, and students Ke Ren and Catriona Hodgers, introduce the Master in Education at Trinity College Dublin.
Critical Perspectives on Education (Open Pathways)
The newly designed M.Ed. Critical Perspectives (Open Pathways) offers an exciting opportunity to take full control of your learning journey. With unparalleled flexibility, you can design a bespoke programme by selecting from 25 modules.
Drama in Education
Students will be introduced to the philosophies underpinning this creative educational approach, to its history, and to a wide range of drama and theatre in education techniques and to their use in diverse educational context.
Higher Education
The Higher Education strand is intended to support academics who are new to teaching in higher education and more experienced colleagues who wish to consolidate, develop and enrich their own practice.
Leadership and Policy in Education
The M.Ed in Leadership and Policy in Education offers participants the opportunity to undertake a general study of the theory and practice of educational leadership and management.
Psychology of Education
This course rests on the principle that problems encountered in diverse learning environments may be usefully informed by psychology.
Important note on Timetables
Final student timetables are published on the TCD School of Education website. Students should consult the website rather than the TCD portal for their timetables. The Master in Education Timetables for the Academic Year 2024-25 are for information purposes only (only fully registered students may attend classes).
Not all strands may run in a given academic year and all are subject to minimum and maximum student numbers. Please note also applications for strands on this course may close in advance of the listed deadline if we recruit the required number of applicants. We advise applicants to apply expeditiously.