We pride ourselves on offering stimulating scholarly, educational and professional opportunities for students in a friendly and engaging manner
Head of School, School of Education
Welcome from Head of School
Education is important. Just ask parents or teachers of students attending school. Ask learners involved in a wide variety of programmes through colleges, training and development agencies and industry. Ask employers, policymakers and many others who witness the outcomes associated with education in their daily work. The School of Education in Trinity College is a scholarly learning community united in empowering the individual and critically engaging with the many educational issues, opportunities and challenges facing society.
With 30 academics, 12 Research staff, 11 administrative staff and 500 students, the School offers a comprehensive suite of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. High-quality Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes (Bachelor in Music Education, Professional Master of Education) provide inquiry-based learning opportunities for students entering post-primary teaching. These courses are complemented by the provision of similar programmes for early childhood and primary teachers in the Marino Institute of Education, reflecting a close strategic partnership between both institutions. The School also has a rich tradition of providing continuing professional development to teachers at all stages in their professional careers.
In addition, the School offers a wide range of specialised research degrees including Master in Education, Ph.D. and Doctor of Education (D. Ed). With 80 doctoral students drawn from a wide range of countries, the impact of advanced postgraduate research in the School is felt across the globe. These and other innovative programmes such as one designed for teachers of STEM subjects (Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching and Learning) and another for persons with intellectual disabilities (Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice) illustrate the breadth and depth of learning opportunities in a School that celebrates and supports the aspiration and potential of all individuals.
Academic staff of the school engage in a broad variety of research that transcends disciplinary boundaries, frequently in collaboration with national and international partners. Much of this research is clustered in a number of research centres and groups that contribute strongly to theory and to national and international policy and practice. I recommend that you visit both the Research and People sections on the website to see if some of our research experience and interests might help you embark on your own research journey. World-class academic staff, supported by a strong administrative team, are ready to assist with your queries and hopefully set you on the road to reach your potential.
Our students are central to our educational mission. We pride ourselves on offering stimulating scholarly, educational and professional opportunities in a friendly and engaging manner, reflected in the School’s consistent ranking in the top 100 schools of education internationally.
If you wish further information on any of our activities or on how you might join us, I invite you to explore the website and contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our iconic campus, steeped in history and centrally located in Dublin, acknowledged as one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities.
Dr Ann Devitt
Head of School of Education