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Microeconomics II
Module Code: EEC7002

Development Economics - Experiments

  • ECTS Credit: 5
  • Mandatory/Optional: Optional
  • Module Coordinator: Professor Andrea Guariso

Aims of Module

This module will focus on the selection problem that often arises in empirical studies, and will discuss ways in which properly designed experiments can help addressing it. We will also discuss alternative solutions, for settings in which experiments are not feasible and/or desirable. Finally, we will see how experiments can sometimes be combined with these alternative approaches. Although the tools studied in this module have a broad application, examples and case studies will be taken mostly from the development economics literature.

Module Delivery

The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures (9 hours) and tutorials (3 hours). Problem sets will be circulated throughout the module and answers are to be submitted before the tutorials, at which they are discussed.

Learning Outcomes

The module will partly build upon the econometric module from the first term, although here the focus is going to be more on the application of the different tools. On completion of the module students will be familiar with the set of tools available to address selection problems, and will have a full understanding of their application, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view.


Topics covered in this module include:

• The Selection Problem; Experiments in Development Economics
• Difference-in-Difference and Instrument Variable Approaches
• Regression Discontinuity and Event Study Approaches


Assessment for the course is based on problem sets and a final examination.