Transforming Undergraduate Environmental, Engineering and Technology Education a
Hear from our academics and students on how Trinity is transforming its undergraduate education

Undergraduate Natural Science Programmes
Exploring the Wonders of Undergraduate Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin

Undergraduate Natural Science Programmes
Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Undergraduate Natural Science Programmes
Geography & Geoscience

Undergraduate Natural Science Programmes

B.A. (Moderatorship) Honours Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences
B.A. (Moderatorship) Honours Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences: Biological and Biomedical Sciences. Environmental Sciences at Trinity is a multidisciplinary programme with cross-discipline contributions from the Trinity Centre for the Environment and the disciplines of Botany, Engineering, Geography, Geology and Zoology.

Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering
A short introduction video presented by the course directors of a new undergraduate with integrated masters course in Environmental Science and Engineering at Trinity College Dublin.

B.A. (Moderatorship) Honours Bachelor Degree in Geography & Geoscience
This multi-disciplinary programme is designed by leading research scientists in response to critical challenges facing the Earth system and humanity in the 21st century. It integrates knowledge from the physical, chemical, biological and social sciences to develop novel insights into Earth system function and human-environment interactions.

Online Webinar: Undergraduate Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin
Watch Trinity's online video exploring Undergraduate Natural Science. Discover the fascinating world of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin in this engaging live event! Here’s what’s in store: Live Panel Discussion with: Prof. Trevor Hodkinson Dr. Matthew Saunders Prof. Laurence Gill Gain insights into: The exciting curriculum and hands-on learning opportunities. Admissions, scholarships,