
Please view the following E3 programme specific webinars


Unlocking the world of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin

Unlocking the world of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin

Computer Science - TR033

Computer Science - TR033

Computer Science & Geography - Joint Honours Programme

Computer Science & Geography - Joint Honours Programme

Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language

Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language

Management Science and Information Systems Studies (MSISS)

Management Science and Information Systems Studies (MSISS)

BA (Mod) Computer Science (Joint Honours)

BA (Mod) Computer Science (Joint Honours)

Study Computer Science with Business, Economics, Geography or Linguistics. This joint BA(mod) degree provides its graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the technical field of computer science. The programme, which is of four years duration, will prepare students for challenging careers in either (or both) computer science, business, economics, geography or linguistics as wel

B.A. (Mod) in Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language

B.A. (Mod) in Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language

B.A. (Mod) in Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language. CSLL combines the study of Computer Science; a natural language, either Spanish, French or Irish; and Linguistics. The computer science component of CSLL seeks to impart a mastery of the techniques and technologies that lie behind what you see on the screen of one of today's computers, giving you a full understanding the computer applicat

BA (Mod) in Management Science and Information Systems Studies

BA (Mod) in Management Science and Information Systems Studies

The primary objective of the MSISS programme is to produce graduates who are both business and computer literate and who have a solid understanding of how to approach and solve practical problems using a variety of tools and techniques. The emphasis in MSISS is on building up analytical skills, flexibility and creative thinking.

Bachelor (BA,BAI) - 4 years or Master’s (MAI) -5 years in Computer Engineering

Bachelor (BA,BAI) - 4 years or Master’s (MAI) -5 years in Computer Engineering

Overview of Electronic Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, and Computer Engineering streams in the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, delivered by Anil Kokaram.



Online Statistics & Data Science programme (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip / P.Grad.Cert.)

Online Statistics & Data Science programme (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip / P.Grad.Cert.)

Prof. Simon Wilson outlines Online MSc in Statistics & Data Science programme at Trinity

Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics (Online)

Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics (Online)

Prof. Simon Wilson outlines the Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics

For A Future in Emerging Technologies

For A Future in Emerging Technologies

Live panel discussion - For A Future In Emerging Technologies

Postgraduate Computer Science & Statistics Programme

Postgraduate Computer Science & Statistics Programme

Dr.Mads Haahir talks about the MSc in Interactive Digital Media at Trinity College Dublin

Postgraduate Computer Science & Statistics Programme

Postgraduate Computer Science & Statistics Programme

Dr. John Dingliana provides an overview on the MSc in Computer Science

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Data Science)

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Data Science)

Overview of the postgraduate Computer Science (Data Science) programme at Trinity College Dublin

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Future Networked Systems)

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Future Networked Systems)

Overview of the M.Sc. in Computer Science (Future Networked Systems)

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Intelligent Systems)

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Intelligent Systems)

Overview of the M.Sc. in Computer Science (Intelligent Systems) at Trinity College Dublin

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Augmented & Virtual Reality)

M.Sc. in Computer Science (Augmented & Virtual Reality)

Overview of the M.Sc. in Computer Science (Augmented & Virtual Reality) at Trinity College Dublin

M.Sc. in Statistics & Sustainability

M.Sc. in Statistics & Sustainability

Overview of the M.Sc. in Statistics & Sustainability at Trinity College Dublin

M.Sc. in Statistics & Data Science

M.Sc. in Statistics & Data Science

Overview of M.Sc. in Statistics & Data Science at Trinity College Dublin

M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media

M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media

Overview of the M.Sc. in Interactive Digital Media at Trinity College Dublin
