Martin Naughton E3 Learning Foundry
The central theme of E3 is ‘balanced solutions for a better world’. E3 will be a crucial component in our transition to a ‘smarter’ economy, developing technological solutions that are more sustainable and more equitable in the use of the earth’s limited natural resources. The E3 project aims to significantly increase the number of students in the E3 Schools. This will ramp up over ten years. The education of these students with a new pedagogy will be realised through the Martin Naughton E3 Learning Foundry, a state of the art 7,256 square metre facility based on the main Trinity campus, which will deliver new teaching facilities and an innovative interactive learning space for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
It will accommodate the substantial growth in the number of students and staff, and facilitate an innovative curriculum with increased emphasis on team work, design and project-based activities that will draw the teaching activities in the E3 Schools closer together. Work will commence on the space this year, with a projected completion date of 2023 on the cards.
Martin Naughton E3 Learning Foundry