2. Responsibility for Webpages
The Secretary to the College and the Director of Public Affairs and Communications are authorised to decide on the suitability of material for publication on the Trinity website (i.e. all material published within the domain tcd.ie) and may authorise the removal of material from the Trinity website, which does not conform to Trinity policies.
Each person authorised with web authoring and publishing access must take every reasonable care to ensure that all material held on the server complies with all EU and Irish state legislation, GDPR and conforms to all policies published by the Secretary’s Office, IT Services and the Identity Committee. This also includes periodically auditing website content for data accuracy, appropriateness and legal compliance.
2.1 Central Trinity pages
The Digital & Web team is responsible for the design of the website including the maintenance of the following pages on the Trinity website:
- Main website templates
- Global and local home pages
- Index pages with information for specific groups
- Index pages for faculties, schools, disciplines, courses, research and staff, information on Trinity and other central pages
2.2 Contact pages and search facilities
IT Services will maintain the Trinity website search facility. Contact pages for each individual website will be maintained by each relevant area.
2.3 Academic, administrative, service and support areas
Each head of area will be responsible for the legal compliance, accuracy and completeness of the content of their websites. All webpages must meet the technical and design aspects of Trinity's web policy requirements.
Heads of area will nominate staff to the following roles in order to ensure websites are maintained;
- Site Administrator as having responsibility for overseeing and maintaining the area’s website.
- Web Author(s) who will have publishing rights to maintain website content.
2.4 Committees and working groups
Each secretary will be responsible for the legal compliance, accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the content of their websites, with the head of area having overall accountability. All pages must meet the technical and design aspects of Trinity's web policy requirements. The secretary for each committee/working group will nominate staff to the following roles in order to ensure websites are maintained;
- Site Administrator as having responsibility for overseeing and maintaining that Discipline’s/functional area’s website.
- Web Author(s) who will have publishing rights to maintain website content.
2.5 Individual staff members and research groups
Individual staff members and the managers of research groups are responsible for legal compliance, content and management of their own websites. Each individual with a website will be provided with access to that website's directory on the web server. All pages must meet the technical and design aspects of Trinity's web policy requirements.
2.6 Capitated bodies
Capitated bodies, student societies, clubs and publications are an integral part of Trinity life. They give students the opportunity to participate in activities independently of their course of study. In recognition of this independence, web pages of clubs/societies/publications affiliated to the capitated bodies are not bound by Trinity's technical and design requirements.
If these webpages are found, not be compliant with all other aspects of Trinity's policies, the Secretary to Trinity may recommend that the Senior Dean authorise their removal. The chairperson of all capitated bodies, student societies, sports clubs and student publication committee will be responsible for legal compliance, content and management of their own websites.
2.7 Other websites hosted by Trinity
The promoter of all other websites hosted by Trinity, such as campus companies, external research groups or professional bodies, will designate a person who is a staff member of Trinity to be responsible for legal compliance, content and management of these websites. Each individual with a website will be provided with access to that website's directory on the web server.
2.8 Web based Academic Course Content
Teaching materials should be hosted by default, in the University VLE.
See VLE Policy - https://www.tcd.ie/teaching-learning/academic-policies/assets/vle-jun2017.pdf