News and Events Content Type

ID: 326
Name: News and Events
Description: Adds news and events listing to the site. A user can manually select 3 stories to display, using a section link.

The News and Events content type can allow you to select individual News stories or events. Please do this by selecting with the Content Link.

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
TitleThis is the content title (h2)150 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Story 1Select news story to appear on page80 CharactersSection/Content Linkfalse
Story 2Select news story to appear on page80 CharactersSection/Content Linkfalse
Story 3Select news story to appear on page80 CharactersSection/Content Linkfalse
More News LinkSelect the location of the news listing80 CharactersSection/Content Linktrue