Course Description
The Postgraduate Prosthodontics Programme prepares the student for the clinical practice of prosthodontics at specialist level and provides the basis for continuing professional development after completion of the programme. There is an emphasis on complex reconstructive and aesthetic treatment using fixed, removable and implant prostheses. The prosthodontics programme is approved by the Irish Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry and recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) as preparation for the Fellowship in Prosthodontics (FFD RCSI).
The programme is three years full-time, leading to the award of the Professional Doctorate in Dental Surgery degree (D.Ch.Dent.) by Trinity College. This consists of core academic courses, specialist training in prosthodontics and a research thesis. The “core courses” are common to all D.Ch.Dent. programmes and relate the specialist training to the wider background of biology, clinical management, and science. Overall, students will spend approximately 60% of the programme in clinical training; 20% of the course is devoted to didactic learning and teaching, and 20% consists of the research project.
Entry Requirements

Prospective students must meet the entry requirements for Trinity College and the Prosthodontics programme. Applicants are required to:
- Hold a recognised degree in dentistry for at least 2 years and have documented evidence of general professional training—this would normally include the MFD/MFDS, or equivalent
- Have excellent communication skills, including written and conversational English
- Attend for interview and information session, normally during April/May in the year for which they have applied
Applications to the programme can be made here.