Dr. Anne O'Connell
Associate Professor/Consultant (Professo, Dental Science
Undergraduate Dentistry Trinity College Dublin 1984 General dental practice UK 1985 SHO in Oral Surgery Dublin Dental Hospital Jan - June 1986 GPR Residency USA 1986-87 Pediatric Dental Specialty Eastman Dental Institute Rochester USA with NRSA Training Award in Cariology U Rochester 1987-1991 Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry Baltimore MD 1992-1994 Specialist Clinician promoted to Acting Director, Clinical Research Core, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH Bethesda MD 1994- 1999 Senior Lecturer/Consultant Pediatric Dentistry, Trinity College Dublin and AMNCH 2000- 2022 Professor in Paediatric Dentistry (Associate Professor/Consultant) TCD 2022- present
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Olegário IC, Leith R, O'Connell AC., Quality of Vertical Bitewings Radiographs and Common Errors of Positioning in Children., International journal of paediatric dentistry, 2025
O'Connell AC., Contemporary Approach for Traumatic Dental Injuries in the Primary Dentition., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 2025
O'Connell AC Olegario IO, International teaching practices in dental trauma education, Dental Traumatology, 40, (2), 2024, p152 - 160
Levin, Liran and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Tewari, Nitesh and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Abbott, Paul V., The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) and the Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD) guidelines for prevention of traumatic dental injuries: Part 1: General introduction, Dental Traumatology, 40, (S1), 2024, p1â"3
AlQuadi A O'Connell AC, Dental Photography for Children- a global survey, International Journal Paediatric Dentistry, 34, (6), 2024, p790 - 798
Tewari, Nitesh and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Abbott, Paul V. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Tewari, Nitesh and Abbott, Paul V. and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Abbott, Paul V. and Tewari, Nitesh and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Tewari, Nitesh and Abbott, Paul V. and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) and the Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD) guidelines for prevention of traumatic dental injuries: Part 5: Secondary prevention of dental injuries, Dental Traumatology, 40, (S1), 2024, p12â"13
Tewari N, Garima J, O'Connell A, Sharawat N, Rahul M, Mathur VP, Haldar P., Appropriate Terminology for the Time Elapsed From Avulsion of a Permanent Tooth to Replantation: A Scoping Review and Delphi Consensus., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 2024
Tewari, Nitesh and Abbott, Paul V. and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Abbott, Paul V. and Tewari, Nitesh and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Abbott, Paul V. and Tewari, Nitesh and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Onetto J, Sobczak M, Skapetis T, Kahler B, Tishkina O, Van Gorp G, O'Connell AC., Appraisal of the IADT fellowship - A member survey., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 40, (5), 2024, p599-606
Tewari, Nitesh and Abbott, Paul V. and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Abbott, Paul V. and Tewari, Nitesh and Mills, Stephen C. and Stasiuk, Hans and Roettger, Mark and Oâ Connell, Anne C. and Levin, Liran, The International Association of Dental Traumatology (
Maloney B, O'Connell AC, Leith R., An evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and treatment approaches of general dental practitioners in Ireland in the management of traumatic dental injuries., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 2024
Devi K P, Tewari N, O'Connell A, Srivastav S, Rajeswary A, Upadhyay AD, Haldar P, Rahul M, Mathur VP, Bansal K., Risk factors associated with traumatic dental injuries in individuals with special healthcare needs-A systematic review and meta-analysis., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 2023
Shore E, O'Connell AC., Assessment of mouthguards worn by Irish children playing contact sports: an observational cross-sectional cohort study., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 24, (1), 2023, p125-132
Leith R, Olegário IC, O'Connell AC., Clinical experience of undergraduate dental students in paediatric dentistry: A 5-year cross-sectional study, European Journal of Dental Education, 27, (4), 2023, p941 - 948
McCarra C, Olegário IC, O'Connell AC, Leith R., Prevalence of hypomineralised second primary molars (HSPM): A systematic review and meta-analysis., International journal of paediatric dentistry, 32, (3), 2022, p367 - 382
Bani-Hani T, Leith R, O'Connell AC., Long-Term Sequalae of Undiagnosed Intrusion of a Primary Tooth., Dent J (Basel), 10, (11), 2022, p202
Nitesh Tewari, Shubhi Goel, Vijay Prakash Mathur, Anne C. O"Connell, Riya Marie Johnson, Morankar Rahul, Farheen Sultan, Mridula Goswami, Sukeshana Srivastav, Priyanshi Ritwik, Success of medicaments and techniques for pulpotomy of primary teeth: An overview of systematic reviews, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 32, (6), 2022, p828 - 842
Crossan E, O'Connell AC., Parental perception on oral health-related quality of life and dental features of ectodermal dysplasia and isolated hypodontia in children., BMC Oral Health, 21, (1), 2021, p510
Eden E, Onetto JE, O'Connell AC., Extension of a novel diagnostic index to include soft tissue injuries: Modified Eden Baysal Dental Trauma Index., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 37, (6), 2021, p749-757
Shore E, O'Connell AC., Cross-sectional cohort study on the use of mouthguards by children playing Gaelic football in Ireland., Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 37, (6), 2021, p795-802
Cecilia Bourguignon, Nestor Cohenca, Eva Lauridsen, Marie Therese Flores, Anne C. O'Connell, Peter F. Day, Georgios Tsilingaridis, Paul V. Abbott, Ashraf F. Fouad, Lamar Hicks, Jens Ove Andreasen, Zafer C. Cehreli, Stephen Harlamb, Bill Kahler, Adeleke Oginni, Marc Semper, Liran Levin, International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations, Dental Traumatology, 36, (4), 2020, p314--330
Peter F. Day, Marie Therese Flores, Anne C. O'Connell, Paul V. Abbott, Georgios Tsilingaridis, Ashraf F. Fouad, Nestor Cohenca, Eva Lauridsen, Cecilia Bourguignon, Lamar Hicks, Jens Ove Andreasen, Zafer C. Cehreli, Stephen Harlamb, Bill Kahler, Adeleke Oginni, Marc Semper, Liran Levin, International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 3. Injuries in the primary dentition, Dental Traumatology, 36, (4), 2020, p343--359
Bani Hani T, Olegario, I O'Connell AC, The cost of dental trauma management: A one-year prospective study in children, Dent Traumatology, 36, (5), 2020, p526 - 532
Ashraf F. Fouad, Paul V. Abbott, Georgios Tsilingaridis, Nestor Cohenca, Eva Lauridsen, Cecilia Bourguignon, Anne O'Connell, Marie Therese Flores, Peter F. Day, Lamar Hicks, Jens Ove Andreasen, Zafer C. Cehreli, Stephen Harlamb, Bill Kahler, Adeleke Oginni, Marc Semper, Liran Levin, International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 2. Avulsion of permanent teeth, Dental Traumatology, 36, (4), 2020, p331--342
Liran Levin, Peter F. Day, Lamar Hicks, Anne O'Connell, Ashraf F. Fouad, Cecilia Bourguignon, Paul V. Abbott, International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: General introduction, Dental Traumatology, 36, (4), 2020, p309--313
A Alqadi, AC O'Connell, Parental perception of children affected by Amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinigenesis imperfecta :A qualitative study, Dental Journal , 17, (6), 2018, p65-
Trauma and Sports Dentistry in, editor(s)Arthur j Nowak Paul Casamassimo , The handbook of Pediatric Dentistry, Chicago, AAPD, 2018, pp177 - 190, [Anne C O'Connell, Andrew Spadinger]
Restorative Dentistry and Dental Materials in, editor(s)Arthur J Nowak Paul Casamassimo , The handbook of Pediatric Dentistry, Chicago, AAPD, 2018, pp157 - 176, [Elizabeth Velan, Stephen Mitchell, Anne C O'Connell]
Leith R, O'Connell AC., Selective Reduction of Talon Cusps- A Case Series., The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry, 42, (1), 2017, p1 - 5
Ireland in, editor(s)Morineke Oluwatoyin Folayan , A compendium of facts on Oral Health of Children around the world:early Childhood caries, New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2017, [AC O'Connell, Mairead Harding]
El Shahawy OI, O'Connell AC., Successful Restoration of Severely Mutilated Primary Incisors Using a Novel Method to Retain Zirconia Crowns - Two Year Results., The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry, 40, (6), 2016, p425-430
Mccafferty, J., O'Connell, A.C., A randomised clinical trial on the use of intermediate bonding on the retention of fissure sealants in children, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 26, (2), 2016, p110 - 115
OI El Shahawy , AC O'Connell, Successful restoration of severely mutilated primary incisors using a novel method to retain zirconia crowns, J Clinical Paediatric Dentistry, 40, (6), 2016, p425 - 430
Hani TB, O'Connell AC, Duane B, Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate products in caries prevention., Evidence based Dentistry, 17, (2), 2016, p46 - 47
ElKarmi R, Shore E, O'Connell A, Knowledge and behaviour of parents in relation to the oral and dental health of children aged 4-6 years., European Archives Paediatric Dentistry, 16, (2), 2015, p199 - 204
Kratunova E, O'Connell AC, Chairside repair of preveneered primary molar stainless steel crowns: a pilot study., Pediatric Dentistry, 37, (1), 2015, p46 - 50
O'Connell AC, Kratunova E, Leith R, Posterior preveneered stainless steel crowns: clinical performance after three years. , Pediatric Dentistry, 36, (3), 2014, p254 - 258
Gallagher S, O'Connell BC ,O'Connell AC, Assessment of occlusion after placement of stainless steel crowns in children--a pilot study, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 41, (10), 2014, p730 - 736
Kratunova E, O'Connell AC, A randomized clinical trial investigating the performance of two commercially available posterior pediatric preveneered stainless steel crowns: a continuation study., Pediatric Dentistry, 36, (7), 2014, p494 - 498
Gallagher S,O'Connell BC O'Connell AC,, Assessment of occlusion after placement of SSC in children, J Oral Rehabilitation, 41, (10), 2014, p730 - 736
McGeown M, O'Connell AC, Management of primary molar infraocclusion in general practice., Journal Irish Dental Association, 60, (4), 2014, p192 - 198
Normal and aberrant craniofacial development and nutrition in infancy in, editor(s)Ronald Ross Watson, George Grimble, Victor R Preedy, Sherma Zibadi , Nutrition in infancy, New York, Springer, 2013, pp91 - 104, [Anne C O'Connell]
Leith R, O'Connell AC, A foreign body in disguise., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 14, (5), 2013, p359-62
Leith R, Lynch K, O'Connell AC, Articaine use in children: A review., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 13, (6), 2012, p293 - 296
O'Connell AC, The partial removal of carious tissue may arrest caries progression in primary teeth., The journal of evidence-based dental practice, 12, (3), 2012, p146 - 148
Counihan KP, O'Connell AC, Case report: pre-eruptive intra-coronal radiolucencies revisited., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 13, (4), 2012, p221-6
Norton E, O'Connell AC, Traumatic dental injuries and their association with malocclusion in the primary dentition of Irish children., Dental Traumatology, 28, (1), 2011, p81 - 86
Moore A, Howley MF, O'Connell AC, Treatment of open apex teeth using two types of white mineral trioxide aggregate after initial dressing with calcium hydroxide in children., Dental Traumatology, 27, (3), 2011, p166-73
Leith R, O'Connell AC, A clinical study evaluating success of 2 commercially available preveneered primary molar stainless steel crowns., Pediatric dentistry, 33, (4), 2011, p300-6
McCafferty, J., O'Connell, A.C., Treatment of the avulsed anterior tooth., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 57, (6), 2011, p319 - 322
O'Connell AC, Use of xylitol chewing gum in mothers may delay transmission of mutans streptococci to their infants., The journal of evidence-based dental practice, 11, (1), 2011, p62-4
O'Connell AC, O'Connell SM, O'Mullane E, Hoey HM, Oral health of children born small for gestational age., Irish medical journal, 103, (9), 2010, p275-8
Mc Cafferty J, Al Awadi E, O'Connell AC, Management of severe posterior open bite due to primary failure of eruption., European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, 11, (3), 2010, p155-8
Darby LJ, O'Connell AC, Incisor reduction: a provisional aesthetic technique for traumatised teeth., British dental journal, 209, (11), 2010, p553-6
Hashem AA, O'Connell B, Nunn J, O'Connell A, Garvey T, O'Sullivan M, Tooth agenesis in patients referred to an Irish tertiary care clinic for the developmental dental disorders., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 56, (1), 2010, p23-7
O'Connell S, O'Connell A, O'Mullane E, Hoey H, Medical, nutritional, and dental considerations in children with low birth weight., Pediatric dentistry, 31, (7), 2010, p504-12
Leith R, Moore A, O'Connell AC, An effective bleaching technique for non-vital, discoloured teeth in children and adolescents., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 55, (4), 2009, p184-9
O'Connell A, Gavin A, Kelly C, Molcho M, Nic Gabhainn S, The mean age at menarche of Irish girls in 2006., 2009
Guideline, Strategies to prevent dental caries in Children and adolescents, http://ohsrc.ucc.ie, 2009
O'Connell AC, Toner M, Murphy S, Knobloch syndrome: novel intra-oral findings., International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children, 19, (3), 2009, p213-5
Darby LJ, Garvey TM, O'Connell AC, Orthodontic extrusion in the transitional dentition: a simple technique., Pediatric dentistry, 31, (7), 2009, p520-2
Ryan W, O'Connell AC., The attitudes of undergraduate dental students to the use of rubber dam. , Journal Irish Dental Association, 53, (2), 2007, p87 - 91
Fitzpatrick, L., O'Connell, AC., First permanent molars with molar incisor hypomineralisation., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 53, (1), 2007, p32-37
Oral health and dental problems in, editor(s)Zeichner SL and Read JS , Textbook of Paediatric HIV care, Cambridge University Press, 2005, [Atkinson JC and O'Connell AC]
Finucane, D, Nunn JH, O'Connell AC, Paediatric dentistry experience of the first cohort of students to graduate from Dublin Dental School and Hospital under the new curriculum, International Journal Paediatric Dentistry, 14, (6), 2004, p402 - 408
Lau, A.C., Agarwal, R.R., Banerjee, T., Gallagher, P., Naughton, Y., O'Connell, A.C., A Survey of parental knowledge of paediatric oral health in Ireland [1], Irish Medical Journal, 97, (2), 2004, p53-55
O'Connell AC, Nicholson AJ, Improving dental and oral health in young children, Modern Medicine, 33, (9), 2003, p29 - 34
O'Connell AC, Dispelling childrens fear of the dentist, Irish Dentist, (March), 2002, p46-48-
O'Connell AC, Puck JM, Grimbacher B, Facchetti F, Majorana A, Gallin JI, Malech HL, Holland SM, Delayed eruption of permanent teeth in hyperimmunoglobulinemia E recurrent infection syndrome., Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path, 87, 2000, p177 - 185
O'Connell AC, Natural History and Prevention of Radiation Injury, Adv Dent Res, 14, 2000, p57 - 61
O'Connell AC and Shelton PG, Pulp therapy for primary teeth, J American Dental Institute, 70, 2000, p3 - 9
Atkinson JC, O'Connell AC, Oral manifestations of primary immunological diseases, Journal American Dental Association, 131, (3), 2000, p345 - 356
Siegel SC, O'Connell AC, Oral rehabilitation of a child with primary failure of tooth eruption, Journal Prosthodontics, 8, (3), 1999, p201 - 207
O'Connell AC ,Torske KR, Primary failure of tooth eruption - A unique case, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 87, (6), 1999, p714 - 720
O'Connell AC, Marini J, Evaluation of oral problems in an Osteogenesis imperfecta population, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 87, (2), 1999, p189 - 196
Oral health and dental problems in the HIV-infected child in, editor(s)SL Zeichner and JS Read , Handbook of Pediatric HIV Care, PA, Lipincott Williams and Wilkins Philadelphia, 1999, pp358 - 365, [O'Connell AC and Atkinson JC]
Brennan, MT, O'Connell BC, Rams TE, O'Connell AC, Management of gingival overgrowth associated with generalized enamel defects in a child, J Clin Pediatr Dent, 23, (2), 1999, p97 - 102
O'Connell AC, Redman RS, Evans RL, Ambudkar IS, Radiation-induced progressive decrease in fluid secretion in rat submandibular glands is related to decreased acinar volume and not impaired calcium signaling, Radiation Research, 151, (2), 1999, p150 - 158
O'Connell AC, Baccaglini L, Fox PC, O'Connell BC, Kenshalo D, Oweisy H, Hoque AT, Sun D, Herscher LL, Braddon VR, Delporte C, Baum B, Safety and efficacy of adenovirus-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated parotid glands of non-human primates, Cancer Gene Therapy, 6, (6), 1999, p505 - 513
Grimbacher B, Holland SM, Gallin JI, Greenberg F, Hill SC, Malech HL, Miller JA, O'Connell AC and Puck JM, Hyper-IgE syndrome with recurrent infections- an autosomal dominant multisystem disorder., New England Journal Medicine, 340, (9), 1999, p692 - 702
Liu X, O'Connell AC, Ambudkar IS, Ca2+ dependent inactivation of a store-operated Ca2+ current in Human Submandibular Gland cells: Role of a staurosporine-sensitive protein kinase and the intracellular Ca2+ pump, J Biol Chem, 273, (50), 1998, p33295 - 33304
O'Connell AC, Lillibridge CD, Zheng C et al., Radiation-induced decrease in proliferation and cell death in a human submandibular gland cell line: Effect of E2F expression, J Cell Physiology, 177, (2), 1998, p264 - 273
Baum et al., The mouth is a gateway to the body: gene therapy in 21st century dental practice, J Californian Dental Assoc, 26, (6), 1998, p455 - 460
Delporte C, O'Connell BC, He Xinjun, Lancaster HE, O'Connell AC, Agre P, Baum BJ, Increased fluid secretion following adenoviral-mediated transfer of the aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated rat salivary glands, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94, (7), 1997, p3268 - 3273
O'Connell AC, Brennan MT, Francomano CA, Pycnodysostosis: Oro-facial manifestations in two pediatric patients, Pediatric Dentistry, 20, (3), 1997, p204 - 207
Stratakis CA, Mitsiades NS, Sun D, Chrousos GP, O'Connell AC, Recurring oral giant cell lesion in a child with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets: clinical manifestation of occult parathyroidism?, Journal of Pediatrics, 127, (3), 1995, p444 - 446
O'Connell AC, Bowen WH, The composition and flow rate of saliva and caries development in young rats following administration of lithium, Caries Research, 28, (5), 1994, p342 - 347
O'Connell AC, Pearson S.K., Bowen W.H., Pilocarpine alters caries development in partially-desalivated rats, J Dent Res, 73, (3), 1994, p637 - 643
O'Connell, AC, Van Wuyckhuyse, B.C., Pearson, S.K., Bowen, W.H., The effect of administration of propranolol on salivary gland function and caries development in young and aged rats, Archives Oral Biology, 38, (10), 1993, p853 - 861
O'Connell, A.C. and Bowen, W.H., Influence of rampant caries in dams on caries activity in their offspring, Pediatric Dentistry, 13, (6), 1991, p361 - 366
Melvin, J.E., O'Connell, AC, Koek, L.L., Bowen, W.H., Agonist-induced calcium mobilization in the rat submandibular gland during aging and subsequent to chronic propranolol treatment, Mech. Ageing Dev., 61, (1), 1991, p33 - 34
O'Connell A.C., The effect of administration of propranolol, amitriptyline, lithium and pilocarpine on salivary gland function and caries development in rats, University of Rochester, NY, 1991
O'Connell A.C., Fluorides - safe and effective, J University Rochester Medical Center, 2, 1990, p10 - 15
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Anne C O'Connell, The importance of oral health in Children, Forum, Journal of the irish College of general practitioners, March, 2012, p57 - 59
O'Connell A. C., Developmental defects of the dentition, Regional IDA Annual Scientific meeting, Kilkenny, 2004
O'Connell A. C., Children's behaviour in the dental office, Irish Dental Hygienist Association Autumn Scientific Meeting, Dublin, 2004
O'Connell A. C., Oral Health standard for Children PAC conference, Kilkenny, 2004
O'Connell A. C., Oral Health Module, National Teaching Programme in Child Health Surveillance, Dept. Paediatrics, TCD, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Paediatric Oral Health, Lecture series to Paediatrician Training programme, AMNCH, Tallaght, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Dental management in Coagulation defects-change and progress, Irish Society of Disability and Oral Health, Dublin, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Paediatric Oral Health and Bleeding Disorders, Irish Haemophilia Society Annual Meeting, Portuma, Galway, 2002
O'Connell AC, Ten Steps to a child friendly practice, Irish Dentist, (May), 2002, p20 - 22
O'Connell A. C., Update on Paediatric Dentistry, VT Training Program, St James Hospital, Dublin, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Practical Issues in Child Management, Diploma Course for Nurses, Dublin, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Paediatric Oral Health, Lecture series to Paediatrician Training programme, AMNCH, Tallaght, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Dental management of Paediatric Patients with Hereditary Disorders of Coagulation, EAPD, Dublin, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Restoration of the Primary Dentition and Restorative Techniques- Stainless steel crowns, Annual Scientific Meeting, IDA Health Board Dental Surgeons Kilkenny, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Restorative techniques for the child patient, South Eastern Branch IDA, Annual Scientific Conference, Waterford, Feb, 2002
O'Connell A. C., Your Kids Front Teeth, Irish Dental Association, Dublin, 2001
O'Connell A. C., Feeding problems: an oral health perspective, Annual Nutrition Conference, CRC Dublin, 2001
O'Connell A. C., Forum on Oral Health for People with Disabilities, Trinity College Dublin, 2000
O'Connell A. C., 16th International Conference on Oral Biology, Chantilly,Va, USA, April, 2000
O'Connell A. C., Natural History and Prevention of Radiation Injury, 2000
O'Connell A. C., Delayed Exfoliation of Primary Teeth in Hyper IgE Syndrome, European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, Bergen, Norway, 2000
O'Connell A. C., Genetic modification of cells surviving radiation, IADR, Orlando, FL., 1997
O'Connell A. C., The functional integrity of irradiated salivary gland cells, IADR General session, San Francisco, CA., 1996
O'Connell A. C., Soft tissue retention patterns of fluoride in Children, AAPD Annual meeting, San Francisco, CA., 1995
O'Connell A. C., Lithium effects caries experience in rats, AAPD Annual meeting, Kansas City, Mo., 1991
O'Connell A. C., Rampant caries in dams influences caries activity in their offspring, AAPD Annual meeting, San Antonio, TX., 1991
O'Connell A. C., Propranolol administration in young and aged rats, IADR meeting, Acapulco, Mexico, 1989
Research Expertise
Developmental defects of the dentition Caries Aesthetic restorative materials Psychological well being in children Traumatic dental injuries Professinal eductaionProjects
- Title
- Non-invasive treatment approaches for dental caries in children:
- Summary
- Dental caries is a non-communicable sugar-dependent biofilm-driven disease. Altought it is a preventable disease, dental caries in the primary dentition is still a major oral health problem in Ireland and is the main reason of referal to specialist care. Recently, the paradigm around caries management has moved from a tooth-centred invasive treatment (drill and fill) into a patient-centred non-invasive approach with a focus on behaviour change. Non-invasive methods for caries prevention and control do not require any removal of carious tooth tissue (no drilling) and local anaesthesia (no injections). The treatments in this approach depend on the stage of the caries proccess (initial, moderate and severe caries lesions) and include oral hygiene instruction, dietary advice, use of fluoridated products (toothpaste, mouthwash, fluoride varnish, silver diamine fluoride), glass ionomer fissure sealants and placement of stainless steel crowns using Hall technique. The objective of the present study is to provide additional evidence and support decision-making by clinicians and policymakers regarding the use of non-invasive approaches for treating caries lesions in children according to the lesion extension. For that, four interconnected clinical trials were designed.
- Funding Agency
- Burrow Foundation
- Title
- Use of ultrasound to improve salivary gland output following radiation therapy
- Summary
- Funding Agency
- Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- 2001
- Title
- Early bacterial colonization in the pathogenesis of dental caries
- Funding Agency
- Frederick Drew Research Award
- Date From
- 1993
- Date To
- 1993
- Title
- Intra-oral fluoride distribution in children
- Summary
- With W.H. Bowen
- Funding Agency
- Unilever Corp.
- Date From
- 1991
- Date To
- 1992
- Title
- Intra-oral distribution of fluoride following brushing in pediatric patients
- Summary
- Principal investigator.
- Date From
- 1991
- Date To
- 1991
- Title
- Structure and functional status of parotid glands exposed to therapeutic irradiation
- Summary
- Associate investigator.
- Date From
- 1995
- Date To
- 1995
- Title
- Cyclodextrin itraconazole in the treatment of oro-pharyngeal candidiasis in children with HIV-infection
- Summary
- Associate investigator
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- Validation of the Ciba/Oncogene consensus conference scale for mucositis in patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- Summary
- Associate investigator
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- General Dental Diagnostic and Therapeutic Study
- Summary
- Principal investigator
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- Structure and functional status of parotid glands exposed to therapeutic irradiation
- Summary
- Associate investigator
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- Incidence of NBCC in patients with medullablastoma
- Summary
- Associate Investigator
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- Patient evaluation and treatment of soft tissue diseases according to generally available standard procedures and therapeutic modalities
- Summary
- Associate Investigator
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Treatment of childhood osteoporosis with Alendronate
- Summary
- Associate investigator
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Associate Investigator
- Summary
- Prospective study evaluating salivary histatin levels in HIV- infected children
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 1997
- Summary
- Oral evaluation of the Osteogenesis imperfecta population
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 1997
- Summary
- Dental anomalies in Hyper IgE syndrome
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 1997
- Summary
- Attitides towards Paediatric Dentistry in the community
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2003
- Summary
- Evaluation of children with intrusive injuries to permanent teeth.
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2004
- Summary
- Comaprison between different modalities of teaching methods in Paediatric Dentistry.
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2005
Past president, IADT
President International Association of Dental Traumatology
President International Association Dental Traumatology
Editorial Board of International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
Education Committee, IAPD
Council of Scientific Affairs American Academy Pediatric Dentistry
President Elect International Association Dental Traumatology
Honorary Editor International Association Paediatric Dentistry
International representative, Irish Society Dentistry for Children
Chair Fellowship Committee International Association Dental Traumatology
Scientific Advisory Committee 2nd Global summit ECC , International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
Honorary Editor International Association Paediatric Dentistry
Education Committee International Association Paediatric Dentistry
Past president Irish Society Dentistry for Children
Guideline development Group HSE Ireland
President Irish Society Dentistry for Children
National Executive Irish Hospital Consultants Association
European representative, Paediatric Oral Health Research Group IADR
Research Committee International Association Paediatric Dentistry
Editorial Board of Pediatric Dentistry
Reviewer for Oral Diseases, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology, European J Paediatric Dentistry.
Fellowship Committee member IADT
Guideline Development Group, HRB/HSE guidelines on caries management
International Association Dental Research, Irish Division
Awards and Honours
Fellow AAPD- Recertified for 5 years
Fellow Pierre Fauchard Academy
Art Nowak Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry
Paul P Taylor Award AAPD
Fellow, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Educational Foundation Award- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Merit Award, NIDR
Educational Foundation Award - American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
Educational Foundation Award - American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Michael G. Buonocore Award- American Association of Dental Research- Rochester Section
Graduate Student Research Award in Pediatric Dentistry- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
National Research Service Award in Cariology, University of Rochester, NY
International Association Of Dental Traumatology
American Academy of Pediatric Dentisty
International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
Irish Society of Dentistry for Children
Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health
International Association of Dental Research
Irish Dental Association