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Dr. Hal Duncan
Associate Professor/Consultant (Professo, Dental Science

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Rosa V, Cavalcanti BN, Nör JE, Tezvergil-Mutluay A, Silikas N, Bottino MC, Kishen A, Soares DG, Franca CM, Cooper PR, Duncan HF, Ferracane JL, Watts DC, ) Guidance for evaluating biomaterials' properties and biological potential for dental pulp tissue engineering and regeneration research., Dental Materials, 41, 2025, p248 - 264 Journal Article, 2025

Nagendrababu V, Gopinath VK, Nassar M, Narasimhan S, Abbott PV, Duncan HF, A multi-national survey-based evaluation of undergraduate/predoctoral endodontic education, International Endodontic Journal, 2025 Journal Article, 2025

Louzada LM, Hildebrand H, Neuhaus KW, Duncan HF., The effectiveness of partial pulpotomy compared with full pulpotomy in managing deep caries in vital permanent teeth with a diagnosis of non-traumatic pulpitis., International endodontic journal, 58, (1), 2025, p37-54 Journal Article, 2025 DOI

Louzada LM, Arruda-Vasconcelos R, Kearney M, Yamauchi Y, Gomes BPFA, Duncan HF., Teeth with vital pulps and stage III periodontitis unresponsive to therapy exhibit a pulpal inflammatory profile similar to symptomatic irreversible pulpitis., International endodontic journal, 57, (12), 2024, p1769-1782 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Yamauchi Y, Shimizu E, Duncan HF, Dynamic Alterations in Acetylation and Modulation of Histone Deacetylase Expression Evident in the Dentine-Pulp Complex during Dentinogenesis, International Journal of Molecular Science, 25, 2024, p6569- Journal Article, 2024

Quigley RM, Kearney M, Kennedy OD, Duncan HF, Tissue engineering approaches for dental pulp regeneration: The development of novel bioactive materials using pharmacological epigenetic inhibitors., Bioactive Materials, 40, 2024, p182 - 211 Journal Article, 2024

13. Mohammad-Rahimi H, Sohrabniya F, Ourang SA, Dianat O, Aminoshariae A, Nagendrababu V, Dummer PMH, Duncan HF, Nosrat A, Artificial intelligence in endodontics: Data preparation, clinical applications, ethical considerations, limitations, and future directions., International Endodontic Journal,, 57, 2024, p1566 - 1595 Journal Article, 2024

Ourang SA, Sohrabniya F, Mohammad-Rahimi H, Dianat O, Aminoshariae A, Nagendrababu V, Dummer PMH, Duncan HF, Nosrat A., Artificial intelligence in endodontics: Fundamental principles, workflow, and tasks., International endodontic journal, 57, (11), 2024, p1546-1565 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

16. Dos Reis-Prado AH, Maia CA, Nunes GP, de Arantes LC, Abreu LG, Duncan HF, Bottino MC, Benetti F, Top 100 most-cited scientific articles in regenerative endodontics 2019-2023: A bibliometric analysis, International Endodontic Journal, 57, 2024, p1434-1452. Journal Article, 2024

Ahmed HMA, Kele" A, Wolf TG, Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Peters OA, H Dummer PM, Controversial terminology in root and canal anatomy: A comprehensive review., European Endodontic Journal, 9, 2024, p308 - 334 Journal Article, 2024

Tzanetakis GN, Petridis X, Jakovljevic A, Koletsi D, Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Dummer PMH., Reporting quality of scoping reviews in endodontics: A meta-research study., International endodontic journal, 57, (12), 2024, p1717-1726 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Duncan, H.F., Kobayashi, Y., Yamauchi, Y., Quispe-Salcedo, A., Chao Feng, Z., Huang, J., Partridge, N.C., Nakatani, T., D"Armiento, J., Shimizu, E., The Critical Role of MMP13 in Regulating Tooth Development and Reactionary Dentinogenesis Repair Through the Wnt Signaling Pathway, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

N.V. Ballal, H.F. Duncan, D.B. Wiedemeier, N. Rai, P. Jalan, V. Bhat, V.S. Belle, M. Zehnder, MMP-9 Levels and NaOCl Lavage in Randomized Trial on Direct Pulp Capping, Journal of Dental Research, 2022, p002203452110468 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Siobhan Cushley, Conor McLister, Mark J. Lappin, Marc Harrington, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Henry F. Duncan, Ikhlas El karim, Outcomes reporting in systematic reviews on revitalization: A scoping review for the development of a core outcome set, International Endodontic Journal, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Paul V. Abbott, Christos Boutsioukis, Henry F. Duncan, Clovis M. Faggion, Jr., Anil Kishen, Peter E. Murray, Shaju Jacob Pulikkotil, Paul M. H. Dummer, Methodological quality assessment criteria for the evaluation of laboratory"based studies included in systematic reviews within the specialty of Endodontology: A development protocol, International Endodontic Journal, 55, (4), 2022, p326--333 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Duncan HF, El-Karim I, Dummer PMH, Whitworth J, Nagendrababu V, Factors that influence the outcome of pulpotomy in permanent teeth., International endodontic journal, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Lise"Lotte Kirkevang, Ikhlas A. El Karim, Henry Fergus Duncan, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Casper Kruse, Outcomes reporting in systematic reviews on non"surgical root canal treatment: A scoping review for the development of a core outcome set, International Endodontic Journal, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Aisling Donnelly, Federico Foschi, Paul McCabe, Henry F. Duncan, Pulpotomy for treatment of complicated crown fractures in permanent teeth: A systematic review, International Endodontic Journal, 55, (4), 2022, p290--311 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Clovis M. Faggion, Jr., Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Paul V. Abbott, Christos Boutsioukis, Henry F. Duncan, Anil Kishen, Peter E. Murray, Paul M. H. Dummer, Need for criteria to appraise the methodological quality of laboratory"based studies included in systematic reviews within the speciality of Endodontology, International Endodontic Journal, 55, (4), 2022, p278--281 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Cadoni, E., Ideo, F., Marongiu, G., Mezzena, S., Frigau, L., Mela, Q., Capone, A., Duncan, H.F., Cotti, E., Periapical status in patients affected by osteoporosis: A retrospective clinical study, Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

El Karim, I.A., Duncan, H.F., Cushley, S., Nagendrababu, V., Kirkevang, L.L., Kruse, C., Chong, B.S., Shah, P.K., Lappin, M., McLister, C., Lundy, F.T., Clarke, M., A protocol for the Development of Core Outcome Sets for Endodontic Treatment modalities (COSET): an international consensus process, Trials, 22, (1), 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Roberto Careddu, Henry F. Duncan, A prospective clinical study investigating the effectiveness of partial pulpotomy after relating preoperative symptoms to a new and established classification of pulpitis, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (12), 2021, p2156--2172 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Pigg, M., Duncan, H.F., Nagendrababu, V., Abbott, P., Fouad, A.F., Kruse, C., Patel, S., Rechenberg, D.-K., Dummer, P.M.H., Preferred Reporting Items for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies in "Endodontics (PRIDASE): Guidance to improve manuscripts assessing the diagnostic accuracy of procedures, techniques and devices, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (7), 2021, p1005-1007 Journal Article, 2021

Duncan, H.F., Tomson, P.L., Simon, S., Bjørndal, L., Endodontic position statements in deep caries management highlight need for clarification and consensus for patient benefit, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (11), 2021, p2145-2149 Journal Article, 2021

Jelena Jacimovic, Aleksandar Jakovljevic, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Henry Fergus Duncan, Paul M. H. Dummer, A bibliometric analysis of the dental scientific literature on COVID-19, Clinical Oral Investigations, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

David Edwards, Oliver Bailey, Simon Stone, Hal Duncan, The management of deep caries in UK primary care: A nationwide questionnaire"based study, International Endodontic Journal, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

H. F. Duncan, V. Nagendrababu, I. A. El"Karim, P. M. H. Dummer, Outcome measures to assess the effectiveness of endodontic treatment for pulpitis and apical periodontitis for use in the development of European Society of Endodontology (ESE) S3 level clinical practice guidelines: a protocol, International Endodontic Journal, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Duncan, H.F., Chong, B.S., Del Fabbro, M., El-Karim, I., Galler, K., Kirkevang, L.-L., Krastl, G., Peters, O.A., Segura Egea, J.J., Kebschull, M., The development of European Society of Endodontology S3-level guidelines for the treatment of pulpal and apical disease, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (5), 2021, p643-645 Journal Article, 2021

Yoshifumi Kobayashi, Angela Quispe-Salcedo, Sanika Bodas, Satoko Matsumura, Erhao Li, Richard Johnson, Marwa Choudhury, Daniel H. Fine, Siva Nadimpalli, Henry F. Duncan, Amel Dudakovic, Andre J. van Wijnen, Emi Shimizu, Ezh2 knockout in mesenchymal cells causes enamel hyper-mineralization, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 567, 2021, p72--78 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Nagendrababu, V., Duncan, H.F., Dummer, P.M.H., International Endodontic Journal policy on mandatory prospective (a priori) protocol registration for clinical trials and systematic reviews, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (10), 2021, p1685-1686 Journal Article, 2021

Mannocci, F., Bhuva, B., Roig, M., Zarow, M., Bitter, K., Dummer, P.M.H., Duncan, H.F., Franco, V., Galler, K., Gambarini, G., Kirkevang, L-.L., Whitworth, J., European Society of Endodontology position statement: The restoration of root filled teeth, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (11), 2021, p1974-1981 Journal Article, 2021

A. Jakovljevic, T. Sljivancanin Jakovljevic, H. F. Duncan, V. Nagendrababu, J. Jacimovic, A. Aminoshariae, J. Milasin, P. M. H. Dummer, The association between apical periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review, International Endodontic Journal, 54, (9), 2021, p1527--1537 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Chevalier V, Le Fur Bonnabesse A, Duncan HF., Frightened of the pulp? A qualitative analysis of undergraduate student confidence and stress during the management of deep caries and the exposed pulp., International endodontic journal, 54, (1), 2021, p130-146 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Nagendrababu V, Jakovljevic A, Jacimovic J, Duncan HF, Jayaraman J, Dummer PMH., Critical analysis of the reporting quality of randomized trials within Endodontics using the Preferred Reporting Items for RAndomized Trials in Endodontics (PRIRATE) 2020 quality standard checklist., International endodontic journal, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

V. Nagendrababu, P. Abbott, H. F. Duncan, A. F. Fouad, C. Kruse, S. Patel, M. Pigg, D. K. Rechenberg, P. M. H. Dummer, Preferred Reporting Items for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies in Endodontics (PRIDASE) guidelines: a development protocol, International Endodontic Journal, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Duncan HF, Nagendrababu V, Bjørndal L, Kvist T, Dummer PMH., Improving the quality of randomized trials in Endodontics., International endodontic journal, 53, (6), 2020, p731-732 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Fouad AF, Kirkevang LL, Parashos P, Pigg M, Vaeth M, Jayaraman J, Dummer PMH., Preferred Reporting items for OBservational studies in Endodontics (PROBE) guidelines: a development protocol., International endodontic journal, 53, (9), 2020, p1199-1203 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

S. Cushley, H. F. Duncan, M. J. Lappin, P. Chua, A. D. Elamin, M. Clarke, I. A. El"Karim, Efficacy of direct pulp capping for management of cariously exposed pulps in permanent teeth: a systematic review and meta"analysis, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Nagendrababu V, Kishen A, Chong BS, Priya E, Duncan HF, Rôças IN, Jayaraman J, de Figueiredo JAP, Siqueira JF, Bjørndal L, Nekoofar MH, Peters OA, McCabe P, Murray PE, Shah PK, Ordinola-Zapata R, Pulikkotil SJ, Kvist T, Dummer PMH., Preferred Reporting Items for study Designs in Endodontology (PRIDE): guiding authors to identify and correct reporting deficiencies in their manuscripts prior to peer review., International endodontic journal, 53, (5), 2020, p589-590 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Bjørndal L, Kvist T, Priya E, Jayaraman J, Pulikkotil SJ, Pigg M, Rechenberg DK, Vaeth M, Dummer PMH., PRIRATE 2020 guidelines for reporting randomized trials in Endodontics: a consensus-based development., International endodontic journal, 53, (6), 2020, p764-773 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

V. Nagendrababu, H. F. Duncan, A. F. Fouad, L. L. Kirkevang, P. Parashos, M. Pigg, M. Væth, J. Jayaraman, P. M. H. Dummer, Preferred Reporting items for OBservational studies in Endodontics (PROBE) guidelines: a development protocol, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Yukako Yamauchi, Paul Roy Cooper, Emi Shimizu, Yoshifumi Kobayashi, Anthony J. Smith and Henry Fergus Duncan, Histone Acetylation as a Regenerative Target in the Dentine-Pulp Complex, Frontiers in Genetics, 11, (1), 2020, p[1-8] Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

V. Nagendrababu, H. F. Duncan, L. Bjørndal, T. Kvist, E. Priya, J. Jayaraman, S. J. Pulikkotil, M. Pigg, D. K. Rechenberg, M. Væth, P. M. H. Dummer, PRIRATE 2020 guidelines for reporting randomized trials in Endodontics: a consensus"based development, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Nagendrababu V, Dilokthornsakul P, Jinatongthai P, Veettil SK, Pulikkotil SJ, Duncan HF, Dummer PMH., Glossary for systematic reviews and meta-analyses., International endodontic journal, 53, (2), 2020, p232-249 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

McGuigan MB, Theodorakou C, Duncan HF, Davies J, Sengupta A, Horner K., An investigation into dose optimisation for imaging root canal anatomy using cone beam CT., Dento maxillo facial radiology, 49, (7), 2020, p20200072 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Pulikkotil SJ, Dummer P, Glossary for randomized clinical trials., International endodontic journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Bjørndal L, Kvist T, Priya E, Jayaraman J, Pulikkotil SJ, Dummer PMH., PRIRATE 2020 guidelines for reporting randomized trials in Endodontics: explanation and elaboration., International endodontic journal, 53, (6), 2020, p774-803 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

McGuigan MB, Theodorakou C, Duncan HF, Davies J, Sengupta A, Horner K, An investigation into dose optimisation for imaging root canal anatomy using cone beam CT., Dento maxillo facial radiology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Dummer PMH., Research that matters: systematic reviews and meta-analyses., International endodontic journal, 53, (4), 2020, p437-439 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Jakovljevic A, Duncan HF., Diabetes Mellitus May Negatively Influence the Outcome of Conventional Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment., The journal of evidence-based dental practice, 20, (3), 2020, p101467 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Whitworth J, Nekoofar MH, Pulikkotil SJ, Veettil SK, Dummer PMH., Is articaine more effective than lidocaine in patients with irreversible pulpitis? An umbrella review., International Endodontic Journal, 53, (2), 2020, p200 - 213 Journal Article, 2020

Duncan, H.F., Cooper, P.R., Pulp Innate Immune Defense: Translational Opportunities, Journal of Endodontics, 46, (9), 2020, pS10-S18 Journal Article, 2020

P. K. Shah, H. F. Duncan, D. Abdullah, P. L. Tomson, G. Murray, T. M. Friend, S. Thomas, S. Butcher, B. S. Chong, Comparison of two case difficulty assessment methods on cohorts of undergraduate dental students " a multi"centre study, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

R. Careddu, G. Plotino, E. Cotti, H. F. Duncan, The management of deep carious lesions and the exposed pulp amongst members of two European endodontic societies: a questionnaire"based study, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Brett Duane and Linnea Borglin and Stephanie Pekarski and Sophie Saget and Henry Fergus Duncan, Environmental sustainability in endodontics. A life cycle assessment (LCA) of a root canal treatment procedure, BMC Oral Health, 20, (1), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Shah PK, Duncan HF, Abdullah D, Tomson PL, Murray G, Friend TM, Thomas S, Butcher S, Chong BS., Comparison of two case difficulty assessment methods on cohorts of undergraduate dental students - a multi-centre study., International endodontic journal, 53, (11), 2020, p1569-1580 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

V. Nagendrababu, H. F. Duncan, L. Bjørndal, T. Kvist, E. Priya, J. Jayaraman, S. J. Pulikkotil, P. M. H. Dummer, PRIRATE 2020 guidelines for reporting randomized trials in Endodontics: explanation and elaboration, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

A. Jakovljevic, H. F. Duncan, V. Nagendrababu, J. Jacimovic, J. Milasin, P. M. H. Dummer, Association between cardiovascular diseases and apical periodontitis: an umbrella review, International Endodontic Journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Duncan HF, Yamauchi Y, Pulp Exposure Management, Clinical Dentitsry Reviewed, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

V. Nagendrababu, H. F. Duncan, J. Whitworth, M. H. Nekoofar, S. J. Pulikkotil, S. K. Veettil, P. M. H. Dummer, Is articaine more effective than lidocaine in patients with irreversible pulpitis? An umbrella review, International Endodontic Journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Tsesis I, Sathorn C, Pulikkotil SJ, Dharmarajan L, Dummer PMH , PRISMA for abstracts: best practice for reporting abstracts of systematic reviews in Endodontology. , International Endodontic Journal , 2019 Journal Article, 2019

V. Nagendrababu, P. Dilokthornsakul, P. Jinatongthai, S. K. Veettil, S. J. Pulikkotil, H. F. Duncan, P. M. H. Dummer, Glossary for systematic reviews and meta"analyses, International Endodontic Journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Duncan HF, Cooper PR, Smith AJ., Dissecting dentine-pulp injury and wound healing responses: consequences for regenerative endodontics., International endodontic journal, 52, (3), 2019, p261-266 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

V. Nagendrababu, H. F. Duncan, I. Tsesis, C. Sathorn, S. J. Pulikkotil, L. Dharmarajan, P. M. H. Dummer, Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta"analyses for abstracts: best practice for reporting abstracts of systematic reviews in Endodontology, International Endodontic Journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Duncan HF, Bjørndal L, van der Sluis L, Rechenberg DK, Simon S, Cooper PR, Ricucci D, Galler K., Third European Society of Endodontology (ESE) research meeting: ACTA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26th October 2018: Deep caries and the exposed pulp: current and emerging therapeutic perspectives., International endodontic journal, 52, (2), 2019, p135-138 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Duncan HF, Galler KM, Tomson PL, Simon S, El-Karim I, Kundzina R, Krastl G, Dammaschke T, Fransson H, Markvart M, Zehnder M, Bjørndal L, Dummer PMH., European Society of Endodontology position statement: Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp., International endodontic journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Duncan HF, Cooper PR , Dental tissue repair: Future biologically-based opportunities., ENDO (London Eng) , 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Nagendrababu V, Duncan HF, Bjørndal L, Kvist T, Priya E, Pulikkotil SJ, Jayaraman J, Dummer PMH., Preferred Reporting Items for RAndomized Trials in Endodontics (PRIRATE) guidelines: a development protocol., International endodontic journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Siobhan Cushley, Henry F. Duncan, Mark J. Lappin, Phillip L. Tomson, Fionnuala T. Lundy, Paul Cooper, Mike Clarke, Ikhlas A. El Karim, Pulpotomy for mature carious teeth with symptoms of irreversible pulpitis: A systematic review, Journal of Dentistry, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Duncan HF, Tomson PL, Simon S, Bjorndal L, Management of Deep Caries and the Exposed Pulp, International Endodontic Journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Iwona M. Tomaszewska, Bartosz Leszczy"ski, Andrzej Wróbel, Tomasz G"adysz, Hal F. Duncan, A micro-computed tomographic (micro-CT) analysis of the root canal morphology of maxillary third molar teeth, Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger, 215, 2018, p83--92 Journal Article, 2018

Duncan HF, Kobayashi Y, Shimizu E , Growth Factors and Cell Homing in Dental Tissue Regeneration., Current Oral Health Reports, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Current and future views on pulp exposure management and epigenetic influences in, editor(s)HF Duncan & PR Cooper , CLINICAL APPROACHES IN ENDODONTIC REGENERATION - CURRENT AND EMERGING THERAPEUTIC PERSPECTIVES, Springer, 2018, [Duncan HF, Yamauchi Y] Book Chapter, 2018

Kearney M, Cooper PR, Smith AJ, Duncan HF , Epigenetic Approaches to the Treatment of Dental Pulp Inflammation and Repair: Opportunities and Obstacles. , Frontiers in Genetics, 2018 Journal Article, 2018


McGuigan MB, Duncan HF, Horner K, An analysis of effective dose optimization and its impact on image quality and diagnostic efficacy relating to dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), Swiss dental journal, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Roberto Careddu, Henry F Duncan, How does the pulpal response to Biodentine and ProRoot Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) compare in the laboratory and clinic?, British Dental Journal, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Reid C, Smith G, Cooper PR, Release of bio-active dentine extracellular matrix components by histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) , International Endoodntic Journal, 50, (1), 2017, p24 - 38 Journal Article, 2017 DOI


W.J. Wolters, H.F. Duncan, P. L. Tomson, I.AE. El Karim, G. McKenna, M.Dorri, L. Stangvaltaite, L.W.M. van der Sluis., A new diagnosis diagnostic system for assessing pulpitis and subsequent treatment needs, International Endodontic Journal, 50, (9), 2017, p825 - 829 Journal Article, 2017

Wolters WJ, Duncan HF, Tomson PL, Karim IE, McKenna G, Dorri M, Stangvaltaite L, van der Sluis LWM, Minimally invasive endodontics: a new diagnostic system for assessing pulpitis and subsequent treatment needs., International endodontic journal, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Luo Z, Wang J, Ma, F, Wang Z, He X, Sun L, Wang J, Duncan HF, He W, Cooper PR , Effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on regenerative cell responses in human dental pulp cells, International Endodontic Journal, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Tomaszewska IM, Leszczyñski B, Wróbel A, G³adysz T, Duncan HF , A Micro-Computed Tomographic (micro-CT) Analysis of the Root Canal Anatomy of Maxillary Third Molar Teeth. I, Annals of Anatomy, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Donnelly A, Coffey D, Duncan HF, A re-audit of the technical quality of undergraduate root canal treatment after the introduction of new technology and teaching practices, International Endodontic Journal, 50, (10), 2017, p941 - 950 Journal Article, 2017

Moorthy A, Alkadhimi AF, Stassen LF, Duncan HF., Prospective audit of postoperative instructions to patients undergoing root canal treatment in the DDUH and re-audit following introduction of a written patient information sheet., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 62, (1), 2016, p55-59 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Maintainig Dental Pulp Vitality in, editor(s)Chong BS , Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier, 2016, pp65 - 87, [Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Cooper PR] Book Chapter, 2016

Chong BS, Berman AM, Billis G, Quinn AM, Emery CD, Filippo GD, Duncan HF, Schäfer E, Chandler NP., Blatant ignorance., British dental journal, 220, (3), 2016, p90-91 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Smith AJ, Duncan HF, Diogenes A, Simon S, Cooper PR., Exploiting the Bioactive Properties of the Dentin-Pulp Complex in Regenerative Endodontics., J Endod, 42, (1), 2016, p47-56 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Partridge NC, Shimizu E, Moran GP, Cooper PR, The Histone-Deacetylase-Inhibitor Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid Promotes Dental Pulp Repair Mechanisms Through Modulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 Activity., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 231, (4), 2016, p798 - 816 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

A Moorthy, AF Alkadhimi, LF Stassen, HF Duncan, A prospective audit of postoperative instructions given to patients undergoing root canal treatment in Dublin Dental University Hospital and re-audit following the introduction of a written patient information sheet, Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 62, (1), 2016, p55-59- Journal Article, 2016

Smith AS, Duncan HF, Diogenes A, Simon S Cooper PR, EXPLOITING THE BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF DENTIN-PULP IN REGENERATIVE ENDODONTICS, Journal of Endodontics, 42, (1), 2016, p47-56- Journal Article, 2016

Duncan HF, Kirkevang LL, Ørstavik D, Sequeira-Byron P, Research that matters--clinical studies, International Endodontic Journal, 49, (3), 2016, p224 - 226 Journal Article, 2016

Kristin Nason, Aisling Donnelly, Henry F Duncan, YouTube as a patient information source for root canal treatment, International Endoodntic Journal, 49, (12), 2016, p1194 - 1200 Journal Article, 2016

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP , Moran GP, Cooper PR., Transcriptional profiling of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) regulated genes in mineralizing dental pulp cells at early and late time points , Genomic Data, 5, 2015, p391 - 393 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text

EPIGENETICS OF DENTAL STEM CELLS in, editor(s)Zavan B, Bressan E , Dental Stem Cells: Regenerative potential, Springer, 2015, pp73 - 85, [HF Duncan, PR Cooper] Book Chapter, 2015

International Endodontic Journal, Copenhagan, Wiley-Blackwell, [associate eds.], 2014-2017 Editorial Board, 2014

McGuigan MB, Louca C, Duncan HF , Clinical decision-making after endodontic instrument fracture, British Dental Journal, 2013 Journal Article, 2013

MacAuley Y, O'Donnell P, Duncan HF, Dental Pain, British Medical Journal, 347, 2013, pf6539- Journal Article, 2013

Duncan HF, Smith AS, Fleming GF, Cooper PR, Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors epigenetically promote reparative events in primary dental pulp cells., Experimental Cell Research, 319, (10), 2013, p1534 - 1543 Journal Article, 2013

McGuigan MB, Louca, Duncan HF, The impact of fractured endodontic instruments on treatment outcome, British Dental Journal, 214, 2013, p285 - 289 Journal Article, 2013

McGuigan MB, Louca CL, Duncan HF, Endodontic instrument fracture: causes and prevention, British Dental Journal, 214, 2013, p341 - 348 Journal Article, 2013

El-Helali R, Dowling AH, McGinley EL, Duncan HF, Fleming GJP, Influence of resin-based composite restoration technique and endodontic access on cuspal deflection and cervical microleakage scores, Journal of Dentistry, 41, (3), 2013, p216 - 222 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Kumar M, Duncan HF, Radiographic evaluation of the technical quality of undergraduate endodontic 'competence' cases in Dublin Dental University Hospital: an audit. , Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 3, 2012 Journal Article, 2012

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Cooper PR, Histone deacetylase inhibitors induced differentiation and accelerated mineralization of pulp-derived cells, Journal of Endodontics, 38, (3), 2012, p339 - 345 Journal Article, 2012

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming G, Cooper PR, HDACi: Cellular Effects and Oppotunities for Restorative Dentistry, Journal of Dental Research, 30, (12), 2011, p1377 - 1388 Journal Article, 2011

Management of Separated Instruments in, editor(s)Patel S, Duncan HF , Pitt Ford's Problem Based Learning in Endodontics, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp190 - 200, [Duncan HF, Shen Y] Book Chapter, 2011

Obturation of the Root Canal System in, editor(s)Patel S, Duncan HF , Pitt Ford's Problem Based Learning in Endodontology, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp147 - 157, [Duncan HF, Kanagasingam S] Book Chapter, 2011

Shanahan, D.J., Duncan, H.F., Root canal filling using Resilon: A review, British Dental Journal, 211, (2), 2011, p81-88 Journal Article, 2011

Pulp Capping in a Mature Tooth in, editor(s)Patel S, Duncan HF , Pitt Ford's Problem Based Learning in Endodontics, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp75 - 84, [Duncan HF] Book Chapter, 2011

Patel S, Duncan HF, Pitt Fords Problem Based Learning in Endodontology, 1st, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 1 - 311pp Book, 2011

Duncan HF, Chong BS, Removal of Root Filling Materials, Endodontic Topics, (19), 2011, p33 - 57 Journal Article, 2011

Treatment Planning in, editor(s)Patel S, Duncan HF , Pitt Ford's Problem Learning in Endodontology, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp101 - 110, [Duncan HF] Book Chapter, 2011

Local Anaesthetic Failure in Endodontics in, editor(s)Patel S, Duncan HF , Pitt Ford's Problem Based Learning in Endodontology, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp118 - 129, [Foot N, Duncan HF] Book Chapter, 2011

Shanahan D, Duncan HF, Resilon as a Root Canal Filling Material: A Review, British Dental Journal, 211, 2011, p80 - 88 Journal Article, 2011

Maintaining Dental Pulp Vitality in, editor(s)Chong BS , Harty's Endodontics in Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier, 2010, pp55 - 69, [Duncan HF] Book Chapter, 2010

Duncan HF, Chong BS, Non-surgical retreatment: Experimental studies on the removal of root filling materials, ENDO (London Eng), 4, (2), 2010, p111 - 126 Journal Article, 2010

Nair PN, Duncan HF, Pitt Ford TR, Luder HU, Histological, ultrastructural and quantitative investigations on the response of healthy human pulps to experimental capping with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; a randomized controlled trial, International Endodontic Journal, 42, (5), 2009, p422 - 444 Journal Article, 2009

Duncan HF, Nair PN, Pitt Ford TR, Vital Pulp Treatment: Clinical Considerations, ENDO, 3, (1), 2009, p7 - 17 Journal Article, 2009

Nair PNR, Duncan HF, Pitt Ford TR, Luder HU, Histological, ultrastructural and quantitative investigations on the response of healthy human pulps to experimental pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate: a randomized controlled trial, International Endodontic Journal, 41, (2), 2008, p128 - 150 Journal Article, 2008

Duncan HF, Nair PNR, Pitt Ford TR, Vital Pulp Treatment: A Review, ENDO, 2, (4), 2008, p247 - 258 Journal Article, 2008

Duncan HF, Pitt Ford TR, The potential association between smoking and endodontic disease, International Endodontic Journal, 39, (11), 2006, p843 - 854 Journal Article, 2006

Stassen LF, Oral cancer, Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 51, (4), 2005, p153- Journal Article, 2005

Duncan H., FOCI of infection., British dental journal, 189, (10), 2000, p526 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Nawal RR, Yadav S, Duncan HF, Talwar S, Kaushik A, Singh VK, Koner BC, Discriminatory performance of the pulpal inflammatory biomarkers; Interleukin-8 and TNF-" in patients with symptoms indicative of reversible and irreversible pulpitis: A diagnostic accuracy study., International Endodontic Journal, 57, 2024, p1200-1211 Journal Article, 2024

Flynn R, Foschi F, Maloney B, Creavin G, Duncan HF, The impact of bone grafting with/without barrier membrane placement on the outcome of apical surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis., International Endodontic Journal, 2024, p1006-1020 Journal Article, 2024

Duncan HF, Regenerative Endodontics, RCSI Dental meeting, Dublin, 16th February 2019, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Duncan HF, Pulpitis, apical periodontitis and systemic health: progress and problems, IADR General Session, London, UK, 15-19th July 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

G Murray, PK Shah, HF Duncan, BS Chong, A comparative evaluation of two methods of endodontic case difficulty assessment. , Brisitsh Endodontic Society Spring Scientific Meeting, London, March 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

HF Duncan*, Y Kobayashi, NC Partridge, T Nakatani, E Shimizu, Matrix-Metalloproteinase-13 Deletion Reduces Dentine and Enamel Volume, but Increases Dystrophic-Pulp-Calcification, IADR General Session, London, UK, 15-19th July 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Duncan HF, Contemporary Vital Pulp Treatment: Practicalities, Opportunities and Obstacles , BSRD ASM, London, 9th November 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

HF Duncan, Epigenetic modulation of dental pulp cells: impact and opportunities for regenerative endodontics, American Association of Dental Research Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March , 2018, IADR Invited Talk, 2018

HF Duncan, Contemporary Vital Pulp Treatment: Practicalities, Opportunities and Obstacles. , Debrecen Dental Days, Debrecen, Hungary, April 12th - 15t, 2018, Hungarian Dental Association Invited Talk, 2018

Duncan HF, Clinical decision making after instrument fracture, BES ASM, Newcastle, UK, 23rd and 24th Nov, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Duncan HF, Epigenetics is it relevant to endodontics? , Research day, NYU, New Yok, USA, 18th July, 2017, NYU Invited Talk, 2017

Duncan HF, Designing research that matters (translation, funding, excellence and impact) , European Society of Endodontology Biennial Conference, Brussels, 11-14th September, 2017, European Society of Endodontology Invited Talk, 2017

Duncan HF, New visions for the vital pulp - do we need to keep digging a hole for ourselves? , British Endodontic Society Spring Scientific Meeting, Institute of Civil Engineers, Westminster, London , 11th March, 2017, British Endodontic Society Invited Talk, 2017

Duncan HF, New opportunities to save the pulp, University Of Zurich. Clinical Sceintist symposium, University Of Zurich, 11th April 2017, 2017, University Of Zurich Invited Talk, 2017

Duncan, Dental pulp regenerative strategies, Dental Pulp Symposium, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 31st March 2016, 2016, Dental Institute, University of Groningen Invited Talk, 2016

Duncan HF, Regeneration and repair in vital pup treatment: future applications, Dutch Endodontic Society ASM, Amsterdam, 1st April, 2016, NvE Invited Talk, 2016

H F Duncan, Endodontic: Five tips for academic progress, Intensive revision day 2015, RCSI Dublin, 28th March 2015, 2015, Dental Faculty RCSI Invited Talk, 2015

H.F. Duncan, A.J. Smith, G.J.P. Fleming, P.R. Cooper , Epigenetic modulation of dental pulp stem cells using pharmacological inhibitors: Endodontic implications, European Society of Endodontology, Barcelona, September 2015, 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

Duncan HF, Protaper Next; rotating into the future, Northern Ireland Endodontic Symposium, Malone House, Blelfast, 6th February 2015, 2015, Northern Ireland Deanery Invited Talk, 2015

HF Duncan, WaveOne Gold; a panacea for root canal treatment, Dentsply rotary workshop, Henry Schein Dublin, 23rd November 2015, 2015, Dentsply Invited Talk, 2015

Duncan HF, Dental Pulp: how do we diagnose pulpal disease, Swiss Society of Endodontics, Lucerne, Switzerland, 23rd/24th January, 2015, Swiss Endodontic Society Invited Talk, 2015

H F Duncan, Endodontic disinfection and obturation, RCSI Dental Endodontic Study Day, RCSI, Dublin, 23rd May, 2015, Dental Faculty RCSI Invited Talk, 2015

HF Duncan, Vital pulp treatment: novel solutions to old problems, International College of Dentists (ICD) Conference, RCSI Dublin, 8-9th October 2015, 2015, ICD Invited Talk, 2015

Duncan HF, Endodontic careers, RCSI careers day, RCSI, 14th February , 2015, RCSI Dental Faculty Invited Talk, 2015

Duncan HF, Smith AJ, Fleming GJ, Partridge NC, Shimizu E, Moran G, Cooper PR, Histone deacetylase inhibition promotes pulpal repair mechanisms partly by modulating matrix metallporteinase 13 activity, IADR general session, Boston, 11-14th March 2015, 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

HF Duncan, Endodontic outcome: who are we failing, Irish Dental Association annual conference, Rochestown Hotel, Cork, 17th/18th April , 2015, IDA Invited Talk, 2015

Duncan HF, Modern concepts in root canal retreatment, Endodontic Hands-on WorkShop, Belfast, October 2015, 2015, SRRDG Invited Talk, 2015

Tomaszewska IM, Duncan HF, Age-related modifications to root canal anatomy in human teeth: a micro-CT study. , ESE Biennial Conference 2015, Barcelona, September 2015, 2015 Poster, 2015

Duncan HF, ProTaper Next: revolution to evolution, Dentsply raodshow, Bewleys, Ballsbridge, Dublin, 23rd January, 2014, Denstply UK Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, Maintaining Dental Pulp Viability, RCSI Endodontic sympsosium, RCSI, 3rd May 2014, 2014 Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, Endodontic Controversies, Annual Scientific Meeting, Dental faculty, IRCOS, RCSI, 31st October, 2014, RCSI Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, Endodontics today, Ruddle Endodontics A-Z, Clontarf Castle Hotel, 29th September, 2014, Dentsply Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, ProTaper Next: Dentsply Endodontic roadshow , Dentsply Endodontic roadshow , SAS Radisson hotel, 12th June , 2014, Dentsply Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF. , Non-surgical outcomes-how are we doing?, TC Whyte memorial lecture, RCPS, Glasgow, Scotland, 21st November, 2014, RCPS Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF*, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Cooper PR, The Effects of the Histone-Decateylase-Inhibitor Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid on Pulp Cells, IADR PER, Dubrovnik, 11-14th September, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

Duncan HF, Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry's Postgraduate Intensive Programme, RCSI, 6th September, 2014, RCSI Dental Faculty Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, ProTaper Next: , Dentsply Endodontic roadshow , Clarion Hotel, Dublin, 5th June , 2014, Dentsply Invited Talk, 2014

Duncan HF, Irish Endodontic Society ASM, 30th, 31st Jan 2014, In:The Future of Endodontics, 2014, Hilton Hotel, Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2014

International Endodontic Journal, West-Sussex, Wiley-Blackwell, [member of editorial board], 2014-2018 Editorial Board, 2014

Duncan HF, Irish Endodontic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 24th, 25th Jan 2013, 2013, Hilton, Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2013

Duncan HF, ProTaper Next: Evolution or Revolution, DMI dental practitioners forum, Bewley's Hotel, Ballsbridge, 4th December , 2013, Dental Medical ireland Invited Talk, 2013

Duncan HF*, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Cooper PR, Histone-Deacetylase-Inhibitors Epigenetically Promote Reparative Events in Primary Dental Pulp, IADR General Session, Seattle, 2013 Poster, 2013

Duncan HF, HDACi: targeted restorative biomaterials and clinical translations in vital pulp treatment, Visting research fellow research presenation, New York University, 30th July , 2013, Department of Basic Science, NYU Invited Talk, 2013

Duncan HF, Endodontic Diagnosis and pulpal research, Galway Dental practitoners day, Galway dental Crecent practice, November, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Duncan HF, From instrumentation to obturation: a trip through new innovations in Endodontics., Irish Dental association, ASM, Galway, 23rd Aprl 2013, 2013, IDA Invited Talk, 2013

Nayyar J, Duncan HF, Endodontic treatment of a two rooted lower premolar tooth: Diagnostic and clinical challenges, Ireland's Dental Magazine, (3), 2013, p24 - 28 Journal Article, 2013

Duncan HF*, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Cooper PR, Histone deacetylase inhibitors induced differentiation and accelerated mineralization of pulp-derived cells, IADR Irish Division, Dublin, September 2012, 2012 Poster, 2012

Duncan HF, WaveOne rotary NiTi workshop: moving towards single file endodontics., DMI Galway, Salthill, Galway, 20th August, 2012, DMI Invited Talk, 2012

Duncan HF, WaveOne rotary NiTi workshop: moving towards single file endodontics, Dentsply Dental Roadshow, DMI, 1st November, 2012, DMI Invited Talk, 2012

El-Helali R*, Duncan HF, Fleming GJ, Cuspal movement and cervical microleakage in endodontically treated premolar teeth., IADR PER, Helsinki, September 2012, 2012 Poster, 2012

Duncan HF, Nickel- titanium root canal instrumentation: part of a biological approach., UTL, DDUH, 21st July, 2012, HSE Invited Talk, 2012

Duncan HF, Should the apicectomy be confined to history or is there a new dawn for endodontic surgery? , IDNA evening lecture, DDUH SLT, 18th June, 2012, IDNA Invited Talk, 2012

Duncan HF, Root canal obturation, RCSI dental lecture series, RCSI, Dublin, 21st May , 2012, RCSI Dental faculty Invited Talk, 2012

Duncan HF*, Smith AJ, Fleming GJP, Cooper PR, Histone-Deacetylase-Inhibitors Promote Tissue-Related Repair Mechanisms in Primary Dental Pulp Cells, IADR PER , Helsinki, September 2012, 2012 Poster, 2012

Duncan HF, WaveOne rotary NiTi workshop: moving towards single file endodontics, Henry Schein, Dublin, 13th June , 2012, Henry Schein Invited Talk, 2012

Duncan HF, Root canal Instrumentation: New ideas, old objectives, Cork University Hospital CPD, CDUH, 23rd November, 2011, CDUH Invited Talk, 2011

Duncan HF, Root canal instrumentation: new ideas, old objectives, CPD DDUH, DDUH, LLT, 7th December , 2011, DDUH Invited Talk, 2011

Duncan HF, Vital pulp treatment: regenerative developments and clinical considerations, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting,, Royla College of Surgeons, Ireland, 29th October, 2011, Irish Royal College Dublin Invited Talk, 2011

Duncan HF, ProTaper nickel titanium and a biological approach, Endo Roadshow 2010, Dublin, 20/21 September , 2010, Dentsply Invited Talk, 2010

Duncan HF, Endodontics: evolution in the 21st century, HSE Continuing Dental Education Lecture Programme, The Durkan Lecture Theatre, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St James's Hospital, 31st March, 2010, HSE Invited Talk, 2010

Duncan HF, Endodontics: how good are we?, Metropolitan Branch of the IDA, D4 Hotels, 17th September, 2009, Irish Dental Association Invited Talk, 2009

Duncan HF, Vital pulp treatment: where, when and what to use?, Irish Dental Association, Public Dental Service Annual Conference, Wexford, 7th October , 2009, Irish Dental Association Invited Talk, 2009

Duncan HF, Raising the roof: predictability in finding root canals, Annual Scientific Meeting, City West Hotel, Dublin, 21st November, 2009, Irish Faculty of Dental Primary Care Invited Talk, 2009

Duncan HF, MTA 15 Years On: Decision Making in Vital Pulp Treatment, Irish Endodontic Scientific Meeting, DDSH, 25th November, 2008, IES Invited Talk, 2008

Duncan HF, The Role of MTA in Regeneration and Vital Pulp Therapy, Guys Alumni Conference, Dental Institute, Kings College London, February, 2008 Invited Talk, 2008

Duncan HF, Endodontic versus Implants: The Great Divide, Northern Ireland Postgraduate Evening Lectures, Belfast City Hospital, April , 2007 Invited Talk, 2007

Duncan HF, Controversies in Endodontics, West Sussex British Dental Association: Annual Meeting, Brighton, England, February, 2005 Invited Talk, 2005

Horan, P., Letter to the Editor, The Frontline of Intellectual Disability, 59, 2004, p30- Journal Article, 2004

Duncan HF, Allergy in Endodontics and the Causes of Post Treatment Failures, South Coast Hospital Group Meeting, Haywards Heath, England, July, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

Duncan HF, Endodontics: Scientific Predictors for the Next Ten Years, Dental Instute , Kings College London , Scientific Forum, Dental Institute, Kings College London, February 2003, 2003 Poster, 2003

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • . Implications for patient therapy of dental resin restoratives: Does simplifying the curing protocol increase patient risk?
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2013
  • Date To
    • 2017
  • Title
    • The Potential Relationship Between Smoking and the Prognosis of Endodontically Treated Teeth
  • Funding Agency
    • British Endodontic Society
  • Date From
    • 2002
  • Date To
    • 2004
  • Title
    • The Effect of Radiographic Presciption Policy in 2 Populations and Its Effects on Outcome and Patient Dosimetry
  • Funding Agency
    • Kodak/ Glasgow University Travel Fund
  • Date From
    • 1992
  • Date To
    • 1993
  • Title
    • Bio-inductive roles for novel materials in the dental pulp
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Endodontic Society
  • Date From
    • April 2009
  • Date To
    • April 2015
  • Title
    • Dissolution Analysis of the ability of topical epigenetic modifiers to solublise bioactive dentine matrix proteins
  • Funding Agency
    • European Society of Endodontology
  • Date From
    • January 2013
  • Title
    • The regulators of pulp cell proliferation, migration and death in mineralization: primary and transformed cells
  • Funding Agency
    • IADR
  • Date From
    • June 2013
  • Date To
    • August 2013
  • Title
  • Funding Agency
    • DDUH
  • Date From
    • September 2016
  • Date To
    • September 2021


Biology; Biomaterials; Endodontic Materials and Bio-compatibility; Pulp Biology and Regeneration; Pulpal Inflammation; Restorative dentistry and materials science; Systemic Factors and Apical Periodontitis; Vital Pulp Treatment



Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Clinical Sciences, College of medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham 30_5_17

Associate Editor International Endodontic Journal October 2014

Associate Editor Frontiers in Dental Medicine January 2020

International Endodontic Journal (member of editorial board) 2014-

ENDO practice today journal (reviewer) 2008

International Endodontic Journal (reviewer) 2008

Journal of the Irish Dental Association (reviewer) 2008

Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine (reviewer) 2011

Journal of Dentistry (reviewer) 2010

Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland; Dental Faculty. Examiner MFD Nov 2011-present

Journal of Dental Research (reviewer) 2012

Archives of Oral Biology (reviewer) August 2012-present

Clinical Oral Investigations (reviewer) 1/01/2018-

Scientific Reports (reviewer) 2017

International Association of Dental Research Abstract Reviewer

World Dental Traumatology Conference 2020. Chair of Scientific Committee

External examiner Finals University of Newcastle Dental School 2020 - 2023

Vice President Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group IADR 2020 - 2023

Awards and Honours

EMBO short-term fellowship June 2016

IADR Sir John Gray research fellowship 2012 1st November 2012

Irish Division of IADR Postgraduate Hatton winner 2012 September 2012

European Society of Endodontology Annual Research Grant 2012 October 2012

Irish Endodontic Society Annual research grant 2009

Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeons Gold Medal for MRD examination 2006

Distinction in Masters of Clinical Dentistry (Endodontics) degree King's College London 2006

Merit Award in Human Disease 1992

Distinction in Applied Biodental Sciences 1990

IADR Centennial Emerging Leader Award Pan European Region March 2020

HRB Fulbright Health Impact Fellowship 2021 June 2020


Irish Endodontic Society 2008 – present

British Endodontic Society 1996 – present

British Dental Association 1993 – 2008

Certified member of European Society of Endodontology September 2012 – present

European Society of Endodontology 1996 – present

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1999 – present

International Association of Dental Research August 2008 – present

Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group 2008 – present

European Society of Dental and Craniofacial Stem Cells (ESDCSC) January 2014 – present