As summer is here, we had made the best of it. At the Day Nursery we were busy going on daily walks around the Trinity college. The children were excited and happy to explore the college. 

We started with the roses' garden. As we are learning how to care for our environment, it was a learning walk to the roses' garden that helped the children to understand better how to care for their environment. We saw different colour of roses and lots of bees. They had fun running around.

We also visited the Genealogy building which the children loved. 

And finally, as we are in the period of the Olympics' games, the children have been learning about different games and how athletes need to train themselves. For them to understand better, the Sports centre welcomed us in their gym. We visited  the gym, the swimming pool and we had the chance of doing different activities in their auxiliary hall. Thank you so much to the Sports centre! What a great team you have!