IT Security Policy

There are laws, practices and codes of conduct by which all Users of University information technology resources must abide.

Trinity College Dublin first approved an Information Technology Security Policy in July 2003, becoming the first University in Ireland to publish formal IT Security guidelines for Staff and Students.

It is the responsibility of all users to familiarise themselves with these policies.

Why have Information Security Policies?

Information Security Policies are necessary to ensure that important teaching, research and administrative data, and other confidential information is protected from theft or unauthorised disclosure.

Additionally state laws, for example the Data Protection Act, make the University legally responsible for ensuring that information is accurate and used appropriately.

In addition to fulfilling your legal obligations, complying with the policies will ensure that Trinity College Dublin offers a professional and effective service. Make sure that you are aware of any legal requirements and policies that apply to you in your role in the University.

Breaking the Rules

Breaking the rules puts us all at risk. By divulging sensitive information, or by not applying strict security controls to sensitive information in your care, you expose the information and the University to potential damage and loss.

Education and Training

All users of University computing and networking facilities are expected to read and abide by the respective regulations.

The Information Security Manager is available to provide advice and training in all areas of Information Security.