Geography JH - Modules
Geography is a discipline inherently suited to addressing current and future societal challenges. It asks questions about how and why human, physical, and environmental phenomena vary across space and time. Geography is intrinsically interdisciplinary and, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, geographers are well placed to bring their understanding and skills to bear on social and environmental issues.
Junior Fresh (Year 1)
- Spaceship Earth: An introduction to Earth System Science
- The Anthropocene
- Human Geography: Society and Space
Senior Fresh (Year 2)
- Human Geography: Changing Worlds
- Physical Geography: Dynamic Earth
- History and Philosophy of Geography
- Introduction to Geospatial data and GIS
- Geography Student Seminars
Junior Sophister (Year 3)
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Data & Tools
- Advanced Research Methods in Geography
- Residential Field Course
- Living on the Edge: Estuaries and Coasts
- Earth’s Climate: Past, Present and Future
- Natural Hazards
- Research Frontiers in Geography
- Globalisation and Geopolitics
- Environmental Governance 1
- Urban Economic Structure and Regeneration
- Exploring the Sustainable City
Senior Sophister (Year 4)
- Geography Dissertation
- Environmental Governance 2
- GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Geography
- Globalisation & African Development
- Historical Geography
- Urban Geography: Cities, space and culture
- Glaciers and Glaciation with Tutorials
- Coasts Wetlands
- Glaciers and Glaciation
- Restoration Ecology and Rewilding
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