Postgraduate Courses
Please note the following:
The Annual Tuition fees listed below apply to new students entering in the specified academic year.
Fees for Continuing Students maybe be subject to a % increase each year in line with College Fee Certainty regulation. For further information in relation to Annual fee increases – see Annual Fee Rate - Academic Registry - Trinity College Dublin
In addition to Tuition/Student Contribution Fee (SCF - UG EU student only), Students are also required to pay a Student Levies & Charges (SLC) charge annually - see Student Finance - Academic Registry - Trinity College Dublin under section “What Are My Fees?"
New courses as approved by the Board of Trinity College Dublin maybe added throughout the Academic year.
The Board of Trinity College Dublin is not bound by any error in, or omission from, the following information.
** Note the Academic School or other Academic Unit maybe listed below dependant on the Academic Programme.
Academic Year | School | Course Name | Course Code | Fee Profile Code | Mode | Duration (Years) | EU Student Fee | Non-EU Student Fee |
2024/25 | School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Master in Science in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Biochemistry | PMBI-BIOC-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Master in Science in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Immunology | PMBI-IMMU-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Master in Letters in School of Business | PMBU-BUML-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Chemistry | Master in Science in School of Chemistry | PMCH-CHEM-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in Computer Science | PMCS-COMP-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PMCS-STAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PMCS-STAT-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Film | PMDM-FILM-1F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Music | PMDM-MUSI-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 3 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Film | PMDM-FILM-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Music | PMDM-MUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Drama | PMDM-DRAM-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Drama | PMDM-DRAM-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PMEG-CSEE-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PMEG-CSEE-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PMEG-EEEN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Master in Letters in School of English | PMEN-ENGL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Master in Letters in School of English | PMEN-ENGL-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Master in Science in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Genetics | PMGM-GENE-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Master in Science in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Microbiology | PMGM-MICR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PMHH-CLAS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PMHH-HART-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PMHH-HART-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Master in Letters in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Germanic Studies | PMLL-GRMS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Master in Science in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PMLS-CSMS-2F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Master in Science in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PMLS-CSMS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Master in Letters in School of Law | PMLW-LAWS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Mathematics | Master in Science in School of Mathematics | PMMA-MATH-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PMMD-CLMB-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PMMD-CMED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PMMD-MGER-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PMMD-OTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PMMD-OTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiology | PMMD-PHYS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PMMD-PTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PMMD-PUHP-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Surgery | PMMD-SURG-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | Up to 3 years | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Surgery | PMMD-SURG-3P | PMMD-SURG-3P | Part-Time | 3 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PMMD-CLMB-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PMMD-CMED-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Haematology | PMMD-HEMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PMMD-HPMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Immunology | PMMD-MIMM-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PMMD-OGYN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PMMD-PSYI-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PMMD-RTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PMMD-PAED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PMMD-MDEN-1P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PMMD-MDEN-1P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PRMD-MDEN-1F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PRMD-MDEN-1F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Botany | PMNS-BOTA-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PMNS-GEOL-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PMNS-GGMS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Zoology | PMNS-ZOOL-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Master in Science in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PMPH-PHAR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Master in Science in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PMPH-PHAR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Master in Science in School of Psychology | PMPS-PSMS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Physics | Master in Science in School of Physics | PMPY-PYSC-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Master in Letters in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PMRE-ECUM-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Master in Letters in School of Religion, Peace Studies | PMRE-PSTU-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education Studies -Early Childhood Education | PTED-ECED-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Intercultural Learning and Leadership | PTED-EDIE-2V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Leadership in Christian Education | PTED-EDLC-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Business Studies | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - English | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Geography | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - History | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Irish | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Mathematics | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Music | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Modern Languages | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Science | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,370.00 | €11,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education - Primary Teaching | PTED-EDPM-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Education in School of EDUCATION | PTED-EDUC-1F | PTED-ED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,760.00 | €13,800.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Visual Arts | PTED-EDVA-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Primary Mathematics Education | PTED-ESPM-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Master in Theology | PTRE-THES-3P | PTRE-THES-3P | Part-Time | 3 | €3,630.00 | €3,630.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PPMD-CMED-2P | PPMD-CMED-2P | Part-Time | 3 | €3,660.00 | €7,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Biochemistry | PRBI-BIOC-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Immunology | PRBI-IMMU-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Business | PRBU-BUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Business | PRBU-BUSI-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Chemistry | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Chemistry | PRCH-CHEM-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Science | PRCS-COMP-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Science | PRCS-COMP-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PRCS-STAT-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PRCS-STAT-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Oral Biosciences | PRDE-OBIO-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Public and Child Dental Health | PRDE-PCDH-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Public and Child Dental Health | PRDE-PCDH-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology | PRDE-RDPE-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Drama | PRDM-DRAM-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Film | PRDM-FILM-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Film | PRDM-FILM-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Music | PRDM-MUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Music | PRDM-MUSI-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Education | PRED-EDUC-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Education | PRED-EDUC-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PREG-CSEE-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PREG-CSEE-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PREG-EEEN-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PREG-EEEN-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering | PREG-MEME-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Doctor in Philosophy in School of English Non-Resident | PREN-DENG-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Doctor in Philosophy in School of English | PREN-ENGL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Genetics | PRGM-GENE-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Microbiology | PRGM-MICR-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PRHH-CLAS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PRHH-CLAS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies | PRHH-GWOS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PRHH-HART-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PRHH-HART-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History | PRHH-HISY-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History | PRHH-HISY-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, French | PRLL-FREN-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Germanic Studies | PRLL-GRMS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Irish and Celtic Studies | PRLL-IRCS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Italian | PRLL-ITAL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Italian | PRLL-ITAL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in Near and Middle Eastern Studies | PRLL-NMES-2F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Russian and Slavonic Studies | PRLL-RUSS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Hispanic Studies | PRLL-SPAN-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences, Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PRLS-CSLS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences, Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PRLS-CSLS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences, Centre for Language & Communication Studies | PRLS-LCOS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences, Centre for Language & Communication Studies | PRLS-LCOS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Law | PRLW-LAWS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Law | PRLW-LAWS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Mathematics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Mathematics | PRMA-MATH-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PRMD-ANAT-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PRMD-CLMB-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PRMD-CMED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PRMD-CMED-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Haematology | PRMD-HEMA-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PRMD-HMAN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PRMD-HMAN-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PRMD-HPMA-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PRMD-MDEN-1P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PRMD-MGER-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PRMD-MGER-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Immunology | PRMD-MIMM-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Immunology | PRMD-MIMM-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PRMD-OGYN-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PRMD-OTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PRMD-OTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PRMD-PAED-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiology | PRMD-PHYS-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Pharmacology and Therapeutics | PRMD-PMYT-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PRMD-PSYI-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PRMD-PSYI-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PRMD-PTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PRMD-PTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PRMD-PUHP-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PRMD-PUHP-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PRMD-RTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PRMD-RTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Surgery | PRMD-SURG-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Surgery | PRMD-SURG-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-GNUR-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Botany | PRNS-BOTA-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PRNS-GEOG-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PRNS-GEOG-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PRNS-GEOL-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PRNS-GEOL-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Zoology | PRNS-ZOOL-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PRPH-PHAR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PRPH-PHAR-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology Non-Resident | PRPS-DPSY-1F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology | PRPS-PSYC-3P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology | PRPS-PSYC-6F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Physics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Physics | PRPY-PYSC-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion Non-Resident | PRRE-DREL-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PRRE-ECUM-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PRRE-ECUM-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Peace Studies | PRRE-PSTU-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Religious Studies | PRRE-RSTU-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Religious Studies | PRRE-RSTU-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Economics | PRSP-ECON-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Economics | PRSP-ECON-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philosophy | PRSP-PHIL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philosophy | PRSP-PHIL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Sociology | PRSP-SOCS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Sociology | PRSP-SOCS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Work and Social Policy | PRSW-SWSP-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Work and Social Policy | PRSW-SWSP-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €11,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Political Science | PSSP-POLS-1F | PSSP-POLS-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,090.00 | €12,690.00 |
2024/25 | TCD-Multidisciplinary | Postgraduate Visiting Doctoral - Multi-Faculty | PVMF-DOCT-1F | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Development for Business | PCBU-SDBU-1P | PCBU-SDBU-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €8,500.00 | €8,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching and Learning | PCED-TCTL-1P | PCED-TCTL-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €370.00 | €370.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship | PCIA-CCEN-1P | PCIA-CCEN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,125.00 | €4,800.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Climate Entrepreneurship | PCIA-CENT-1P | PCIA-CENT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,750.00 | €3,750.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Workplace Wellness | PCIA-WPWE-1P | PCIA-WPWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,857.00 | €5,714.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Research only) | PCIA-IENT-1P | PCIA-IENT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,400.00 | €4,800.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Enterprise Development | PCIA-IEDE-1F | PCIA-IEDE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €3,000.00 | €4,800.00 |
2024/25 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Innovation | PCIA-HINO-1P | PCIA-HINO-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,800.00 | €3,800.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies | PCMD-AMFA-1P | PCMD-AMFA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,070.00 | €8,150.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice | PCMD-ARTP-1O | PCMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/ Midwife Prescribing) | PCNM-NMPR-1P | PF_000027 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,803.00 | €5,803.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis for Healthcare | PCNM-QMDA-1P | PCNM-QMDA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,960.00 | €7,920.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Certificate in Managing Risk and System Change | PCPS-MRSC-1O | PCPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 1 | €3,690.00 | €5,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting | PDBU-ACCO-1F | PDBU-ACCO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,000.00 | €16,900.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation | PDEG-ABRC-1P | PDEG-ABRC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Law and Contract Administration | PDEG-CLCA-1P | PDEG-CLCA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice | PDEG-FSPR-1P | PDEG-FSPR-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management | PDEG-PMAN-1P | PDEG-PMAN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy and the Environment | PDEG-SENE-2P | PDEG-SENE-2P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €17,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature | PDLL-COLI-1F | PDLL-COLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation | PDLL-LTRA-1F | PDLL-LTRA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Old Irish | PDLL-OIRI-1F | PDLL-OIRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice | PDMD-ARTP-1O | PDMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €6,360.00 | €12,740.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise | PDMD-CEXE-1O | PDMD-CEXE-1O | Online | 1 | €5,720.00 | €5,720.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise | PDMD-CEXE-2O | PDMD-CEXE-2O | Online | 2 | €3,640.00 | €3,640.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Cancer Survivorship | PDMD-CSUR-1F | PTMD-CSUR-Y2 | Full-Time | 1 | €5,650.00 | €11,310.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Infection | PDMD-HIMA-2F | PDMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,610.00 | €13,870.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Innovation | PDMD-HINN-1F | PDMD-HINN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,320.00 | €16,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Diploma in Managing Risk and System Change | PDPS-MRSC-1O | PDPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 1 | €8,060.00 | €10,390.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Theology | PDRE-CTHE-1F | PDRE-CTHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,910.00 | €12,810.00 |
2024/25 | Springboard | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Economics and Big Data | PDSP-AEBD-1F | PDSP-AEBD-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,336.00 | €14,830.00 |
2024/25 | Springboard | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Data Science | PDSP-ASDS-1F | PDSP-ASDS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,080.00 | €15,170.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice | PDSP-ASST-2O | PDSP-ASST-2O | Online | 1 | €6,800.00 | €12,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection and Welfare | PDSW-CPWE-1F | PDSW-CPWE-1P | Full-Time | 1 | €9,050.00 | €14,510.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing | PGNM-CNUR-1F | PGNM-CNUR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,002.00 | €11,002.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Midwifery | PGNM-MIDW-1F | PGNM-MIDW-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €17,616.00 | €17,616.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Psychology - Psychology Conversion Course | PGPS-PSYC-2F | PGPS-PSYC-2F | Full-Time | 2 | €10,500.00 | €21,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Postgraduate Integrated Masters in Pharmacy (Integrated) | PIPH-PHAR-1F | PIPH-PHAR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,150.00 | €18,320.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Postgraduate Performance Doctorate in Music Performance (RIAM) | PODM-MPER-1V | PODM-MPER-1V | Validated for Another Institution | 4 | €13,000.00 | €24,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications | PDLL-AICO-1F | PDLL-AICO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Immunotherapeutic | PTBI-IMTH-1F | PTBI-IMTH-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,640.00 | €23,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Immunology | PTBI-MIMM-1F | PTBI-MIMM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,010.00 | €24,020.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Administration | PTBU-BADM-1F | PTBU-BADM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €36,600.00 | €36,600.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Administration | PTBU-BADM-1P | PTBU-BADM-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €18,300.00 | €18,300.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Analytics (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip) | PTBU-BANA-1F | PTBU-BANA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €17,000.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Management | PTBU-BMAN-2F | PTBU-BMAN-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy | PTBU-DMST-1F | PTBU-DMST-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation | PTBU-ENTR-2F | PTBU-ENTR-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Finance | PTBU-FINA-1F | PTBU-FINA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €19,200.00 | €25,500.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Financial Risk Management | PTBU-FRMA-1F | PTBU-FRMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €19,200.00 | €25,500.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Human Resource Management | PTBU-HRMA-1F | PTBU-HRMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in International Management | PTBU-IMAN-1F | PTBU-IMAN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,800.00 | €22,900.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Marketing | PTBU-MARK-1F | PTBU-MARK-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Operations and Supply Chain Management | PTBU-OSCM-1F | PTBU-OSCM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Responsible Business and Sustainability | PTBU-RBSU-1F | PTBU-RBSU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €22,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Interactive Digital Media | PTCS-IDME-1F | PTCS-IDME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,590.00 | €26,989.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Computer Science | PTCS-MCSC-1F | PTCS-MCSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,590.00 | €26,989.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Statistics and Sustainability | PTCS-SSUS-1F | PTCS-SSUS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,820.00 | €24,100.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices | PTDM-DAIP-1F | PTDM-DAIP-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,580.00 | €20,460.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices | PTDM-DAIP-1P | PTDM-DAIP-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,270.00 | €11,620.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Film Studies | PTDM-FHIS-1P | PTDM-FHIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Film Studies | PTDM-FHIS-3F | PTDM-FHIS-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Music Performance (RIAM) | PTDM-MPER-1V | PTDM-MPER-1V | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €10,700.00 | €22,500.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Playwriting (LIR) | PTDM-PLAY-1F | PTDM-PLAY-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Screen Studies | PTDM-SCST-1F | PTDM-FHIS-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Stage Design (LIR) | PTDM-SDES-1F | PTDM-SDES-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Stage Design (LIR) | PTDM-SDES-1P | PTDM-SDES-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,260.00 | €12,540.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Directing (LIR) | PTDM-TDIR-1F | PTDM-TDIR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Directing (LIR) | PTDM-TDIR-1P | PTDM-TDIR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,260.00 | €12,540.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Playwriting (LIR) | PTDM-PLAY-1P | PTDM-PLAY-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,260.00 | €12,540.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre and Performance | PTDM-TPER-1P | PTDM-TPER-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre and Performance | PTDM-TPER-2F | PTDM-TPER-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Producing (LIR) | PTDM-TPRO-1F | PTDM-TPRO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 1 | PTED-EDUC-1P | PTED-ED2-1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €4,090.00 | €8,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 2 | PTED-EDUC-1P | PTED-ED2-1P2 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,110.00 | €12,220.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 1 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P12 | Part-Time | 3 | €2,640.00 | €4,440.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 2 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P12 | Part-Time | 3 | €2,640.00 | €4,440.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 3 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P3 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,110.00 | €12,220.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Irish-Medium and Gaeltacht Education | PTED-IMGE-1P | PTED-IMGE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,600.00 | No NEU Intake |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Biomedical Engineering | PTEG-BIOE-1F | PTEG-BIOE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering | PTEG-EIEN-2F | PTEG-EIEN-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PTEG-ENGI-1F | PTEG-ENGI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PTEG-ENGI-1P | PTEG-ENGI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,780.00 | €16,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering/ Zero - Carbon Technology | PTEG-MECE-1F | PTEG-MECE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering | PTEG-MENG-1P | PTEG-MENG-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,150.00 | €15,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Music and Media Technologies | PTEG-MMTE-1P | PTEG-MMTE1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,780.00 | €16,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Music and Media Technologies | PTEG-MMTE-2F | PTEG-MMTE-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Children's Literature | PTEN-CHLI-1F | PTEN-CHLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Children's Literature | PTEN-CHLI-1P | PTEN-CHLI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Comparative Literature | PTEN-COLI-1F | PTEN-COLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Creative Writing | PTEN-CWRI-1F | PTEN-CWRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Irish Writing | PTEN-IWRI-1F | PTEN-IWRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies | PTEN-MCLS-1F | PTEN-MCLS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,510.00 | €17,660.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies | PTEN-MCLS-1P | PTEN-MCLS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,220.00 | €10,010.00 |
2024/25 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Classics | PTHH-CLAS-1F | PTHH-CLAS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Classics | PTHH-CLAS-1P | PTHH-CLAS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,550.00 | €16,760.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Early Modern History | PTHH-EMHI-1F | PTHH-EMHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Early Modern History | PTHH-EMHI-1P | PTHH-EMHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,550.00 | €10,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Environmental History | PTHH-EVHI-1F | PTHH-EVHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,330.00 | €17,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Environmental History | PTHH-EVHI-1P | PTHH-EVHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,180.00 | €10,310.00 |
2024/25 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Gender and Women's Studies | PTHH-GWOS-1F | PTHH-GWOS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Gender and Women's Studies | PTHH-GWOS-1P | PTHH-GWOS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in History of Art and Architecture | PTHH-IAHI-3F | PTHH-IAHI-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in History of Art and Architecture | PTHH-IAHI-3P | PTHH-IAHI-3P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in International History | PTHH-IHIS-1F | PTHH-IHIS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,330.00 | €17,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Modern Irish History | PTHH-MIHI-1F | PTHH-MIHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Modern Irish History | PTHH-MIHI-1P | PTHH-MIHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Medieval Studies | PTHH-MSTU-1F | PTHH-MSTU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,550.00 | €16,110.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Medieval Studies | PTHH-MSTU-1P | PTHH-MSTU-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,220.00 | €10,510.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Public History and Cultural Heritage | PTHH-PHCH-1F | PTHH-PHCH-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Public History and Cultural Heritage | PTHH-PHCH-1P | PTHH-PHCH-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Applied Intercultural Communications | PTLL-AICO-1F | PTLL-AICO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €19,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Digital Humanities and Culture | PTLL-DHCU-1F | PTEN-DHCU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €19,020.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Early Irish | PTLL-EIRI-1F | PTLL-EIRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Identities and Cultures of Europe | PTLL-ICEU-1F | PTLL-ICEU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,570.00 | €18,570.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Literary Translation | PTLL-LTRA-1F | PTLL-LTRA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Middle East in a Global Context | PTLL-MEGC-1F | PTLL-MEGC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,310.00 | €16,510.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Applied Linguistics | PTLS-ALIN-1F | PTLS-ALIN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Applied Linguistics | PTLS-ALIN-1P | PTLS-ALIN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Chinese Studies | PTLS-CHST-1P | PTLS-CHST-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Chinese Studies | PTLS-CHST-2F | PTLS-CHST-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PTLS-CSLS-1F | PTLS-CSLS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PTLS-CSLS-1P | PTLS-CSLS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in English Language Teaching | PTLS-ELTE-1F | PTLS-ELTE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in English Language Teaching | PTLS-ELTE-1P | PTLS-ELTE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Linguistics | PTLS-LING-1F | PTLS-LING-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Linguistics | PTLS-LING-1P | PTLS-LING-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Speech and Language Processing | PTLS-SLPR-1F | PTLS-SLPR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Speech and Language Processing | PTLS-SLPR-1P | PTLS-SLPR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Masters in International and Comparative Law | PTLW-ICLA-1F | PTLW-ICLA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Masters in International and European Business Law | PTLW-IEBL-1F | PTLW-IEBL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Masters in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law | PTLW-IEIP-1F | PTLW-IEIP-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Masters in Law | PTLW-LAWS-1F | PTLW-LAWS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2024/25 | School of Law | Masters in Law and Finance | PTLW-LFIN-1F | PTLW-LFIN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,200.00 | €20,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Mathematics | Masters in High Performance Computing | PTMA-HPCO-1F | PTMA-HPCO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,000.00 | €21,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Mathematics | Masters in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity | PTMA-QFSG-1F | PTMA-QFSG-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,310.00 | €24,260.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Addiction Recovery | PTMD-AREC-1F | PTMD-AREC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,140.00 | €18,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Addiction Recovery | PTMD-AREC-1P | PTMD-AREC-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,570.00 | €9,140.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated) | PTMD-BIOS-1F | PTMD-BIOS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Clinical Chemistry | PTMD-CCHE-1P | PTMD-CCHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,770.00 | €16,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Applied Clinical Neuropsychology | PTMD-CNPS-1F | PTMD-CNPS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,940.00 | €19,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship | PTMD-CSUR-1F | PTMD-CSUR-Y3 | Full-Time | 1 | €8,410.00 | €16,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship | PTMD-CSUR-1P | PTMD-CSUR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,200.00 | €8,410.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Diagnostic Radiography | PTMD-DIRA-1F | PTMD-DIRA-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €9,430.00 | €18,870.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Entrepreneurship of Smart Medicines | PTMD-ESME-1F | PTMD-ESME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €24,800.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Global Health | PTMD-GHEA-1F | PTMD-GHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Genomic Medicine | PTMD-GMED-1F | PTMD-GMED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,510.00 | €19,950.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Genomic Medicine | PTMD-GMED-1P | PTMD-GMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,730.00 | €12,270.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-2F | PTMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-2P | PTMD-HIMA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-1F | PTMD-HSMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-2P | PTMD-HSMA-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,200.00 | €14,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Medical Imaging | PTMD-MIMA-1P | PTMD-MIMA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Molecular Medicine | PTMD-MMED-1P | PTMD-MMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Molecular Medicine | PTMD-MMED-3F | PTMD-MMED-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Neuroscience | PTMD-NEUR-1F | PTMD-NEUR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €24,800.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy | PTMD-PPSY-2P | PTMD-PPSY-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices | PTMD-RAMD-1P | PTMD-RAMD-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,270.00 | €13,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine | PTMD-SMED-1F | PTMD-SMED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,100.00 | €27,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Translational Oncology | PTMD-TONC-1F | PTMD-TONC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,130.00 | €21,260.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-ACHW-1F | PTNM-CHWE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-CHWE-1F | PTNM-CHWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability | PTNM-AHWI-1F | PTNM-AHWI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability | PTNM-AHWI-1P | PTNM-AHWI2F1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,270.00 | €17,200.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advanced Practice (ANP) | PTNM-ANED-3P | PTNM-ANED3P3 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,769.00 | €11,769.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Masters in Clinical Health Sciences Education | PTNM-CHSE-1P | PTNM-CHSE1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,270.00 | €17,200.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-ACHW-1P | PTNM-CHWE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia | PTNM-DEME-1P | PTNM-DEME1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,520.00 | €17,050.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Gerontological Nursing | PTNM-GTNU-1P | PTNM-GTNU1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €17,050.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health | PTNM-MHEA-1F | PTNM-MHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,960.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health | PTNM-MHEA-1P | PTNM-MHEA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Strand | PTNM-MPIN-1P | PTNM-MPIN1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,520.00 | €17,200.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing | PTNM-NURS-1F | PTNM-NURS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing | PTNM-NURS-1P | PTNM-NURS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Palliative Care | PTNM-PCAR-1P | PTNM-PCAR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing (Specialist Nursing) | PTNM-SNUR-1P | PTNM-SNUR1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,270.00 | €17,200.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation | PTNS-BCON-1F | PTNS-BCON-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,456.00 | €20,153.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Development Practice | PTNS-DPRA-1P | PTNS-DPRA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €3,920.00 | €9,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Development Practice | PTNS-DPRA-3F | PTNS-DPRA-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,456.00 | €20,153.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Environmental Sciences | PTNS-ENVS-1F | PTNS-ENVS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,456.00 | €20,153.00 |
2024/25 | CHARM-EU | Masters in Global Challenges for Sustainability (CHARM-EU) | PTNS-GCFS-1F | PTNS-GCFS-1P | Full-Time | 2 | €3,000.00 | €19,890.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Smart and Sustainable Cities | PTNS-SSCI-1F | PTNS-SSCI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,456.00 | €23,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Hospital Pharmacy | PTPH-HPHA-1P | PTPH-HPHA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,172.00 | No NEU Intake |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences | PTPH-PANA-2F | PTPH-PANA-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,500.00 | €21,010.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology | PTPH-PMTE-3O | PTPH-PMTE-3O | Online | 2 | €11,370.00 | €11,370.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Applied Behaviour Analysis | PTPS-ABAN-2F | PTPS-ABAN-2F | Full-Time | 2 | €10,040.00 | €16,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Applied Psychology | PTPS-APSY-1F | PTPS-APSY-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €22,430.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Global Mental Health | PTPS-GMHE-1F | PTMD-GMHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Global Mental Health | PTPS-GMHE-1P | PTMD-GMHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,550.00 | €14,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Managing Risk and System Change | PTPS-MRSC-1O | PTPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 2 | €8,300.00 | €10,710.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Psychoanalytic Studies | PTPS-PSYS-1F | PTPS-PSYS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | TCD-Multidisciplinary | Masters in Energy Science | PTPY-ENSC-1F | PTEG-ENSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,940.00 | €26,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Physics | Masters in Energy Science | PTPY-ENSC-1P | PTEG-ENSC-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,720.00 | €13,480.00 |
2024/25 | School of Physics | Masters in Quantum Science and Technology | PTPY-QSTE-1F | PTPY-QSTE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,430.00 | €26,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation | PTRE-CRRE-1F | PTRE-CRRE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation | PTRE-CRRE-1P | PTRE-CRRE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology | PTRE-CTHE-1F | PTRE-CTHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,870.00 | €18,310.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology | PTRE-CTHE-1P | PTRE-CTHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,460.00 | €10,900.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in International Peace Studies | PTRE-IPES-1F | PTRE-IPES-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in International Peace Studies | PTRE-IPES-1P | PTRE-IPES-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations | PTRE-ITIS-2F | PTRE-ITIS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations | PTRE-ITIS-2P | PTRE-ITIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,270.00 | €10,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Data Science | PTSP-ASDS-1F | PTSP-ASDS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €18,410.00 | €23,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Social Policy and Practice | PTSP-ASST-2O | PTSP-ASST-2O | Online | 1 | €8,040.00 | €16,110.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Comparative Social Change | PTSP-CSOH-1F | PF_NULL | Full-Time | 1 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economics | PTSP-ECON-1F | PTSP-ECON-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,280.00 | €19,680.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economics | PTSP-ECON-1P | PTSP-ECON-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €9,580.00 | €15,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economic Policy | PTSP-EPOL-1P | PTSP-EPOL-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €15,000.00 | €15,000.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in International Politics | PTSP-IPOL-1F | PTSP-IPOL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,600.00 | €22,520.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in International Politics | PTSP-IPOL-1P | PTSP-IPOL-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €15,700.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Philosophy | PTSP-PHIL-1F | PTSP-PHIL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,350.00 | €16,700.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Race, Ethnicity, Conflict | PTSP-RECO-1F | PTSP-RECO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Research | PTSW-ASRE-1F | PTSW-ASRE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €25,260.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Research | PTSW-ASRE-1P | PTSW-ASRE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Child Protection and Welfare | PTSW-CPWE-1P | PTSW-CPWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Social Work | PTSW-SWOR-1F | PTSW-SWOR-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Professional/Clinical Doctorate in Clinical Psychology | PPPS-CLPS-1F | PPPS-CLPS-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €13,953.00 | No NEU Intake |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Professional/Clinical Doctorate in Counselling Psychology | PPPS-COPS-1F | PPPS-COPS-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €15,620.00 | €21,790.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Doctorate in Dental Surgery | PSDE-DSUR-1F | PSDE-DSUR-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €25,559.00 | €49,636.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Doctorate in Dental Surgery | PSDE-DSUR-1P | PSDE-DSUR-1P | Part-Time | 5 | €15,335.00 | €29,782.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Doctorate in Education | PSED-EDUC-2P | PSEDEDUC-1FA | Part-Time | 6 | €4,960.00 | €8,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Natural Sciences | Postgraduate Doctorate in Neuroscience | PSMF-NEUR-1F | PSMF-NEUR-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,770.00 | €16,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Cardiology in Clinical Pharmacy Module | PVPH-CCPP-1P | PV_000004 | Part-Time | 1 | €630.00 | €1,260.00 |
2024/25 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Students Arts, Humanities and Social Science | PVMF-AHEH-1F | PF_000029 | Full-Time | 1 | €7,320.00 | €11,840.00 |
2024/25 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Arts, Humanities, Social Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Science and Health Sciences | PVMF-EMSH-1F | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2024/25 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Engineering, Mathematics, Science and Health Sciences | PVPH-CCPP-1P | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Diploma in Managing Risk and System Change (Top Up Diploma) | PDPS-MRSC-2O | PDPS-MRSC-2O | Online | 1 | €4,480.00 | €5,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Psychology | Masters in Managing Risk and System Change (Top Up Masters) | PTPS-MRSC-2O | PTPS-MRSC-2O | Online | 1 | €8,300.00 | €10,710.00 |
2024/25 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Speech and Language Studies - Dysphagia | PDLS-CSLD-1P | PDLS-CSLD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context | PDLL-MEGC-1F | PDLL-MEGC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,540.00 | €11,010.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe | PDLL-ICEU-1F | PDLL-ICEU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,380.00 | €12,380.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture | PDLL-DHCU-1F | PDLL-DHCU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2024/25 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in International History | PTHH-IHIS-1P | PTHH-IHIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,180.00 | €10,310.00 |
2024/25 | School of English | Masters in Irish Writing | PTEN-IWRI-1P | PTEN-IWRI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,320.00 |
2024/25 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Producing (LIR) | PTDM-TPRO-1P | PTDM-TPRO-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,260.00 | €12,540.00 |
2024/25 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation | PTBU-ENTR-2P | PTBU-ENTR-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,920.00 | €10,510.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies | PDCH-CERT-1F | PDCH-CERT-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,810.00 | €13,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Computer Science (Integrated Masters Year 5) | UICS-ICSC-1F | UICS-ICSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | No EU Intake | €25,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Eng [Electronic Information Engineering/ Computational Engineering] | PDEG-EIEN-1F | PDEG-EIEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,240.00 | €17,990.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Action | PDEG-ECAC-1F | PDEG-ECAC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Climate Adaptation Engineering | PTEG-CAEN-1F | PTEG-CAEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master in Engineering (Environmental) | PTEG-ENEN-1F | PTEG-ENEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Integrated Masters Year 5) | UIEG-ENGI-1F | UIEG-ENGI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,574.00 | €25,820.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Structural and Geotechnical) | PTEG-ENSG-1F | PTEG-ENSG-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Transportation) | PTEG-ENTR-1F | PTEG-ENTR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/ Zero - Carbon Technology | PDEG-MECE-1F | PDEG-MECE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,240.00 | €17,990.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Bioengineering | PTEG-BIOE-1P | PTEG-BIOE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,150.00 | €15,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies | PDCH-CERT-1P | PDCH-CERT-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,900.00 | €9,810.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master in Engineering (Environmental) | PTEG-ENEN-1P | PTEG-ENEN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,780.00 | €16,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PMEG-ENGI-3P | PMEG-ENGI-3P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,930.00 | €15,090.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Master Engineering (Structural and Geotechnical) | PTEG-ENSG-1P | PTEG-ENSG-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,780.00 | €16,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PCED-DIFE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Diploma in Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PDEDDIFT-1SP | Part-Time | 2 | €3,370.00 | €7,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education & Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PTEDDIFT-1SP | Part-Time | 3 | €5,110.00 | €7,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in Irish for Teachers Framework | PKED-ITEF-1P | PKED-ITEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,250.00 | No NEU Intake |
2024/25 | School of Education | Postgraduate Diploma in Irish for Teachers Irish for Teachers Framework | PKED-ITEF-1P | PKED-ITEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,250.00 | No NEU Intake |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework | PTLL-AICF-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICO-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Comparative Literature Framework | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGDT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Comparative Literature Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGMT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,190.00 | €6,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,380.00 | €12,380.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,190.00 | €6,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,190.00 | €6,190.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Literary Translation Framework | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGDT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Literary Translation Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGMT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,580.00 | €5,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Middle East in a Global Context Framework | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,770.00 | €5,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MEDF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,540.00 | €11,010.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context Framework (Top Up) | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,770.00 | €5,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Middle East in a Global Context Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,770.00 | €5,500.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Christian Theology Framework | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PCRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €3,450.00 | €6,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Theology Framework [Top Up] | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PDRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €3,290.00 | €6,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology Framework [Top Up] | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PTRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €2,895.00 | €5,368.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Information Engineering Framework | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Information Engineering Framework / Computational Engineering | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Engineering Framework / Computational Engineering [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering Framework Computational Engineering [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering for Climate Action Framework | PKEG-ECAF-1P | PKEG-ECAF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering for Climate Action (Top up) | PKEG-ECAF-1P | PKEG-ECAF-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Framework | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,290.00 | €13,000.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,290.00 | €13,000.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,810.00 | €13,490.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,290.00 | €13,000.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,290.00 | €13,000.00 |
2024/25 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management | PDEG-PMAN-1P | PDEG-PMAN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Data Science Framework | PCCS-STAT-1O | PCCS-STAT-1O | Online | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PCCS-STAT-1O | PCCS-STAT-1O | Online | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology | PDDE-CDTE-1P | PDDE-CDTE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €13,120.00 | €27,520.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry | PDDE-CDEN-1P | PDDE-CDEN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €2,010.00 | €4,240.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Masters in Clinical Dentistry | PTDE-CDEN-1P | PTDE-CDEN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,050.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation in Dentistry (Jan or Jul Intake) | PDDE-CSED-1P | PDDE-CSED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Certificate in Orofacial Pain | PCDE-OPAI-1P | PCDE-OPAI-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €13,470.00 | €26,950.00 |
2024/25 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Special Care Dentistry - No Year 2 fee | PDDE-SCDE-1P | PDDE-SCDE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €13,510.00 | €28,350.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-1F | PTMD-HSMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-1F | PTMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma School of Medicine | PSMD-MMED-1F | PSMD-MMED-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,770.00 | €16,300.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PCMDCSUF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,710.00 | €7,420.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PDMDCSUT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,490.00 | €10,990.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PTMDCSUT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,080.00 | €8,160.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Equity in Brain Health (Atlantic Fellows) | PCMD-EBHE-1P | PF_NULL | Part-Time | 1 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Global Health | PTMD-GHEA-1P | PTMD-GHEA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,550.00 | €14,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-1P | PTMD-HIMA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Immune Therapies Framework | PKMD-ITHF-1P | PKMD-ITHF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,220.00 | €12,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Immune Therapies Framework (Top up) | PKMD-ITHF-1P | PKMD-ITHF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,220.00 | €12,450.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular Medicine | PDMD-MMED-1P | PDMD-MMED-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Neuroscience | PTMD-NEUR-1P | PTMD-NEUR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Pharmaceutical Medicine | PTMD-PMED-1P | PTMD-PMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Top Up Diploma) | PDMD-ARTP-2O | PDMD-ARTP-2O | Online | 1 | €2,530.00 | €5,590.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Masters in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Top Up Masters) | PTMD-ARTP-2O | PTMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €2,530.00 | €5,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PCMD-CEXE-1O | Online | 1 | €3,810.00 | €3,810.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PDMD-CEXE-2O | Online | 1 | €3,640.00 | €3,640.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PTMD-CEXF-1P | Online | 1 | €5,620.00 | €5,620.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Community Health | PTNM-CHEA-1F | PTNM-CHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia | PTNM-DEME-1F | PTNM-DEME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,460.00 | €22,960.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Midwifery Practice & Leadership | PTNM-MIDW-2F | PF_000004 | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Research Nursing & Midwifery | PMNM-GNUR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,792.00 | €5,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,792.00 | €5,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFM4-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €5,792.00 | €11,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Midwifery | PTNM-MIDW-4P | PTNM-MIDW-42 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,769.00 | €11,769.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,792.00 | €5,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,792.00 | €5,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFM4-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €5,792.00 | €11,792.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing- Child Health and Wellbeing Framework | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing- Child Health and Wellbeing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Community Health Framework | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Community Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Community Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Dementia Framework | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Dementia Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health Framework | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Strand (M.Sc. Or PG Dip Exit)- Yr. 1 | PTNM-MCAF-1P | PTNM-MCAF1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,520.00 | €17,200.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Strand (M.Sc. Or PG Dip Exit)- Yr. 2 | PTNM-MCAF-1P | PTNM-MCAF1P2 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,760.00 | €11,530.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health -Child Adolescent and Family Framework | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Midwifery Practice & Leadership | PTNM-MIDW-2P | PTNM-MIDW-22 | Part-Time | 2 | €6,040.00 | €12,100.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care Framework | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Palliative Care Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Research Nursing & Midwifery | PMNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-NMID-4P/ PRNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-NMID-3P | PF_NULL | Part-Time | 7 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Nursing (various routes) Framework - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Practice (various routes) Framework [Top Up] - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,320.00 | €8,650.00 |
2024/25 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Specialist Practice (various routes) Framework [Top Up] - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,230.00 | €12,460.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Master in Science in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Biochemistry | PMBI-BIOC-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Master in Science in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Immunology | PMBI-IMMU-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Master in Letters in School of Business | PMBU-BUML-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Chemistry | Master in Science in School of Chemistry | PMCH-CHEM-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in Computer Science | PMCS-COMP-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PMCS-STAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Master in Science in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PMCS-STAT-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Film | PMDM-FILM-1F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Music | PMDM-MUSI-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 3 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Film | PMDM-FILM-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Music | PMDM-MUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Drama | PMDM-DRAM-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Master in Letters in School Creative Arts, Drama | PMDM-DRAM-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PMEG-CSEE-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PMEG-CSEE-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master in Science in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PMEG-EEEN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Master in Letters in School of English | PMEN-ENGL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Master in Letters in School of English | PMEN-ENGL-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Master in Science in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Genetics | PMGM-GENE-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Master in Science in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Microbiology | PMGM-MICR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PMHH-CLAS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PMHH-HART-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Master in Letters in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PMHH-HART-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Master in Letters in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Germanic Studies | PMLL-GRMS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Master in Science in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PMLS-CSMS-2F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Master in Science in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PMLS-CSMS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Master in Letters in School of Law | PMLW-LAWS-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Mathematics | Master in Science in School of Mathematics | PMMA-MATH-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PMMD-CLMB-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PMMD-CMED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PMMD-MGER-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PMMD-OTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PMMD-OTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiology | PMMD-PHYS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PMMD-PTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PMMD-PUHP-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Surgery | PMMD-SURG-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | Up to 3 years | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Surgery | PMMD-SURG-3P | PMMD-SURG-3P | Part-Time | 3 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Botany | PMNS-BOTA-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PMNS-GEOL-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PMNS-GGMS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Master in Science in School of Natural Sciences, Zoology | PMNS-ZOOL-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Master in Science in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PMPH-PHAR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Master in Science in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PMPH-PHAR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Master in Science in School of Psychology | PMPS-PSMS-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Physics | Master in Science in School of Physics | PMPY-PYSC-3F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Master in Letters in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PMRE-ECUM-3F | PFR_000001 | Full-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Master in Letters in School of Religion, Peace Studies | PMRE-PSTU-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education Studies -Early Childhood Education | PTED-ECED-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Intercultural Learning and Leadership | PTED-EDIE-2V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Leadership in Christian Education | PTED-EDLC-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Business Studies | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - English | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Geography | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - History | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Irish | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Mathematics | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Music | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Modern Languages | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education with specialisations in - Science | PTED-EDPM-1F | PTED-EDPM-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,490.00 | €11,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Professional Masters Education - Primary Teaching | PTED-EDPM-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Education in School of EDUCATION | PTED-EDUC-1F | PTED-ED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,760.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Visual Arts | PTED-EDVA-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Education Studies - Primary Mathematics Education | PTED-ESPM-1V | PF_NULL | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Master in Theology | PTRE-THES-3P | PTRE-THES-3P | Part-Time | 3 | €3,710.00 | €3,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PPMD-CMED-2P | PPMD-CMED-2P | Part-Time | 3 | €3,740.00 | €7,490.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Biochemistry | PRBI-BIOC-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Biochemistry and Immunology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Immunology | PRBI-IMMU-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Business | PRBU-BUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Business | PRBU-BUSI-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Chemistry | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Chemistry | PRCH-CHEM-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Science | PRCS-COMP-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Science | PRCS-COMP-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PRCS-STAT-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Computer Science and Statistics, Statistics | PRCS-STAT-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Oral Biosciences | PRDE-OBIO-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Public and Child Dental Health | PRDE-PCDH-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Public and Child Dental Health | PRDE-PCDH-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Dental Science, Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology | PRDE-RDPE-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Drama | PRDM-DRAM-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Film | PRDM-FILM-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Film | PRDM-FILM-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Music | PRDM-MUSI-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Creative Arts, Music | PRDM-MUSI-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Education | PRED-EDUC-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Education | PRED-EDUC-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PREG-CSEE-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | PREG-CSEE-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PREG-EEEN-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering | PREG-EEEN-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering | PREG-MEME-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Doctor in Philosophy in School of English Non-Resident | PREN-DENG-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Doctor in Philosophy in School of English | PREN-ENGL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Genetics | PRGM-GENE-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Genetics and Microbiology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Genetics and Microbiology, Microbiology | PRGM-MICR-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PRHH-CLAS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Classics | PRHH-CLAS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies | PRHH-GWOS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PRHH-HART-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History of Art | PRHH-HART-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History | PRHH-HISY-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Doctor in Philosophy in School of History and Humanities, History | PRHH-HISY-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, French | PRLL-FREN-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Germanic Studies | PRLL-GRMS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Irish and Celtic Studies | PRLL-IRCS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Italian | PRLL-ITAL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Italian | PRLL-ITAL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in Near and Middle Eastern Studies | PRLL-NMES-2F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Russian and Slavonic Studies | PRLL-RUSS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Hispanic Studies | PRLL-SPAN-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences, Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PRLS-CSLS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences, Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PRLS-CSLS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences, Centre for Language & Communication Studies | PRLS-LCOS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences, Centre for Language & Communication Studies | PRLS-LCOS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Law | PRLW-LAWS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Law | PRLW-LAWS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Mathematics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Mathematics | PRMA-MATH-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PRMD-ANAT-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PRMD-CLMB-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PRMD-CMED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PRMD-CMED-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Haematology | PRMD-HEMA-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PRMD-HMAN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PRMD-HMAN-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PRMD-HPMA-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PRMD-MDEN-1P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PRMD-MGER-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PRMD-MGER-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Immunology | PRMD-MIMM-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Immunology | PRMD-MIMM-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PRMD-OGYN-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PRMD-OTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Occupational Therapy | PRMD-OTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PRMD-PAED-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiology | PRMD-PHYS-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Pharmacology and Therapeutics | PRMD-PMYT-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PRMD-PSYI-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PRMD-PSYI-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PRMD-PTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiotherapy | PRMD-PTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PRMD-PUHP-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PRMD-PUHP-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PRMD-RTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PRMD-RTHY-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Surgery | PRMD-SURG-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Surgery | PRMD-SURG-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-GNUR-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Botany | PRNS-BOTA-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PRNS-GEOG-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geography | PRNS-GEOG-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PRNS-GEOL-2P | PFR_00004A | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Geology | PRNS-GEOL-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Natural Sciences, Zoology | PRNS-ZOOL-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PRPH-PHAR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | PRPH-PHAR-4F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology Non-Resident | PRPS-DPSY-1F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology | PRPS-PSYC-3P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Psychology | PRPS-PSYC-6F | PF_000120 | Full-Time | 4 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Physics | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Physics | PRPY-PYSC-4F | PF_000121 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion Non-Resident | PRRE-DREL-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PRRE-ECUM-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, Irish School of Ecumenics | PRRE-ECUM-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Peace Studies | PRRE-PSTU-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Religious Studies | PRRE-RSTU-1F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Religion, Religious Studies | PRRE-RSTU-1P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Economics | PRSP-ECON-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Economics | PRSP-ECON-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philosophy | PRSP-PHIL-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philosophy | PRSP-PHIL-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Sociology | PRSP-SOCS-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Sociology | PRSP-SOCS-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Work and Social Policy | PRSW-SWSP-2P | PFR_000002 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Work and Social Policy | PRSW-SWSP-4F | PF_000119 | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Political Science | PSSP-POLS-1F | PSSP-POLS-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,250.00 | €12,980.00 |
2025/26 | TCD-Multidisciplinary | Postgraduate Visiting Doctoral - Multi-Faculty | PVMF-DOCT-1F | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Development for Business | PCBU-SDBU-1P | PCBU-SDBU-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €8,500.00 | €8,500.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching and Learning | PCED-TCTL-1P | PCED-TCTL-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €370.00 | €370.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship | PCIA-CCEN-1P | PCIA-CCEN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,125.00 | €4,800.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Climate Entrepreneurship | PCIA-CENT-1P | PCIA-CENT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,750.00 | €3,750.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Workplace Wellness | PCIA-WPWE-1P | PCIA-WPWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,857.00 | €5,714.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Research only) | PCIA-IENT-1P | PCIA-IENT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,400.00 | €4,800.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Enterprise Development | PCIA-IEDE-1F | PCIA-IEDE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €3,000.00 | €4,800.00 |
2025/26 | Tangent | Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Innovation | PCIA-HINO-1P | PCIA-HINO-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,800.00 | €3,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies | PCMD-AMFA-1P | PCMD-AMFA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,070.00 | €8,150.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice | PCMD-ARTP-1O | PCMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €4,190.00 | €8,400.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/ Midwife Prescribing) | PCNM-NMPR-1P | PF_000027 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,805.00 | €5,805.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis for Healthcare | PCNM-QMDA-1P | PCNM-QMDA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,960.00 | €7,920.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Certificate in Managing Risk and System Change | PCPS-MRSC-1O | PCPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 1 | €3,690.00 | €5,350.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting | PDBU-ACCO-1F | PDBU-ACCO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,000.00 | €17,550.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation | PDEG-ABRC-1P | PDEG-ABRC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,665.00 | €17,105.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Law and Contract Administration | PDEG-CLCA-1P | PDEG-CLCA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice | PDEG-FSPR-1P | PDEG-FSPR-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,665.00 | €17,105.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management | PDEG-PMAN-1P | PDEG-PMAN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,665.00 | €17,105.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy and the Environment | PDEG-SENE-2P | PDEG-SENE-2P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,665.00 | €17,105.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature | PDLL-COLI-1F | PDLL-COLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation | PDLL-LTRA-1F | PDLL-LTRA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Old Irish | PDLL-OIRI-1F | PDLL-OIRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,170.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice | PDMD-ARTP-1O | PDMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €6,360.00 | €12,740.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise | PDMD-CEXE-1O | PDMD-CEXE-1O | Online | 1 | €5,720.00 | €5,720.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise | PDMD-CEXE-2O | PDMD-CEXE-2O | Online | 2 | €3,720.00 | €3,720.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Cancer Survivorship | PDMD-CSUR-1F | PTMD-CSUR-Y2 | Full-Time | 1 | €5,650.00 | €11,310.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Infection | PDMD-HIMA-2F | PDMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,610.00 | €13,870.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Innovation | PDMD-HINN-1F | PDMD-HINN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,320.00 | €16,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Diploma in Managing Risk and System Change | PDPS-MRSC-1O | PDPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 1 | €8,060.00 | €10,390.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Theology | PDRE-CTHE-1F | PDRE-CTHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,910.00 | €12,810.00 |
2025/26 | Springboard | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Economics and Big Data | PDSP-AEBD-1F | PDSP-AEBD-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,336.00 | €14,830.00 |
2025/26 | Springboard | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Data Science | PDSP-ASDS-1F | PDSP-ASDS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,080.00 | €15,170.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice | PDSP-ASST-2O | PDSP-ASST-2O | Online | 1 | €6,800.00 | €12,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection and Welfare | PDSW-CPWE-1F | PDSW-CPWE-1P | Full-Time | 1 | €9,050.00 | €14,510.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing | PGNM-CNUR-1F | PGNM-CNUR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,004.00 | €11,004.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Midwifery | PGNM-MIDW-1F | PGNM-MIDW-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €17,618.00 | €17,618.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Psychology - Psychology Conversion Course | PGPS-PSYC-2F | PGPS-PSYC-2F | Full-Time | 2 | €10,740.00 | €21,500.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Postgraduate Integrated Masters in Pharmacy (Integrated) | PIPH-PHAR-1F | PIPH-PHAR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,150.00 | €18,320.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Postgraduate Performance Doctorate in Music Performance (RIAM) | PODM-MPER-1V | PODM-MPER-1V | Validated for Another Institution | 4 | €13,000.00 | €25,000.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications | PDLL-AICO-1F | PDLL-AICO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Immunotherapeutic | PTBI-IMTH-1F | PTBI-IMTH-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,640.00 | €23,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Immunology | PTBI-MIMM-1F | PTBI-MIMM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,010.00 | €24,020.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Administration | PTBU-BADM-1F | PTBU-BADM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €36,600.00 | €36,600.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Administration | PTBU-BADM-1P | PTBU-BADM-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €18,300.00 | €18,300.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Business Analytics (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip) | PTBU-BANA-1F | PTBU-BANA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €17,000.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Management | PTBU-BMAN-2F | PTBU-BMAN-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy | PTBU-DMST-1F | PTBU-DMST-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation | PTBU-ENTR-2F | PTBU-ENTR-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Finance | PTBU-FINA-1F | PTBU-FINA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €19,200.00 | €26,500.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Financial Risk Management | PTBU-FRMA-1F | PTBU-FRMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €19,200.00 | €26,500.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Human Resource Management | PTBU-HRMA-1F | PTBU-HRMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in International Management | PTBU-IMAN-1F | PTBU-IMAN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,800.00 | €23,800.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Marketing | PTBU-MARK-1F | PTBU-MARK-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Operations and Supply Chain Management | PTBU-OSCM-1F | PTBU-OSCM-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,250.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Responsible Business and Sustainability | PTBU-RBSU-1F | PTBU-RBSU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,250.00 | €23,350.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Interactive Digital Media | PTCS-IDME-1F | PTCS-IDME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,590.00 | €26,989.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Computer Science | PTCS-MCSC-1F | PTCS-MCSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,590.00 | €26,989.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Statistics and Sustainability | PTCS-SSUS-1F | PTCS-SSUS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,820.00 | €24,100.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices | PTDM-DAIP-1F | PTDM-DAIP-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,580.00 | €20,460.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Digital Arts and Intermedia Practices | PTDM-DAIP-1P | PTDM-DAIP-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €11,890.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Film Studies | PTDM-FHIS-1P | PTDM-FHIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Film Studies | PTDM-FHIS-3F | PTDM-FHIS-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Music Performance (RIAM) | PTDM-MPER-1V | PTDM-MPER-1V | Validated for Another Institution | 2 | €10,700.00 | €23,000.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Playwriting (LIR) | PTDM-PLAY-1F | PTDM-PLAY-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Screen Studies | PTDM-SCST-1F | PTDM-FHIS-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Stage Design (LIR) | PTDM-SDES-1F | PTDM-SDES-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Stage Design (LIR) | PTDM-SDES-1P | PTDM-SDES-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,400.00 | €12,830.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Directing (LIR) | PTDM-TDIR-1F | PTDM-TDIR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Directing (LIR) | PTDM-TDIR-1P | PTDM-TDIR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,400.00 | €12,830.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre and Performance | PTDM-TPER-1P | PTDM-TPER-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre and Performance | PTDM-TPER-2F | PTDM-TPER-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Producing (LIR) | PTDM-TPRO-1F | PTDM-TPRO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,530.00 | €22,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 1 | PTED-EDUC-1P | PTED-ED2-1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €4,180.00 | €9,090.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 2 | PTED-EDUC-1P | PTED-ED2-1P2 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,220.00 | €12,500.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 1 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P12 | Part-Time | 3 | €2,700.00 | €4,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 2 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P12 | Part-Time | 3 | €2,700.00 | €4,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Education - Year 3 | PTED-EDUC-2P | PTED-ED3-P3 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,220.00 | €12,500.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Irish-Medium and Gaeltacht Education | PTED-IMGE-1P | PTED-IMGE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,600.00 | No NEU Intake |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Biomedical Engineering | PTEG-BIOE-1F | PTEG-BIOE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering | PTEG-EIEN-2F | PTEG-EIEN-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PTEG-ENGI-1F | PTEG-ENGI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PTEG-ENGI-1P | PTEG-ENGI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,910.00 | €16,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering/ Zero - Carbon Technology | PTEG-MECE-1F | PTEG-MECE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering | PTEG-MENG-1P | PTEG-MENG-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,260.00 | €15,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Music and Media Technologies | PTEG-MMTE-1P | PTEG-MMTE1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,910.00 | €16,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Music and Media Technologies | PTEG-MMTE-2F | PTEG-MMTE-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Children's Literature | PTEN-CHLI-1F | PTEN-CHLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Children's Literature | PTEN-CHLI-1P | PTEN-CHLI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €10,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Comparative Literature | PTEN-COLI-1F | PTEN-COLI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Creative Writing | PTEN-CWRI-1F | PTEN-CWRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Irish Writing | PTEN-IWRI-1F | PTEN-IWRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies | PTEN-MCLS-1F | PTEN-MCLS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,510.00 | €17,660.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Modern and Contemporary Literary Studies | PTEN-MCLS-1P | PTEN-MCLS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,360.00 | €10,240.00 |
2025/26 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Classics | PTHH-CLAS-1F | PTHH-CLAS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Classics | PTHH-CLAS-1P | PTHH-CLAS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,720.00 | €17,150.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Early Modern History | PTHH-EMHI-1F | PTHH-EMHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Early Modern History | PTHH-EMHI-1P | PTHH-EMHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,720.00 | €10,740.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Environmental History | PTHH-EVHI-1F | PTHH-EVHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,330.00 | €17,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Environmental History | PTHH-EVHI-1P | PTHH-EVHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,340.00 | €10,550.00 |
2025/26 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Gender and Women's Studies | PTHH-GWOS-1F | PTHH-GWOS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in Gender and Women's Studies | PTHH-GWOS-1P | PTHH-GWOS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in History of Art and Architecture | PTHH-IAHI-3F | PTHH-IAHI-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in History of Art and Architecture | PTHH-IAHI-3P | PTHH-IAHI-3P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in International History | PTHH-IHIS-1F | PTHH-IHIS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,330.00 | €17,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Modern Irish History | PTHH-MIHI-1F | PTHH-MIHI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Modern Irish History | PTHH-MIHI-1P | PTHH-MIHI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Medieval Studies | PTHH-MSTU-1F | PTHH-MSTU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,550.00 | €16,110.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Medieval Studies | PTHH-MSTU-1P | PTHH-MSTU-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,360.00 | €10,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Public History and Cultural Heritage | PTHH-PHCH-1F | PTHH-PHCH-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of of History and Humanities | Masters in Public History and Cultural Heritage | PTHH-PHCH-1P | PTHH-PHCH-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €10,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Applied Intercultural Communications | PTLL-AICO-1F | PTLL-AICO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €19,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Digital Humanities and Culture | PTLL-DHCU-1F | PTEN-DHCU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €19,020.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Early Irish | PTLL-EIRI-1F | PTLL-EIRI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Identities and Cultures of Europe | PTLL-ICEU-1F | PTLL-ICEU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,570.00 | €18,570.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Literary Translation | PTLL-LTRA-1F | PTLL-LTRA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Middle East in a Global Context | PTLL-MEGC-1F | PTLL-MEGC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,310.00 | €16,510.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Applied Linguistics | PTLS-ALIN-1F | PTLS-ALIN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Applied Linguistics | PTLS-ALIN-1P | PTLS-ALIN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Chinese Studies | PTLS-CHST-1P | PTLS-CHST-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Chinese Studies | PTLS-CHST-2F | PTLS-CHST-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PTLS-CSLS-1F | PTLS-CSLS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Clinical Speech and Language Studies | PTLS-CSLS-1P | PTLS-CSLS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in English Language Teaching | PTLS-ELTE-1F | PTLS-ELTE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in English Language Teaching | PTLS-ELTE-1P | PTLS-ELTE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Linguistics | PTLS-LING-1F | PTLS-LING-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Linguistics | PTLS-LING-1P | PTLS-LING-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Speech and Language Processing | PTLS-SLPR-1F | PTLS-SLPR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Masters in Speech and Language Processing | PTLS-SLPR-1P | PTLS-SLPR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €12,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Masters in International and Comparative Law | PTLW-ICLA-1F | PTLW-ICLA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Masters in International and European Business Law | PTLW-IEBL-1F | PTLW-IEBL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Masters in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law | PTLW-IEIP-1F | PTLW-IEIP-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Masters in Law | PTLW-LAWS-1F | PTLW-LAWS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,210.00 | €21,780.00 |
2025/26 | School of Law | Masters in Law and Finance | PTLW-LFIN-1F | PTLW-LFIN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,200.00 | €21,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Mathematics | Masters in High Performance Computing | PTMA-HPCO-1F | PTMA-HPCO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,698.00 | €23,024.00 |
2025/26 | School of Mathematics | Masters in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity | PTMA-QFSG-1F | PTMA-QFSG-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,148.00 | €24,825.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Addiction Recovery | PTMD-AREC-1F | PTMD-AREC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,140.00 | €18,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Addiction Recovery | PTMD-AREC-1P | PTMD-AREC-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,670.00 | €9,350.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated) | PTMD-BIOS-1F | PTMD-BIOS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Clinical Chemistry | PTMD-CCHE-1P | PTMD-CCHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,950.00 | €16,670.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Applied Clinical Neuropsychology | PTMD-CNPS-1F | PTMD-CNPS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,940.00 | €19,890.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship | PTMD-CSUR-1F | PTMD-CSUR-Y3 | Full-Time | 1 | €8,410.00 | €16,820.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship | PTMD-CSUR-1P | PTMD-CSUR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,290.00 | €8,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Diagnostic Radiography | PTMD-DIRA-1F | PTMD-DIRA-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €9,640.00 | €19,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Entrepreneurship of Smart Medicines | PTMD-ESME-1F | PTMD-ESME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €24,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Global Health | PTMD-GHEA-1F | PTMD-GHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Genomic Medicine | PTMD-GMED-1F | PTMD-GMED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,510.00 | €19,950.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Genomic Medicine | PTMD-GMED-1P | PTMD-GMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,860.00 | €12,550.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-2F | PTMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-2P | PTMD-HIMA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-1F | PTMD-HSMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-2P | PTMD-HSMA-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,200.00 | €14,400.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Medical Imaging | PTMD-MIMA-1P | PTMD-MIMA-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Molecular Medicine | PTMD-MMED-1P | PTMD-MMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Molecular Medicine | PTMD-MMED-3F | PTMD-MMED-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Neuroscience | PTMD-NEUR-1F | PTMD-NEUR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €24,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy | PTMD-PPSY-2P | PTMD-PPSY-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €10,020.00 | €21,010.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices | PTMD-RAMD-1P | PTMD-RAMD-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine | PTMD-SMED-1F | PTMD-SMED-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,100.00 | €27,500.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Translational Oncology | PTMD-TONC-1F | PTMD-TONC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,130.00 | €21,260.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-ACHW-1F | PTNM-CHWE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,330.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advancing Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-CHWE-1F | PTNM-CHWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability | PTNM-AHWI-1F | PTNM-AHWI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Ageing Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability | PTNM-AHWI-1P | PTNM-AHWI2F1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,460.00 | €17,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Advanced Practice (ANP) | PTNM-ANED-3P | PTNM-ANED3P3 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,771.00 | €11,771.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Masters in Clinical Health Sciences Education | PTNM-CHSE-1P | PTNM-CHSE1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,460.00 | €17,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing | PTNM-ACHW-1P | PTNM-CHWE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia | PTNM-DEME-1P | PTNM-DEME1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,710.00 | €17,440.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Gerontological Nursing | PTNM-GTNU-1P | PTNM-GTNU1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €7,250.00 | €17,050.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health | PTNM-MHEA-1F | PTNM-MHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,960.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health | PTNM-MHEA-1P | PTNM-MHEA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Strand | PTNM-MPIN-1P | PTNM-MPIN1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,710.00 | €17,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing | PTNM-NURS-1F | PTNM-NURS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing | PTNM-NURS-1P | PTNM-NURS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Palliative Care | PTNM-PCAR-1P | PTNM-PCAR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing (Specialist Nursing) | PTNM-SNUR-1P | PTNM-SNUR1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,460.00 | €17,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation | PTNS-BCON-1F | PTNS-BCON-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,903.00 | €21,873.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Development Practice | PTNS-DPRA-1P | PTNS-DPRA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,010.00 | €9,450.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Development Practice | PTNS-DPRA-3F | PTNS-DPRA-3F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,903.00 | €21,873.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Environmental Sciences | PTNS-ENVS-1F | PTNS-ENVS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,903.00 | €21,873.00 |
2025/26 | CHARM-EU | Masters in Global Challenges for Sustainability (CHARM-EU) | PTNS-GCFS-1F | PTNS-GCFS-2F | Full-Time | 2 | €5,000.00 | €24,000.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Masters in Smart and Sustainable Cities | PTNS-SSCI-1F | PTNS-SSCI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,903.00 | €24,638.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Hospital Pharmacy | PTPH-HPHA-1P | PTPH-HPHA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,290.00 | No NEU Intake |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences | PTPH-PANA-2F | PTPH-PANA-2F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,500.00 | €21,010.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Masters in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology | PTPH-PMTE-3O | PTPH-PMTE-3O | Online | 2 | €11,370.00 | €11,370.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Applied Behaviour Analysis | PTPS-ABAN-2F | PTPS-ABAN-2F | Full-Time | 2 | €10,270.00 | €16,920.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Applied Psychology | PTPS-APSY-1F | PTPS-APSY-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €22,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Global Mental Health | PTPS-GMHE-1F | PTMD-GMHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,490.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Global Mental Health | PTPS-GMHE-1P | PTMD-GMHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,720.00 | €14,990.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Managing Risk and System Change | PTPS-MRSC-1O | PTPS-MRSC-1O | Online | 2 | €8,490.00 | €10,950.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Psychoanalytic Studies | PTPS-PSYS-1F | PTPS-PSYS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | TCD-Multidisciplinary | Masters in Energy Science | PTPY-ENSC-1F | PTEG-ENSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,940.00 | €26,450.00 |
2025/26 | School of Physics | Masters in Energy Science | PTPY-ENSC-1P | PTEG-ENSC-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,820.00 | €13,790.00 |
2025/26 | School of Physics | Masters in Quantum Science and Technology | PTPY-QSTE-1F | PTPY-QSTE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €10,430.00 | €26,100.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation | PTRE-CRRE-1F | PTRE-CRRE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation | PTRE-CRRE-1P | PTRE-CRRE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology | PTRE-CTHE-1F | PTRE-CTHE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,870.00 | €18,310.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology | PTRE-CTHE-1P | PTRE-CTHE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,610.00 | €11,150.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in International Peace Studies | PTRE-IPES-1F | PTRE-IPES-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in International Peace Studies | PTRE-IPES-1P | PTRE-IPES-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €11,070.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations | PTRE-ITIS-2F | PTRE-ITIS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Contextual Theologies and Interfaith Relations | PTRE-ITIS-2P | PTRE-ITIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,410.00 | €10,820.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Data Science | PTSP-ASDS-1F | PTSP-ASDS-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €18,410.00 | €23,530.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Social Policy and Practice | PTSP-ASST-2O | PTSP-ASST-2O | Online | 1 | €8,040.00 | €16,110.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Comparative Social Change | PTSP-CSOH-1F | PF_NULL | Full-Time | 1 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economics | PTSP-ECON-1F | PTSP-ECON-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,280.00 | €19,680.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economics | PTSP-ECON-1P | PTSP-ECON-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €15,700.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Economic Policy | PTSP-EPOL-1P | PTSP-EPOL-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €15,000.00 | €15,000.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in International Politics | PTSP-IPOL-1F | PTSP-IPOL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €13,600.00 | €22,520.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in International Politics | PTSP-IPOL-1P | PTSP-IPOL-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €10,020.00 | €16,060.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Philosophy | PTSP-PHIL-1F | PTSP-PHIL-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,350.00 | €16,700.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Sciences and Philosophy | Masters in Race, Ethnicity, Conflict | PTSP-RECO-1F | PTSP-RECO-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €18,180.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Research | PTSW-ASRE-1F | PTSW-ASRE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,820.00 | €25,260.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Applied Social Research | PTSW-ASRE-1P | PTSW-ASRE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,950.00 | €16,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Child Protection and Welfare | PTSW-CPWE-1P | PTSW-CPWE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,770.00 | €16,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Social Work and Social Policy | Masters in Social Work | PTSW-SWOR-1F | PTSW-SWOR-1F | Full-Time | 2 | €9,800.00 | €20,930.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Professional/Clinical Doctorate in Clinical Psychology | PPPS-CLPS-1F | PPPS-CLPS-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €13,953.00 | No NEU Intake |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Professional/Clinical Doctorate in Counselling Psychology | PPPS-COPS-1F | PPPS-COPS-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €15,980.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Doctorate in Dental Surgery | PSDE-DSUR-1F | PSDE-DSUR-1F | Full-Time | 3 | €25,559.00 | €50,790.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Doctorate in Dental Surgery | PSDE-DSUR-1P | PSDE-DSUR-1P | Part-Time | 5 | €15,335.00 | €30,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Doctorate in Education | PSED-EDUC-2P | PSEDEDUC-1FA | Part-Time | 6 | €5,070.00 | €8,430.00 |
2025/26 | School of Natural Sciences | Postgraduate Doctorate in Neuroscience | PSMF-NEUR-1F | PSMF-NEUR-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,950.00 | €16,670.00 |
2025/26 | School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Cardiology in Clinical Pharmacy Module | PVPH-CCPP-1P | PV_000004 | Part-Time | 1 | €630.00 | €1,260.00 |
2025/26 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Students Arts, Humanities and Social Science | PVMF-AHEH-1F | PF_000029 | Full-Time | 1 | €7,320.00 | €11,840.00 |
2025/26 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Arts, Humanities, Social Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Science and Health Sciences | PVMF-EMSH-1F | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2025/26 | Visiting Student Programme | Postgraduate Visiting Engineering, Mathematics, Science and Health Sciences | PVPH-CCPP-1P | PF_000103 | Full-Time | 1 | €9,270.00 | €27,620.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Postgraduate Diploma in Managing Risk and System Change (Top Up Diploma) | PDPS-MRSC-2O | PDPS-MRSC-2O | Online | 1 | €4,480.00 | €5,190.00 |
2025/26 | School of Psychology | Masters in Managing Risk and System Change (Top Up Masters) | PTPS-MRSC-2O | PTPS-MRSC-2O | Online | 1 | €8,300.00 | €10,710.00 |
2025/26 | School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Speech and Language Studies - Dysphagia | PDLS-CSLD-1P | PDLS-CSLD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €11,910.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context | PDLL-MEGC-1F | PDLL-MEGC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €5,540.00 | €11,010.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe | PDLL-ICEU-1F | PDLL-ICEU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,380.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture | PDLL-DHCU-1F | PDLL-DHCU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,530.00 | €12,670.00 |
2025/26 | School of Histories and Humanities | Masters in International History | PTHH-IHIS-1P | PTHH-IHIS-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,340.00 | €10,550.00 |
2025/26 | School of English | Masters in Irish Writing | PTEN-IWRI-1P | PTEN-IWRI-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €10,560.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Theatre Producing (LIR) | PTDM-TPRO-1P | PTDM-TPRO-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,400.00 | €12,830.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation | PTBU-ENTR-2P | PTBU-ENTR-2P | Part-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €10,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies | PDCH-CERT-1F | PDCH-CERT-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €8,000.00 | €12,000.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Computer Science (Integrated Masters Year 5) | UICS-ICSC-1F | UICS-ICSC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | No EU Intake | €26,420.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Eng [Electronic Information Engineering/ Computational Engineering] | PDEG-EIEN-1F | PDEG-EIEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,240.00 | €17,990.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Action | PDEG-ECAC-1F | PDEG-ECAC-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,110.00 | €20,350.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Climate Adaptation Engineering | PTEG-CAEN-1F | PTEG-CAEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master in Engineering (Environmental) | PTEG-ENEN-1F | PTEG-ENEN-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Integrated Masters Year 5) | UIEG-ENGI-1F | UIEG-ENGI-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €7,574.00 | €26,420.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Structural and Geotechnical) | PTEG-ENSG-1F | PTEG-ENSG-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering (Transportation) | PTEG-ENTR-1F | PTEG-ENTR-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,630.00 | €26,980.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/ Zero - Carbon Technology | PDEG-MECE-1F | PDEG-MECE-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €6,240.00 | €17,990.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Bioengineering | PTEG-BIOE-1P | PTEG-BIOE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,260.00 | €15,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies | PDCH-CERT-1P | PDCH-CERT-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,010.00 | €10,030.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master in Engineering (Environmental) | PTEG-ENEN-1P | PTEG-ENEN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,910.00 | €16,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Engineering | PMEG-ENGI-3P | PMEG-ENGI-3P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,090.00 | €15,440.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Master Engineering (Structural and Geotechnical) | PTEG-ENSG-1P | PTEG-ENSG-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €5,910.00 | €16,560.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PCED-DIFE-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Diploma in Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education and Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PDEDDIFT-1SP | Part-Time | 2 | €3,440.00 | €7,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Diversity and Inclusion in Further Education & Training Framework | PTED-DIFF-1P | PTEDDIFT-1SP | Part-Time | 3 | €5,220.00 | €7,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Certificate in Irish for Teachers Framework | PKED-ITEF-1P | PKED-ITEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,320.00 | No NEU Intake |
2025/26 | School of Education | Postgraduate Diploma in Irish for Teachers Irish for Teachers Framework | PKED-ITEF-1P | PKED-ITEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,320.00 | No NEU Intake |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework | PTLL-AICF-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICO-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,680.00 | €12,960.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Applied Intercultural Communications Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-AICO-1P | PTLL-AICF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Comparative Literature Framework | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,290.00 | €11,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Literature Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGDT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Comparative Literature Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-COLF-1P | PTFR-LGMT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,680.00 | €12,960.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Digital Humanities and Culture Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-DHCF-1P | PTFR-DHFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,330.00 | €6,470.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,520.00 | €12,660.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Identities and Cultures of Europe Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-ICEF-1P | PTFR-ICFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,260.00 | €6,330.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Literary Translation Framework | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGDT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Literary Translation Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGMT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,640.00 | €5,650.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Literary Translation Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-LTRF-1P | PTFR-LGDD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,290.00 | €11,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Middle East in a Global Context Framework | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,830.00 | €5,620.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context Framework [Direct Entry] | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MEDF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,660.00 | €11,260.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Middle East in a Global Context Framework (Top Up) | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,830.00 | €5,620.00 |
2025/26 | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies | Masters in Middle East in a Global Context Framework [Top Up] | PTLL-MEGF-1P | PTFR-MECF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €2,830.00 | €5,620.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Christian Theology Framework | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PCRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €3,530.00 | €6,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Theology Framework [Top Up] | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PDRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €3,360.00 | €6,240.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Christian Theology Framework [Top Up] | PTRE-CTHE-2P | PTRECTHE-2SP | Part-Time | 1 | €2,960.00 | €5,490.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Information Engineering Framework | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Electronic Information Engineering Framework / Computational Engineering | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Information Engineering Framework / Computational Engineering [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Electronic Information Engineering Framework Computational Engineering [Top Up] | PTEG-EIEF-1P | PTFR-EIEF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering for Climate Action Framework | PKEG-ECAF-1P | PKEG-ECAF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering for Climate Action (Top up) | PKEG-ECAF-1P | PKEG-ECAF-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Framework | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,380.00 | €13,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering Framework [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,380.00 | €13,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,920.00 | €13,800.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,380.00 | €13,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Masters in Mechanical Engineering Framework / Zero-Carbon Technology [Top Up] | PTEG-MECF-1P | PTFR-MEFF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,380.00 | €13,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Engineering | Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management | PDEG-PMAN-1P | PDEG-PMAN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €7,665.00 | €17,105.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Data Science Framework | PCCS-STAT-1O | PCCS-STAT-1O | Online | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PCCS-STAT-1O | PCCS-STAT-1O | Online | 1 | €3,130.00 | €7,320.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Computer Science & Statistics | Masters in Statistics and Data Science Framework [Top Up] | PTCS-STAF-1P | PTCS-STAF-1P | Online | 1 | €3,060.00 | €7,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology | PDDE-CDTE-1P | PDDE-CDTE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €13,420.00 | €28,160.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry | PDDE-CDEN-1P | PDDE-CDEN-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €2,050.00 | €4,330.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Masters in Clinical Dentistry | PTDE-CDEN-1P | PTDE-CDEN-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,050.00 | €12,100.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation in Dentistry (Jan or Jul Intake) | PDDE-CSED-1P | PDDE-CSED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €10,020.00 | €21,010.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Certificate in Orofacial Pain | PCDE-OPAI-1P | PCDE-OPAI-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €13,470.00 | €26,950.00 |
2025/26 | School of Dental Science | Postgraduate Diploma in Special Care Dentistry - No Year 2 fee | PDDE-SCDE-1P | PDDE-SCDE-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €13,820.00 | €29,010.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Health Policy and Management | PTMD-HSMA-1F | PTMD-HSMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,300.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-1F | PTMD-HIMA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €9,800.00 | €20,540.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma School of Medicine | PSMD-MMED-1F | PSMD-MMED-1F | Full-Time | 4 | €7,950.00 | €16,670.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PCMDCSUF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €3,790.00 | €7,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PDMDCSUT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €5,610.00 | €11,240.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Cancer Survivorship Framework | PTMD-CSUF-1P | PTMDCSUT-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,170.00 | €8,350.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Equity in Brain Health (Atlantic Fellows) | PCMD-EBHE-1P | PF_NULL | Part-Time | 1 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Global Health | PTMD-GHEA-1P | PTMD-GHEA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €7,720.00 | €14,990.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Healthcare Infection | PTMD-HIMA-1P | PTMD-HIMA-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Immune Therapies Framework | PKMD-ITHF-1P | PKMD-ITHF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,360.00 | €12,740.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Immune Therapies Framework (Top up) | PKMD-ITHF-1P | PKMD-ITHF-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,360.00 | €12,740.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular Medicine | PDMD-MMED-1P | PDMD-MMED-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,410.00 | €13,460.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Neuroscience | PTMD-NEUR-1P | PTMD-NEUR-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Pharmaceutical Medicine | PTMD-PMED-1P | PTMD-PMED-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,550.00 | €13,770.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Top Up Diploma) | PDMD-ARTP-2O | PDMD-ARTP-2O | Online | 1 | €2,530.00 | €5,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Masters in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (Top Up Masters) | PTMD-ARTP-2O | PTMD-ARTP-1O | Online | 1 | €2,530.00 | €5,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PCMD-CEXE-1O | Online | 1 | €3,730.00 | €3,730.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PDMD-CEXE-2O | Online | 1 | €3,720.00 | €3,720.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Clinical Exercise Framework | PTMD-CEXF-1P | PTMD-CEXF-1P | Online | 1 | €5,750.00 | €5,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Community Health | PTNM-CHEA-1F | PTNM-CHEA-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia | PTNM-DEME-1F | PTNM-DEME-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €12,460.00 | €22,960.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Midwifery Practice & Leadership | PTNM-MIDW-2F | PF_000004 | Full-Time | 1 | €11,150.00 | €22,290.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Research Nursing & Midwifery | PMNM-GNUR-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,794.00 | €5,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,794.00 | €5,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Nursing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APNF-1P | PTFR-SNFM4-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €5,794.00 | €11,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Midwifery | PTNM-MIDW-4P | PTNM-MIDW-42 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,771.00 | €11,771.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,794.00 | €5,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC3-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €2,794.00 | €5,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Advanced Practice - Midwifery Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-APMF-1P | PTFR-SNFM4-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €5,794.00 | €11,794.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Aging Health & Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-AHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing- Child Health and Wellbeing Framework | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing- Child Health and Wellbeing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHWF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Community Health Framework | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Community Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Community Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-CHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Dementia Framework | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Dementia Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Dementia Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-DEMF-1P | PTFR-SNFM2-1 | Part-Time | 1 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health Framework | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHEF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Strand (M.Sc. Or PG Dip Exit)- Yr. 1 | PTNM-MCAF-1P | PTNM-MCAF1P1 | Part-Time | 2 | €8,710.00 | €17,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Strand (M.Sc. Or PG Dip Exit)- Yr. 2 | PTNM-MCAF-1P | PTNM-MCAF1P2 | Part-Time | 2 | €5,890.00 | €11,790.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health -Child Adolescent and Family Framework | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Child Adolescent and Family Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Midwifery Practice & Leadership | PTNM-MIDW-2P | PTNM-MIDW-22 | Part-Time | 2 | €6,180.00 | €12,380.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care Framework | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Palliative Care Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-PCAF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Mental Health - Psychosocial Interventions Framework [Top Up] | PTNM-MHPF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Research Nursing & Midwifery | PMNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-NMID-4P/ PRNM-GNUR-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Doctor in Philosophy in Nursing and Midwifery | PRNM-NMID-3P | PF_NULL | Part-Time | 7 | €0.00 | €0.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Nursing (various routes) Framework - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFC-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,280.00 | €8,590.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Practice (various routes) Framework [Top Up] - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFD-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €4,420.00 | €8,850.00 |
2025/26 | School of Nursing and Midwifery | Masters in Specialist Practice (various routes) Framework [Top Up] - See footnote | PTNM-SNUR-2P / PTNM-SNUF-1P | PTFR-SNFM-1P | Part-Time | 1 | €6,370.00 | €12,750.00 |
2025/26 | The School of Creative Arts | Masters in Playwriting (LIR) | PTDM-PLAY-1P | PTDM-PLAY-1P | Part-Time | 2 | €6,400.00 | €12,830.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PRMD-ANAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PRMD-ANAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PRMD-CLMB-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PRMD-CLMB-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Haematology | PRMD-HEMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Haematology | PRMD-HEMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PRMD-HPMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PRMD-HPMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PRMD-OGYN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PRMD-OGYN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PRMD-PAED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PRMD-PAED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiology | PRMD-PHYS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Physiology | PRMD-PHYS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Pharmacology and Therapeutics | PRMD-PMYT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Doctor in Philosophy in School of Medicine, Pharmacology and Therapeutics | PRMD-PMYT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 6 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PMMD-ANAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PMMD-ANAT-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Haematology | PMMD-HEMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PMMD-HMAN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PMMD-HMAN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PMMD-HPMA-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PMMD-MGER-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Medical Gerontology | PMMD-MGER-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Immunology | PMMD-MIMM-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PMMD-OGYN-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PMMD-PAED-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiology | PMMD-PHYS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Physiology | PMMD-PHYS-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PMMD-PSYI-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PMMD-PUHP-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,660.00 | €11,340.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Public Health and Primary Care | PMMD-PUHP-2P | PFR_000004 | Part-Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PMMD-RTHY-2P | PFR_000004 | Part -Time | 3 | €5,790.00 | €11,600.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PMMD-ANAT-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Anatomy | PMMD-ANAT-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Haematology | PMMD-HEMA-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Haematology | PMMD-HEMA-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PMMD-HMAN-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy | PMMD-HMAN-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PMMD-HPMA-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Health Policy and Management | PMMD-HPMA-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PMMD-MDEN-1F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master of Science in School of Medicine, Medical Education | PMMD-MDEN-1F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Immunology | PMMD-MIMM-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Immunology | PMMD-MIMM-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PMMD-OGYN-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology | PMMD-OGYN-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PMMD-PAED-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Paediatrics | PMMD-PAED-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PMMD-PSYI-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Psychiatry | PMMD-PSYI-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PMMD-RTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,100.00 | €16,210.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Radiation Therapy | PMMD-RTHY-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Microbiology | PMMD-CLMB-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Master in Science in School of Medicine, Clinical Medicine | PMMD-CMED-3F | PFR_000003 | Full-Time | 2 | €8,280.00 | €16,580.00 |
2024/25 | School of Medicine | Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (P.Grad.Cert) | PCMD-AMFA-1P | PCMD-AMFA-1P | Part -Time | 1 | €4,070.00 | €8,150.00 |
2025/26 | School of Medicine | Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (P.Grad.Cert) | PCMD-AMFA-1P | PCMD-AMFA-1P | Part -Time | 1 | €4,070.00 | €8,150.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Theology and Social Justice | PTRE-TSJU-1P | PTRE-TSJU-1P | Part -Time | 2 | €6,610.00 | N/A |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Theology and Social Justice | PTRE-TSJU-1F | PTRE-TSJU-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €1,095.00 | €18,735.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Certificate in Theology and Social Justice Framework | PTRE-TSJF-1P | PTRE-TSJF-1P | Part -Time | 1 | €3,530.00 | €6,550.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Social Justice Framework | PTRE-TSJF-1P | PDRETSJT-1SP | Part -Time | 1 | €3,365.00 | €6,240.00 |
2025/26 | School of Religion, Theology and Peace Studies | Masters in Theology and Social Justice Framework | PTRE-TSJF-1P | PTRETSJT-1SP | Part -Time | 1 | €2,960.00 | €5,620.00 |
2025/26 | Trinity Business School | Masters in Accounting & Analytics | PTBU-AAYT-1F | PTBU-AAYT-1F | Full-Time | 1 | €16,150.00 | €24,300.00 |