This course qualifies for a 50% subsidy from the EU Fee under the HCI Fees Subsidy. The amount of fee subsidy for eligible Non-EU learners may vary.
Please refer to the fees section for details and eligibility criteria.
Who should take this MC?
• Those who have a safeguarding remit-healthcare, social care, voluntary organisations, financial institutions, statutory bodies would benefit from this micro-credential.
• This micro-credential is open to health and social care professionals but also other sectors which have an interface with the area of services’ provision to adults at risk. It is interdisciplinary and inter-sector focused.
Why should I take this Micro-credential?
• This is a multi-disciplinary micro-credential which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic of and responses to the abuse of adults at risk.
• It aims to develop and enhance competencies related to the domain of at-risk populations and is open to professionals who work in any sector which provides care or services to at risk populations.
When can I start this MC?
• There is one intake annually in September
What do I need?
• Applicants must have an undergraduate degree transcript or parchment or evidence of relevant recognised prior learning.
• Applicants must hold current registration with the relevant professions’ regulatory body or otherwise satisfy the course committee they can complete and benefit from the course.
Prerequisite documents:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Transcript
• Degree Parchment
• Copy of current registration with professions' regulatory body
What will I learn?
On successful completion of this micro-credential, learners will be able to:
• Understand the complexity of adult safeguarding in health care environments and the community.
• Identify a rights-based approach in safeguarding adults at risk.
• Critically appraise methods of prevention and intervention in case management of adult safeguarding.
• Discriminate central factors related to adult safeguarding and decision-making capacity.
• Critically review the conditions for adult safeguarding using as socioecological focus.
What will I do?
• Learning modes will include lectures, reflective practice methods, self-directed learning, flipped classrooms, group engagement and problem-based learning within workshops.
• The topics covered in this micro-credential include:
o Theories of abuse and application to adult safeguarding case scenarios
o Issues related to decision making capacity and adult safeguarding
o Multi agency collaboration in safeguarding case management-interventions
How is this MC delivered?
- This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format (in-person/online) with 2 in-person workshops (6 hours each) and 10 online days (2 hours per day).
- The Micro-credential will include: lectures, reflective practice methods, self-directed learning, flipped classrooms, group engagement and problem-based learning withing workshops.
How is this Micro-credential assessed?
There are two assessment components:
• Reading and summarising a relevant journal article, incorporating application to practice and providing comments to a group of peers. (20%)
• Learners will complete an end of semester assignment, where aspects of all the learning outcomes are included. Reflective practice will centre on navigating the case within the learner’s own practice discipline/area. (80%)
Course Details
5 ECTS | Level 9Number of Places
20 PlacesNext Intake
Course Coordinator
Hellen Fennell - batistah@tcd.ie
Course Director
Course Director: Dr Rosemarie Derwin - derwinro@tcd.ie
Closing Date
8th August

Admission Requirements
• Applicants must have an undergraduate degree transcripts and parchment or evidence of relevant recognised prior learning.
• Applicants must hold current registration with the relevant professions’ regulatory body or otherwise satisfy the course committee they can complete and benefit from the course.
• CV and/or Transcript.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees
HCI Fees Subsidy - Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 50% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places. For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria - https://www.tcd.ie/courses/microcredentials/hci-eligibility/
Please note that this course has a different fee for Non-EU learners. If you meet the eligibility criteria and are paying the Non-EU fee, your subsidy will vary. Contact micro-credentials@tcd.ie to confirm what fee is payable.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
Course Director: Dr Rosemarie Derwin - derwinro@tcd.ie
Course Coordinator: Hellen Batista - batistah@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
Register your interest at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
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