Who should take this MC?
This micro-credential is for registered nurses working in the hospital or community setting who care for patients with chronic cardiac conditions or those who are at risk of developing this condition.
Why should I take this Micro-credential?
The aim of this micro-credential is to enhance knowledge and competencies in caring for a person living with chronic cardiac disease. This will facilitate a shift from a disease-focused to a more person-focused model of care.
When can I start this Micro-credential?
There is one in-take annually in January.
What do I need?
Entry requirements
Hold a level 8 (undergraduate) degree in nursing / Or satisfy the course committee that they can successfully complete the micro-credential programme based on evidence of experience working in any healthcare setting with patients or service users with chronic cardiac disease and evidence of recent CPD.
Prerequisite documents
Current CV, Transcript of degree (as applicable), Professional Reference, & copy of NMBI registration
What will I learn? (include ECTS Weighting)
Learners who complete this 10 ECTS micro-credential will be able to:
• Discuss the impact of risk factors on the pathophysiological processes contributing to cardiac disease development.
• Demonstrate the requisite knowledge and skills in health promotion in relation to cardiac disease.
• Compose and critique an action plan in collaboration with the person living with a chronic illness that is person-centred and evidence-based.
• Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to conduct a motivational interview with a patient/service user.
What will I do?
• Engage in online directed and self-directed learning activities.
• Take part in discussions on critical issues and peer-to-peer learning groups.
• Compose an action plan based on a person in your care living with chronic cardiac disease
• Appraise your own action plan.
• Undertake an assessment of clinical competence to demonstrate knowledge and competence in conducting a motivational interview
How is this MC delivered?
The micro-credential will be delivered in a blended format (in-person/online) with 4 days in-person and 2 days online.
The Micro-credential will include:
• Engage with activities related to the programme such as completion of eLearning in Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme.
• Exposure to a simulated scenario will be facilitated during the course to ensure that students have time to understand the structure of the OSCE eg. The prebrief, the scenario and the debrief afterwards.
• Group work in discussion of action plan implementation will facilitate peer learning following theoretical content provided during the course.
How is this Micro-credential assessed?
• Case Study Presentation (100%)
• Making Every Contact Count (MECC) (P/F)
Course Details
10 ECTS | Level 9Number of Places
30 PlacesCourse Coordinator
Course Coordinator: Hellen Batista - batistah@tcd.ie
Course Director
Dr. Sharon O'Donnell
Closing Date
4th January

Admission Requirements
• Hold a level 8 (undergraduate) degree in a health or social care-related programme or in an education-related programme/ Or satisfy the course committee that they can successfully complete the micro-credential programme based on evidence of experience working in education, healthcare, or social care setting.
• CV, Transcript as evidence of degree where applicable, NMBI registration (copy)
Course Fees
Click Here for a full list of postgraduate fees
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
Course Director: Dr Sharon O’Donnell - sodonne@tcd.ie
Course Coordinator: Hellen Batista - batistah@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
Register your interest at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
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