Who is this Micro-credential for?
• The games industry in Ireland is also growing, with several start-ups and AAA game developers setting up base in Ireland. Spatial audio is a critical component of both gaming, and new mediums such as VR/AR. The needs therefore addressed by this micro-credential include;
• Upskilling to adapt to new audio formats and standards used in media such as VR, AR, and 360 video, or new spatial audio streaming formats such as Dolby Atmos.
• Utilizing spatial audio recording and analysis techniques for acoustic engineering and analysis.
Why should I take this Micro-credential?
• Spatial audio has seen renewed interest in recent years due to its critical importance in new immersive media such as VR, AR, and 360 video. New immersive cinema surround-sound formats such as Dolby Atmos have also recently been adopted by streaming media platforms such as Apple Music, Netflix, among others.
• The recording, production, and formatting of spatial audio for these different platforms and applications involve a range of different audio techniques such as binaural and ambisonics, which are significantly more complex and fundamentally different from standard two-channel stereo.
• This micro-credential will allow audio practitioners to upskill to these new audio formats and standards used in media such as VR, AR, and 360 video, and new spatial audio streaming formats such as Dolby Atmos, utilizing spatial audio recording and analysis techniques for acoustic engineering and analysis.
• Our Micro-credentials are all CPD approved by Engineers Ireland
When can I start this Micro-credential?
• There is one intake per year in January
What do I need to be accepted onto this Micro-credential? – Entry requirements & Prerequisite documents
• Experience with the fundamentals of audio production and recording using DAWs is a pre-requisite for this micro-credential. Some basic experience with the DAW Reaper is also desirable, but not required.
• 2.1 grade in a level 8 degree in Engineering, Music/Media Technology, Music, or cognate disciplines
• CV
What will I learn?
• This micro-credential addresses the fundamental psychoacoustics behind techniques such as stereophony, ambisonics, and binaural to reveal how they function, and importantly their relative strengths and limitations.
• In addition, the practical production of audio content using these techniques will be addressed using a variety of different tools and applications.
• Finally, the use of spatial audio techniques for acoustics analysis and engineering will also be examined using a variety of practical examples.
What will I do?
• In this micro-credential you will attend weekly 2-hour lectures. These will be classroom based due to the significant practical component involving spatial audio loudspeaker systems, microphones, and other tools and software.
• The lectures will include the theory and practice of various spatial audio techniques, using both lecture style presentations, listening sessions with various spatial audio content, and practical, studio-based tutorials.
How will this Micro-credential be delivered?
This micro-credential will be delivered in-person over weekly 2-hour lectures during day time hours over a period of 12 weeks.
• Tutorials in Reaper and spatial audio plugins are held in the first half of the course.
• Practical demonstrations of recording techniques, microphone configurations and array calibration are presented later in the course.
• Dedicated listening sessions/concerts of classic and contemporary works of spatial music are presented throughout the course.
How is this Micro-credential assessed?
• It will be assessed through two practical assignments, and one in-class MCQ test in Week 8 of the course. The first assignment is in the first half of the course and concentrates on binaural audio. The second, larger assignment is due c. 2 weeks after the final lecture and students can select one of three projects.
• Option A: 5.1 Location Music Recording
Object: Produce a location music recording for 5.1 using various multichannel microphone techniques.
• Option B: Spatial Music Composition
Object: Compose an original work of spatial music for 7.1 using Higher Order Ambisonics, B-format recordings, Stereophony and Parameter Modulation in Reaper.
• Option C: Acoustics Survey and FOA IR capture
Object: Perform an on location acoustic survey using monophonic and first order Ambisonic (FOA) microphones and prepare FOA spatial IRs and example binaural audio files.
Course Details
5 ECTS | Level 9Number of Places
5 PlacesNext Intake
Course Coordinator
Daniel Wearen - wearend@tcd.ie
Course Director
Dr. Enda Bates
Closing Date
2nd January

Admission Requirements
• 2.1 grade in a level 8 degree in Engineering, Music/Media Technology, Music, or cognate disciplines
• Up to date CV required.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
Course Coordinator: Daniel Wearen - wearend@tcd.ie
Course Director: Dr. Enda Bates - ebates@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
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