This course qualifies for a 80% subsidy under the HCI Fees Subsidy. Please refer to the fees section for details and eligibility criteria.
Who is this Micro-credential for?
• This micro-credential is designed for current and future leaders within any business operation who are looking to develop their people and processes to achieve operational excellence.
• The core “red thread” running through this micro-credential is that of integrating different departments and sections into a coherent whole, thereby delivering the full potential of the organisation into the future.
• Participants will focus on building the capability and capacity of their senior people and key functions to drive improvement, by developing their understanding of strategic and practical lean business concepts. This is done to support their drive in building sustainable competitiveness and to provide the opportunity to develop the next generation of organisation leaders.
Why should I take this Micro-credential?
• The modern business environment requires leaders to develop responses to global competitive challenges that ensure the survival and growth of their organisation into the future.
• The primary focus of this micro-credential is to help senior managers and leaders develop their understanding of strategic and practical lean business concepts, to support their drive to build sustainable and constantly improving competitiveness within their businesses, and to provide the opportunity to develop the next generation of leaders for their organisation.
When can I start this Micro-credential?
• There is one intake per year in June
What do I need to be accepted onto this Micro-credential? – Entry requirements & Prerequisite documents
• The micro-credential course targets professional learners from mid and senior levels from the private, public and third sectors and will be open to graduates with a degree (or equivalent) with a strong academic record in any discipline from a recognised third level institution.
• Applicants without a degree are welcome to apply provided they can show a proven managerial track record.
• All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years professional or managerial work experience (this is in-line with entry criteria for other TBS post-experience postgraduate programmes such as the MBA and Executive MBA programmes).
• Language requirements for students whose first language is not English are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 90 for non-native English speakers.
• In case of heavy competition for places or concern regarding a particular applicant’s suitability, applicants may be interviewed.
• Up to date CV required.
What will I learn?
On successful completion of this micro-credential, learners should be able to:
• Demonstrate a critical awareness of the field of Lean Operations Strategy and its role as a delivery mechanism for improving company competitiveness and capability.
• Show a systematic understanding of how Lean operational analysis of the organisation and managerial situations using key concepts such as process, capacity, quality, development, improvement, and focus, can lead to greater understanding of organisational capability and capacity.
• Demonstrate the ability to develop people’s engagement with competitiveness improvement activities.
• Critically Analyse and evaluate lean thinking and approaches.
• Develop and implement a lean thinking approach using appropriate tools, that improve business capability and competitiveness.
What will I do?
• Participants will focus on building their capability and capacity, and that of their senior people, identifying key functions to drive improvement by developing their understanding of strategic and practical lean business concepts. This is done to support their drive in building sustainable competitiveness and to provide the opportunity to develop the next generation of organisational leaders.
How will this Micro-credential be delivered?
- This micro-credential will be delivered fully online in 6 sessions over a 3-week period, of 2.5 hours each, delivered twice a week in the evenings.
- The classes will be supported by a variety of teaching and learning methods including case methodology, panel discussions, group work, student-led discussion, self, and peer evaluation.
How is this Micro-credential assessed?
• A written assignment directed towards the student’s own organisation. (2000 words approx.) (70%).
• Active participation in lecturer-student feedback process (30%). Students will be expected to develop learning logs on the lectures and their understanding of the material in their own environments.
Course Details
5 ECTS | Level 9Number of Places
30 PlacesNext Intake
Course Coordinator
Jane Flanagan jane.flanagan@tcd.ie
Course Director
Prof. Richard Keegan
Closing Date
24th May

Admission Requirements
• All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years professional or managerial work experience (this is in-line with entry criteria for other TBS post-experience postgraduate programmes such as the MBA and Executive MBA programmes).
• Language requirements for students whose first language is not English are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 90 for non-native English speakers.
• Up to date CV required.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees
HCI Fees Subsidy - Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 80% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places. For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria - https://www.tcd.ie/courses/microcredentials/hci-eligibility/https://www.tcd.ie/courses/microcredentials/hci-eligibility/
Subsidised Course fee for eligible candidates applying for micro-credential "Foundations in Lean Ops Excellence" in academic year 2024/25 will be 400 euro.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
Telephone Number
Jane Flanagan: 01 8964665
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
MC Coordinator: Jane Flanagan – jane.flanagan@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
Register your interest at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
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