This course qualifies for a 50% subsidy under the HCI Fees Subsidy. Please refer to the fees section for details and eligibility criteria.
Who should take this MC?
• This course is aimed at middle, senior managers and board members of corporations and SME’s operating in Ireland, including firms in professional services, manufacturing, finance, ICT and related supplier industries who wish to accelerate their ESG performance and be better able to demonstrate compliance in that their global supply chains and operations do not infringe human rights.
• This course will be of relevance to Sustainability and CSR managers, Community Affairs Directors, Corporate Affairs Directors, and will have information relevant to managers across diverse functions – including finance, accounting, legal and compliance, procurement, human resources, and external affairs.
Why should I take this MC
• Over the next 24 months the European Commission will introduce regulations and directives to deepen the responsibility of all companies including SMEs to show that their global supply chains and operations do not infringe human rights.
• By completing this program participants will gain the knowledge to facilitate and accelerate the ESG performance of their individual organizations and enhance their professional competencies through an in-depth focus on the evolving Business & Human Rights standards and protocols and how these may be embedded into the strategy and operations of firms and industries.
When can I take this MC?
There is one intake per year in January
What do I need? – Entry requirements & Prerequisite documents
• The course targets professionals from mid and senior levels from the private, public and third sectors and will be open to graduates with a degree (or equivalent) with a strong academic record in any discipline from a recognised third level institution.
• Applicants without a degree are welcome to apply provided they can show a proven managerial track record. All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years professional or managerial work.
• Language requirements for students whose first language is not English are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 90 for non-native English speakers.
• In case of heavy competition for places or concern regarding a particular applicant’s suitability, applicants may be interviewed.
• Up to date CV required.
What will I learn?
• The globally accepted guiding principles of human rights as they relate to business decision-making.
• How to assess the level of a firm’s compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights and relevant EU/Irish regulation.
• How to design and communicate a plan for improving a firm’s compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.
• Increase your capacity to undertake independent research on organisational sustainability with respect to human rights and ESG more generally.
What will I do?
• Participants will learn about the key frameworks and actions required to integrate UN Guiding Principles, strategies, governance, and operations for human rights into their own organizations through in-person seminars, independent reading and research, online content and exercises, and project assignments.
How is this MC delivered?
- This micro-credential will be delivered fully online in 2.5-hour sessions, delivered once a week in the evenings.
- Additional reading material, self-directed work, and review will be available online.
How is this MC assessed?
• Individual self-/other-awareness assessment (10%)
• Organisational Assessment / Action Plan- written report (50%)
• Presentation of cohort plans (20%)
• Learning Journal / Reflection (20%)
Course Details
5 ECTS | Level 9Number of Places
25 PlacesNext Intake
Course Coordinator
Jane Flanagan - jane.flanagan@tcd.ie
Course Director
Mary Lee Rhodes
Closing Date
31st January

Admission Requirements
The course targets professionals from mid and senior levels from the private, public and third sectors and will be open to graduates with a degree (or equivalent) with a strong academic record in any discipline from a recognised third level institution.
• Applicants without a degree are welcome to apply provided they can show a proven managerial track record. All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years professional or managerial work.
• Language requirements for students whose first language is not English are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 90 for non-native English speakers.
• In case of heavy competition for places or concern regarding a particular applicant’s suitability, applicants may be interviewed.
• Up to date CV required.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees.
HCI Fees Subsidy - Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 50% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places. For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria - https://www.tcd.ie/courses/microcredentials/hci-eligibility/
Subsidised Course fee for eligible candidates applying for micro-credential "Business & Human Rights: Principles & Practice" in academic year 2024/25 will be 965 euro.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
Telephone Number
Jane Flanagan: 01 8964665
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
MC Coordinator: Jane Flanagan – jane.flanagan@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
Register your interest at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
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