CSD invests in its 'greatest asset'
Published September 8th, 2016
CSD firmly believes that the greatest asset of any organisation is its people. This is why the career development programme for professional and support staff had the full backing of the Chief Operating Officer, Geraldine Ruane, when the year-long programme was launched last June.
Speaking at the time the COO commented: “I am a strong advocate of employee development. For the last few years we have been on a change management programme and it has not been an easy journey as it entails making changes like restructuring, looking at what we are doing and how we do it.
“We are also working in a climate of financial crisis within the university sector however a lot of excellent work has been done and now I would like to focus on enhancing the capability and career development of our employees.”
This career development and mentoring programme was based on a pilot scheme and is similarly based on the concept of bringing together experienced professionals and high potential staff with a focus on professional and personal development.
It also gives mentees the opportunity to take ownership of their own development and drive it through the completion of their career development plan which will be the focus of the discussion with their mentor.
The career development and mentoring programme for professional and support staff is being organised by HR’s Joanne O’Hanlon, Philip Coffey and Claire O’Reilly and culminates in June 2017.