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CSD launches new e-zine

Published May 8th, 2017

This week sees the launch of our new e-zine, CSD News, which comes out on Wednesday. I hope it gives you an insight into all the great work that's being carried out, day in, day out, across the Corporate Services Division's (CSD) 12 areas.

Since I took over as Chief Operating Officer (COO) just over three years ago, I’ve been busy building our core team which together will provide the essential infrastructure to ensure Trinity thrives into the future.

The Provost has referred to CSD as being the nerve centre of the university, providing, as it does, fundamental services for students, academics and visitors. Since taking over it has been my mission to continually improve these services so that we can all adapt to the changing demands of higher education in the 21st century.

With a lot of the change and restructuring of the last few years now behind us, we can refocus our efforts on communicating better with you, our audience. This is an area where we know we need to improve. Last year we did a survey within CSD and respondents felt there should be more communication. Hopefully this e-zine, along with our redeveloped CSD websites, are steps in the right direction.

This CSD News e-zine, which aims to provide a snapshot of what goes on inside the ‘nerve centre’, will come out quarterly. The next issue is scheduled for Wednesday September 13th.

Communication, of course, is a two-way street and if there’s something you feel we should be covering then do please let us know by emailing Also, keep an eye out for our upcoming CSD summer event.

Geraldine Ruane (Chief Operating Officer)