Undergraduate Studies Committee Terms of Reference

The Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) is an academic committee of the University Council, to which it reports and makes recommendations. It is chaired by the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and may join with other committees, as appropriate, to advise on wider matters of academic practice and policy.

The main functions of the Undergraduate Studies Committee are:

  1. to initiate discussion and advise on matters of academic policy, procedures, regulations and practice relating to undergraduate admissions and education,
  2. to advise the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies in their role on such matters as admissions, teaching and learning, assessment and progression in respect of undergraduate students,
  3. to assess proposals for new undergraduate courses, significant changes to existing undergraduate courses and regulations, and proposals to discontinue existing undergraduate courses,
  4. to monitor and review quality assurance and improvement measures in respect of undergraduate programmes,
  5. to consider on an annual basis proposed changes to the University Calendar in respect of undergraduate education,
  6. to consider and advise on any other aspect of the University’s undergraduate education,
  7. to advise and make recommendations on matters referred to it by other committees.


  • Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Chair)
  • Academic Secretary
  • Directors of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate)
  • Associate Dean of Undergraduate Common Architecture
  • Associate Dean of Undergraduate Science Education
  • Academic Director of Tangent
  • Dean of Students
  • Senior Tutor
  • Education Officer, Students' Union
  • Student representative
  • Library representative (in attendance)
  • Assistant Academic Secretary (in attendance)
  • Director of Academic Practice (in attendance)
  • Director of Student Services (in attendance)
  • Secretary (in attendance)

Attendance shall be extended to allow for expertise or sharing of information on specific agenda items.

Substitution of members is not allowed.


The Undergraduate Studies Committee shall meet on at least six occasions per academic year.  Papers will be circulated at least three working days in advance.  The quorum for the meeting will be one-third of the membership, plus one.