Student Life Committee Membership

The Student Life Committee comprises the following membership as defined in Schedule 1 of the Chapter on Committees of the 2010 Consolidated Statutes:

  • The Dean of Students (Chairperson)
  • The Senior Tutor
  • The Students’ Union Welfare Officer
  • The President of the Students’ Union
  • One member of the Scholars’ Committee (or nominee)
  • The President of the Graduate Students’ Union
  • The Vice-President of the Graduate Students’ Union
  • The Convenor of the Chaplains
  • The Director of the Careers Advisory Service
  • The Director of the Student Counselling Services
  • The Director of the College Health Service
  • The Director of Student Services
  • The Director of the College Disability Service
  • The Head of Sport and Recreation
  • The Director of Internationalisation (or nominee)
  • The Chair of Dublin University Central Athletic Club (or
  • The Chair of the Central Societies Committee (or nominee)
  • The Chair of Trinity Publications (or nominee)
  • The Registrar of Chambers
  • The Junior Dean
  • The Warden of Trinity Hall
  • The Transition to Trinity Officer
  • The Postgraduate Support Officer
  • In attendance: Administrative Officer from the Senior Tutor’s Office (Secretary)