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Flu Vaccine 2014

The WHO recommended 2014 'Flu Vaccine' is available for staff and students through the College Health Service. The cost of administration of the vaccine is €20 for staff, €15 for students. The strains of Influenza targeted by the vaccine this year differ from those used last year. This vaccine also offers protection for HINI (Swine Flu). Contraindications to the administration of the vaccine are hyper sensitivity to egg products or previous reactions to 'flu vaccine.'  It is particularly recommended for patients who suffer from asthma, chronic chest conditions, heart problems and diabetes or kidney failure.  Those staff or students wishing to avail of this vaccine may do so by making an appointment for vaccination Monday to Friday in the College Health Service. 

Minimum Alcohol Pricing

New rules for minimum pricing of alcohol and guidelines for advertising in Ireland are to be signed off by Department of Health before going to the Cabinet this week. More details here.

Graphic Images Doing the Trick

Graphic images on cigarettes are helping people ex-smokers to stay quit. More details here.

Don't Say don't to Smokers

Being told not to do something can often just make you want to do it more. If you want to learn how to help people stop smoking without putting them off, come to this training

Want to stop smoking? Maybe facebook can help

Why not like this facebook page and get started quitting smoking? It'll be one of the best things you've ever done for your health.

Do you drink "energy drinks"? Maybe you shouldn't!

Claims that energy drinks have been the cause of five deaths have brought calls for greater regulation of them. Click here to read more.

Is the tide starting to turn on Big Food?

A BBC Newsnight report revealed that lawyers in America who took on Big Tobacco and won are taking on Big Food. Is this the start of legal actions in the fight against obesity? Click here to read more.

Proper regulation could reduce 50% of Cardiovascular Disease deaths in Europe.

Small changes in the whole population can have a larger impact on CVD and save more lives than lifestyle changes in individuals at high risk. Individualised approaches to smoking require motivating addicts to quit, whereas a smoking ban changes the environment and nudges people in the right direction. Click here to find out more.

The Top Bad Sleep Habits Explained.

Sleep is a necessity for the human body to function at it's full potential. Click here for the full article.


Fun activities for yourself or with friends and family. Eat well, Move more, Live longer. Click here for inspirational and motivational ideas.

Full fat and meat fat could raise Alzheimer Risk.

Substituting good fat in place of bad fat is a simple dietary modification that could help prevent memory decline. For more on this survey please click here.

Food Labelling: Traffic Light Food Labels & GDAs.

It is hoped that a new and better labelling system will make it easy for people to make healthy food choices. Click here to read more.

The health benefits of eating fish twice a week.

Omega-3 fatty acids are really important to human health, whether it is CVD, brain or immune health. Fish contain all sorts of nutrients like vitamin D, selenium and iodine that may also be beneficial against cardiovascular disease. Click here for further information.

Switch to low fat products to lower risk of suffering a stroke.

A study of almost 75,000 people aged between 45 and 83, found those who ate low fat dairy products were 12 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate full fat products. For more information click here.

Major rise of kidney cancer has been found to be linked to obesity.

Obesity increases kidney cancer risk by about 70%. For further details click here.

Replace large quantities of red meat intake to some of fish, poultry or nuts to reduce the risk of an early death.

The findings of a new study has found that the consumption of red meat could increase risk of cancer and cardiovascular diesease. Find out more here.

Breakfast cereals can contain a high sugar content

New report published analysed 32 out of 50 breakfast cereals were high in sugar. Click here to read more.

Physical Activity Produces Feelings of Excitement and Enthusiasm

Results suggest that regular being active can improve mood and well-being. For full report click here.

Encourage Stair Usage

A study which involved putting up a sign that read 'Burn calories, not electicity' resulted in a 42% increase in stair use. Click here for full details.

Checking blood pressure in both left and right arm could help identify vascular disease

Research findings suggest that a systolic blood pressure difference of 10 mm Hg between arms could identify need for further vascular treatment and a difference of 15 mm Hg or more indicates a risk of vascular disease and mortality. See here for full report.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cause most of the deaths and disability among humans

Where the economic benefits outweigh the costs, civil society has a major role to play in harnessing an effective response to NCDs. Full article click here.

Pancreatic cancer is linked to processed meat consumption

The results found that for every extra 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily (equal to one sausage or two rashers of bacon), risk of pancreatic cancer increased by 19%. For full details click here.

Academic performance linked to exercise

Exercise may help academic performance by increasing the blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Full review here.

A multitude of diabetes deaths each year could be prevented

UK report indicates that up to 24,000 deaths from diabetes could be avoided each year, if patients and doctors managed the condition better. Find out more by clicking here.

Low vitamin D could be a factor for Type 2 diabetes

Those with lower vitamin D levels were more likely to be obese and have higher degrees of insulin resistance, when the hormone becomes less effective at lowering blood sugar. However, in another study it could not be determined if low vitamin D levels was linked to the disease at all. Click here for the full details.

Get active in some physical activity to get your good night's sleep

People have better quality of sleep and feel more alert during the day if they participate in 150 minutes minimum of exercise a week a new study reveals. Click here to find out more.

Combat afternoon sleepiness! Eat your protein and resist sugar for stimulation.

Study that hopes to give people greater awareness of obesity and sleep disorders. For full details click here.

The kiwi wins over the apple in blood pressure study.

Eat your Kiwi to help keep blood pressure under control. Click here to read more

Too little exercise, too much TV linked to depression.

Reduce your risk of depression by getting out and about and away from the TV. Full details here.

Economic and health benefits to using your bicycle - even just for short trips.

In the week Trinity's Smarter Travel Initiative is launching, here's another reason to get on your bike!

British Minister admits that their government has failed to convince people of how harmful excessive drinking is.

The British government has admitted that the public doesn't take the risk of excessive drinking as seriously as it takes the risk of smoking or obesity. For more see

New study suggests sitting too much could kill you

A new study suggests that women who sit down for long periods could be more at risk for blood clots than more active women.  For more see

Text Messages Help Smokers Quit

A new study shows that receiving supportive texts when quitting smoking can help.  For more see

Ban junk food advertising before 9 says UK watchdog

Advertisements for chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy drinks should be treated like sex, swearing and graphic violence and banned from television before 9pm, the UK Government's food watchdog says.  For more see