You can book your contraception appointment here
GP Clinics are booked by phone on
01 896 1591/01 896 8555/01 896 1556
Phonelines open: 9am-5pm
For further reading, see our FAQ
For a Corona Virus Update: hse.ie
For frequently asked questions: hpsc.ie
Other relevant numbers:
HSE Helpline - 1800 700 700 or +353 1 240 8787; HSE East - 01 6352149; Ambulance - 0818 501999
On-Campus Security can be contacted in case of emergency on campus at (01) 896 1999 or (01) 896 1317. Contact by text only: 087 7638351.`
Medical certificates will only be issued following consultation at the Health Service for those students with symptoms who have been certified for an absence of four or more days.