CLU34481/CLU44481 Latin Satire

The Romans claimed that satire was ‘entirely their own’ poetic creation, free from the constraints of Greek models and representative of characteristically Roman ideas and modes of expression. We will analyse these claims exploring the ‘invention’ of the genre in the Mid-Republic, Horace’s reformulation in the triumviral period, and aspects of early Imperial satire. Discussion topics will concern techniques of creative imitation, the formation of genre-specific diction, and the interaction between language, literature, ideology and identity.
- Module Organiser:
- Professor Anna Chahoud
- Duration:
- One term (Sep - Dec)
- Contact Hours:
- 22 hours, 1 x 2 hr seminar p.w.
- Weighting:
- 10 ECTS
- Assessment:
- 40% continuous assessment (one assessed presentation, one written assignment), 60% final examination
Prescribed Texts
- Horace, Satires Book 1 (ed. E. Gowers, Cambridge 2012)
- Selection from Lucilius (ed. A. Chahoud, in preparation), Persius and Juvenal (ed. S. Braund, Loeb Classical Library). Specific commentaries will be recommended in class.
- Horace, Satires and Epistles and The Satires of Persius and Juvenal (English translations of the entire corpus of Latin verse satire, both by N. Rudd, Penguin)
Introductory Reading
- Freudenburg, K. (2001) Satires of Rome: Threatening poses from Lucilius to Juvenal (Cambridge 2001)
- Freudenburg (ed.) (2005) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire (Cambridge 2005)
- Hooley, D. (2007) Roman Satire (Blackwell 2007)
- Keane, C. (2006) Figuring Genre in Roman Satire (Oxford 2006)
- Rudd, N. (1988) Themes in Roman Satire (Oklahoma Pr. 1988)
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Translate and analyse the prescribed texts in the original Latin
- Identify and analyse the genre’s characteristic themes, style and diction
- Give a competent and independent interpretation of the texts in their literary and historical contexts
- Critically engage with ancient and modern discussions of literary language
- Articulate well-researched views both orally and in writing