CL4054 The Epic Tradition

- Module Organiser:
- Dr Martine Cuypers
- Duration:
- All year
- Contact Hours:
- 44 hours, 22 x 2 hour seminars
- Weighting:
- 20 ECTS
The Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid will be treated as known quantities, to be discussed in relation to other epics rather than in their own right.
Topics will include: the Iliad and Odyssey as seminal and canonical texts; Callimachus' Aetia and narrative elegy; epyllia: Theocritus 13, 24, Ps-Theocritus 25, Ps.-Moschus' Megara, Catullus 64; Apollonius' Argonautica; early Roman epic (Livius Andronicus, Naevius, Ennius Virgil); Ovid's Metamorphoses (selection); Lucan's Pharsalia; Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica; Quintus' Posthomerica; Nonnus' Dionysiaca; Claudian's Rape of Proserpina and Colluthus' Rape of Helen(with Moschus’ Europa).
Although we do not have time to engage with the reception of Greco-Roman epic in Medieval and Renaissance literature in great detail, we will explore its general shape and look somewhat closer at a few examples (e.g. Petrarch’s Africa, Walter of Châtillon’s Alexandreis). You will also encounter comparative material from non-classical traditions at at various points in the course: Gilgamesh, Mahabharata, Táin Bó Cúalnge, Lacplesis, Beowulf, Shahnameh, Nibelungenlied.
Introductory Reading
- Foley, J.M. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Epic (Wiley-Blackwell 2005).
- Toohey, P., Reading Epic: An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives (1992).
- King, K.C., Ancient Epic (Wiley-Blackwell pb. 2009).
- Boyle, A.J. (ed.), Roman Epic (Routledge 1993, pb. 1996).