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Networks & Collaborative Projects

Augustan Poetry Network

This is an inter-institutional network intended to support the organisation of conferences on aspects of Latin poetry and culture of the Classical period, that would bring together leading international scholars in the field as well as give an opportunity to young scholars to present their work. The agreement was set up for Trinity College by Prof. D. Nelis, former Professor of Latin in Trinity College Dublin.
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Latin Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College

Collaborative project, established and coordinated by Anna Chahoud, for the study and visibility of Medieval and Renaissance Latin manuscripts in Trinity Library. The project obtained initial funding from the Trinity Long Room Hub for an exploratory workshop entitled ‘Trinity Treasures: Manuscript Case Studies’ (2010). Recent initiatives included the publication (2017) of the collection of essays Fabellae Dublinenses Revisited and other Essays in Honour of Marvin Colker (Hermathena 194) in conjunction with the Library exhibition ‘Illuminating the Middle Ages’. The project gratefully avails of the continuing support of the Trinity Long Room Hub (Manuscript, Book and Print Cultures Research Theme) and of Trinity College Library. If you are working, or planning to work, on our Latin research collections get in touch:

Unlocking Sacred Landscapes (UnSaLa)

This inter-disciplinary network is concerned with the diachronic study of the temporality, spatiality and materiality of Mediterranean sacred landscapes in general. The function of the Network is based on an agreement of collaboration between the Department of Classics of Trinity College Dublin, the Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment of The Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Crete, and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus.
More Information.

Latin Grammarians Forum

The core of the Latin Grammarians Forum is the development of an international network of both advanced and early-career scholars in the specific field of ancient, late antique, and early medieval Latin grammarians (1st cent. BC – 9th cent. AD). Scientific goals of the network are: 1) the coordination and dissemination of a series of individual studies on manuscript transmission, textual criticism, and linguistics of various works; 2) the promotion of collaborations with international research groups in the field; 3) the elaboration of major common research programmes. The initiative has been funded by the Irish Research Council (Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017, awarded to Dr. Elena Spangenberg Yanes) and by the Trinity Long Room Hub (Research Incentive Scheme 2018/19, led by Prof. Dr. Anna Chahoud and Dr. Spangenberg Yanes).
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