Trinity Hellenistic Study Day III
A one-day workshop on the Hellenistic world at Trinity College Dublin.
Thursday 25 April 2024
9:15 – Opening Remarks
9:30-11:30 – Panel 1: Mediterranean History
Chair: Lisa Doyle
9:30-10:00: Andrew Hill, Explosive Volcanism and the Timing of Athenian Food Crises in the Fourth Century BCE
10:00-10:30: Shane Wallace, Sparta’s Liberator Kings
10:30-11:00: Dermot Grant, Seafaring Routes and Navigation in the Hellenistic Aegean
11:00-11:30: Giorgos Papantoniou, Marion/Arsinoe and a Ptolemaic Queen: Ruler Cult and Political Economy in Hellenistic Cyprus
11:30-11:45 – Break
13:15 – Panel 2: From the Bosporus to Babylon
Chair: Alastair Daly
11:45-12:15: Francis Ludlow, Some Findings from the Climates of Conflict in Ancient Babylonia (CLICAB) Project
12:15-12:45: Selga Medenieks, Timarchus: Forgotten Ruler of Babylonia (162-161 BCE)
12:45-13:15: Samantha Sink, The Twilight Zone: An Exploration of In-Between Spaces. The Bosporus and the Hellespont in Hellenistic Geography
13:15-14:15 – Lunch
14:15-15:45 – Panel 3: Hellenistic Literature
Chair: Samantha Sink
14:15-14:45: Alastair Daly, Hilarotragedy? Tragic allusions in Herodas’ Mimiambs
14:45-15:15: Lisa Doyle, Glossing Practices in Ancient Scholarship on Apollonius of Rhodes and Homer
15:15-15:45: Jeremy Lam, The Demanding Child: An Intertextual Study of Callimachus' Hymn to Artemis
15:45-16:00 – Break
16:00-17:30 – Panel 4: Literature and Culture
Chair: Jeremy Lam
16:00-16:30: Yuan He, Claiming Truth in the Autobiography: Reconsidering Josephus' Contradictions Between Vita and Bellum Judaicum
16:30-17:00: Martine Cuypers, The Vates and the King: Homeric Intertexts in Isidorus’ Third Hymn to Isis-Hermouthis
17:00-17:30: Brian McGing, 50 years of Mithradatic Scholarship
17:30 – End