CL7046 Passages to Late Antiquity

‘Late Antiquity’ is the name given to the period which stretches chronologically from the third to seventh centuries AD, and geographically from Europe, through the Mediterranean basin, to the Near East. Positioned on the boundary between the ancient and medieval worlds, it was an era of profound transition. This module explores these transformations through a series of overarching themes, including historiography, ethnicity, literary culture, gender, religion, and romanitas.
- Module Organiser:
- Dr Rebecca Usherwood
- Duration:
- Hilary Term (Jan-April)
- Contact Hours:
- 22 (1 x 2-hour seminar p.w.)
- Weighting:
- 10 ECTS
- Assessment:
- 100% Continuous Assessment
Introductory Reading
- Gillian Clark (2011) Late Antiquity: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford.
- Peter Brown (1971) The World of Late Antiquity. London.
- Averil Cameron (2011) The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, AD 395-600. London.
- Douglas Boin (2018) A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity. London.
Learning Outcomes
On successful conclusion of this module, students will be able to:
- Discuss and analyse the transformation of the ancient to medieval worlds in relation to the themes studied
- Analyse and discuss a wide range of ancient and medieval evidence, both literary and material
- Comment critically on major historiographical trends in the study of the later Roman empire
- Conduct independent research on a chosen topic related to the themes of the module, and present the results of the research clearly and professionally, both orally and in writing