Dr Rebecca Usherwood
Assistant Professor in Late Antique and Early Byzantine Studies
I grew up in London, and studied Ancient History at the University of Nottingham, graduating with a PhD in 2015. I have had a very mobile early academic career so far, working as a Teaching Fellow in the History department at University College London, a Teaching Associate at the University of Nottingham, a Lecturer in Roman History at Durham University, and a Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of St Andrews. I Joined Trinity College Dublin in 2018.
My research focuses on the political and cultural history of the Roman and later Roman Empire, especially the third and fourth centuries A.D. I am interested in memory, political ideology, legitimacy, loyalty, and the communication and experience of imperial power from the high to late empire. I work in particular in the combination of literary sources with material evidence, especially inscriptions and coinage. I am in the final stages of completing my first monograph, based on my PhD thesis, entitled Fashioning Oblivion: Political Disgrace and the Constantinian Dynasty. This book offers a fresh interpretation of the ways in which we discuss and interpret the evidence for political memory and disgrace (generally called ‘damnatio memoriae’ in modern scholarship) in ancient world and beyond. I am also finalising work exploring political memory and communication in the Tetrarchic period.
Teaching & Supervision
My teaching specialisms are Roman and late Roman History. I am currently responsible for the middle-year Roman History course, and for a final year course on the life and legacy of the emperor Constantine. I am happy to supervise postgraduate research on any area of Roman Imperial or Late Antique history, especially approaches with an emphasis on material evidence or which incorporate concepts of memory.
Dr Usherwood on the TCD Research Support System
Contact Details
O: Classics Dept
T: +353 1 896 1092
E: usherwor@tcd.ie