Professor Brian McGing
Emeritus Professor of Greek
I am primarily a Greek papyrologist and historian of the Hellenistic period. My research spans a fault line between east and west that runs from Asia Minor down the east coast of the Mediterranean and on into Egypt. Major interests include the Hellenistic kingdoms of Asia Minor, particularly Pontus; Jewish history; the history of Egypt after Alexander the Great; Greek papyrology; Polybius of Megalopolis; Appian of Alexandia. I have been closely associated with our Centre for Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, which has been in receipt of Irish government funding.
Selected Publications
- B. C. McGing, Polybius' Histories (Oxford 2010) xvi + pp. 270.
- B. C. McGing (ed. with Judith Mossman), The Limits of Ancient Biography (Classical Press of Wales 2006) xix + pp. 447.
- B. C. McGing, 'Population and Proselytism. How many Jews were there in the ancient world?' in, John R. Barlett (ed.), Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities (London 2002) 88-106.
- B. C. McGing, 'Revolt Egyptian Style: Internal opposition to Ptolemaic rule', Archiv für Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete' 43 (1997) 273-314.
- B. C. McGing, Greek Papyri from Dublin (Bonn 1995) xxviii + pp. 203.
- B. C. McGing, 'Appian's Mithridateios', Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II, 34.1 (Bonn 1993) 496-522.
- B. C. McGing, 'Melitian monks at Labla', Tyche 5 (1990) 67-94.
- B. C. McGing, The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator King of Pontus (Leiden 1986) viii + pp. 204.
Professor McGing on the TCD Research Support System
Contact Details
O: Classics Dept
T: +353 1 896 1208
E: bmcging@tcd.ie