Professor Anna Chahoud
Professor of Latin
I studied in Bologna, Pisa and Manchester, and lectured in Reading and Durham before coming to Ireland in 1999. I joined the Classics Department at Trinity College as Chair of Latin (1870) in 2006. I am a Fellow of Trinity College (FTCD[2007]) and Public Orator of the University of Dublin.
Research Interests
My main research interests are fragmentary Republican Latin, the transmission of Latin texts from antiquity to the early modern period, and the study of Latin registers and of the interaction between literary and spoken language. I am the author of C. Lucili Reliquiarum concordantiae (1998), of articles on Republican Latin, on Latin grammar and the grammatical tradition, and co-author, with E. Dickey, of Colloquial and Literary Latin (2010). I am writing the first English-language commentary of Lucilius for Cambridge, producing an edition of fragmentary Latin satire and popular verse for the Loeb Classical Library, and editing, with J. N. Adams and G. Pezzini, a Critical Guide to the Early Latin language (Cambridge). I am also responsible for research initiatives on Trinity College Latin manuscripts.
Research Supervision
I welcome applications from PhD and postdoctoral students in most areas of Latin language and literature, especially early Latin, fragmentary literature, Latin philology and linguistics, transmission and reception of Latin texts.
Selected Publications
- (with J. N. Adams and G. Pezzini, eds.), Early Latin: Constructs, Diversity, Reception(Cambridge University Press)
- (with M. Rosellini and E. Spangenberg Yanes, eds.), Latin Grammarians Forum 2018-2019, Rationes Rerum 14 [2019] (2021)
- ‘The Language of Catullus’, in I. DuQuesnay and A. J. Woodman (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Catullus (Cambridge University Press, 2021), 116-142.
- ‘The Orator and the Poet: J. V. Luce on Robert Lowell’ in P. Coleman and E. Cobain (eds.) Robert Lowell and Irish Poetry (Peter Lang, 2020) 1-6
- ‘I vizi di Ovidio: variabili morfosintattiche ed effetti stilistici’, in L. Nicolini and A. Bonandini (eds.) Omnia mutantur. Nuove letture sul lessico e lo stile di Ovidio (Genoa: DARFICLET, 2019), 17-34.
- ‘Lucilius on Latin Spelling, Grammar and Usage’, in B. Pezzini and B. Taylor (eds.), Nature and Language in the Classical Roman World (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 46-78.
- ‘Lucilius’, Oxford Bibliographies in Classics (Oxford US, 2018)
- ‘Lucilius on Latin spelling, grammar and usage’, in G. Pezzini and B. Taylor, Nature and Language in Classical Rome (Cambridge, 2018)
- ‘Verbal Mosaics: Speech Patterns and Generic Stylisation in Lucilius’, in B. W. Breed, R. Wallace, E. Keitel (eds.) Lucilius and Satire in Second Century BC Rome (Cambridge 2018) 132-161
- (ed.) Fabellae Dublinenses Revisited and other Essays in Honour of Marvin Colker (Hermathena 194) (Dublin 2017)
- (with E. Stagni) ‘A pseudo-classical dialogue in TCD MS 632’, in Hermathena 194 (2017 [2014]) 153-182
- ‘Varro’s Latin and Varro on Latin’, in R. Ferri and A. Zago (eds.) The Latin of the Grammarians: Reflections about Language in the Roman World (Turnhout 2016) 1–17
- ‘Quid ago? Quid facimus? ‘Deliberative’ Indicative Questions from Early to Late Latin’, in J. N. Adams and N. Vincent (eds.), Early and Late Latin: Continuity or Change? (Cambridge 2016) 217–245
- ‘The Language of Roman Verse Satire' in J. Clackson (ed.) A Companion to the Latin Language (Wiley 2011) 367–383
- 'Idiom(s) and literariness in classical literary criticism', in E. Dickey and A. Chahoud (eds.) Colloquial and Literary Latin (Cambridge 2010, pb 2016) 42–64
I coordinate all Latin undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the School of Histories and Humanities. I lecture in my main research areas at Sophister level (Informal Latin; Latin Satire; Early Latin; Roman Rhetoric) and on the MPhil programme (Roman Hellenism; The Art of Editing). I also teach Latin Comedy, Latin Historians, and Latin language and literature at all levels.
Professor Chahoud on the TCD Research Support System
Contact Details
Department of Classics
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Telephone: 00 353 1 896 1984
Fax: 00 353 1 671 0862
Email: chahouda@tcd.ie