Project Title: DRIFT-HDV: DecaRbonisation Irish HDV FleeT

SEAI Research Grant RDD/697

The DRIFT-HDV project aims to improve Ireland’s national capacity to access and apply international and European RD&D methods to achieve decarbonisation in HDV fleets with the goal of Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE2050). The project will provide guidance and support to policymakers and public bodies through results, outcomes and learning regarding electrification in Irish Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDV) fleet by utilising international and European best practices customised to the Irish needs and market. DRIFT-HDV will support solutions to improve the alternative fuel uptake from renewable sources in Irish HDV fleet and provide guidelines to overcome technical and other barriers to the solutions through a detailed evaluation of economic, social, and environmental impacts, barriers to implementation as well as acceptability of solutions to practitioners.

More information can be found here

Principal Investigator - Dr Bidisha Ghosh