Transport Research
Transport research in Trinity falls under the Transport Research and Innovation for People (TRIP) centre and the QUANT research group.

Prof. O’Mahony, BE (NUIG), DPhil (Oxon), CEng FIEI, FIAE, FTCD, holds the Chair of Civil Engineering (1842) at Trinity College Dublin. She is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. As Director of the Centre for Transport Research (TRIP), she has led numerous research contracts funded by the EU and national research agencies. Prof O’Mahony has served as Head of the Engineering School, Head of the Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering and Bursar at TCD. Her current research interests include: electric vehicles, innovations in public transport and road infrastructure, optimising transport networks, smart cities, autonomous vehicles, health impacts of transport pollutants and security in transport networks and hubs.

Dr. Brian Caulfield
Professor in Transportation
Email Phone+353 1896 2534 Full ProfileBiography
Dr Caulfield is an Associate Professor and Head of Discipline in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Since joining the Department Dr Caulfield has embarked on an intensive research program addressing global issues such as the environmental impacts of transport and methods to reduce the carbon impacts of transport and in 2017 he addressed the Irish Citizens Assembly on this topic. He recently provided advice to the Climate Change Advisory Council on pathways to decreasing transport emissions by 2030. Dr Caulfield is currently a member of the Steering Group for the review and update of the GDA Transport Strategy with the National Transport Authority.
Dr Caulfield has published over 200 papers in these areas in high impact international journals and international conferences and to date has been awarded aprox. €6.7 million in research funding (from EPA, SFI, FP7, CEDR, TII, DoT, RSA, SEAI and HORIZON Europe). He currently has 7 PhD students and 7 postdoctoral researchers in his research group.
Dr Caulfield also a member of a number of National and International research groups and is the former Chair of the Irish Transportation Research Network and was a member of the executive committee of the Universities Transport Studies Group as well as several committees at the Transportation Research Board in Washington D.C.
He is a Senior Editor of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (impact factor: 16.799) and an Editor of Transport Policy (impact factor: 6.173). He is a member of the International Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (impact factor: 7.041), Case Studies on Transport Policy (impact factor: 2.669), and the Journal of Transport Geography (impact factor: 5.899).

Dr. Bidisha Ghosh
Associate Professor of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Email Phone+353 1896 3646 Full ProfileBiography
Dr Bidisha Ghosh is the Chair of the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) and an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. She leads the research group, QUANT. She is an expert of natural system behaviour prediction using statistical methods, time-series modelling, artificial intelligence algorithms, sustainable transportation and health impact assessment of active travel. She has published over 120 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles. She is the PI of several national and European research projects and has received €1.5 million in research funding.
Research Expertise
Bayesian Inference; Econometric and statistical analysis; Environmental aspects of transportation; Intelligent Vehicles; Simulation and modelling transportation networks; Time frequency techniques; Traffic Assignment; Traffic Engineering; Transport Modelling ; Transportation Engineering; Transportation Engineering (Environmental Imp; Transportation Engineering Design