Pollution Modelling
Emission and Exposure Modelling Using Real Time Traffic Data (EU FP7 Project ‘EcoNav’)
Information of Emission and Exposure should be easily understandable and instantly accessible to an individual while making or having completed a trip in order to build awareness about the environmental impact. Thus, Investigation of Vehicle Emission and Exposure from such bottom up approach must have potential on future consideration to emission level reduction in a link, area or city level. It is expected that accurate information of emission based on rigorous traffic and meteorological variables for a single trip will influence traveller’s decision of taking efficient mode or best route choice/eco-driving. Previous attempts to date are rare considering the detail features and purpose of this research for the estimation and prediction of emission and exposure of a single trip. This research area is close to Modal model or Instantaneous or Microscopic Emission modelling which will account of the ITS tools like GPS and may use Neural Network as possible method for estimation and prediction.
A GIS model for personal exposure to PM10 for Dublin commuters
The project has focused on a number of scientific issues in the development of the GIS air quality model for the Dublin Area and its Satellite Towns. Firstly, how to model air quality by integrating existing and self-implemented air quality models and a Geographical Information System platform. Secondly, how to generate input data for the models to allow the estimation of air quality at any location in the Dublin Area.
These issues have been addressed by implementing various tools: a method to calculate the background concentration levels, a method to model the dispersion of pollutants from road traffic in urban street canyons, a method to model the dispersion of pollutants from road traffic in general conditions, and a method to calculate the dispersion of pollutants from point and area sources. Thirdly, an approach to include all the models above into GIS tools has been discussed. Fourthly, an approach for disseminating results from air quality studies has been described and proposed.
Validation of air dispersion models for road and industrial sources