ICONN (Horizon 2020)
European Industrial DoCtorate on Offshore WiNd and Wave ENergy
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EID)
The project ICONN is a unique European industrial doctorate initiative to meet the current and future demand for highly skilled offshore wind and wave energy engineers by developing and improving European capacity in the design, development, and performance optimization for offshore wind and wave energy infrastructures.
This project is an innovative R&D venture to investigate the dynamics and new methods of controlling ocean energy devices including wind-wave devices. The consortium is comprised of the PIs, Prof Biswajit Basu, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Prof Søren R. K. Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark; Prof Jens Peter Køfoed and Dr Sarah Thomas from Floating Power Plant, Denmark.
The Marie Curie fellows trained in this programme are Giacomo Politi, Tao Sun and Pilar Heras; who are currently working for Ampyx Power, Queen Mary University in London as a post-doc and DNV respectively. The project has led to some key publications, and some new control algorithms and technologies such as multi-objective controllers with physical constraints, stochastic controllers with constraints and time-frequency controllers for non-linear devices. These developments can play an important role in ascertaining the safe and reliable operation of the ocean energy devices and lower the LCOE.
The collaboration in this project has continued with TCD and FPP still exploring further avenues into modelling of oceans to investigate the effect of complex 3D nonlinear currents and wave-current interactions on offshore renewable energy devices.
Project Details
This project ran between 1st October 2015 and 30th September 2019. You can access more project details, including project reports and results via the European Commission's CORDIS Portal.
Prof. Biswajit Basu (Email: basub@tcd.ie).
This project recieved funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 programme under Grant agreement no. 675659.