BAI/MAI Research Projects
The following two (BAI) or three (MAI) years of study can focus on Civil Engineering subjects that link to our Research Pillars of Energy, Environment, Geotechnics, Structures & Transport. For detailed information on Undergraduate courses see the School of Engineering. Examples of recent titles for BAI/MAI projects under each of our Research Pillars included.
- Experimental Studies of Solitary Waves
- Fault Diagnosis of Bearings in Rotating Machinery
- District Heating for Ireland
- Water Efficiency, Offsetting and Recovery using Innovative Technologies and Strategies
- Phase Change Materials for Thermal Regulation in Building Integrated Photovoltaics
- Luminescent Solar Concentrator Building Facade/Glazing
- Evaluating Different Photovoltaic Panels under the same Solar Spectral and Radiation Conditions
- Investigating Integrated Micro-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials in Concrete Solar Collectors
- Drain Water Heat Recovery Systems for On-site Waste Water Treatment Units
- Changes in Biomass Harvesting from Irish Forestry on the Environment
- Predicting Health Effects of Poor Air Quality
- Exposure to Air and Noise Pollution during Daily Activities
- Exploring Life Cycle Carbon, Energy and Resource Demands of Infrastructure Projects
- Natural Ventilation Design in Buildings
- Investigations of UV-LED Water Treatment Process
- Development of a Biological Methane Removal Filter
- Fluvial Sediment Export from Agricultural Catchments
- Sludge Accumulation in Septic Tanks
- Modelling the Passive Control of Air Pollution in Urban Street Canyons
- Evaluation of Microelectro-Mechanical System Microphones for Extended Outdoor Use
- Cause and Mitigation of Algal blooms in Vartry Reservoir
- THMs in Irish Drinking Water and the Cause
- Study of Strain Rate Dependence in Sands
- Numerical Modelling of Monopile Field Tests
- Improving the Strength and Stiffness of Sand Deposits by Grouting using Biopolymers
- Strain Rate Dependence of Strength for Peat Material
- Tensile Strength of Peat Soils
- Offshore Foundation Prototypes
- Dynamic Structural Modelling of an Operational Telecoms Tower
- Structural Reliability based on Structural Health Monitoring Results
- Value of Information Analysis in Structural Health Monitoring
- Infrastructure Asset Management, Extreme Weather and proxy Indicators
- History of Technology: Successful Design
- Construction and Testing of a Mechanical Press
- Theoretical Optimal Grading of Aggregate and Impacts of Concrete Strength
- Efficacy of a Method for Determining Moisture Content of Concrete Slabs
- Efficiency of New Insulation Materials for Buildings
- Impact of Raw Materials and Firing Technologies in the Durability of Historic Bricks
- Improving the Thermal Performance of Earth Construction
- Hot-Lime Mortars for Restoration Projects
- Determination of Material Thermal Transmittance by Time Lagged Responses
- Trends in Bike-Sharing in Ireland
- Exploring Mobility as a Service
- Integrated Services Passenger Information
- Resilience of the Cyber-Transportation Systems
- Behavioural Patterns of the Users of Bike-Sharing Systems (BSSs)
- Designing a Network of School Cycle Routes
- How Step Count and Activity Apps can Change Transport Mode Choice
- Ramp Metering for Reduction of Congestion on the M50