Dr. Trevor Orr

Dr. Trevor Orr

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.



Trevor has been at Trinity College since 1977.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Trevor L.L. Orr, Editorial, Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 168, (1), 2015, p1 - 2Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Managing risk and achieving reliable geotechnical designs using Eurocode 7 in, editor(s)Kok-Kwan Phoon and Jianye Ching , Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, CRC Press, 2014, pp395 - 433, [Trevor L.L. Orr]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Reilly C. & Orr T.L.L., A novel triaxial testing procedure to model the action of lubricants in pipe jacking, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, August 2014, edited by Nanukuttan S. & Goggins J. , Queen's University Belfast, 2014, pp403 - 408Conference Paper, 2014
  • On the applicability of the Eurocode 7 partial factor method for rock mechanics in, editor(s)R. Alejano, Áurea Perucho, Claudio Olalla, Rafael Jiménez , Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, Leiden, The Netherlands, CRC Press, 2014, pp1517 - 1523, [Bedi A. & Orr T.L.L.]Book Chapter, 2014, DOI
  • Trevor L.L. Orr, How geotechnical risk, uncertainty and decision making are addressed in Eurocode 7, ICVRAM-ISUMA Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Quantification, Mitigation, and Management, Liverpool, July 2014, edited by Beer, M. and Patelli, E. , American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014, pp2419 - 2428Conference Paper, 2014, DOI
  • Trevor L.L. Orr, Harmonization and status of geotechnical standards in Europe, DFI/EFFC 11th International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations - Global Perspective on Sustainable Execution of Deep Foundation Works, Stockholm, May 2014, edited by K. Rainer Massarsch and Stefan Aronsson , Deep Foundations Institute, 2014, pp37 - 46Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
  • Muhammad E. Rahman and Trevor Orr, Finite Element Modelling of Ground Vibrations, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3, (3), 2011, p143 - 149Journal Article, 2011
  • Andrew J Bond, Bernd Schuppener, Giuseppe Scarpelli, Trevor L.L. Orr/Editors: Silvia Dimova, Borislava Nikolova, Artur V. Pinto, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design Worked Examples, Luxembourg, European Commission Joint Research Council, 2013, p1 - 160Report, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Orr T L L, Klosinski B and Lees A, Recommended changes to Eurocode 7, XVI ECSMGE 2105, Edinburgh, 13-17 Decembed 2015, edited by Winter M G, Smith D M, Eldred P J L and Toll D G , ICE Publishing, 2015, pp4301 - 4306Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kastner R., Arslan U., Orr T.L.L. Sallfors & Standing J.R., Avoiding damage caused by soil-structure interaction: lessons learnt from case histories, London, 2002, 77ppBook, 2002
  • Orr, Trevor L.L., Implications of Eurocode 7 for geotechnical design in Ireland, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 126, 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • Orr, Trevor L.L., Geotechnical Engineering in Ireland, Proceedings 15th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Dublin, 2002, Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 2003, pp15 - 21Conference Paper, 2003
  • Orr, Trevor L.L., Geotechnical issues associated with landfills, Proceedings XIII European Conference on Soil Mechaniccs and Geotechnical Engineering, Prague, edited by I. Vaniček,, R. Barvínek, J. Boháč, J. Jettmar, D. Jirásko and J. Salák , 3, Czech Geotechnical Society, 2003, pp131 - 132Conference Paper, 2003
  • T.L.L. Orr and M. Long, Proceedings 15th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Dublin, 2002, edited by T.L.L. Orr and M. Long , Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 2003, pp340Conference Paper, 2003
  • T.L.L. Orr and C. Cherubini, Use of the ranking distance as an index for assessing the accuracy and precision of equations for the bearing capacity of piles and at-rest earth pressure coefficient, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 40, (6), 2003, p1200 - 1207Journal Article, 2003
  • C. Cherubini and T.L.L. Orr, Criteria for comparing computed and observed results in geotechnical engineering, Proceedings 9th International Conference on Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Berkeley, California, USA, 2003, edited by Der Kiureghian A., S. Madanat and J.M. Pestana , 2, Millpress Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2003, pp1243 - 1247Conference Paper, 2003
  • E.R. Farrell, B.D.R. Misstear and T.L.L. Orr, Permeability of well graded tills, Proceedings XIII European Conference on Soil Mechaniccs and Geotechnical Engineering, Prague, edited by I. Vaniček,, R. Barvínek, J. Boháč, J. Jettmar, D. Jirásko and J. Salák , 1, Czech Geotechnical Society, 2003, pp71 - 76Conference Paper, 2003
  • L. Gunnnigan, T.L.L. Orr and A. Hore, Rationalising the construction materials purchasing process, Proceedings 1st International SRCI (Salford Centre for Research and Innovation) Symposium, Salford, UK, edited by G. Aouad, D. Amaratunga, M. Kagioglou, L. Ruddock and M. Sexton , University of Salford, 2004, pp376 - 385Conference Paper, 2004
  • R. Frank, C. Bauduin, R. Driscoll, M. Kavvadas, N. Krebs Ovesen, T. Orr, B. Schuppener, Designers' Guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - General rules, London, Thomas Telford, 2005, 216ppBook, 2005
  • Orr, T.L.L., Evaluation of Uplift and Heave Designs to Eurocode 7, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, Dublin, 2005, edited by Orr, T.L.L. , Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, TCD, 2005, pp147 - 158Conference Paper, 2005
  • Orr, T.L.L & Cherubini, C., Response to the comment by Burland and Federico on: "Use of the ranking distance as an index for assessing the accuracy and precision of equations for the bearing capacity of piles and at-rest earth pressure coefficient", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 42, (6), 2005, p1720 - 1722Journal Article, 2005
  • Orr, T.L.L., Review of the Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, Dublin, edited by Orr, T.L.L. , Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, TCD, 2005, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2005
  • Orr, T.L.L., Model Solutions for Eurocode 7 Workshop Examples, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, Dublin, edited by Orr, T.L.L. , Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, TCD, 2005, pp75 - 108Conference Paper, 2005
  • Orr, T.L.L., Some Examples of Designs to Eurocode 7, Czech Geotechnical Society, Proceedings of the XIII european Conference on soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Problems with Manmade and Man Infested Grounds (CD ROM), Prague, 2004, edited by Barvinek, R., Bohac, J., Jettmar, J., Jirasko, D., Salak, J., Vanicek, I. , 2004Conference Paper, 2004
  • Orr, T.L.L., Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, Dublin, Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, TCD, 2005, 320ppBook, 2005
  • Geotechnical Engineering in, editor(s)Cox, R.C. , Engineering Ireland, Cork, The Collins Press, 2006, pp186 - 199, [Orr, T.L.L.]Book Chapter, 2006
  • Orr T.L.L., Progress towards harmonised geotechnical design in Europe, Foundation Analysis and Design, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA, Geotechnical Special, (153), 2006, p59 - 66Journal Article, 2006
  • Hartlen J, Bendz D, Massarsch R, Orr T and Westerberg B, Reduction of Environmental Impact in Geotechnics, Geotechnet - European Goetechnical Thematic Network, CUR, Gouda, Netherlands, 2006, p24Journal Article, 2006
  • Orr T.L.L., Development and implementation of Eurocode 7, Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice (TAIPEI2006), Taipei, Taiwan, November 2006, edited by M.L. Lin, C.T. Chin, H.D. Lin, Y. Honjo and K-K Phoon , World Scientific, 2006, pp18, CD ROMConference Paper, 2006
  • Orr T.L.L., Harmonization of geotechnical with structural design codes in Europe, Proceedings of the ACECC Workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in the Asian Region, Taipei, Taiwan Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council, 2006, pp109 - 119Conference Paper, 2006
  • Rahman M. and Orr T.L.L, A review of strategies to control manmade induced ground vibrations, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV13), Vienna, Austria, July 2-6, 2006, edited by Eberhardsteiner, J.; Mang, H.A.; Waubke , Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2006, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2006
  • Rahman M. and Orr T.L.L, A parametric study of backfill trench for reduction of TBM induced ground vibrations, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV13), Vienna, Austria, July 2-6, 2006, edited by Eberhardsteiner, J.; Mang, H.A.; Waubke, H. , Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2006, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2006
  • O'Kelly B., Orr T. and Farrell E., Fifty years of teaching, research and innovation in geotechnical engineering at Trinity College Dublin, Ground Engineering, 42, (4), 2009, p31 - 34Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
  • Eurocode 7 and reliability-based design in, editor(s)K.K. Phoon , Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor and Francis, 2008, pp298-343 , [Orr, T.L.L. and Breysse D]Book Chapter, 2008
  • Orr, T.L.L. , Discussion of White et al.(2008) A comparison of the bearing capacity of flat and conical circular foundations on sand. Géotechnique 58(10): 781-792., Review of A comparison of the bearing capacity of flat and conical circular foundations on sand, by White, D. J., Teh, K. L., Leung, C. F. & Chow, Y. K , Géotechnique, 60, (2), 2010, p147-149Review, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Orr, T.L.L. , Implementation of Eurocodes (EC7 & EC8) in urban areas, Geotechnical engineering in urban environments. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, The 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 2007, edited by V. Cuellar, E. Dapena, E. Alonso, J.M. Echave, A. Gens, J.L. Justo, C Oteo, J.M. Rodriquez-Ortiz, C. Sagaseta, P. Sola and A. Soriano , 5, Millpress, Rotterdam, 2009, pp209-216Conference Paper, 2009
  • Schuppener B., Simpson B., Orr T.L.L., Frank, R and Bond, A.J., Loss of static equilibrium of a structure - definition and verification of limit state EQU, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk IS-GIFU, International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk IS-GIFU, Gifu, Japan, 11-12 June, edited by Y. Honjo, M. Suzuki, T. Hara & F. Zhang , Taylor and Francis, 2009, pp111-118Conference Paper, 2009
  • Schuppener B., Simpson B., Orr T.L.L., Frank F. and Bond A.J., Eurocode 7 for geotechnical design - a model code for non-EU countries, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, October, 2009, edited by . Hamza, M. Sahien and Y. El-Mossallemy , Millpress, Rotterdam, 2009, pp1132-1135Conference Paper, 2009
  • N. Barounis, T.L.L. Orr, P.H. MacMahon and A. Barounis, Modulus of subgrade reaction for foundations on clay from unconfined compression tests, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, October, 2009, edited by M. Hamza, M. Sahien and Y. El-Mossallemy , Millpress, Rotterdam, 2009, pp249-252Conference Paper, 2009
  • Orr T.L.L. , Geotechnical education and Eurocode 7, Proceedings of the 1st International conference on Enginering and Training in Geo-Engineering Sciences, 1st International Conference on Enginering and Training in Geo-Engineering Sciences, June 2008, edited by I. Manoliu and N. Radulescu , CRC Press/Balkema Netherlands, 2008, pp87-99Conference Paper, 2008
  • Orr T.L.L. , The story of Eurocode 7, Bulletin 23, XIV European Conference on Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Spirit of Krebs Ovesen Session - Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, Spain, November 2008, 23, Danish Engineering Society, 2008, pp41-58Conference Paper, 2008
  • Orr T.L.L. , Eurocode 7 and geotechnical models, Proceedings of Symposium anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von Prof. U. Smoltczyk - Von der Forshung zur Praxis, Symposium anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von Prof. U. Smoltczyk - Von der Forshung zur Praxis, Stuttgart, November 2008, edited by P.A. Vermeer , Institut für Geotechnik, Universität Stuttgart , 2008, pp187-206Conference Paper, 2008, URL
  • Orr T.L.L., Martin J., Fernie R., and Healy S. , Retrofit minipile system to increase the capacity of existing foundations, Proceedings of the second British Geotechnical Association International Conference on Foundations - ICOF 2008, 2ND British Geotechnical Association International Conference on Foundations (ICOF 2008), Dundee, Scotland, June 2008, edited by M.J. Brown, M.F. Bransby, A.J. Brennan and J.A. Knappett , 1, IHS BRE Press, 2008, pp257-268Conference Paper, 2008, TARA - Full Text
  • Orr T.L.L. and Rahman M.E. , Prediction of ground induced vibrations due to tunnelling, Proceedings Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008,, Galway, Ireland, December 2008, edited by E. Cannon, R. West and P. Fanning , Galileo Editions, 2008, pp453-460Conference Paper, 2008
  • Barounis N., Barounis A., Orr T.L.L and Koveos V., Correlation between durability and compression strength indexes of Athens Schist, Proceedings of the second British Geotechnical Association International Conference on Foundations (ICOF 2008), Second British Geotechnical Association International Conference on Foundations - ICOF 2008, Dundee, Scotland, June 2008, edited by M.J. Brown, M.F. Bransby, A.J. Brennan and J.A. Knappett , 1, IHS BRE Press, 2008, pp257-268Conference Paper, 2008
  • Galbraith A.P., Farrell E.R., Orr T.L.L. and Byrne J. , Implications of Eurocode 7 for the design of piles, with particular reference to the serviceability limit state, Proceedings Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Proceedings Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Galway, Ireland, December 2008, edited by E. Cannon, R. West and P. Fanning , Galileo Editions, 2008, pp417-425Conference Paper, 2008
  • Lochaden A.L.E., Farrell E.R. and Orr T.L.L., Comparing numerically modelled tunnel induced ground movements with field measurements, Proceedings Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Joint Symposium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2008 and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Galway, Ireland, December 2008, edited by E. Cannon, R. West and P. Fanning , Galileo Editions, 2008, pp409-416Conference Paper, 2008
  • Rahman M.E. and Orr T.L.L. , Using trenches to reduce tunneling vibrations, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering,, 161, 2008, p227-233Journal Article, 2008
  • Forrest W. and Orr T.L.L., Reliability of shallow foundations designed to Eurocode 7, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 4, (4), 2010, p186 - 207Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Forrest W. and Orr T.L.L., Reliability of eccentrically loaded shallow foundations designed to Eurocode 7: An Irish perspective, Proceedings Joint Symposium on Bridge and Infrastructure in Ireland 2010 and Concrete Research in Ireland 2010, BCRI Symposium 2010, Cork, Ireland, 30 August, 2010, 2010, pp365-372Conference Paper, 2010
  • Forrest W. and Orr T.L.L., Reliability of spread foundations on clay designed using the Eurocode 7 Design Approaches, Proceedings 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geo-engineering for natural hazard mitigation and sustainable development, 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geo-engineering for natural hazard mitigation and sustainable development, Taipei, Taiwan, 1, 2010, pp421-424Conference Paper, 2010
  • Galbraith A.P., Farrell E.R. and Orr T.L.L., Characteristic compressive resistance of piles - Case study, Proceedings 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geo-engineering for natural hazard mitigation and sustainable development, 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geo-engineering for natural hazard mitigation and sustainable development, Taipei, Taiwan, 1, 2010, pp413-416Conference Paper, 2010
  • Codes and standards and their relevance in, editor(s)J. Burland, T. Chapman, H. Skinner and M. Brown , ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering, London, Institution of Civil Engineers Publishing, 2012, pp105 - 124, [Orr T.L.L.]Book Chapter, 2012
  • Orr T.L.L., How Eurocode 7 has affected geotechnical design: a review, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 165, (GE6), 2012, p337 - 350Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • McCabe B.A., Orr T.L.L., Reilly C.C. & Curran B.G., Settlement trough parameters for tunnels in Irish glacial tills, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 27, (1), 2012, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2012, URL
  • Forrest W. and Orr T.L.L., The effect of model uncertainty on the reliability of spread foundations, 3rd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Munich, 2-3 June 2011, edited by N. Vogt, B. Schuppener, D. Straub and G. Bräu , 2011, pp401 - 408Conference Paper, 2011
  • Reilly C.C., McCabe B.A. and Orr T.L.L., Analysis of microtunnel jacking forces in alluvium and glacial till in Mullingar, Ireland, ITA/AITES World Tunnelling Congress, Bangkok, 18-23 May 2012, edited by N. Phienwej and T. Boonyatee , Engineering Institute of Thailand , 2012, pp750 - 751Conference Paper, 2012
  • Reilly C. and Orr T.L.L., Microtunnelling - Recent experience in Ireland, 29th International No-Dig Conference, Berlin, May 2011, International Society for Trenchless Technology, 2011, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2011
  • Orr T.L.L. , Findings from the 2nd set of Eurocode 7 Design Examples, 3rd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Munich, June 2011, edited by N. Vogt, B. Schuppener, D. Straub and G. Bräu , Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2011, pp537 - 547Conference Paper, 2011
  • Orr T.L.L. and Pantazidou M., 3. Use of case studies in geotechnical courses: Learning outcomes and suitable cases, Shaking the Foundations of Geo-Engineering Education, Galway, July 2012, edited by B. McCabe, M. Pantazidou and D. Phillips , CRC Press, 2012, pp105 - 110Conference Paper, 2012
  • Reilly C.C. and Orr T.L.L., Analysis of interface friction effects on microtunnel jacking forces in coarse-grained soils, Joint Symposium on Bridge and Infrastructure in Ireland 2012 and Concrete Research in Ireland 2012, Dublin, 6-7 September 2012, edited by A. O'Connor , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Implementing Eurocode 7 to achieve reliable geotechnical designs in, editor(s)P. Arnold, G.A. Fenton, M.A. Hicks, T. Schweckendiek and B. Simpson , Modern Geotechnical Designs Codes of Practice, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2013, pp72 - 86, [Trevor Orr]Book Chapter, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Orr T.L.L., What learning outcomes can be achieved by incorporating case histories in geotechnical courses?, Proceeding 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, September 2011, edited by A. Anannostopoulos, A. Pachakis and M. Tsatsanifos , 4, IOS Press, 2013, pp595 - 602Conference Paper, 2013, URL
  • Orr T.L.L., Experiences with the application of Eurocode 7, Proceedings 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, September 2011, edited by A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Pachakis and M. Tsatsanifis , 4, IOS Press, 2013, pp573 - 584Conference Paper, 2013
  • Orr T.L.L., The stability of lodgement till slopes in Ireland, Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, September 2011, edited by A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Pachakis and M. Tsatsanifos , 4, IOS Press, 2013, pp413 - 416Conference Paper, 2013
  • O'Kelly B.C. and Orr T.L.L., Briefing: Effective-stress strength of peat in triaxial compression, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, 167, (5), 2014, p417 - 420Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Orr T.L.L. and Pantazidou M, Case studies used in construction to achieve specific learning outcomes: The case of the embankments constructed for the approach to Limerick Tunnel, Ireland, 7th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, USA, April/May 2013, edited by Shamsher Prakash , University of Missouri, 2013, pp12Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Orr T.L.L., Vardanega P.J., Discussion: How Eurocode 7 has affected geotechnical design: a review, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 166, (6), 2013, p610 - 612Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Geotechnical Research Trinity College Dublin, The Irish Scientist Year Book 2005, 13, 2005, pp90 - [Farrell E.R., Orr T.L.L. and O'Kelly B.C.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, TARA - Full Text
  • O'Kelly B., Farrell E. and Orr T., TCD's geotechnics research prioritises innovation and sustainability, The Engineers Journal, Journal of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 63, (3), 2009, p136 - 138Journal Article, TARA - Full Text
  • O'Kelly B., Orr T. and Farrell E., Geotechnical teaching and research reaches fifty year milestone at TCD, The Engineers Journal, Journal of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 63, (1), 2009, p26 - 27Journal Article, TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise

Geotechnical design . Risk and reliability in geotechnics . Applications of probabilistic and statistical methods in geotechnics . Limit state design and geotechnical codes . Development of European geotechnical standards including Eurocode 7 . Tunnelling and microtunnelling . Properties and behaviour of Irish soils . Properties and stability of peat . Problems due to pyritic fill . Geotechnical engineering education

  • Title
    Investigation of vibrations due to tunnel boring
    Funding Agency
    Nishimatsu Construction
    Date From
    Date To

Geoinformatics, Other engineering and technologies,


  • Crampton Prize: awarded for the best paper published in the journal Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering in 2012 2013
  • Scholarship in TCD 1970
  • [F.I.E.I.] Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland 1988
  • Institution Prize of the Institution of Enginers of Ireland. 1988
  • Harding Prize of the British Tunnelling Society 1975
  • The British Geotechnical Association
  • Geotechnical Society of Ireland: . Founder member and currently a committee member of the Geotechnical Society of Ireland
  • The Institution of Civil Engineers, London
  • The Institution of Engineers of Ireland
  • The Project Management Society of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland: . Chair since 2001
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7 - The geotechnical design code of the future" to the Malaysian Institution of Civil Engineers, Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia July 2010
  • Member of the ICE journal Geotechnical Engineering Editorial Advisory Panel 2010-2012
  • Member of Irish National Council for Academic Awards' accreditation panel for the new civil engineering degree course at the Cork Institute of Technology 2000
  • Chairman of the Committee for European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, held in Dublin in 2002. 2000
  • Member of the ICE journals Awards Panel 2013-present
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7, Characteristic Values and New Geotechnical Standards" at the ILF Seminar on Eurocode 7, Innsbruck, Austria December 2009
  • Organised European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference in TCD 2003
  • Presented invited lecture on "Ground vibrations and the Dublin Port Tunnel" to Swedish Geotechnical Society, Stockholm, Sweden 30 May 2007
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7 and geotechnical models" at Von der Forshung zur Praxis, Symposium anlassich des 80, Geburtstags von Prof. U. Smoltczyk, Stuttgart, Germany 14 November 2008
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7 - The geotechnical design code of the future" to the New Zealand Institution of Civil Engineers, Christchurch, New Zealand August 2010
  • Eurocode 7, Geotechnical Design: . 1981 to 1994 First a member and then, for the last seven years, secretary of the drafting panel for Eurocode 7, the new European Standard for geotechnical design. . 1997 to 1998 Irish Member and Secretary of Working Group 1 of CEN Technical Committee 250/SC7 for the conversion of the present pre-standard version of Eurocode 7 into a full European standard. . Since 1998 Member of the ISSMFE committee on Limit State Design in Geotechnics. . Chair of European Committee on Application of Eurocode 7
  • Member of the ICE journal Geotechnique Editorial Advisory Panel 2007-2009
  • Invited Panelist at International Geotechnical Conference in Osaka, Japan 2005
  • Presented British Geotechnical Society's touring lecture for 2002. 2002
  • Presented invited lecture "What learning outcomes can be achieved by incorporating case histories in geotechnical courses?" at the XV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, Greece September 2011
  • Advisor for engineering consultants and contractors on the geotechnical aspects of various construction projects in Dublin and elsewhere in Ireland. Recent projects include: - investigation of the cause of the failure of a culvert under a road embankment - the design of the foundations for the new sewage treatment works in Dublin Port - the design of foundations for a building with a deep basement in Raheny - the determination of the cause of cracks in buildings in Swords, - the preparation of a report on the ground conditions in Dublin for the underground part of the LUAS project - advisor to An Bord Pleanala on the stability of the ground for the Corrib gas terminal, Co. Mayo.
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7 and pile design in Ireland and the UK" at the Baltic Piling Days conference, Tallinn, Estonia September 2012
  • Project Management Society: . Currently chairman of the Project Management Society of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland.
  • Presented invited lecture "Harmonization of geotechnical with structural design codes in Europe" to the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council Workshop on Harmonization of Design Codes in the Asian Region, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2006
  • Presented invited lecture "Eurocode 7 - Teaching students" to the Meeting of Teachers of Geotechnical Subjects, Queens University, Belfast September 2010
  • Visiting Professor at Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland in 2010 on a co-funded project for the Enhancement and Development of the Teaching Capacity of Universities within the European Social Fund Framework
  • Reviewer of papers for the journal, Geotechnique 1999
  • Convenor of CEN TC250/SC7 Evolution Group 3: Model solutions 2011-present
  • Presented first Prestige Lecture of 2014 at the Institution of Civil Engineers, London which was based on my Crampton Prize Award winning paper: "How Eurocode 7 has affected geotechnical design: a review" published in the Journal Proc. ICE Geotechnical Engineering in December 2012 13th January 2014
  • COST Action C7 - Soil-Structure Interaction: . Irish representative on EU COST Action Committee investigating occurrence of, and design for, soil-structure interaction in urban civil engineering. 1996 - 2001
  • Presented invited lecture "Development and implementation of Eurocode 7" at the International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice, Taipei, Taiwan November 2006
  • External Examiner for the Civil Engineering Diploma and Certificate courses at Dundalk Institute of Technology 1999-2005
  • Presented invited lecture "Geotechnical education and Eurocode 7", 3rd International Conference on Geotechnical Education, Constantza, Romania 3 June 2008
  • Presented theme lecture at the International Workshop on Foundation Design Codes in Kamakura, Japan, March, 2002 2002