Professor Sarah Mc Cormack

Professor Sarah Mc Cormack

Professor In Sustainable Energy, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.

3531896 3321

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Browne Maria C., Lawlor Keith, Kelly Adam, Norton Brian, Cormack Sarah J. M, Indoor Characterisation of a Photovoltaic/ Thermal Phase Change Material System , Energy Procedia , 70 , ( ), 2015, p163 - 171Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • O'Hegarty Richard, Kinnane Oliver, McCormack Sarah, A Case for Facade Located Solar Thermal Collectors , Energy Procedia , 70 , ( ), 2015, p103 - 110Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Thermal mass behaviour of concrete panels incorporating phase change materials, Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 8th - 11th March, 2016, pp1276 - 1285Conference Paper, 2016
  • Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Influence of Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag on the thermal properties of PCM-concrete composite panels, Advanced Building Skins Conference , Bern, Switzerland, 10th - 11th October, 2016, pp963 - 973Conference Paper, 2016
  • Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Mechanical and thermal evaluation of different types of PCM-concrete composite panels, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp353 - 358Conference Paper, 2016
  • Gallagher, J., Basu, B., Browne, M., Kenna, A., McCormack, S., Pilla, F., Styles, D., Adapting Stand-Alone Renewable Energy Technologies for the Circular Economy through Eco-Design and Recycling, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 13, (1), 2019, p133 - 140Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • M. Rafiee, S. Chandra, H. Ahmed and S. J. McCormack, Analysis of Luminescent Solar Concentrator Performance Using a Ray Tracing Algorithm: Modelling, Optimization and Validation, Applications and Technology Conference C99 (PVSAT-13), UK, 5-7 April, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • Mehran Rafiee, Subhash Chandra, Hind Ahmed, and Sarah J McCormack, Quantum Dot Luminescent Solar Concentrator: Optimization of Concentration and Thickness, 33rd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibitions (EU PVSEC 2017), Amsterdam, 24-29 September, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • Mehran Rafiee, Hind Ahmed, Subhash Chandra and Sarah J McCormack, Improving the Mathematical Model for Luminescent Down-Shifting Layers by Investigating their Loss Mechanisms, 33rd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibitions (EU PVSEC 2017), Amsterdam, 24-29 September, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • Plasmonic Interaction in Enhanced Luminescent Down-Shifting Layers for Photovoltaic Devices in, editor(s)Angelo Bright , Plasmonics: Advances in Research and Application., USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2017, [H. Ahmed, A. Sethi, J. Doran, and S. J. McCormack]Book Chapter, 2017, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • H. Ahmed, J. Doran, S.J. McCormack, Increased short-circuit current density and external quantum efficiency of silicon and dye sensitised solar cells through plasmonic luminescent down-shifting layers, Solar Energy, 126, 2016, p146 - 155Journal Article, 2016, URL
  • H. Ahmed, S. J. McCormack, J. Doran, External Quantum Efficiency Improvement with Luminescent Downshifting Layers: Experimental and Modelling, International Journal of Spectroscopy, 2016, 2015Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • H. Ahmed, S.J. McCormack, J. Doran, Plasmonic luminescent down shifting layers for the enhancement of CdTe mini-modules performance, Solar Energy, 141, 2017, p242 - 248Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • Hind A. Ahmed, James Walshe, Manus Kennedy, Thomas Confrey, John Doran and Sarah. J. McCormack, Enhancement in Solar Cells Efficiency by Luminescent Down-Shifting layers, Advances in Energy Research, 1, (2), 2013, p117 - 126Journal Article, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Mehran Rafiee, Subhash Chandra, Hind Ahmed, Sarah J McCormack and Keith Barnham, Optical Coupling Sensitivity Study of Luminescent PV Devices Using Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Model, World Renewable Energy Congress - 18 & Exhibition (WREC), Kingston University, London - UK, 30 July - 3 August 2, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Mehran Rafiee, Hind Ahmed, Subhash Chandra, Arunima Sethi and Sarah J McCormack, Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Modelling of Multi-Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cell Enhanced by Luminescent Material, 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-7), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 10-15 June , 2018Conference Paper, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Hoda Akbari, Maria C.Browne, Anita Ortega, Ming Jun Huang , Neil J.Hewitt, Brian Norton, Sarah J.McCormack, Efficient energy storage technologies for photovoltaic systems, Solar Energy, 2018, p Article, 2018
  • Niall, D., West, R., McCormack, S., Assessment of two methods of enhancing thermal mass performance of concrete through the incorporation of phase change materials, Sustainable Design and Applied Research, 4, (1), 2016, p30 - 37Journal Article, 2016
  • Mehran Rafiee, Subhash Chandra, Hind Ahmed, Sarah J. McCormack, An overview of various configurations of Luminescent Solar Concentrators for photovoltaic applications, Optical Materials, 91, 2019, p212--227Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • Esfandyari, A., Norton, B., Conlon, M., McCormack, S.J., Performance of a campus photovoltaic electric vehicle charging station in a temperate climate, Solar Energy, 2019, p762-771Journal Article, 2019
  • Salah Vaisi, Francesco Pilla, Sarah J. McCormack, Recommending a thermal energy benchmark based on CIBSE TM46 for typical college buildings and creating monthly energy models, Energy and Buildings, 176, 2018, p296--309Journal Article, 2018
  • Sethi, A., Chandra, S., Ahmed, H., McCormack, S.J., Fluorescent organic dyes in a silicone encapsulant composite for Luminescent Solar Concentrators, 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC, 2018, p958-960Journal Article, 2018
  • Walshe, J., McCormack, S.J., Ahmed, H., Doran, J., A transfer matrix approach to aid in the design and optimization of hybrid advanced passive structures for enhancing photovoltaic efficiency, ISES Solar World Congress 2017 - IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2017, Proceedings, 2017, p1297-1305Journal Article, 2017
  • Ahmed, H., Rafiee, M., Chandra, S., Sethi, A., Mccormack, S.J., Application of concentrating plasmonic luminescent down-shifting layers for photovoltaic devices, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10099, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S.J., Concrete solar collectors for façade integration: An experimental and numerical investigation, Applied Energy, 206, 2017, p1040-1061Journal Article, 2017
  • Akbari, H., Naydenova, I., Ahmed, H., McCormack, S., Martin, S., Development and testing of low spatial frequency holographic concentrator elements for collection of solar energy, Solar Energy, 155, 2017, p103-109Journal Article, 2017
  • Browne, M.C., Boyd, E., McCormack, S.J., Investigation of the corrosive properties of phase change materials in contact with metals and plastic, Renewable Energy, 108, 2017, p555-568Journal Article, 2017
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S.J., Parametric investigation of concrete solar collectors for façade integration, Solar Energy, 153, 2017, p396-413Journal Article, 2017
  • Chandra, S., Ahmed, H., Doran, J., Mccormack, S.J., Plasmonic quantum dot solar concentrator, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10099, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Browne, M.C., Quigley, D., Hard, H.R., Gilligan, S., Ribeiro, N.C.C., Almeida, N., McCormack, S.J., Assessing the Thermal Performance of Phase Change Material in a Photovoltaic/Thermal System, Energy Procedia, 91, 2016, p113-121Journal Article, 2016
  • Browne, M.C., Norton, B., McCormack, S.J., Heat retention of a photovoltaic/thermal collector with PCM, Solar Energy, 133, 2016, p533-548Journal Article, 2016
  • Phase Change Materials for Solar Energy Applications in, editor(s)Vikas Mittal , Phase Change Materials, Central West Publishing, 2019, pp21 - 53, [Hoda Akbari , David G Peña, Rebeca S Pizarro, Hind Ahmed, Maria C. Browne, Chuka O'koli,Edward Guionneau, Ming Jun Huang and Sarah J. McCormack]Book Chapter, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Sethi Arunima, Rafiee Mehran, Chandra Subhash, Ahmed Hind, McCormack Sarah , Unified Methodology for Fabrication and Quantification of Gold Nanorods, Gold Core Silver Shell Nanocuboids, and Their Polymer Nanocomposites, Langmuir, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • Aaron Glenn, The Viability of Organic Dyes in Luminescent Down-Shifting Layers for the Enhancement of Si Solar Cell Efficiency, Materials Science Forum , International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials, Trinity College Dublin, June 30-July 02,2019, Vol. 995, 2020Conference Paper, 2020, DOI
  • McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., The shadows cast by inadequate energy governance: Why more sun does not necessarily mean more photovoltaic electricity, Lecture Notes in Energy, 23, 2013, p277-293Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Chandra, S., McCormack, S.J., Kennedy, M., Doran, J., Quantum dot solar concentrator: Optical transportation and doping concentration optimization, Solar Energy, 115, 2015, p552-561Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Esfandyari, A., Norton, B., Conlon, M., McCormack, S.J., The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) design option for on-campus Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS), ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings, 2015, p1700-1709Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Atiq Ur Rehman, Shakil R. Sheikh, Zareena Kausar, Sarah J. McCormack, Numerical Simulation of a Novel Dual Layered Phase Change Material Brick Wall for Human Comfort in Hot and Cold Climatic Conditions, Energies, 14, (13), 2021, p4032Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Browne, M.C., Norton, B., McCormack, S.J., Phase change materials for photovoltaic thermal management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, 2015, p762-782Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S.J., Huang, M.J., Sarwar, J., Norton, B., Increased photovoltaic performance through temperature regulation by phase change materials: Materials comparison in different climates, Solar Energy, 115, 2015, p264-276Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Mullarkey, S., Caulfield, B., McCormack, S., Basu, B., A framework for establishing the technical efficiency of Electricity Distribution Counties (EDCs) using Data Envelopment Analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, 94, 2015, p112-123Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Navarro, L., de Gracia, A., Niall, D., Castell, A., Browne, M., McCormack, S.J., Griffiths, P., Cabeza, L.F., Thermal energy storage in building integrated thermal systems: A review. Part 2. Integration as passive system, Renewable Energy, 85, 2016, p1334-1356Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Navarro, L., de Gracia, A., Colclough, S., Browne, M., McCormack, S.J., Griffiths, P., Cabeza, L.F., Thermal energy storage in building integrated thermal systems: A review. Part 1. active storage systems, Renewable Energy, 88, 2016, p526-547Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S.J., Review and analysis of solar thermal facades, Solar Energy, 135, 2016, p408-422Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S., Parametric Analysis of Concrete Solar Collectors, Energy Procedia, 91, 2016, p954-962Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S.J., Doran, J., Norton, B., Ray-trace modelling of reflectors for quantum dot solar concentrators, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6649, 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Ons, M.J.R., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., On surface currents in a polycrystalline solar cell acting as ground plane for microstrip patch antennas, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI, 2008Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Chandra, S., Doran, J., McCormack, S.J., Two step continuous method to synthesize colloidal spheroid gold nanorods, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 459, 2015, p218-223Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S., A simplified procedure for sizing solar thermal systems; Based on national assessment methods in the UK and Ireland, Energy Procedia, 62, 2014, p647-655Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Shams, N., McKeever, M., McCormack, S., Norton, B., Design and experiment of a concentrating transpired air heating system, ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2011, (PARTS A, B, AND C), 2011, p57-61Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Roo-Ons, M.J., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Transparent patch antenna on a-Si thin-film glass solar module, Electronics Letters, 47, (2), 2011, p85-86Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Shynu, S.V., Ons, M.J.R., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., Dual band a-Si: H solar-slot antenna for 2.4/5.2GHz WLAN applications, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2009, Proceedings, 2009, p408-410Journal Article, 2009
  • Roo Ons, M.J., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Emitter-wrap-through photovoltaic dipole antenna with solar concentrator, Electronics Letters, 45, (5), 2009, p241-243Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S.J., Doran, J., Norton, B., Improving the optical efficiency and concentration of a single-plate quantum dot solar concentrator using near infra-red emitting quantum dots, Solar Energy, 83, (7), 2009, p978-981Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Shynu, S.V., Roo Ons, M.J., McEvoy, P., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Integration of microstrip patch antenna with polycrystalline silicon solar cell, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 57, (12), 2009, p3969-3972Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Shynu, S.V., Roo Ons, M.J., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., A metal plate solar antenna for UMTS pico-cell base station, 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC, 2008, p373-376Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Shynu, S.V., Roos Ons, M.J., Ruvio, G., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., A microstrip printed dipole solar antenna using polycrystalline silicon solar cells, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI, 2008Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Barnham, K.W.J., Slooff, L.H., Chatten, A.J., Büchtemann, A., Meyer, A., McCormack, S.J., Koole, R., Farrell, D.J., Bose, R., Bende, E.E., Burgers, A.R., Budel, T., Quilitz, J., Kennedy, M., Meyer, T., De Mello Donegá, C., Meijerink, A., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Luminescent solar concentrators - A review of recent results, Optics Express, 16, (26), 2008, p21773-21792Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Hasan, A and McCormack, SJ and Huang, MJ and Norton, B, A brief review of phase change materials with an experimental design for use in thermal control for building integrated photovoltaics, INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, 88, 2007, pp105Conference Paper, 2007
  • Sol{\'e, Underground Thermal Energy Storage and Smoothing, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Huang, MJ and McCormack, S and Eames, PC and Norton, Brian, The effect of phase change material crystalline segregation on the building integrated photovoltaic system thermal performance, World Renewable Energy Congress-WREC X, 2008, pp1338--1343Conference Paper, 2008
  • Rafiee, Mehran and Chandra, Subhash and Ahmed, Hind and McCormack, Sarah J, Optimized 3D Finite-Difference-Time-Domain Algorithm to Model the Plasmonic Properties of Metal Nanoparticles with Near-Unity Accuracy, Chemosensors, 9, (5), 2021, p114Journal Article, 2021
  • Carlini, Maurizio and McCormack, Sarah Josephine and Castellucci, Sonia and Ortega, Anita and Rotondo, Mirko and Mennuni, Andrea, Modelling and numerical simulation for an innovative compound solar concentrator: Thermal analysis by FEM approach, Energies, 13, (3), 2020, p548Journal Article, 2020
  • Mullarkey, Shane and Caulfield, Brian and Foley, Aoife and McCormack, Sarah and Basu, Biswajit, Efficiency assessment of electricity power generation on Ireland†s Single Electricity Market by Data Envelopment Analysis, 9th International Conference on Dynamic Envelope Analysis (DEA2011), 2011Conference Paper, 2011
  • Walshe, James and Amarandei, George and Ahmed, Hind and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John, Development of poly-vinyl alcohol stabilized silver nanofluids for solar thermal applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 201, 2019, p110085Journal Article, 2019
  • Ahmed, H and Kennedy, M and Doran, J and McCormack, SJ and Galindo, S and Voz, C and Puigdollers, J, Lumogen violet dye as luminescent down-shifting layer for c-silicon solar cells, Proceedings of the 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2012, pp311--313Conference Paper, 2012
  • CHANDRA, Subhash and DORAN, John and MCCORMACK, Sarah, Plasmonic coupling controlled absorption and emission in liquid luminescent solar concentrator, Proceedings of International Conference CISBAT 2015 Future Buildings and Districts Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale, (CONF), 2015, pp3--8Conference Paper, 2015
  • Chandra, Subhash and Ahmed, Hind and McCormack, Sarah, Polarization-sensitive anisotropic plasmonic properties of quantum dots and Au nanorod composites, Optics Express, 28, (14), 2020, p20191-20204Journal Article, 2020
  • Ortega, Anita and Chandra, Subhash and McCormack, Sarah, Design and Characterization of a Roof-Mounted Compound Parabolic Concentrator, 2020Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Walshe, James and Girtan, Mihaela and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Exploring the development of nanocomposite encapsulation solutions for enhancing the efficiency of PV systems using optical modelling, Optical Materials, 111, 2021, p110654Journal Article, 2021
  • Nasiri, Mojtaba and Chandra, Subhash and Taherkhani, Morteza and McCormack, Sarah J, Impact of Input Capacitors in Boost Converters on Stability and Maximum Power Point Tracking in PV systems, 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2021, pp1004--1008Conference Paper, 2021
  • Prasad, K Hari and Alshahrani, T and McCormack, Sarah J and Shkir, Mohd and AlFaify, S and others, Enhancement in optoelectronic nature of facile spray fabricated Ce co-doped CdO: Zn films for TCO applications, Optik, 223, 2020, p165408Journal Article, 2020
  • Walshe, James and Carron, Pauraic Mc and McLoughlin, Conor and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Nanofluid development using silver nanoparticles and organic-luminescent molecules for solar-thermal and hybrid photovoltaic-thermal applications, Nanomaterials, 10, (6), 2020, p1201Journal Article, 2020
  • Walshe, James and Carron, Pauraic Mc and McLoughlin, Conor and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Nanofluid development using silver nanoparticles and organic-luminescent molecules for solar-thermal and hybrid photovoltaic-thermal applications, Nanomaterials, 10, (6), 2020, p1201Journal Article, 2020
  • Hasan, A and McCormack, SJ and Huang, MJ and Norton, B, Phase change materials for thermal control of building integrated photovoltaics: characterisation and experimental evaluation, INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, 89, 2008, pp195Conference Paper, 2008
  • Hasan, A and McCormack, SJ and Huang, MJ and Norton, B, Phase change materials for thermal control of building integrated photovoltaics: characterisation and experimental evaluation, INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, 89, 2008, pp195Conference Paper, 2008
  • Study of Corrosion Effect of Micronal{\textregistered in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp709--717 , [Salgado, Rebeca and Akbari, Hoda and Brown, Maria C and Reid, Isobelle and McCormack, Sarah J]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Study of Corrosion Effect of Micronal{\textregistered in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp709--717 , [Salgado, Rebeca and Akbari, Hoda and Brown, Maria C and Reid, Isobelle and McCormack, Sarah J]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Study of Corrosion Effect of Micronal{\textregistered in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp709--717 , [Salgado, Rebeca and Akbari, Hoda and Brown, Maria C and Reid, Isobelle and McCormack, Sarah J]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Study of Corrosion Effect of Micronal{\textregistered in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp709--717 , [Salgado, Rebeca and Akbari, Hoda and Brown, Maria C and Reid, Isobelle and McCormack, Sarah J]Book Chapter, 2020
  • O'Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, A case for facade integrated solar thermal systems., International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC 2014, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2014, pp103--110Conference Paper, 2014
  • O'Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, A case for facade integrated solar thermal systems., International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC 2014, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2014, pp103--110Conference Paper, 2014
  • Roo Ons, Maria and Shynu, S and Ammann, Max and McCormack, Sarah and Norton, Brian, Novel Techniques for the Integration of Antennas and Photovoltaic Cells, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Roo Ons, Maria and Shynu, S and Ammann, Max and McCormack, Sarah and Norton, Brian, Novel Techniques for the Integration of Antennas and Photovoltaic Cells, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Kennedy, M and McCormack, SJ and Doran, J and Norton, B, Performance of single plate luminescent solar concentrators containing different luminescent species, INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 89, 2008, pp165Conference Paper, 2008
  • Carragher, Vincent and Lockwood, Hannah and McCormack, Sarah, Identification and review of factors which drive sustainable consumption, 2017, -Miscellaneous, 2017
  • Sethi, Arunima and Ortega, Anita and Chandra, Subhash and McCormack, Sarah, Outdoor performance of a Plasmonic Luminescent Solar Concentrator, 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2020, pp1346--1348Conference Paper, 2020
  • Niall, Dervilla and West, Roger P and McCormack, Sarah, SDAR* Journal of Sustainable Design \& Applie d Research, Assessment, 2016, 2016, p11--15Journal Article, 2016
  • Rafiee, Mehran and Chandra, Subhash and Ahmed, Hind and Barnham, Keith and McCormack, Sarah J, Small and large scale plasmonically enhanced luminescent solar concentrator for photovoltaic applications: modelling, optimisation and sensitivity analysis, Optics Express, 29, (10), 2021, p15031--15052Journal Article, 2021
  • Esfandyari, Ayda and O'Farrell, Kevin and Norton, Brian and McCormack, Sarah, Electric Bike Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS): Experimental Design for Electrical Fault Investigations, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Sol{\'e, Applications of PCMs, Phase Change Materials: a primer for Architects \& Engineers, 2013, p25--43Journal Article, 2013
  • Ahmed, H and Kennedy, M and Doran, J and McCormack, SJ, Characterisation of Luminescent Down-Shifting Materials for the Enhancement of Solar Cell Efficiency, 2018, p727 - 734Journal Article, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Esfandyari, Ayda and Norton, Brian and Conlon, Michael and McCormack, Sarah J, Essentials for on-Campus Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS): Grangegorman, Irish Transport Research Conference, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • Walshe, James and Girtan, Mihaela and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Combined Experimental and Modeling Analysis for the Development of Optical Materials Suitable to Enhance the Implementation of Plasmonic-Enhanced Luminescent Down-Shifting Solutions on Existing Silicon-Based Photovoltaic Devices, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • O†Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, The potential of concrete solar thermal collectors for energy savings, Conference Paper{\textperiodcentered, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Sarwar, J and Lemarchand, P and McCormack, S and Huang, M and Norton, B, Novel Method to Design Non-Ideal Parabolic Dish Concentrator for Concentrated Photovoltaic Application; Its Theoratical Analysis and Experimental Characterisation for Design Validation, 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2013, pp632--635Conference Paper, 2013
  • McCormack, Sarah J and Ahmed, Hind and Sethi, Arunima and Rafiee, Mehran and Ortega, Anita and Akbari, Hoda and Glenn, Aaron and McLoughlin, Conor and Rotundo, Mirko and Chandra, Subhash, Latest advances in novel plasmonic luminescent solar devicesJournal Article
  • Rowan, B and McCormack, S and Doran, J and Norton, B, Investigation of Various Geometries of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrator, INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 88, 2007, pp131Conference Paper, 2007
  • Esfandyari, Ayda and {\'S, Modelling and energy management optimisation of battery energy storage system (BESS) based photovoltaic charging station (PV-CS) for University Campus, no, 2015, -Miscellaneous, 2015
  • Barragan, Maria F Ayala and Chandra, Subhash and Cass, Bill and McCormack, Sarah J, Defining critical parameters in a luminescent downshifting layer for PV enhancement, 2020Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Sethi, Arunima and Chandra, Subhash and Ahmed, Hind and McCormack, Sarah, Broadband plasmonic coupling and enhanced power conversion efficiency in luminescent solar concentrator, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 203, 2019, p110150Journal Article, 2019
  • Hasan, Ahmed and McCormack, S and Huang, M and Norton, B, Analysis of different Phase Change Materials to Regulate Temperature in Building Integrated Photovoltaics, photovoltaic science applications and technology: PVSAT-5, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • O†Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, A Case for fa{\c{c, Energy Procedia, 70, 2015, p103--110Journal Article, 2015
  • Norton, Brian and McCormack, S and Roo Ons, J and Nair, M and Ammann, Max, Inset-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna with Integrated Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Cell, 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Ortega, Anita and Reid, Isobella and Akbari, Hoda and Ahmed, Hind and Chandra, Subhash and Parfreya, Eric and McCormack, Sarah J, Design and Characterization of a Roof-Mounted Compound Parabolic Concentrator with Phase Change Material, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • External Quantum Efficiency Measurements and Outdoor Characterisation for PV Luminescent Downshifting Devices in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp727--733 , [Ahmed, H and Doran, J and McCormack, SJ]Book Chapter, 2020
  • O'Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah J, Parametric investigation of concrete solar collectors for fa{\c{c, Solar Energy, 153, 2017, p396--413Journal Article, 2017
  • Ons, Maria Roo and Shynu, S and Ammann, Max and McCormack, Sarah and Norton, Brian, Novel techniques for the integration of antennas and photovoltaic cells, Royal Irish Academy Research Colloquium on Wireless as an Enabling Technology: Innovation for a Critical Infrastructure, Dublin, Ireland, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 21, (04), 2010, pp2010Conference Paper, 2010
  • Shams, SM Nasif and McKeever, Mick and McCormack, Sarah and Norton, Brian, Development of a ray tracing model to design an optical Asymmetric Compound Parabolic Concentrator (ACPC) for solar air heating collector using Matlab, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science \& Engineering, 3, (2), 2016, p135--142Journal Article, 2016
  • Rafiee, Mehran and Ahmed, Hind and Chandra, Subhash and Mc Loughlin, Conor and Glenn, Aaron and McCormack, Sarah, Towards Reducing Computational Costs of Finite Difference Time Domain Algorithm in Plasmonic Optical Properties Modelling of Metal Nanoparticles, Materials Science Forum, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 995, 2020, pp203--208Conference Paper, 2020
  • Walshe, James and Mc Carron, Pauraic and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Organic luminescent down-shifting liquid beam splitters for hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 219, 2021, p110818Journal Article, 2021
  • Dennehy, Ruth and Dignam, Simon and McCormack, Sarah and Romano, Maria and Hou, Yueran and Ardill, Laura and Whelan, Matthew VX and Drulis-Kawa, Zuzanna and Cr{\'o, The DNA mimic protein BCAS0292 is involved in the regulation of virulence of Burkholderia cenocepacia, bioRxiv, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Niall, Dervilla and West, Roger and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, Thermal Mass Performance of Concrete Panels Incorporated with Phase Change Materials, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Sarwar, J and Lemarchand, P and McCormack, S and Huang, MJ and Norton, B, 1CV. 636Journal Article
  • Hassan, A and Huang, M and McCormack, S and Norton, Brian, Performance enhancement of PV devices through cooling using phase change materials in outdoor climates of Ireland and Pakistan, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Walshe, James and Girtan, Mihaela and McCormack, Sarah and Doran, John and Amarandei, George, Combined Experimental and Modeling Analysis for theDevelopment of Optical Materials Suitable to Enhance theImplementation of Plasmonic-Enhanced Luminescent Down-Shifting Solutions on Existing Silicon-Based Photovoltaic Devices, 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • Rafiee, Mehran and Chandra, Subhash and Ahmed, Hind and Glenn, Aaron and Mc Loughlin, Conor and McCormack, Sarah, Doping Concentration Tuning and Plasmonic Optical Properties Modelling of Metal Nano Particles Utilizing FDTD Method, Materials Science Forum, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 995, 2020, pp197--202Conference Paper, 2020
  • Investigation of new applications for innovative BISTS in, Overview of BISTS State of the Art, Models and Applications, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2015, pp147--243 , [Zacharopoulos, Aggelos and Borg, Simon and Cabeza, Luisa and McCormack, Sarah and Florides, George and Kalogirou, Soteris and da Silva, Sandra Monteiro and Ochoa, Carlos and Radulovic, Jasna and Remke, Stefan and others]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Saers, Sander and Ortega, Anita and Chandra, Subhash and McCormack, Sarah, Compound Parabolic Concentrator Design: Assessment of Performance Enhancement for Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Systems, 2020Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Use of Phase Change Materials for Solar Systems Applications in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp847--858 , [Guionneau, Edward J and Akbari, Hoda and McCormack, Sarah J]Book Chapter, 2020
  • O'Hegarty, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah J, Concrete solar collectors for fa{\c{c, Applied energy, 206, 2017, p1040--1061Journal Article, 2017
  • Sethi, Arunima and Ortega, Anita and McCormack, Sarah and others, Outdoor Characterization of a Plasmonic Luminescent Solar Concentrator, 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • Esfandyari, Ayda and Norton, Brian and Conlon, Michael and McCormack, Sarah, Energy Managment of Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS) For Green University Campus Transportation, Energy, 2016, 2016, p09--02Journal Article, 2016
  • O'HEGARTY, Richard and Kinnane, Oliver and McCormack, Sarah, Efficiency analysis of flat plate collectors for buidling fa{\c{c, Proceedings of International Conference CISBAT 2015 Future Buildings and Districts Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, (CONF), 2015, pp735--740Conference Paper, 2015
  • Ayompe, Lacour and Duffy, Aidan and McCormack, Sarah and Conlon, Michael, Economic and Environmental Performance Analysis of PV Systems for Domestic Applications in Ireland, 2009Journal Article, 2009
  • Cass, B and Chandra, S and Sethi, A and McCormack, SJ, Characterisation of Luminescent Downshifting Layer effects on Silicon Solar Cells, 2020Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Sarwar, J and Browne, M and McCormack, S and Huang, MJ and Norton, B, Experimental investigation of temperature regulation of concentrated photovoltaic using heat spreading and phase change material cooling method, The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Storage (IC-SES), Dublin, Ireland, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
  • Carragher, Vincent and McCormack, Sarah, Identifying, Reviewing and Testing the Factors that Drive the Sustainable Behaviour and Transition of Communities, Groups and Individuals, Dublin, Ireland, 2018Report, 2018
  • Thaherkhani, Morteza and Ahmadi, Marzieh and Chandra, Subhash and Nasiri, Mojtaba and McCormack, Sarah J, Modelling Optimal PV System Sizing for Zero Energy Buildings, 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2021, pp2027--2031Conference Paper, 2021
  • Kennedy, M and Dunne, M and McCormack, SJ and Doran, J and Norton, B, Multiple dye luminescent solar concentrators and comparison with Monte-Carlo ray tracing prediction, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2008, pp1--5Conference Paper, 2008
  • Sethi, A and Chandra, S and Ahmed, H and McCormack, SJ, Gold Nanorods for application in Plasmonic Luminescent Solar Concentrators, 2018Journal Article, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Esfandyari, Ayda and {\'S, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Based Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS) For A Green University Transportation, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • The Shadows Cast by Inadequate Energy Governance: Why More Sun Does Not Necessarily Mean More Photovoltaic Electricity in, Renewable Energy Governance, Springer, 2013, pp277--293 , [McCormack, Sarah J and Norton, Brian]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Chandra, Subhash and Doran, John and Kennedy, Manus and McCormack, S and Chatten, A, Fluorescence Emission Study of Cdse/ZnS Quantum Dot and Au Nanoparticles Composite for Application in Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Ortega, Anita and Akbari, Hoda and McCormack, Sarah J, Building Integrated Compound Parabolic Photovoltaic Concentrator: A, BBIRES, Building Integration of Solar Thermal Systems, TU Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Walshe, J and Ahmedb, H and McCormack, SJ and Doran, J, Bragg Enhanced Plasmonic Luminescent Downshifting for PV Devices, PVSEC Europe, Munich, Germany, 2016, p256--259Journal Article, 2016
  • Plasmonic Coupling Enhanced Absorption and Fluorescence Emission in Thin Film Luminescent Solar Concentrator in, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, Springer, 2020, pp149--159 , [Chandra, S and McCormack, SJ]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Sethi A, Rafiee M, Chandra S, Ahmedj H, McCormack S, A unified methodology for fabrication and quantification of gold nanorods, gold core silver shell nanocuboids and their polymer Nanocomposites, Langmuir, 35, (40), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • S. Chandra, M. Rafiee, J. Doran S. J. McCormack, Absorption Coefficient Dependent Non-linear Properties of Thin Film Luminescent Solar Concentrators, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 182, 2018, p331 - 338Journal Article, 2018, URL
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S., Parametric Analysis of Concrete Solar Collectors, Energy Procedia, 91, 2016, p954-962Journal Article, 2016
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S.J., Review and analysis of solar thermal facades, Solar Energy, 135, 2016, p408-422Journal Article, 2016
  • Navarro, L., de Gracia, A., Colclough, S., Browne, M., McCormack, S.J., Griffiths, P., Cabeza, L.F., Thermal energy storage in building integrated thermal systems: A review. Part 1. active storage systems, Renewable Energy, 88, 2016, p526-547Journal Article, 2016
  • Navarro, L., de Gracia, A., Niall, D., Castell, A., Browne, M., McCormack, S.J., Griffiths, P., Cabeza, L.F., Thermal energy storage in building integrated thermal systems: A review. Part 2. Integration as passive system, Renewable Energy, 85, 2016, p1334-1356Journal Article, 2016
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S.J., Huang, M.J., Sarwar, J., Norton, B., Increased photovoltaic performance through temperature regulation by phase change materials: Materials comparison in different climates, Solar Energy, 115, 2015, p264-276Journal Article, 2015
  • Browne, M.C., Norton, B., McCormack, S.J., Phase change materials for photovoltaic thermal management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, 2015, p762-782Journal Article, 2015
  • Chandra, S., McCormack, S.J., Kennedy, M., Doran, J., Quantum dot solar concentrator: Optical transportation and doping concentration optimization, Solar Energy, 115, 2015, p552-561Journal Article, 2015
  • Esfandyari, A., Norton, B., Conlon, M., McCormack, S.J., The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) design option for on-campus Photovoltaic Charging Station (PV-CS), ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings, 2015, p1700-1709Journal Article, 2015
  • Chandra, S., Doran, J., McCormack, S.J., Two step continuous method to synthesize colloidal spheroid gold nanorods, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 459, 2015, p218-223Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S., A simplified procedure for sizing solar thermal systems; Based on national assessment methods in the UK and Ireland, Energy Procedia, 62, 2014, p647-655Journal Article, 2014
  • McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., The shadows cast by inadequate energy governance: Why more sun does not necessarily mean more photovoltaic electricity, Lecture Notes in Energy, 23, 2013, p277-293Journal Article, 2013
  • Shams, N., McKeever, M., McCormack, S., Norton, B., Design and experiment of a concentrating transpired air heating system, ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2011, (PARTS A, B, AND C), 2011, p57-61Journal Article, 2011
  • Roo-Ons, M.J., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Transparent patch antenna on a-Si thin-film glass solar module, Electronics Letters, 47, (2), 2011, p85-86Journal Article, 2011
  • Shynu, S.V., Ons, M.J.R., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., Dual band a-Si: H solar-slot antenna for 2.4/5.2GHz WLAN applications, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2009, Proceedings, 2009, p408-410Journal Article, 2009
  • Roo Ons, M.J., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Emitter-wrap-through photovoltaic dipole antenna with solar concentrator, Electronics Letters, 45, (5), 2009, p241-243Journal Article, 2009
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S.J., Doran, J., Norton, B., Improving the optical efficiency and concentration of a single-plate quantum dot solar concentrator using near infra-red emitting quantum dots, Solar Energy, 83, (7), 2009, p978-981Journal Article, 2009
  • Shynu, S.V., Roo Ons, M.J., McEvoy, P., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., Integration of microstrip patch antenna with polycrystalline silicon solar cell, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 57, (12), 2009, p3969-3972Journal Article, 2009
  • Shynu, S.V., Roo Ons, M.J., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., A metal plate solar antenna for UMTS pico-cell base station, 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC, 2008, p373-376Journal Article, 2008
  • Shynu, S.V., Roos Ons, M.J., Ruvio, G., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S., Norton, B., A microstrip printed dipole solar antenna using polycrystalline silicon solar cells, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI, 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Barnham, K.W.J., Slooff, L.H., Chatten, A.J., Büchtemann, A., Meyer, A., McCormack, S.J., Koole, R., Farrell, D.J., Bose, R., Bende, E.E., Burgers, A.R., Budel, T., Quilitz, J., Kennedy, M., Meyer, T., De Mello Donegá, C., Meijerink, A., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Luminescent solar concentrators - A review of recent results, Optics Express, 16, (26), 2008, p21773-21792Journal Article, 2008
  • Ons, M.J.R., Shynu, S.V., Ammann, M.J., McCormack, S.J., Norton, B., On surface currents in a polycrystalline solar cell acting as ground plane for microstrip patch antennas, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI, 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S.J., Doran, J., Norton, B., Ray-trace modelling of reflectors for quantum dot solar concentrators, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6649, 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Glenn, Aaron, Chandra, Subhash, McCormack, Sarah, Design, fabrication and preliminary testing of plasmonic luminescent solar concentrator devices, Sustainable Buildings, 6, 2023, p8Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Flynn, Thomas, Chandra, Subhash, Ortega, Anita, McCormack, Sarah, Assessment of large-area luminescent solar concentrators as building-integrated geodesic dome panels, Sustainable Buildings, 6, 2023, p7Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Tham, Wai Qian, Chandra, Subhash, Norton, Brian, McCormack, Sarah, Introducing luminescent solar waveguides for sustainable buildings for enhanced circadian rhythm regulation, Sustainable Buildings, 6, 2023, p6Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Down-Shifting of the Incident Light for Photovoltaic Applications in, editor(s)Trevor M. Letcher , Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition), Elsevier Ltd, 2022, pp534 - 560, pp27 , [Y. Jestin, S. Chandra, B. Cass, H. Ahmed, S.J. McCormack]Book Chapter, 2022, URL
  • Ainabayev, A. and Walls, B. and Mullarkey, D. and Caffrey, D. and Fleischer, K. and Smith, C.M. and McGlinchey, A. and Casey, D. and McCormack, S.J. and Shvets, I., High-performance p-type V2O3 films by spray pyrolysis for transparent conducting oxide applications, Scientific Reports, 14, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ainabayev, A. and Walls, B. and Casey, D. and Caffrey, D. and Mullarkey, D. and McGlinchey, A. and Khare, A. and Tikhonov, A. and Ilhan, C. and Brennan, D. and McCormack, S.J. and Shvets, I., Tailoring Epitaxial VO2 Thin Films with Tunable Properties via Spray Pyrolysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, (50), 2023, p24432-24442Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Sarah McCormack, James Walshe, Pauraic Mc Carron, Hind Ahmed, Sarah Mc Cormack, John Doran, Metal Coordination Complexes: A Bottom-Up Approach Tailored Towards Solar Energy Applications, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2020, p719--725Book Chapter, 2020, DOI
  • Sarah McCormack, Rebeca Salgado, Hoda Akbari, Maria C. Brown, Isobelle Reid, Sarah J. McCormack, Study of Corrosion Effect of Micronal® Phase Change Materials (PCM) with Different Metal Samples, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2020, p709--717Book Chapter, 2020, DOI
  • Shams, S.M.N., Mc Keever, M., Mc Cormack, S., Norton, B., Design and experiment of a new solar air heating collector, Energy, 100, 2016, p374-383Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Sarah McCormack, Ming Jun Huang, Sarah J. McCormack, Jian Yao, Yanjun Dai, Neil J. Hewitt, Development of Innovative Technologies for Solar-Assisted Heat Pump for Residential Heat Supply, Innovative Renewable Energy, 2022, p87--92Book Chapter, 2022, DOI
  • Shahin Moh†d B., Liaqat Shehzad, Nancarrow Paul, McCormack Sarah J., Crystal Phase Ionic Liquids for Energy Applications: Heat Capacity Prediction via a Hybrid Group Contribution Approach, Molecules, 29, (9), 2024Journal Article, 2024
  • Abbas Qama, Sarwar Jawa, Muhammad Arafat Sye, Tayyab Muhamma, Moeen Uddin Ghula, Gul Niazi Sajawa, Kakosimos Konstantinos E, McCormack Sarah J, Performance analysis of a medium concentrated photovoltaic system thermally regulated by phase change material: Phase change material selection and comparative analysis for different climates, Applied Thermal Engineering, 236, 2024, p121653-Journal Article, 2024
  • Coldrick Kenneth, Walshe James, McCormack Sarah J., Doran John, Amarandei George, The Role of Solar Spectral Beam Splitters in Enhancing the Solar-Energy Conversion of Existing PV and PVT Technologies, Energies, 16, (19), 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • Coldrick Kenneth, Walshe James, McCormack Sarah J., Doran John, Amarandei George, Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of a Commercial Luminescent Dye for PVT Systems, Energies, 16, (17), 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • Rehman A.U, Sheikh S.R, Kausar Z, Grimes M, McCormack S.J, Experimental Thermal Response Study of Multilayered, Encapsulated, PCM-Integrated Building Construction Materials, Energies, 15, (17), 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Glenn A, McLoughlin C, Ahmed H, Akbari H, Chandra S, McCormack S, The viability of organic dyes in luminescent down-shifting layers for the enhancement of si solar cell efficiency, Materials Science Forum, 2020, 995 MSF, 2020, pp71 - 76Conference Paper, 2020
  • Glenn, A. and Chandra, S. and Nasiri, M. and Ortega, A. and McCormack, S.J., Fabrication and performance evaluation of largeâ€"scale luminescent and plasmonic luminescent solar concentrator modules, Solar Energy, 282, (112972), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Liaqat, S. and Shahin, M.B. and Nancarrow, P. and Zeinab, S. and Ibrahim, T. and Abdel Jabbar, N. and Khamis, M. and McCormack, S., Prediction of Liquid Phase Heat Capacity of Ionic Liquids: Comparison of Existing Methods and Development of New Hybrid Group Contribution Models, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 62, (39), 2023, p16093-16112Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
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  • International Journal of Ambient Energy, 25, 1, (2004), 47 - 56p, Editor, [eds.]Journal, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Gallagher, Eames, Norton, Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, World Renewable Energy Congress, Cologne, 29th June - 4th July, edited by Ali Sayidh , 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • Gallagher, S. J., Norton, B., Eames, P. C., Building Façade Integrated Quantum Dot Solar Electricity Production, International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction, Glasgow, June, edited by Editor , 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Gallagher, S. J., Eames, P. C., Norton, B., Predicting the Behaviour of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators using a Ray Trace Approach, Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology, Loughborough, 2nd -3rd April, edited by R. Gottschalg , 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Gallagher, S. J., Eames, P. C., Norton, B., Characterisation of Quantum Dot Solar Performance using a continuous solar simulator, 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, June , edited by PVSEC , 2004Conference Paper, 2004
  • Huang, M.J., Eames, P.C., Norton, B., Gallagher S.J., Griffiths, P.W., The Prediction of the Energy Conservation Potential of Building Walls Augmented with Phase Change Materials, ISES 2005 Solar World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, August , edited by ISES , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Gallagher, S. J., Rowan, B. C., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Quantum Dot Solar Concentrator device characterisation using spectroscopic techniques, ISES 2005 Solar World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, edited by ISES , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Gallagher, S. J., Eames, P. C., Norton, B. , Determination of electrical conversion efficiencies and concentrating factors of fabricated Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators using a continuous solar simulator, ISES 2005 Solar World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, August , edited by ISES , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Gallagher, S. J., Rowan, B. C., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Examination of optimum carrier materials and quantum dots for a Quantum Dot Solar Concentrator using spectroscopic techniques, SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, California, USA, July 2005, edited by SPIE , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Gallagher, S. J., Rowan, B. C., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Spectroscopic characterisation of a Quantum Dot Solar Concentrator, SPIE OptoIreland Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April, edited by SPIE , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Rowan, B. C., Gallagher, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Indoor and Outdoor testing of small-scale quantum dot solar concentrators of various geometries and QD concentrations, 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dresden, Germany, Sept, edited by PVSEC , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • Rowan, B. C., Gallagher, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Performance Evaluation of Small-Scale Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators with different Quantum Dot densities, 2nd International Renewable Energy in Maritime Climates Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April, edited by Gallagher, Hutchins & Eames , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • Gallagher, S. J., Hutchins, M. G., Eames, P. C.(ed.), 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, Dublin, Ireland, April, UK-ISES, 2006Proceedings of a Conference, 2006
  • Rowan, B. C., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators: An Investigation of various geometries, SPIE Optics and Photonics and Solar Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, edited by SPIE , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Rowan, B. C., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Quantum dot solar concentrators of various geometries and QD concentrations, 3rd Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Durham, UK, March, edited by PVSAT , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Roo Ons, M.J., Nair S., Ammann M.J., McCormack, S. J., Norton, B., Investigation on Proximity-Coupled Microstrip Integrated PV Antenna, 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Nov (11-16), 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Roo Ons, M.J., Nair, S., Ammann, M. J., McCormack, S. J., Norton, B., Planar antenna with integrated solar cells for autonomous communication systems, 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, Sept , edited by PVSEC , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Norton, B., McCormack, S. J., Roo Ons, M.J., Nair, S., Ammann, M. J., Diverse Industrial Applications of Solar Energy: From Antennae and Pumps to Cooking and Detoxification, 4th European Congress On Economics And Management Of Energy In Industry, Porto, Portugal, Nov (27-30), 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Nair, S., Roo Ons, M.J., Ammann, M. J., McCormack, S. J., Norton, B., Microstrip patch antenna with integrated photovoltaic solar cell for autonomous communication systems, 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Nov (11-16), 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Kennedy, M., Rowan, B. C., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Modelling the effect of device geometry on concentration ratios of quantum dot solar concentrators, ISES 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, China, August, edited by ISES , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., 2007, ay-trace modelling of reflectors for Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, SPIE Optics and Photonics and Solar Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August, edited by SPIE , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Kennedy, M., Rowan, B. C., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., ay-trace modelling of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators and comparison with fabricated devices, 3rd Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Durham, England, UK, March, edited by PVSAT , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Kennedy, M., Rowan, B. C., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Ray-trace modelling of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators and comparison with fabricated devices, 3rd Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Durham, England, UK, March, edited by PVSAT , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Modelling of Re-absorption Losses in Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, 3rd Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Durham, England, UK, March, edited by PVSAT , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Hasan, A., Schnitzler, E., McCormack, S. J., Huang, M. J., Norton, B., Phase change materials for thermal control of building integrated photovoltaics: Experimental design and findings, 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, Sept, edited by PVSEC , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S. J., Huang, M. J., Norton, B., 2007, Experimental design for integrating phase change materials into building integrated photovoltaics for thermal control, 3rd Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Durham, England, UK, March, edited by PVSAT , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
  • Shynu, S.V. Roo Ons, M. J., Ammann M.J., McCormack S.J., Norton B., A Microstrip Printed Dipole Solar Antenna using Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells, IEEE Symposium on antennas and Propagation, San Diego, California, USA, July (5-11), edited by IEEE , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Shynu, S.V. Roo Ons, M. J., Ammann M.J., McCormack S.J., Norton B., A Metal Plate Solar Antenna for UMTS Pico-Cell Base Station, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, England, UK, March (17-18), edited by LAPC , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Roo Ons, M.J., Nair, S., Ammann, M. J., McCormack, S. J., Norton, B., Polycrystalline solar cells as reflector for dipole antennas, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, Sept (1-5), edited by PVSEC , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Kennedy, M., Dunne, M., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Ray trace modelling of multiple dyes in a luminescent solar concentrator, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, edited by PVSEC , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • McCormack S. J., Kennedy, M., Rowan, B.C., Doran, J. D., and Norton, B., Novel materials for Non-Optical Solar Concentration, 10th World Renewable Energy Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July, 2008, WRENInvited Talk, 2008
  • Kennedy, M., Chatten, A.J, Farrell, D. J., Bose, R., Büchtemann, A., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Barnham, K. W. J, Norton, B., Thermodynamic modelling and ray-trace modelling of luminescent solar concentrators: A comparison of the two approaches, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, Sept (1-5), edited by PVSEC , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Kennedy, M., McCormack, S. J., Doran, J. D., Norton, B., Ray-trace modelling of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, 4th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Bath, England, UK, April (3-5), edited by PVSAT , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Huang, M.J., McCormack, S. J., Eames P.C. and Norton, B., he Effect of Phase Change Material Crystalline Segregation on the Building Integrated Photovoltaic System Thermal Performance, 10th World Renewable Energy Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, July , edited by WREN , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S. J., Huang, M. J., Norton, B., Experimental design for integrating phase change materials into building integrated photovoltaics for thermal control, 4th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Bath, England, UK, April (3-5), edited by PVSAT , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Norton, B., McCormack, S. J., Switchable mirrors for solar concentration, 2009Patent, 2009
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S. J., Huang, M. J., Norton, B, Experimental results for thermal regulation enhancement of BIPV using PCM, 5th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Wrexham, Wales, UK, April (3-5), edited by UK-ISES , 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • L.M. Ayompe, A. Duffy, S.J. McCormack, M. Conlon, Validated TRNSYS model for forced circulation solar water heating systems with flat plate and heat pipe evacuated tube collectors, Applied Thermal Engineering, 31, (8-9), 2011, p1536-1542Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • M.J. Roo-Ons, S.V. Shynu, M. Seredynski, M.J. Ammann, S.J. McCormack, B. Norton, Influence of solar heating on the performance of integrated solar cell microstrip patch antennas, Solar Energy, 84, (9), 2010, 1619 - -1627Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
  • A. Hasan, S.J. McCormack, M.J. Huang, B. Norton, Evaluation of phase change materials for thermal regulation enhancement of building integrated photovoltaics, Solar Energy, 84, (9), 2010, 1601 - -1612Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
  • S. Chandra, J. Doran, S.J. McCormack, M. Kennedy, A.J. Chatten, Enhanced quantum dot emission for luminescent solar concentrators using plasmonic interaction, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 98, 2012, p385 - 390Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
  • M.J. Huang, P.C. Eames, S. McCormack, P. Griffiths, N.J. Hewitt, Microencapsulated phase change slurries for thermal energy storage in a residential solar energy system, Renewable Energy, 36, (11), 2011, p2932- - 2939Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
  • L.M. Ayompe, A. Duffy, S.J. McCormack, M. Conlon, Validated real-time energy models for small-scale grid-connected PV-systems, Energy, 35, (10), 2010, p4086-4091Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
  • L.M. Ayompe, A. Duffy, S.J. McCormack, M. Conlon, Measured performance of a 1.72 kW rooftop grid connected photovoltaic system in Ireland, Energy Conversion and Management, 52, (2), 2011, p816-825Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
  • L.M. Ayompe, A. Duffy, S.J. McCormack, M. Conlon, Projected costs of a grid-connected domestic PV system under different scenarios in Ireland, using measured data from a trial installation, Energy Policy, 38, (7), 2010, p3731-3743Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
  • L.M. Ayompe, A. Duffy, M. Mc Keever, M. Conlon, S.J. McCormack, Comparative field performance study of flat plate and heat pipe evacuated tube collectors (ETCs) for domestic water heating systems in a temperate climate, Energy, 36, (5), 2011, p3370-3378Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
  • Brian Norton, Philip C. Eames, Tapas K. Mallick, Ming Jun Huang, Sarah J. McCormack, Jayanta D. Mondol, Yigzaw G. Yohanis, Enhancing the performance of building integrated photovoltaics, Solar Energy, 85, (8), 2011, p1629-1664Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
  • H. Ahmed*a, M. Kennedya, J. Dorana S. J. McCormackb, M. Della Pirrierac, D. Gutiérrez-Taustec and L. Aubouyc, Characterization of Luminescent Down-Shifting Materials and Applications for PV Devices, Proceedings, 8th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference, Northumbria University, April 2nd - 4th 2012, edited by UK-ISES , 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
  • H. Ahmed*a, M. Kennedya, T. Confreya, J. Dorana, S. J. McCormackb, S. Galindoc, C. Vozc and J. Puigdollersc, LUMOGEN VIOLET DYE AS LUMINESCENT DOWN-SHIFTING LAYER FOR C-SILICON SOLAR CELLS, 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Frankfurt, Germany, 24 -28 Sept, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
  • Sarwar, J. S. McCormack, M.J.Huang and B. Norton, Experimental validation of CFD modelling for thermal regulation o photovoltaic panels using phase change material, International Conference for Sustainable Energy Storage, Belfast, N-Ireland, 21-24 February, 2011Conference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
  • Sarwar, J. S. McCormack, M.J.Huang and B. Norton, Numerical validation of experimental temperature evolution in photovoltaic cells with varying ambient conditions., 7th Photovoltaic Science Applications and Technology, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 6-8 April, edited by UK-ISES , UK-ISES, 2011Conference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
  • Hasan, A., McCormack, S. J., Huang, M. J., Norton, B, Energy and Economic Analysis of a Photovoltaic Integrated with Phase Change Materials (PV-PCM) System, 10th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT, Istanbul, Turkey, August 21-23, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Electronics letters, 47, 2, (2011), 85 - 86p, - [eds.]Journal, 2011
  • A Hasan, SJ McCormack, MJ Huang, B Norton, Characterization of phase change materials for thermal control of photovoltaics using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Temperature History Method, Energy Conversion and Management, 81, (-), 2014, p322 - 329Journal Article, 2014
  • Ahmad Hasan, Sarah Josephine McCormack, Ming Jun Huang, Brian Norton, Energy and Cost Saving of a Photovoltaic-Phase Change Materials (PV-PCM) System through Temperature Regulation and Performance Enhancement of Photovoltaics, Energies, 7, (3), 2014, p1318 - 1331Journal Article, 2014
  • O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O. and McCormack, S., A Simplified Procedure for Sizing Solar Thermal Systems; Based on National Assessment Methods in the UK and Ireland., Energy Procedia, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Cardiff, 2014, 62, 2014, pp647 - 655Conference Paper, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Vaisi S., Dyer M., Pilla F., Towards Urban Energy Density (UED) Definition, Energy for Sustainability 2015, Sustainable Cities: Designing for People and the Planet, Coimbra, 14-15 May, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
  • S. Gilligan, H. Ahmed, S. Chandra and S.J. McCormack, EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE ORGANIC DYES FOR LUMINESCENT DOWN-SHIFTING LAYERS APPLICATION, EU PVSEC 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
  • Sarah Gilligan, Hind Ahmed, Subhash Chandra, and Sarah J McCormack, Optimization and Photostability Studies of Luminescent Organic Dyes for Solar Devices, PVSAT-14, London, England, UK, 2018Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
  • Aaron Glenn, Implementation and Optimization of a Luminescent Down-Shifting Photovoltaic System for use in a Compound Parabolic Concentrator, World Renewable Energy Congress, World Renewable Energy Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-30 July, 2021, 2021Conference Paper
  • Gallagher, Hutchins, Eames, Norton, B., 2nd International Renewable Energy in Maritime Climates Conference, April (26-28), 2006, Dublin, Ireland, Gallagher, Hutchins & EamesMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • McCormack, 1st TU0802 COST Action meetings, July (9-10), 2009, Dublin, IrelandMeetings /Conferences Organised

Research Expertise

  • Title
    The Government's White Paper on Energy has set a series of challenging targets for the energy sector for 2020, with 33% of electricity to be generated from renewable sources . While the focus has been on wind energy and biomass, solar energy and photovoltaics (the conversion of solar energy directly into electricity) can play a contributing part. For Ireland where over 90% of our energy is imported1, Photovoltaics (PV) offers the prospect of local electricity supply security. In the short-term, the installation of PV on household, commercial and light industrial buildings can reduce peak electricity demand and improve energy supply security; In the long-term, PV can contribute to energy supply security by reducing reliance on depleting fossil fuels, by increasing the use of indigenous resources and by diversifying fuel sources. In Ireland due to our climate, there is the misconception that PV technology does not work however as long as there is sunlight, electricity will be produced; and while the output is reduced in cloudy conditions the technology still produces electricity. There is no detailed monitoring of PV installations in Ireland therefore there are no reliable data to illustrate the technologies performance in Irish conditions. This proposal aims to address this using the expertise in DIT in the Dublin Energy Lab and by collaborating with the International Centre of Excellence the European Commission Director General Joint Research Centre, (JRC), Ispra, Italy. A test facility will be established to determine the performance of different types of PV systems and to optimise system design.
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    Electrical grid modelling
    Bespoke modelling for industry partner - Novogrid
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    Enterprise Ireland
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  • Title
    Optimising Luminescent Lightshelves
    Determining the Parameters for Luminescent Spectral shifting Devices at Windows that Enable Energy-efficient Enhancement of Daylight, Particularly its Circadian Entrainment Luminance, in Low-daylight Conditions and Poorly-daylit Locations Light in the short wavelength range is effective in maintaining the human circadian clock. At particular times of the day in specific locations away from windows deeper in buildings the natural penetration of daylight may not provide sufficient circadian luminance to maintain healthily synchronized biorhythms. Luminescent lightshelves are a wholly new concept that have the potential to concentrate low intensity sunlight, modify its colour and project that light deep into a room. This research will bring this concept into reality. It will examine what set of properties, characteristics and design for luminescent shelves enables the delivery of desired daylight properties into a room where low daylight would otherwise prevail in a predetermined manner Providing daylight concentration and appropriate spectral shifting enables daylight to be projected deep into poorly daylit spaces, as well as being able to potentially provide lighting conditions that maintain biorhythmic health. This can be accomplished without incurring, the energy use associated with achieving this with artificial lighting. It also obviates the need for the output complex controls associated with accomplishing this with artificial lighting as natural temporal variations in solar illuminance directly produce corresponding temporal variations in the, intensified and spectrally modified, output illuminance.
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    Velux Stiftung
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  • Title
    IDEAS Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced climatically tunable renewable energy Systems
    Buildings play a significant role in the global energy balance. Typically, they account for 20-30% of the total primary energy requirement of industrialized countries, 40% in EU1 . Global buildings sector energy intensity (final energy per m2 ) fell by 1.3% per year between 2010 and 2014, thanks to continued adoption and enforcement of building energy codes and efficiency standards. Yet progress has not been fast enough to offset growth in floor area (3% per year globally) and increasing demand for energy services in buildings2 . Applying the proposed integrated RES to buildings is an important application for wider integration and deployment of renewable energy and to achieving our binding EU targets of at least a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2030, compared to 1990 and at least 27% of renewable energy in EU3 . The IDEAS project will create an innovative building integrated renewable energy system (RES) which will cost effectively exceed current RES efficiencies, generating electricity, heat and cooling, and being optimised for multifamily, public and commercial buildings in different climatic conditions. The IDEAS system will provide 100% renewable energy to the multifamily, commercial or public building with an estimated 12 year payback where the unit price per kWh for the compared systems shows that the IDEAS system can reduce CO2 emission by 100% with the surplus kWh used in IDEAS system operation.
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  • Title
    FOREST: Reimagining relations with nature
    FOREST brings together research leaders across Botany, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Geography and Statistics to reimagine our relations with nature. People and nature are not separate - we are dependent on nature as our life support system. The systematic failure of economic, political, and financial systems to take nature into account has resulted in climate and biodiversity crises. Ireland is now seeking to transition away from highly carbon-dependent social and economic practices, towards sustainable practices, systems and behaviours that support the coexistence of flourishing human systems and natural environments. This project will investigate how to assign value to the natural world to create investment initiatives with ecological benefits, to encourage investors to actively invest in assets with environmental and societal benefits. It will examine the behavioural aspects and financial investment incentives that can be linked to the protection or restoration of forests. However, placing a financial value on nature is not enough to preserve it, there must also be policy initiatives, and stronger legal mechanisms which recognise the multiple benefits of forests such as carbon capture, biodiversity habitat, and recreation. The financial industry is beset by a focus on short term gains, caused by performance metrics, remuneration incentives and incomplete measures of value. Policy supports can to some extent address these market failures by creating incentives which incorporate the long term non-market and socio-cultural benefits of nature. To correctly design incentives, an understanding of different perspectives on the values and benefits of nature in the widest sense is key, particularly in terms of impacting on individual and collective action. Actions taken have consequences for environment, people, and economies, but are often only assessed through a single lens. Implementing the right action in the right place urgently requires a new kind of multi-disciplinary dynamic, and a way of integrating data measured on different scales. This research challenge is inherently multidisciplinary in nature and will be conducted in conjunction with researchers across a range of relevant disciplines. FOREST will use the increase in forestry in Ireland as a model system to explore the challenges associated with addressing climate and biodiversity issues, and examine potential solutions through a multi-disciplinary lens. It will recruit a team of PhD candidates to study as part of an interdisciplinary team to address complex human-nature relations and the social-economic-ecological challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning away from unsustainable to sustainable development pathways.
    Funding Agency
    TCD E3 Kinsella Multidisciplinary Challenge
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  • Title
    Combined PV and Cellular Antenna Panel for Building Façade Integration
    Urban mobile cellular telephone and data communication networks will use increasingly large numbers of limited-range building-mounted antennas operating at lower power. This research will enable the development, using photovoltaics, of autonomous solar-powered microcell antenna with integrated battery and base station components. Such autonomous devices will have lower capital costs as the antenna array and solar panel will constitute the same structure and will be installed at lower cost very readily in a far greater range of locations than otherwise as no connection to an electrical grid will be required. Such a "self-powered" cellular communications network would be oblivious to grid-supply interruptions and robust to natural or man-made disasters. Photovoltaic panels integrating communications antenna, battery and base station systems within the panels themselves will be investigated. This research will provide rigorous practically-oriented understanding of interactions between antenna theory and design, photovoltaic characteristics and non-imaging optics to optimise new generic devices for building façade integration that combine photovoltaic cell, cellular antenna panel, battery and base station electronics. The strategic objectives of the research programme include (i) obtaining detailed experimental data on system components and materials both singly and in combination, (ii) devising and validating experimentally a detailed dynamic system simulation model, and (iii) conduct parametric analyses to provide a systematic basis for practical engineering design.
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  • Title
    Identifying, Reviewing and Testing the Factors that Drive the Sustainable Behaviour and Transition of Communities, Groups and Individuals
    This research programme is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency's Sustainability Research Call. The programme aims to critically review community interventions and behaviour change programmes which compel sustainable-behaviour change identifying drivers enhanced by those interventions. It will critically examine such interventions as a means to establish any key characteristics of success while also identifying barriers to sustainable transition and change. Potential avenues for transferability for communities and behaviour change groups will also be defined. It will evaluate how local buy-in has been achieved and sustained and what practical guidance could be developed in relation to progressing development in sustainability, renewable energy and resource efficiency at the community scale.
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  • Title
    PEDAL - Luminescent Solar Devices
    Applying photovoltaic (PV) panels to buildings is an important application for wider PV deployment and to achieving our 20% Renewable Energy EU targets by 2020. PEDAL will develop a disruptive PV technology where record increases in efficiency are achieved and costs dramatically reduced; (1) Diffuse solar radiation will be captured to produce higher efficiencies with concentration ratios over 3 in plasmonically enhanced luminescent solar concentrators (PLSC). Current LSC efficiency achieved is 7.1%, [1]. This proposal will boost efficiency utilising metal nanoparticles (MNP) tuned to luminescent material type in LSCs, to induce plasmonic enhancement of emission (PI and team have achieved 53% emission enhancement). MNP will be aligned to enable directional emission within the LSC (being patented by PI and team). These are both huge steps in the reduction of loss mechanisms within the device and towards major increases in efficiency. (2) Plasmonically enhanced luminescent downshifting thin-films (PLDS) will be tailored to increase efficiency of solar cells independent of material composition. MNP will be used, where the plasmonic resonance will be tailored to the luminescent species to downshift UV. MNP will be aligned to enable directional emission within the PLDS layer, reducing losses enabling dramatic increases in a layer adaptable to all solar cells. (3) These novel systems will be designed, up-scaled and a building integrated component fabricated, with the ability not only to generate power but with options for demand side management. Previous work has been limited by quantum efficiency of luminescent species, with this breakthrough in both the use of MNP for plasmonic emission enhancement and alignment inducing directionality of emission, will lead to efficiencies of both PLSC and PLDS being radically improved. PEDAL is a project based on new phenomena that will allow far reaching technological impacts in solar energy conversion and lighting.
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    European Research Council (ERC)
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  • Title
    INPATH-TES - an EC funded project (HORIZON 2020 European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020) where the goal is to create a network of universities and research institutes to implement a joint PhD programme on Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technologies. The final result of such a network is to educate professionals on these technologies for the European research and industry institutions. The partners in the proposal will be the core of a future larger network of excellent R&D institutions, and industries for co-funding and industrial placement, sharing infrastructure capacities, and enhancing mobility of students. There are 22 partners in total from industry and academia
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  • Title
    Use of Phase Change Materials for thermal control in Building integrated Photovoltaic systems
    Buildings play a significant role in the global energy balance. Typically they account for 20-30% of the total primary energy requirements of industrialised countries, approximately 40% in the EU and 46% in Ireland. Photovoltaics (PV) convert solar energy directly into electricity and integrating PV into buildings is now recognised widely as the most cost effective form of grid connected PV power generation. These heat dissipation techniques are required as only ~16% of the solar energy incident on a PV device is converted to electricity; the remaining insolation absorbed is transformed into heat. For crystalline silicon solar cells the associated elevation of PV temperature reduces solar to electrical energy conversion efficiency by 0.4-0.5%K-1. The most common approach uses a duct behind the PV module or its mounting system which allows natural convection and wind induced air-flow from the back of the PV panel. Accrual of airborne dust in inlet grilles and on duct surfaces ultimately causes a reduced rate of heat transfer from the PV. This proposal will investigate the use of phase change materials (PCM) as a novel method to regulate the rise in BIPV temperature as these PCMs absorb a large amount of energy as latent heat at a constant phase transition temperature. Depending on ambient conditions, a PV/PCM system may enable the PV to operate near its characterising temperature and thus with good solar to electrical conversion efficiency.
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  • Title
    Optimising the Thermophysics and Optics of Transpired Air Heating Concentrating Solar Energy Collectors
    Transpired air collectors utilize solar thermal energy to heat cold outside air for use in many space heating and industrial process heat contexts (e.g. solar dryers, heating of maintenance hangars). This technology provides an effective means for substituting renewable energy sources for fossil fuel consumption, particularly in cold climates. However, potential applications of solar energy for air heating in Ireland have not been viable economically to date due to: (i) high initial installed system capital costs, (ii) low solar energy conversion efficiencies, (iii) low outlet temperatures and thus small ensuing solar fractions, (i.e. proportion of the total heating energy requirement met by solar energy) and (iv) inadequately addressed design for effective building and systems integration. The student will investigate transpired air-heating solar energy collectors with the main aim of the project to optimise a new generic form of collector in terms of solar fraction and life-cycle cost. A prototype will be developed, modeled and optimized and the student will take advantage of further funding offered by DIT to progress the project into advanced PhD research.
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  • Title
    Smart light collecting system for the efficiency enhancement of solar cells - EPHOCELL
    The EPHOCELL project addresses a novel concept for solar cell enhancement by combining solar energy modulation, combining both up-conversion (UC) and down-shifting (DS). The UC is a process that converts low energy light in higher energy light e.g. infrared to visible light conversion. In the opposite, DS process converts high energy light into low energy light, e.g. ultraviolet (UV) to visible conversion. While DS phenomena is certainly explored, the UC is an 'abnormal' process whose quantum efficiency is notably lower and their practical application in energy devices still remains a great challenge. The solar spectrum received at the Earth surface covers a wide range of wavelengths from 290 to 3 790 nm. In an ideal situation, the absorption spectrum of photovoltaic (PV) materials should perfectly match the entire solar spectrum in order to convert the maximum photons from solar radiation to electricity. However, there is a large mismatch between the solar emission spectrum and the absorption properties of the present PV materials, especially in the infrared region due to limited absorption spectrum of the solar cells. Indeed, the absorption band of the best PV materials can be found between 400 and 1 200 nm depending on the case. The luminescent solar concentrators developed within EPHOCELL permit the conversion of the whole UV light (290 - 400 nm) and a part of deep-red and near-infrared (NIR) light (700 - 860 nm) of solar spectrum to an appropriate radiation. This radiation is mainly in the absorption range for commercial PV modules (and those under development as organic solar cells). The general objective of the EPHOCELL project was to define and develop a robust easy-to-implement wavelength modulator device with new advanced UC and DS materials, to radically improve the efficiency of PV panels.
    Funding Agency
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    Feb 2009
    Date To
    Feb 2013
  • Title
    Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Optimum system designs for increased solar direct and diffuse energy utilisation using laser dyes and quantum dot technology
    Photovoltaics (PV) convert solar energy directly into electricity and integrating PV into buildings is now recognised widely as the most cost-effective form of grid-connected PV power generation in industrialised countries. However, the cost of PV must be reduced to allow wide-scale implementation and one technique is by substitution of PV material by lower cost concentrating systems. This proposal addresses this and describes the use of laser dyes as well as nano-scale Quantum Dot technology in a novel, non-imaging, non-tracking luminescent solar concentrator (LSC), to concentrate both direct and diffuse solar radiation onto a PV cell leading to (i) smaller PV areas being required per unit electrical output, (ii) higher efficiency conversion of solar energy to electricity ensuing and (iii) significant electricity generation in cloudy and winter conditions as diffuse insolation is concentrated. Objectives: . To investigate different laser dyes and nanomaterials such as quantum dots (QDs) and nano rods for use in a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) . To investigate different carrier materials for use in a LSC . To develop and validate a ray trace model for the LSC . To fabricate a number of novel LSC systems such as stacked, liquid and thin film
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  • Title
    Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (
    This Action's objective is to foster and accelerate long-term advancement of renewable energy systems and phase change materials research in Europe through design, development, characterisation and simulation of new generation modified hybrid phase change materials for use in energy storage for heating, cooling and renewable energy applications.
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Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, Condensed matter physics, Nanotechnology, Electrical engineering,


  • H2020 IDEAS Project Awardee (Coordinator) 2019
  • Poster Prize Winner in Solar Applications at World Renewable Energy Congress, Cologne 2002
  • Invited Speaker to ERC - A Sustainable Future for Europe - The Contribution of Frontier Research 2019
  • Britain's Young Engineer, December 2003 2003
  • ERC Starter Grant Awardee 2016
  • Aurora - Advance HE's leadership development initiative 2015
  • Master in Arts (jure officii) - Trinity College Dublin (Honorary) 2012
  • Aurora - Role Model 2018
  • Ireland Champion of EU Research - Dept of Jobs Enterprise & Innovation (& Enterprise Ireland) 2017
  • Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2018
  • World Renewable Energy Network Pioneer Award 2020
  • TCD Kinsella Challenge-Based E3 Project Awardee (Collaborator) 2021
  • Committee Member of Women in Research Ireland Present
  • Member of the Environmental Science Association of Ireland Present
  • Member of the Association of ERC Grantees Present
  • Member of the International Solar Energy Society Present
  • Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials Present
  • Member & Mentor of Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) Present
  • Secretary of the Solar Energy Society of Ireland Present
  • Irish representative on the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform Mirror Group 2007 -
  • External Examiner for BSc. Electrical Services and Energy Management - TU Dublin (formerly DIT) 2016
  • Chair of COST Action TU0802: Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (NeCoE-PCM) 2009 - 2012
  • External Examiner for MSc in Energy Storage at Ulster University 2019